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The prayer hall can accommodate up to 400 people and it … Email. Project Services Events Al-Huda Support Donate Back About Board Contact Project Services Events Al-Huda About Board Contact. It is our honor and high privilege to welcome you to the The Lackawanna Islamic Mosque and The Islamic Society of Lackawanna. 3/2/2021 location: Al-Huda Society 60 Willow Street Chelsea, MA 02150. May 22, 2019. Stay updated with important announcements related to events, prayers, classes and much more. The Eid Prayer will be at Al-Huda Islamic Center (470 E. Stanley Ave., SLC, UT 84115). First Prayer: 8:00AM and Second Prayer: 8:45AM. As salaam alaikum Dear Community members, Thank you so much for your patience during the past few months while our masjid was closed in response to COVID 19. Alhamdulillah Al-Huda Mosque now serves not only the Muslims of Dunedin, but also the other small towns around Dunedin. Eid Al-Adha will be on Friday, July 31, 2020. Accordingly, people over 65 and under 13 years of age, people at high risk are RECOMMENDED TO STAY HOME.. Al-Huda opens for Jumma prayer on FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2020 with restrictions. Success! Welcome to the Masjid Al-Huda’s website. Masjid Al-Huda Greenfield Campus: Masjid Al-Huda South Milwaukee Campus: Milwaukee Muslim Funeral Home (Masjid Taqwa) Subcribe to the Masjid Al-Huda Email List! For details & conditions, please follow the listed guidelines. Here you will find an array of information about the Mosque’s community Programs, Services and Facilities. It’s through the Gracious Mercy of Allah (SWT) that we are able to provide the few humble services for the community.Pray that Allah (SWT) guides us all in his Mercy and forgives us our transgressions. Friday prayer is currently at 1:00 pm and held at the existing mosque located at: Al-Huda Islamic Association - Detroit 5838 Lawndale St Detroit, MI 48210. CEILING CONSTRUCTION. Also known as Masjid Al-Huda, is located at Bukit Timah area which is in the Central area of Singapore. Support Donate. Details of the project. Mosque nearby Al-Huda Mosque. Al-Huda Mosque, Singapore. About Al-Huda. Once operating, we will have two Friday prayers, one in English and one in Arabic at the new center located at: Al-Huda Islamic Association - Dearborn 8835 W. Warren Ave Dearborn MI 48126 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situation. Established in 1985 by the selfless actions of few individuals with the support of East London Muslim community, may Allah (SWT) reward them all. It will later be bricked and decorated to match the facade of the mosque. The mosque was built in 1966 by former villagers who used to live in the area. We are strictly following CDC recommendations and the State of Illinois new guidelines. The purchase price of the mosque was NZ$372,000 (US$220,000). Masjid Donations. Al-Huda Cultural Centre & Mosque is a UK based charity, registration no. Twenty years later, and their efforts have paid off –– the Al-Huda Islamic Center of the Finger Lakes has opened the doors to the first mosque in Tompkins County. Last Name. Facility Features . Confirmed cases 814250. Multimedia. “Those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and establish regular prayers and regular charity, will have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” Al-Huda Masjid is now open for all 5 daily prayers starting October 1st. 292948. Subscribe. First Name. Tuesdays Talk with Sheikh Basyouny. Upcomimg Events.

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