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The difference being, that Primus willingly allowed his spark to become one with Cybertron's core and created the Well of [AllSparks] to spawn new generations of Cybertronians, whereas Earth formed around Unicron's body whilst he was in stasis, and the creation of the planet and its inhabitants was completely unintentional and unwanted on Unicron's part. he's nowhere near the physical threat level, he decides that he doesn't have what it takes to enforce a rule of Cybertron and concedes to being Megatron's second-in-command. A small and nimble fighter with experience as a scout and spy, Arcee is haunted by several events on the Cybertronian Civil War, including losing several partners and being tortured by Airachnid as a POW. Its design aesthetic is somewhere between the live-action film series and Animated. Jack's mom, she works as a nurse at the local hospital and has raised Jack ever since his father left. Cancel. He believes freedom is the right of all sentient beings. Many of these characters were Japan-exclusive, featured only in fiction, or exist as limited-run exclusive toys. Once he gains the Apex Armor, he casually shrugs off everything Optimus and Dreadwing could throw at him. In the finale of Season One, Optimus uses the Matrix of Leadership to put Unicron down at the cost of losing his memory of the Autobot-Decepticon war. Originally neutral in the civil war, Starscream found himself enticed by the power Megatron commanded and wished to acquire it for himself, rising in the ranks to eventually become Megatron's second-in-command. He now has a set of indestructible armor that he used to pound Dreadwing and Optimus half to death, and both are easily among the strongest Cybertronians alive. All the birds and pigs are based on the Transformers characters in G1, with the exceptions of Prime Nemesis Prime,Bumblebee,Lockdown,and Airachnid. The Decepticons haven't had a consistent medical officer across Transformers media, unlike the Autobots who have Ratchet. He believes freedom is the right of all sentient beings. First of all, I would like to thank every single one of you for helping me reach 200 subscribers. Miko: You know how to hack? founded by Prima, The Autobot'sleader is Optimus Prime. He tries to join the Autobots during "Partners", but Arcee tries to kill him after discovering that he killed Cliffjumper. WesternAnimati…. with it being implied Trypticon was fully aware of all around him, calls her on this attitude the first chance he gets. She scoffs at the Autobots being afraid of the much smaller Scraplets (who can be carried by humans) but she herself is afraid of the much smaller spiders. Usually grouchy, he is still a good 'Bot at heart and doesn't like to see anyone hurt. I am here on a mission assigned to me by my one master: Megatron. As of "Triangulation", Starscream is in possession of a nigh-invulnerable suit of Apex Armor, one of the Iacon relics. Both of them are responsible for the survival and possible creations of a planet, Earth for Unicron, and Cybertron for Primus, respectively. The last tries turning on the original and gets brutally dispatched, put the T-Cog he recovered from his clone into himself, Unknowingly, to Megatron's attempts to deceive Orion Pax. https://allthetropes.fandom.com/wiki/Transformers_Prime/Characters?oldid=467144. obtains the Apex Armor, which basically makes him. The leader of the Decepticons, he was originally a miner named D-16 who competed in the Gladiator Arena in Kaon. History. English. Jack: Hey, Optimus, you wanna see something funny? Not for very long though, because he gets crushed by Nemesis Prime and a large amount of concrete. As the scuffle with Airachnid at the end of season one showed, he hasn't lost his touch. The main human protagonist, he was living a quiet life in a remote Nevada town until he accidently stumbled into a fight between Arcee and a couple of Vehicons. If you're trying to ruin my day, you're going to have to try harder. he's too late to stop Optimus from unleashing the Matrix against him. Unfortunately for Bulkhead, Hardshell manages to climbout just in time to shoot him in the back as he's GroundBridging out, had left a fake trail for them to follow, he correctly anticipates that Bulkhead would try to destroy the Tox-En in the volcano. Megatron told Orion that Starscream is dead. The basic Decepticon footsoldiers, they are basically a faceless mass who can be tough, but don't possess a lot of skill to properly challenge the Autobots despite their greater numbers. repays Arcee's mercy towards him in Season 1 by sparing her life when he could have killed her instead. A human liason to the Autobots, Fowler's job is to monitor their activity and report back on issues of interest. Megatron returns having discovered Dark Energon, which grants him the power to resurrect the dead, but is injured, with Starscream taking command in his absence. This category contains a list of all character pages. Includes characters from the comics, toy-line, video games, and other media. The Autobot scout, Bumblebee is one of the last generation of Cybertronians created before the Civil War took hold. Visually, he takes several cues from Terrorsaur of, In fairness, there is some details that justify it to a degree. While capable of talking, he prefers to stay quiet and observant, talking only by repeating certain phrases back to explain his point. Average score of 1 user reviews. Basically Cybertronian animals, Insecticons are largely allied with the Decepticons and are often placed in stasis pods until they are awakened. Raf: Twelve... and a quarter. And he's able to pick Wheeljack up with one of them and throw him around. During the war on Cybertron, Airachnid basically operated as a third party, holding no allegiences. When Jack asks her to stay in the garage for two weeks so he doesn't get grounded. it is used to both incapacitate Knock Out and also stop the train. Transformers: Prime is a computer animated robot superhero television series produced by Hasbro Studios and animated by Polygon Pictures. It is a story of conflict and consequence, bravery and breaking points, where in order to gain what you want, you must be willing to lose everything you have. All The Tropes Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. she uses a legion of Insecticons to try and take down Megatron, which releases them from stasis pods. Characters /. She was initially kept out of the loop, not fully realizing where Jack's motorcycle came from, but eventually came to see the full scope of events her son is involved with. While not really a badly written character, he was considered overhyped before his debut and calculated to be as cool of a character as popular, hence the Japanese inspired sword and some Kanji on his vehicle mode. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Get the ad-free and most optimal, full-featured Sporcle experience. Is very briefly at the receiving end of one by Unicron in "One Shall Rise, Part 3. Edit. Saves Arcee from Airachnid in "Crossfire". Admittedly not the smartest bot, he is so good at breaking things that he doesn't have much room for grace and finesse. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.\"-----------------------------------------Hope you all enjoyed!! The leader of the Autobots in their war against the Decepticons, Optimus Prime is a noble robot that believes freedom is the right of all sentient beings. It took. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Get the ad-free and most optimal, full-featured Sporcle experience. And again in "Operation Bumblebee" with Starscream, though Silas eventually calls it off when they lose access to Bumblebee's T-Cog... Gets minor deconstruction in that the first time this happens, it destroys the brakes of his vehicle. Though a short milestone for many, it means the world to me. Abnormally smart for his young age, he is still very young and easily overwhelmed. They are responsible for the creation of Cybertronian society and their unique qualities can be seen among their descendants. Looks like that time he took off at the end of Season 1 has done him some good; "Orion Pax, Pt. The Decepticons are the antagonists of the series. They come in three varieties, Miners who have two visors and are clearly smaller and lighter armed, Sports Cars who are more heavily armed and form the bulk of their forces, and the Aerial Fighters who transform into jets. When the Decepticons resurface, the Autobots take three child witnesses, Jack Darby, Miko Nakadai, and Raf Esquivel under their protection. He's not descended from Prima but rather his brother. Link to the original videos are listed below:Transformers Prime Elita-Onehttps://youtu.be/sPYRyMboYEsTransformers Prime 2Dhttps://youtu.be/a_mA-FH8vNMTransformers Spark of the Primeshttps://youtu.be/hLz8j9pcbxITransformers Prime Galvatron's Revengehttps://youtu.be/PefC2lD9eFwTransformers Prime Galvatron's Revenge 2.0https://youtu.be/Z414hnV6LG4-----------------------------------------\"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for \"fair use\" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. And when said Matrix is used up to defeat Unicron, he went back to Orion Pax again for a while. A former Wrecker, the Autobot special forces/black ops group, Bulkhead is a tough bruiser and built for combat. Go Orange. You may call me Fumus. Optimus Prime is the noble leader of the heroic Autobots. Prepare for surgery!". After almost ruining Bumblebee's T-Cog, he has his own removed by MECH, Optimus and Dreadwing both write him off as scrap after Dreadwing detonated a series of bombs that sent Starscream plummeting through the Antarctic ice. Talk (0) Edit intro. After repeated humiliations, Starscream has made peace with the fact that he'll never overthrow Megatron and is content to be his minion if he means watching Earth burn as Cybertron is revived. Secondly, I have seen a lot of people pour their heart and soul into fan animations, expressing their love to the all great \"Transformers Prime\". 5 (0) 4 (0) 3 (1) 2 (0) 1 (0) 3.0 stars. He carries the Matrix of Leadership, an ancient and powerful artifact that gives him upgraded abilities and knowledge of all Cybertronian history. Transformers: Prime sought to rectify this by introducing a Decepticon doctor. He carries the Matrix of Leadership, an ancient and powerful artifact that gives him upgraded abilities and knowledge of all Cybertronian history. 1" shows him managing to sneak back onboard the, losing his ability to transform thanks to MECH taking his T-Cog. When Starscream comes back though, this trope is justified. Optimus Prime. Autobot. And believe me, I will make it hurt. 1 Autobots 1.1 Optimus Prime/Orion Pax 1.2 Arcee 1.3 Bumblebee 1.4 Ratchet 1.5 Bulkhead 1.6 Cliffjumper 1.7 Wheeljack 1.8 Tailgate 1.9 Seaspray 2 Decepticons 2.1 Megatron/Megatronus/D-16 2.2 Starscream 2.3 Soundwave 2.4 Knock Out 2.5 Breakdown 2.6 Airachnid 2.7 Skyquake 2.8 Dreadwing 2.9 Vehicons (or Eradicons) 2.10 Makeshift 2.11 Terrorcons 2.12 Insecticons 2.12.1 Hardshell 2.13 The … Tiny, metal termites who love living metal and are incredibly destructive wherever they go. It's unclear if Megatron still has these powers after Unicron was sealed away. We are the 13, the first, the forgotten, each of us serving a function vital to the survival of the universe. In "Sick Mind", this is how Bumblebee convinces him to give the Autobots the cure to the plague Optimus has contracted: There's no point in Optimus dying if Megatron can't watch it. Transformers Characters are the birdsand pigs featured in Angry Birds Transformers. he can't exactly trust his subordinates not to stab him in the back while he's not looking so he has to keep order somehow. They are typically concerned with such things as conquering Cybertron, defeating the Autobots, amassing large quantities of energon, developing powerful weaponry, and beating people up.Not necessarily in that order. The leader of the advanced technological rogues calling themselves MECH, he is a steely individual with the scars to prove his life experiences. She is nonetheless well-respected by her teammates and although she can be impulsive and leave on her own agenda, her first priority is the safety of the team. Transformers: Prime is a multiple Daytime Emmy Award-winning computer-animated television series that premiered on The Hub on November 26, 2010 with a five-part mini-series, which was followed by a season of another 21 episodes beginning on February 11, 2011.Season 2 began screening February 18, 2012, and a third season of thirteen episodes with the subtitle Beast Hunters … Though in the non-canon video game, he displays one. As indicated by eight of the tropes in this section. But that won't compare to the pain you'll feel knowing I'm adding your human to my collection. Other Characters note. He also feels that he's the only one worthy of conquering the Earth, as shown in "One Shall Rise", where after Unicron rejects his offer of an alliance, he allies with the Autobots to defeat him. The leader of the Autobots and the last of the Primes. She is officially the guardian of Jack Darby, and after an initial annoyance with each other, have come to form a powerful bond. Starscream probably shouldn't have gloated too much about his ability to transform to Bumblebee before he flew back to Silas. This is a list of the characters from the Transformers: Prime Wars Trilogy. A Wrecker and friend to both Wheeljack and Bulkhead, he was killed by Dreadwing and incited Wheeljack to hunt down the 'Con. These are separated on the characters introduced by year. To clarify, Wheeljack has never lost a fair fight to anyone else up until now. On top of that t… by pawshur Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . Megatron did it to him in "Orion Pax, Part 1", trying to convince Orion Pax that "Warlord Ratchet, the Doctor of Doom" was the true, It results in Bulkhead beating him to death, where he beats a Starscream clone to death, and then proceeds to damage the, Wounded, leaking Energon, being poisoned by toxic Energon, pursued by Hardshell, and he just. Reruns aired on The CW's Vortexx block from December 8, 2012, to June 1, 2013. Ratchet is the oldest of the group and generally less excitable and enthusiastic as his teammates or the human kids. Originally a data clerk named Orion Pax, he formed a friendship with a charismatic gladiator and civil rights leader named Megatronus, and being such a close ally put him on the map to being recognized by the Cybertronian council. Mine's bigger! But don't get me wrong--I fully intend to snuff out your Spark. he realized that Optimus and Dreadwing had a plan just before they defeated him. Unicron and the Terrorcons. First distinguishing himself by choosing a sports car as his vehicle mode rather than an … The writers of the first two live-action movies, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, are executive producers on the Prime cartoon. An ancient god of Creation, he is a deity and ancestor of all Cybertronians. Since he is the parent of humanity and all life on earth he counts as this. Transformers: Prime. Later on, he tests synthetic energon on himself that leaves him with unexpected results. Thankfully, he gets better. A partner of Arcee during the war on Cybertron, he was captured and killed in front of her by Airachnid. Its fiction is part of the Aligned continuity family, based on the same production bible as War for Cybertron. Unique among Decepticons is that Dreadwing possesses a strong sense of honor, and his word is his absolute bond, even to his enemies. 2". When it comes to the actual Decepticon cause, he stands out as an enigma who doesn't care too much about it. Category page. The Autob… A skilled Decepticon fighter and doctor, Knock Out is very particular about his specifications and appearance, chosing a muscle car alt mode because he preferred the look. After the Great Exodus of Cybertron Team Prime lives on Earth in an abandoned missile silo in an alliance with the United States government as Earth's defense team against the Decepticons. Regardless, he is perfectly capable of mixing it up in a fight and provides a precision strike while his close friend and partner Breakdown provides the muscle. But his demands of becoming a Prime showed his true colors and when Orion became Optimus Prime, Megatron vowed to take control of Cybertron itself, killing their world in the process. Could be justified by his gladiator background. A born fighter, Cliffjumper doesn't hesitate to get involved with a scuffle and is sometimes antsy when there aren't any 'Cons to scrap. She loves being a part of this intergalactic war and desperately wants to join in on anything and everything related to it. The Autobot cast from the beginning remains the same, with the exception of occasional guest stars, for two thirds of the series until the Autobot's numbers begin to increase. Includes characters from the comics, toy-line, video games, and other media. knocking him into a volcanic crater. This makes him an excellent spy and infiltrator. Jasper, Nevada's resident Jerkass, Vince is a bully who takes part in illegal street races. Never mind that, "Out Of His Head" deserves a mention for sheer badass. And again in part 1 of "Orion Pax", when Ratchet reveals they will have to. (. Another former Wrecker and close friends with Bulkhead, Wheeljack is very smart and a quick thinker, but prefers to dive into combat head on. Upon destroying it and being subjected to dissection by MECH following, he finds his own T-Cog missing. Can I come with next time?! He only gives up when Hardshell shoots him in the back. Proving popular with the crowd, he took the name "Megatronus" and later "Megatron", then started gathering followers as he talked about eliminating the caste system that prevented lower level individuals such as himself from becoming anything more than a miner. 1 2014 1.1 Optimus Prime 1.2 Bumblebee 1.3 Soundwave 1.4 Bludgeon 1.5 Heatwave 1.6 Lockdown … During her fight with Arcee, she gets trapped inside one and frozen. June's hips are slightly wider than her shoulders, Either that or he views humans as Megatron views Cybertronians. In "Metal Attraction", her stated goal for getting the polarity gauntlet is to have an edge if the Decepticons try to force her to rejoin. Whether or not he will keep this post is unclear, given that we're not sure if he survived. Voiced by: Kevin Michael Richardson, James Horan. Defeated eons ago, his influence continues to the present day and is a force that couldn't care less about the Autobot/Decepticon conflict. Created at the dawn of time by Primus to battle his ancient foe Unicron, the Thirteen employed many powerful weapons and icons in their battles against him. The Transformers: Prime toyline hit shelves in November 2011.Originally, Hasbro played coy with the series receiving a toyline at all, emphasizing that it was a television series first and foremost. needed her removed non-violently in order to keep Orion Pax on his side. An intelligent Insecticon that Megatron selects to hunt down one of the Iacon relics. Like mother, like son, it seems. She initially tries to cut herself and the children off from the Autobots entirely, but is later convinced of the Autobots' willingness to help humanity. While he's as tolerant of treachery as his. Appreciate you clearing the front door for us, but storming the Decepticon warship was not on the activities list. Each of us designated aPrimeand given a function to serve during the long march of infinity. "I recommend dissection." After losing a battle with Primus, he was left to be trapped in the center of the Earth where he plans to destroy humanity and their civilization. A great breakthrough for MECH research, Nemesis Prime is a near perfect copy of Optimus Prime and controlled by a human interface. In "Tunnel Vision", he fought Arcee one-on-one for a few minutes until Vogel hit him with his sweeper train. The 'Bots point this out when they get an aerial view of him. You can create a new one below. It seems Megatron is quite eager to resume his mentoring when Optimus reverts back into Orion Pax and loses his memories of being a Prime, and more importantly, his enmity with Megatron, Unicron takes control of him (probably a reference to The Fallen). Was there a fight? Though the Decepticons vanished for three years, the death of Cliffjumper has signaled their return. My previous channel had around 2000 subscribers, so rest assure that you will get best of the best contentAs you can see that this channel is heaven for any true transformers fan, so why not stick around and even subscribe-----------------------------------------This channel is owned by the friend of Fumus Prime, so by YouTube's terms and services, Fumus Prime is employed to run this channel She idolizes Bulkhead and sees him as the coolest bot on the team, often encouraging him to take more initiative. Often grouchy, regardless he has a good deal of respect for Optimus, his team and the human kids, and has grown to trust them to make the right calls. Support Sporcle. The second time. But he knows that he could never challenge Megatron on a physical level, so bides his time. Most fictions in the franchise are about a race of giant, sentient robots that come from the fictional planet Cybertron and are able to change their appearance into cars, planes and other machinery. "Toxicity" is basically one whole episode of him being a Determinator. With the use of Dark Energon, any Cybertronian corpse can be reanimated into these mindless abominations. Includes Human characters, Ancient Cybertronians, Scraplets, and Nemesis Prime. Purge. In Season 2, she's very important to the "Orion Pax" arc but afterwards, isn't even mentioned until the finale. Cybercomrade Sect. The Decepticon Warship gained a mind of its own when Megatron used the very unpredictable Dark Energon to repair its systems. !SubscribeLikeCommentShareThx for watching!! In "Operation Bumblebee, Part 2", Starscream mocked Bumblebee with his lost T-Cog and how being unable to transform must have been a terrible experience. Optimus Prime 58. After the war, he wandered the universe in search of both old and new friends and got accustomed to that lifestyle, so much that he has hesitations about sticking around on Earth for too long. This gets deconstructed as the more ambitious Decepticons are quick to abandon him. by taking Starscream's and leaving him unconscious in the woods. Bulkhead manages to heft the giant even by Cybertronian standards Forge of Solus Prime. To his credit, Megatron doesn't, In "One Shall Fall", when Optimus is raiding the. So far, there has never been a Transformers series where Optimus doesn’t show up at all.. RELATED: 20 Strange Details About Optimus Prime's Anatomy After brutally killing him in The Transformers: The Movie in 1986, Hasbro has since learned to never keep Optimus down for long. As Optimus puts it he is, metaphorically speaking, the parent of humanity and all life on Earth. Transformers: Prime is a franchise that launched in 2010. Even when Megatron seriously wounded him, he was able to fight Knock Out to a standstill. He was resolving to make guerilla attacks to acquire advanced military hardware, at least until his first encounter with the Cybertronians. Like most pieces of Transformers fictio…

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