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Magnus 1 day ago . Soundwave ... Blackout is one of the strongest Decepticons there is. The Transformers is my one of most favourite series. Was mentioned as dead by Daniel Witwicky in Dark Awakening last seen in Carnage In C-Minor(This is considered an animation error). Nevertheless, his ruthless efficiency, stealth, and speed on the battlefield make him a valuable ally. The other strongest Transformers would be Sgt. Delights in challenges. They gave us so much: Reagan, crack, AIDS, cocaine, Huey Lewis-the list goes on. Huffer: Single Axle Cab-Over Appears in More Than Meets the Eye (Part 1). Second in commandos and to force. Ah, the '80s. At least with regards to the Transformers Prime story arc, Megatron was once nothing more than a mining robot, named D-16. 9. Megatron is able to survive an explosion that can knock cybertron out of orbit. The information is based on the Generation One continuity. Series: M4: #004; Japanese ID number: AD05 Accessories: Sword Part of the first wave of Age of Extinction-themed Generations Deluxe class toys, Scorn transforms from a robot into a red Spinosaurus (albeit with a single sail, seemingly indicating the triple-sailed design was a late change to the movie character). The second-in-command of the Decepticons. 10.Optimus Prime. He is THE combo engine, only held back by his vulnerability to getting punched in the face really hard by Optimus/Thrust together. To Brawn, Earth is essentially a hostile environment – and he loves it. www.youtube.com. Strong, rugged, agile – the most macho of all Autobots. But most importantly, the '80s gave us poorly designed cartoons that inspired us to become Dino-Riders, travel through the Spiral Zone or try and defy God's natural order and transform into a semi truck. The second strongest was the toughest decision for me to make but I am going to have to give it to G1 prime. Second strongest Autobot – can lift 190,000 pounds and knock down a small building with … 4. Although unicron trilogy prime was very strong, feats from the G1 prime are universal-multiversal. So i make a Top 10 Strongest Transformers Character by my opinion. Springer, he has crazy card draw and getting to play an extra action or weapon is insane. Optimus Prime is consistently depicted as having strong moral character, excellent leadership, and sound decision-making skills, and possesses brilliant military tactics, powerful martial arts, and advanced alien weaponry. I would say he is second strongest … Sorry for those not as tough as himself. The most well known, likely, of all the Decepticons, Megatron has many a story line to follow (many thanks to the animated series, the comics, and the films). Let me give you the reasons why G1 is second. The 7 Most Useless Transformers Ever. At the Moon, Artemis and Moon wonder who's the most powerful warrior among the Maximals and the Predacons battling on Gaia.Moon notes that it's hard to determine, as they never really have a chance to fight one-on-one without interference. Here are five of the most famous Transformers of all time. Top 10 Strongest Transformers. Blackout is also the most loyal of all the Decepticons. The strongest transformer is an old transformer named KUP he can kill optimus and megatron. Is considered the strongest of them, second only to Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime is the awe-inspiring leader of the Autobot forces. Scorn (Deluxe Class, 2014) . His sword can be stored inside his tail, but … 2. He seeks to rule, but is held back by his cowardice. Transformers are a successful toy franchise that have been around since the 1980's and are still relevant to this day. The Transformers: The Movie. First speaks in More Than Meets the Eye (Part 2). 1 Optimus Prime Optimus Prime is a fictional character from the Transformers franchise. 13 Megatron. Top 10 Strongest Transformers Characters .
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