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Salvage-killed off-screen by Shockwave 8. In the case of the Decepticons, however, it was a matter of the old guard being transformed into new beings. Ultra Magnus luckily gets brought back to life later in the movie. As it turned out, the Autobot who was supposed to get the Matrix of Leadership all along was Hot Rod, who finally uses the Forc... sorry, activated the Matrix of Leadership while trapped inside of Unicron with the rest of his Autobot friends. At only 12 issues, the Transformers Generation 2 comic doesn’t have that much time to linger on its frequent bloodshed. Later revived by Rhinox. Share Share Tweet Email. Jun 9, 2017 - Deaths Autobots Transformers Movies :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwZQXouNE1A Since his original, iconic demise in 1986 The Transformers: The Movie (followed by a hasty revival in … With The Transformers riding high as a top-selling toyline with a ratings-grabbing cartoon, it was a shoe-in to get one of several Hasbro-funded toy-selling movies to be produced in the mid-Eighties. Severe physical damage does not kill Transformers in the Animated universe — Megatron survived despite being reduced to a severed head, while Lugnut and Blitzwing remained conscious despite being in bits Lost and Found and the dismembered Soundwave has been hinted to still function. CBR ranks the most noteworthy deaths. After Brawn is killed, Prowl, one of the more prominent Autobots in the first season, runs in to avenge his fallen friend. He seemed to be the obvious choice to be the next leader of the Transformers, but it turned out that he was not the pick. Fortress-killed off-screen by Optimus Prime 6. Kup and Hot Rod also get captured by the Quintessons. So he just gets shot to death and the Matrix is stolen by Galvatron. Marvel comics 1. Garbage disposal bot - Shot by Ratchet with his plasma canon. Slashed to death (1 time) and shot to death (2 times), Bumblebee (Megatron's Mind) - Shot by Megatron, Bulkhead (Megatron's Mind) - Shot by Megatron, Optimus Prime (Megatron's Mind) - Shot by Megatron), Jack Derby - Died after accidently went throw the crossing ground bridges and landed in the fourth dimension. So, in the grand scheme of things, Optimus Prime had a great death. Final film appearances/voices of Orson Welles and Scatman Crothers. It's debatable which would be preferable -- to have your death happen off screen and then confirmed months later on the TV series, or what happened to Windcharger and Wheeljack. Joe film to keep the character of Duke from dying, as was originally planned. Brakedown-killed off-screen by Ironhide and Sideswipe 4. Transformers: The Movie changed the way fans and creators interacted. Of course, Ironhide's ship was assaulted by the Decepticons on the way to Earth and Ironhide saw his friends murdered in front of him. Perhaps the most beloved of couples in the franchise are Chromedome and Rewind. The Transformers: The Movie was accompanied by a big media blitz, and designed to bring Transformers into a new era, both fictionally and financially. Soundwave - debated. By Timothy Donohoo Published Feb 04, 2021. In its decades-long history, the franchise has expanded to encompass comic books, animation, video games and films. Eaten alive by Sharkticons has got to be pretty high up on the list of worse ways for a robot to die (number one will always be overheating after being given an unsolvable logic problem). (Note: He … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Megatron - exploded during an attempt to get through his portal after being forced back in, later eventually revived by remnants of Unicron's energon. Alexi Voskhod - Shot by Laserbeak on Soundwave's orders. Brawl- Shot in the chest by Bumblebee. But when his mind is filled with cryptic symbols, the Decepticons target him and he is dragged back into the Transformers' war. Billy Husky - killed when Hydra sends his truck aflame. With Megatron being transformed into Galvatron, the second most important lasting death in the film turns out to be Starscream, Megatron's longtime second-in-command. Longarm-kille… As noted earlier, the opening sequence of The Transformers: The Movie consisted of Unicron destroying the peaceful robot planet of Lithone. 1 History 2 Leaders of the Autobots 3 All Movies (2007-Present.) When Megatron boasted about using the ship to evade the enemy detection of Autobot City, Ironhide valiantly tried to grab at Megatron, even though he was near death. CBR Senior Writer Brian Cronin has been writing professionally about comic books for over a dozen years now at CBR (primarily with his “Comics Should Be Good” series of columns, including Comic Book Legends Revealed). Ultra Magnus was one of Optimus Prime's oldest friends (and, let's face it, the toy version of Ultra Magnus was basically just a re-worked Optimus Prime figure). Related: Every Transformers Movie Ranked From Worst To Best (Including Bumblebee) Thirty years later, Steven Speilberg … He drives up to a heavily fortified enemy position and just starts mowing down Decepticons left and right, before getting fatally wounded while fighting Megatron. Vector Prime - disintegrated after reversing time to get his friends through the warp-stream. It was a shocking bloodbath for young viewers to see all of their favorite heroes and villains slaughtered in front of their eyes. He then became the leader of the Decepticons. I played the voice of a toy. Thrust-killed by Autobots 7. It might be cheating a bit to count these characters' demises on the list, but they end up dying fairly brutally, so we're still going to count them. A one-stop shop for all things video games. It is extremely unnerving and not really all that at place in a film supposedly aimed at a young audience. Transformers: Age of Extinction (Death) Bumblebee: The Movie (Last Appearance) Gallery [edit | edit source] Trivia [edit | edit source] Ratchet is one of the only 3 characters to have appeared in all 4 movies at this point. (later revived). So, they had the creators of the movie kill off most of the original Transformers and Decepticons. Beast Wars 1. 8. Share Share Tweet Email. For whatever reason, the animators decided to zoom in on his face as we see the sheer horror upon it as his life fades from his robotic body. Since we can't tell for sure, we're just going to assume that some of the Decepticons who Optimus Prime blasted died. Like the late Jazz, he takes his appearance seriously, and prides himself on his looks. As noted earlier, it's debatable if any Decepticons died in battle with the Autobots in Transformers: The Movie. He is armed with a dart rifle, electro-disruptor and the ability to cloak himself. It was so shocking, in fact, that it resulted in a backlash. His writing has been featured at ESPN.com, the Los Angeles Times, About.com, the Huffington Post and Gizmodo. Nemesis Breaker - Faded after being defeated by Metroplex. Charlie's Dad - Died of a heart attack before the events of the film. It's possible that if Orion had not been repaired, Optimus Prime would have ceased to exist. is a media franchise produced by American toy company Hasbro and Japanese toy company Takara Tomy. It was co-produced and directed by Nelson Shin, who also produced the television series.The screenplay was written by Ron Friedman, who created The Bionic Six a year later. For a generation of Transformers fans, though, it was that first death in 1986 that sticks in the mind. Presumably in a war. Follow him on Twitter at @Brian_Cronin and feel free to e-mail him suggestions for stories about comic books that you'd like to see featured at brianc@cbr.com! 2. founded by Prima, The Autobot'sleader is Optimus Prime. Megatron- Sam pushed the All Spark into his chest, extinguishing the Decepticon's life force. CISCO Aironet - Shot by Bumblebee with his plasma canon. However, it spares a long glance for Red Alert, a paranoid Autobot who dodged unpleasant fates before (his death was storyboarded for the Transformers movie but never actually put in the film). Transformers: War for Cybertron -- Earthrise has a few key deaths, but the most heartbreaking one occurs because of Optimus Prime's indecisiveness. The unusual crossover to happen this time is Transformers Vs. Cliffjumper - Stabbed in the chest by Starscream, Cliffjumper (Terrorcon zombie) - Sliced in 2 by Megatron. in the fifth. Optimus Prime - Destroyed after shielding Earth from the Hydra Cannon, later resurrected by Sparkplug, Perceptor and many other mini-cons while using the matrix. Therefore, executives decided to use the film to eliminate the toys that they were no longer producing. He features legends about entertainment and sports at his website, Legends Revealed. At the same time, they must defend themselves against an all-out attack from the Decepticons. It noted the point where the entire game was changed in the Transformers franchise. Scrapi - Beat to death by Rafael with a metal pole in revenge for harming Bumblebee, Scraplets - Froze to death (by Rafael, Miko and Jack with a fire extinguisher, the rest fly into the artic while following Bulkhead threw the ground bridge), Makeshift - Died in an explosion, which is caused by an bomb Wheeljack placed at his waistband, Tailgate - Slashed across the chest by Airachnid on Cybertron (Flashback), Optimus Prime (Megatron's Mind) - Died 3 times. It was released in the United States by Scotti Bros. Records on Gramophone record and Compact Cassette. … Dark energon ripped out of his chest by Starscream: Put to stasis lately after by Decepticons. The Transformers: The Movie is a 1986 animated film based on the Transformers television series.It was released in North America on August 8, 1986, and in the United Kingdom on December 12, 1986. In the final battles, Depth Charge allows himself to be blown up, killing Rampage. Final film appearances/voices of Orson Welles and Scatman Crothers. The Transformers Movies' Most Gruesome Deaths; Experts Calculate Insane Cost Of Transformers Movie Damages; Transformers: The Last Knight 2017. However, just because the movie killed off a main character (and a beloved toy!) And Other Amazing Comic Book Trivia! We see the people of Lithone desperately try to evacuate their planet before it is devoured. The new Transformers movie, Transformers: The Last Knight, ... That being said, since Sam’s death is glossed over and these movies lack cohesive storytelling anyway, I … The particularly tragic thing for Ratchet when he died is that if there was any Autobot around who might have had a chance of saving his life, it would have been him, as he was the Autobot medic! The Terminator , a time warping battle to save the world. Smetimes they would simply shake the fire off and sometimes they would get damaged but they would just repair themselves by the end of the episode. It was released in Japan by Pony Canyon on Audio CD in 1989. Even after surviving what should have been his death and getting reborn as Galvatron, the being who was once known as Megatron couldn't help but be his typical jerk self when he was commissioned by Unicron to deliver the Matrix of Leadership to him because the Matrix was the only thing that could destroy Unicron. I menace somebody called Something-or … Comment. However, there is a lot more significance to Brawn's death. 0. Here is how disturbing the death toll is in this movie: there is so much killing that we don't even get to see all of the Transformers who are murdered! 1. He even got the chance to pass the Matrix of Leadership to his old friend, Ultra Magnus (as it turned out, it wasn't supposed to go to Ultra Magnus, but that's neither here nor there). You see, Brawn is the first Autobot killed in the film. The death of Optimus Prime has become a recurring plot twist in Transformers fiction, to the point that it isn’t funny anymore. Here, we will rank the deaths in the film in terms of how savage they were. and one book, 100 Things X-Men Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die, from Triumph Books. Shatter was a Decepticon Triple Changer sent to Earth with orders to hunt down the Autobot Bumblebee. 7. He was resurrected immediately afterward by the Key, which contained A… Resurrected by Starscream, Megatron - Seriously injured by the explosion of the space bridge. Frenzy- Accidently decapitated himself with a flying blade. Reverb-killed off-screen by Ironhide 3. In the original script, he was drawn and quartered! Nemesis Part 1. Later revived and reformatted into Cyclonus or one of his armanda. 2. You see, unbeknownst to them, Hasbro had taken a bizarre approach to the plot of the first feature film to feature its transforming robot characters. Disappeared after a brawl between himself and Galvatron. 2 Transformers: The Movie (1986) Transformers: The Movie changed the way fans and creators interacted. There are a few moments in Transformers: The Movie where you simply have to wonder, "What in the world were the animators thinking? Haruma Gō - Crushed by a falling pillar, then burned in an explosion. Resurrected when Jack went back to the normal dimension, Miko Nakadai - Died after accidently went throw the crossing ground bridges and landed in the fourth dimension. Yes, robots can fall in love. In general, Brawn's death really isn't all that brutal. Sometimes a Transformer kills himself for some reason, or tries to. Having the two biggest and best kill each other is Biblical in the best way. Cappuccino bot - Shot by Bumblebee with his plasma canon. The Transformers: The Movie (1986) Director: Nelson Shin 1 Summary 2 Trivia 3 Male Deaths 4 Female Deaths 5 Gallery The Autobots must stop a colossal planet consuming robot who goes after the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. Sludge - Fatally Punched by Rodimus Cron. In the commentary track for Transformers the Movie, series writer Flint Dille reveals … That is what made Ultra Magnus' death so sad later in the film. Snowstalker - Killed when Tigatron shot at Inferno, but missed, causing an avalanche that crushed Snowstalker to death. The Transformers: The Movie is famous for the death of Optimus Prime, but the Autobot leader was far from the only soldier to fall to Megatron and the Decepticons in the big-screen debut for the robots in disguise. Transformers can deliberately override the stasis lock protocols, even if this will result in death. The Decepticons are a faction of Cybertronians who formed on Cybertron, They fight to destroy the heroic The Autobots, founded by The Fallen, yet would be their Later leader Megatron who would start the Cybertronian War. Compared to Ratchet's exploding chest, Brawn's simple laser blast death is seemingly pretty tame. The Transformers The Movie: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the 1986 soundtrack from the motion picture The Transformers: The Movie. Blue streak-killed off-screen by decepticons, Shrapnel- Crushed by Optimus Prime. You see, the idea for the film was to replace the old characters with brand-new ones. Optimus Primal(1st form) -Destroyed by Megatron when trying to stop a blast from hitting Earth. So we're counting the hilarious scene where Hot Rod and Kup use Kickback's head as a ramp to get back to Autobot City, crushing his head in the process, to be a death. 3. Share Share Tweet Email. Even though he's shown up as a ghost after death in the past, he's never gone this far. Scrapped: 10 Transformers Characters Who Met Tragic Ends (And 10 Who Got What Was Coming) After over a decade, the Transformers Movie Universe has racked up a long list of scrapped bots on both sides of the Cybertronian War. Dyson vacuum cleaner - Shot by Ratchet with his plasma canon. ... Transformers: Why Megatron Turned Evil Is Absolutely Tragic. 1 History 2 Leaders of the Autobots 3 All Movies (2007-Present.) 5. Huffer- killed off-screen by Decepticons and found dead in dark awakening. Thrust - Crushed in a fissure in Unicron's skin. There is no doubt that his death rattled viewers to their core. Megatron then shot him flat in the head, killing him outright. Here's the thing about Optimus Prime's death in the film. Here was the seemingly invincible leader of the Transformers and he's dead? Transformers War for Cybertron (2010)/Fall of Cybertron (2012)/Robots in Disguise (2015). Dirt Boss-killed off-screen by NEST 2. Kick Back- Crushed by Kup. They then all transform and fight off the invading Decepticons. The Autobots are one of two factions in the Cybertronian War. 1. In fact, they went as far as to storyboard the deaths of other characters but they were not actually animated. Thor: 10 Most Dangerous Villains He's Ever Fought, The 15 Most Savage Deaths In Transformers: The Movie, Ranked, 5 Ways The MCU Is Better Off On Disney+ (& Why It Should Stick To The Big Screen), Double Date: 15 Romance Anime Where The Characters Actually End Up Together, 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Val-Zod Superman, 10 Marvel Characters Who'd Run A Blog (& What They'd Be About), Star Wars: 10 Times Rey Was A Better Jedi Than Luke, Dragon Ball: 10 Unique Techniques That Only Show Up In GT, Demon Days: X-Men #1 Is a Seamless Blend of Japanese Folklore and the Marvel Universe, America Chavez: Made in the USA #1 Is a Fresh Start for the Future MCU Star, Shadecraft Shines a Mysterious Light Onto Our Darkest Fears, My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions Vol. To do so, she partnered up with fellow Decepticon Triple-Changer Dropkick. Megatron flees with Bumblebee and controlled Bumblebee a short time after that until Bumblebee (controlled by Megatron) stabbed Megatron's body with dark energon, resurrected him completely. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Unusually for something that started as a children's toy and an '80s cartoon, death of important characters is a prominent feature in Transformers. Thanks. 1 Doesn't Take Advantage of its Colorful Cast, The Swamp Thing Leans Hard Into Horror With Its New Protagonist, The Suicide Squad #1 Is Infinite Frontier's Bloodiest Launch, Batman: 10 Timelines Where Being Robin Is A Fate Worse Than Death, 10 Nice Anime Characters Who Are Secretly Jerks, Godzilla Vs King Kong: 5 Ways Godzilla Could Win (& 5 Kong Could), 10 Greatest Comic Books Based On Movies, Ranked, 10 DC Characters Who Are Clearly Inspired By Marvel, Attack On Titan: 5 Ways Eren Yeager Is A Hero (& 5 He's A Villain), The Flash: Every Film & TV Appearance Of Barry Allen, Ranked, Captain America: 10 Times Steve Rogers Was His Own Worst Enemy, Marvel's First 10 Silver Age Comics (In Chronological Order), Fullmetal Alchemist: 10 Ways Alchemy Can Be Used Instead Of For Fighting. By Renaldo Matadeen Published Jan 21, 2021. Prefers action to words. Or, from a creative viewpoint, discard the old storylines and engage in more adult themes, including the death of a main character. The Transformers Movies' Most Gruesome Deaths Jazz. Sound and Fury Transformer death is, however, possible — a combination of physical damage and AllSpark energy outright killed Optimus Prime. Like Prowl, Ironhide was one of Optimus Prime's most trusted lieutenants. Colonel Sharp - Killed during Blackout's attack on the U.S SOCCENT Forward Operations Base. Transformers: Optimus Prime's 10 Best Deaths, Ranked. He and Ironhide at least got the chance to return fire on the Decepticons. Metacritic Rating 27.00 All-Time Movies NA . It is a chilling opener to the film and it certainly sets viewers up for the carnage that is about to follow very soon after (although with more familiar characters, which is why the people of Lithone are ranked so low). It is rooted in the Generation One plot centered on the original animated TV series and associated comics from the mid-1980s, and spawned major continuity changes in that timeline, including major series plot changes. 9 HIS MANY DEATHS IN ANIMATED. Patrick Donnelly - Fatally impaled by Scorponok. Shortly before he died, he told his biographer, Barbara Leaming, "You know what I did this morning? Hand mixer - Shot by Bumblebee with his plasma canon. He, too, is blasted and killed. Ejector - Shot by Ratchet with his plasma canon. It wasn’t Prime’s first death, but it was one of his most heroic, and against the biggest evil that the lore has to offer. Imagine surviving almost the entire movie only to die in the last few minutes in a failed effort to stop Unicron! They then have to turn and retreat. However, the first time he died in the 1986 film came as quite the emotional shock for young audiences. For years, Starscream had been plotting against his leader, but not until the battle of Autobot City did Starscream have a chance to take over control of the Decepticons. The Transformers: The Movie (1986) This one is as much a rebirth as it is a death: After hijacking an Autobot shuttle and murdering everyone onboard, Megatron and his Decepticons open fire on Autobot City on Earth, in what would be a turning point in the war between the Autobots and Decepticons. However, we've decided to instead count the ones who sure seemed dead, only to be later revived (even Optimus Prime came back to life, after all). With Megatron and others badly damaged and the Decepticon transport vehicle low on fuel, Starscream kicked all of the wounded out of the shuttle. Unicron - Disappeared after swallowing Galvatron (later resurrected in, Sideways-killed by Prime using Requim Blaster(later alive in Cybertron cartoon), Constructicon maximus-killed by Storm Jet. Fans of the cartoon series were hotly anticipating the release of The Transformers: The Movie in 1986. By Devin Meenan Published Nov 29, 2020. There are a lot of clearly wounded Decepticons (the ones who get transformed into new beings by Unicron), but it is unclear how many of their party were just flat-out killed before they were changed (if they were changed at all). Decimus-killed by Starscream and Soundwave, Sentinel Prime-killed by Megatron(later revealed how he survived), Starscream - vaporized by Unicron (later resurrected in, Megatron/Galvatron - devoured by Unicron (later resurrected in. With a rock-and-roll soundtrack, Japanese production values, and smoky death scenes, The Transformers: The Movie evoked the sci-fi/fantasy/erotica magazine Heavy Metal in a PG fashion. Tragically, however, one of the spaceships then crash-landed on the planet of the sadistic Quintessons. Rafael Esquivel - Died after accidently went throw the crossing ground bridges and landed in the fourth dimension. For a generation of Transformers fans, though, it was that first death in 1986 that sticks in the mind. So many children were traumatized by the death of… Awake after Arcee copples Bumblebee's connection to Megatron. They were thrown into a cell with Kranix, who warned them of Unicron before he, too, was sentenced to death by Sharkticons. Seeing the smoke billowing out of his body was a shocking sight for young viewers, especially since Ratchet was such a kindhearted member of the Autobots. (not an actual transformer, but a white tiger). In the present day, professor Edmund Burton (Anthony Hopkins) explains the Transformers have been helping humanity for centuries, and that Vivian Wembley is the last “Witwiccan,” a line descended from Merlin himself. Initially a line of transforming toys rebranded from Takara's Diaclone and Microman toylines,[1] the franchise began in 1984 with the Transformers toy line, and centers on factions of transforming alien robots (often the Autobots and the Decepticons) in an endless struggle for dominance or eventual peace. Of course, to be fair to Optimus Prime, he did not have a whole lot of time to choose his successor. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Transformers: War for … Animation in the U.S., at the time, was strictly the domain of Disney features and Saturday morning cartoons, with only the occasional adult theme. Windchanger- killed off-screen by Decepticons. What a bummer. It just doesn't seem right. The Matrix transforms him into Rodimus Prime (sounds like a Transformers adult film star name) and he then uses the Matrix to explode Unicron from within. Bludgeon - Pushed into unspace by Windblade, Prowl - Killed by Shadow Striker (later revived), Cheetor - use his spark to restore cybertron, The quintesson judges - killed by Autobots and Decepticons, Maccadams(Alchemist Prime)-Incinerated by a beam from Iaconus that was refelcted by Croaton, Judge Starscream - killed by Optimus and Megatron`s matrix of leaderships, The Scientist - killed by Autobots and Decepticons, Sharkticons-most of them killed by Windblade, Shadow Striker and others (alternate universe) - Killed by Megatron X, Asrtotrain - Erased off together with Megatron X. In 1992, Scotti Bros. released the album on CD in the US. Comment. Bombshell- killed off-screen by Autobots. Wikis. They were with their friend Dion when they were attacked by Megatron, but he was never rebuilt and presumably died. Transformers is a series of American science fiction action films based on the Transformers franchise which began in the 1980s. Transformers: Earthrise's Most Heartbreaking Death Is Optimus Prime's Fault. As a result, you could argue that none of the Decepticons actually died in the film. 1 Transformers (2007) 2 Revenge of the Fallen 3 Dark of the Moon 4 Age of Extinction 1. Being so trusted, Prime put Ironhide and Prowl in charge of an important mission of going to Autobot City to get enough Energon cubes to bring back to Moonbase so that the Autobots could power themselves on an attack on Cybertron to take back control of the planet. Transformers Discussions - Episode 21Here is a look at what Transformers met their end during the events of the original 1986 Transformers movie! As learned by The Hollywood Reporter, the forthcoming Paramount film will hit cinemas on June 24, 2022. The new Transformers movie has gotten a release date. Mirage (aka Dino) is a sneaky Transformer and, despite being a loyal Autobot, doesn't respect humans very much. They arrive just in time to see Arblus, presumably the second last of his race, getting eaten by Sharkticons. This death mattered in Transformers. Patrick Donnelly - Fatally impaled by Scorponok. Transformers: War for Cybertron -- Earthrise has a few key deaths, but the most heartbreaking one occurs because of Optimus Prime's indecisiveness. Transmutate - Attempted to stop Silverbolt and Rampage from fighting, jumped between their attacks and was destroyed by them. Forced into enslavement while ruled by an apathetic Autobot elite, Megatron's fall into villainy typically has an air of sadness. Games Movies TV Video. Later revived and reformatted into Scourge. After escaping destruction at the end of the previous film, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Megatron would once… 6. Just look… It was a messed up way to go. In 1986, Hasbro decided it was time to refresh their popular Transformers toy line and reset the successful cartoon series with a movie. Michael Bay has directed the first five films: Transformers (2007), Revenge of the Fallen (2009), Dark of the Moon (2011), Age of Extinction (2014), and The Last Knight (2017). Either reformatted into a Sweep or survived. Since we didn't see their deaths on screen, though, we couldn't rank them any higher. In the present day, professor Edmund Burton (Anthony Hopkins) explains the Transformers have been helping humanity for centuries, and that Vivian Wembley is the last “Witwiccan,” a line descended from Merlin himself. While they are retreating, the Decepticons shoot them in their backs, killing them where they stand. Either reformatted into Cylconus, one of his armada, or survived. Maximal Elders - Destroyed when Megatron unleashed a virus on Cybertron, alongside billions of other transformers. The last of the “Prime” as mentioned in the Revenge of the Fallen. Sadly for him, however, Megatron survived and became Galvatron. Hasbro quickly edited the then-upcoming G.I. The death of Optimus Prime in the animated Transformers: The Movie made such a lasting impression on young fans of the… Ratchet, despite his limited screentime in the sequels, he was a very well received character to fans. After the wild success of the 1984 animated TV series, Hasbro decided it was time for the Autobots and Decepticons to make the leap to cinemas in 1986. War Dawn Deaths Autobots Transformers Movies :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwZQXouNE1A 0. There are a number of Autobots whose death were never even shown in the movie, but were only confirmed later on in the episodes of the television series that followed the film. Unicron is the embodiment of chaos from the Transformers media franchise. Later revived, Skywarp- Shot by Optimus Prime. (Become the Earth), Prima - Mentioned by Optimus to have been died of unknown cause (Become Cybertron), 12 Primes (Vector Prime, Megatronus Prime, Nexus Prime, Logos Prime, Micronus Prime, Liego Maximo, Solus Prime, Epistemus, Autonomus Maximus, Solomus, Onxy Prime, Alchemist Prime) - Died of an unknown cause long prior to the series, Unicron (Giant manifestation) - Shot to death from behind by Megatron, Unicron - Disintegrated by Optimus with the Matrix of Leadership, Orion Pax/Optimus Prime - Gave up all of the Matrix of Leadership to kill Unicron, losing his memories,so that he think he is still Orion Pax before he become a Prime.
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