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Cyberdark: deck recipe [Oct 2020] Content. ... February 18, 2020. This page notes decks in Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links and their rating to help players build their own decks. Duel Links decks: Get your game on! r/DuelLinks: Yu-Gi-Oh! Recently, Duel Links has received a new world based on the movie Yu-Gi-Oh! The deck doesn’t have much backrow removal even though Elementsaber Lapauila can negate spells and traps. This achieved with the help of two cards — Magician Navigation and Dark Magical Circle. Getting them out on the field requires meticulous play and a good understanding of all your cards’ synergies. What happens to ranks at the end of the month? If you have Purgatrio on the field, using this move is almost always a guaranteed win because the fusion monster inflicts piercing damage and can attack every monster your opponent controls once per turn. Prepare the usual — Treacherous Trap Hole and Cosmic Cyclone. They are also needed to trigger the skill this deck is usually played with: Sorcery Conduit. 4/5 in pvp since one match I got greedy and wasn't watching the time. So, which decks are you using? Wiki Updates. Yea, everyone is trying to get 99% consistency. Duel Monsters Meta-Decks lest ihr: Welche Meta-Decks aktuell am stärksten sind; Werlche Deck-Themen echte Newcomer sind; Welches Deck der WCS-Sieger 2019 spielt; Letztes Update: 10.05.2020. Duel Links community day by day to provide quality guides and the latest news. Don’t skip them if you want a smooth sailing journey to King of Games. Onimaru the Divine Thunder is immune to destruction from card effects and can gain 3000 attack if its special summoning conditions are met. Depending on what cards you choose to include, Cyber Dragon is not a cheap deck, but it’s one of the best Duel Links decks regardless. Thanks! Well it is kinda inconsistent. I think he wants to say that once in a blue moon you can lose even to beaver warrior deck (bricks). Better yet, even if your opponent destroys the trap before you can activate it, its second effect allows you to search for another Overflow or Cyberload Fusion. Once you have that figured out and you’ve performed your fusion summon, you can shuffle Invocation back into your deck, allowing you to add the banished Invoker back to your hand. Illusion Magic, another necessary card, however, can only be obtained through leveling up Arkana to level 25. Black Whirlwind is the key to getting monsters to your hand — every time a Blackwing monster is normal summoned to your side of the field, this spell card allows you to add another Blackwing monster with less attack from the deck to your hand. Join the Discord server (full access is not needed and is not granted by becoming a DLM Pro member). Pair them together and when your opponent is about to destroy Joe, make them aim at Raikiri instead. Once per turn, when normal summoned, it allows you to add one Cyber spell or trap from your deck to your hand. I've ise lot of meta deck (shiranui, blue-eyes, invoked, neos, etc.). But it wasn’t until the 2000s did they start to grow into popularity. But it’s one of the best Duel Links decks for another reason too. Skills are special abilities that can be used either before, or during a duel. Invoked Element Sabers has one weakness, however. However, …, Android gaming is getting bigger and better every month it seems and there is always a slew of new titles coming to Google Play. Cocytus is an even safer bet because it’s immune to enemy card effects and can attack even when it’s in face-up defense position. These decks are very strong but have either one big, or a lot of weaknesses. Duel Links is nearing its fourth year, and throughout the time the card pool has become incredibly expansive. 10 Tea Burn Tea Burn was one of the most hated decks in the early days of Duel Links. Just like other decks that utilize this card, the goal is to mill part of your deck to the grave. Blackwing is not a cheap deck, but like Elementsabers, pretty much all of its cards can be found in one main box (Aerial Assault). The Duel Links format is so much different than the TCG/OCG counterpart, allowing for strategies that are looked over in the TCG to shine in Duel Links. You can replace them with similar powerful cards like Galaxy Cyclone, Fiendish Chain, Enemy Controller and more. He can be used when you control no other monsters to bring forth your Whirlwind and summon Simoon himself. This is where your synchro cards come in. Sometimes i even end up with 2 BE, one Card of C, and 2 trap that usually would be destroyed on the next turn. Use this effect to get Cyberload Fusion or Cybernetic Overflow. There are a couple of things to note, however. It was about time for a Synchro deck to shake up the meta. This works excellently with Raikiri the Rain Shower’s card destruction ability. Here are a couple of other top tier decks that can help you on your way to King of Games: These are our picks for the best Duel Links decks of the current meta! There also are a variety of skills you can use with this deck, but the strongest is Harpie’s Hunting Ground. ... Balance is the reason it's the best deck like koaki used to be balance is op. This is how it works: you need to have five or more spell cards with different names in your deck, which significantly increases the chance of your opening hand containing a spell card. It’s a incredibly consistent deck with powerful searching, as well as the ability to banish and negate. Inappropriate comments will be deleted without any notice. It is not for nothing that at the beginning of Duel Links you can choose between the deck of one or the other to start your journey. With this information revealed, players may want to look into updating their decks for new challenges. By paying 1000 Life Points, you can destroy all cards on the field except for this monster with its effect! It then shuffles the fusion materials back into the deck instead of sending them to the graveyard. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. The latter is incredibly strong because it can be played from your hand when your Blackwing synchros are on the field. Other meta decks aren’t as effective against Dark Magician, but we recommend you use Ishizu and her powerful Sealed Tombs skill for optimal results in any matchup, including mirror matches. Decks in Tier 1 and 2 are ones that are known to have achieved good success against other decks/players. To begin, the most basic tip and perhaps the most important. Best Ranked Decks for October 2019. Your Cybernetic Overflow trap also works to clear spells and traps. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. Water Beatdown is added as High Potential Deck. Introducing new decks, TOP environment and high-class environment decks. This trap allows you to banish two fire monsters from your graveyard and add Burgeoning Whirlflame back to your hand. This is why the deck usually features both Cyber Dragon and Cyber Dragon Vier (five and four stars respectively). Legacy Of The Duelist: Link Evolution It can only use materials from your banished cards and from your field. It … Your competitive edge. Merlin kinda require buying the NK structure deck, though. Monarch has some new toys to play with as well, including Seleglare the Luminous Lunar Dragon, Magicians' Souls, and the entire pool of Link … Summoning Invoker adds the fusion spell Invocation to your hand. These decks are very well rounded. At the core of the Blackwings deck lie two powerful searching cards. Judgment Dragon The ace monster of "Lightsworn" Decks! If you do go first, don’t rush and take out all of your strong cards at once. ← Aggressive Gouki Dragun OTK Deck 2020; ... Krawler Tridange (Junk sleep) new support destroy nd negate. Also known as the Ban List. Your field spell Palace of the Elemental Lords can add the monster with the right attribute to your hand, but at the cost of skipping your next battle phase. However, you can also play the deck with Draw Sense: Low-Level to ensure you get your Cyber Dragon Core copies when you need them. The best news, however, is that you don’t need to spend a fortune or buy any structure decks to pummel opponents with it. But the question is, what are the best decks available in YuGiOh Duel Links? Note: To View the KOG Worthy and Other Decklists, please click the link below: A forum of this page is to discuss not your decks but Duel Links' tier list and current meta. Updated September 20th, 2020 by Morgan Austin: Recently, Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Links has announced that a new world will be coming to the game in late September. Shiranui has plenty of great ones — Sunsaga not only has 3500 attack, for example, but protects all of your other cards with his effects. Tier 0 decks are decks that completely dominate a meta and you either play the same deck or a deck that completely counters it (but loses to almost any other deck). The aptly named Cyber Dragon Core is the first of your essential cards. Almost all of your Shiranui monsters are fire type and have effects which can be triggered upon banishment. 2. There isn’t much more you can ask for. These decks are high potential as the Top Tier Decklist. Elementsabers is an OTK (one turn kill) deck that relies on its powerful fusion beasts to crush opponents — Invoked Cocytus and Invoked Purgatrio. Finally, for trap and spell cards, you’ll want Hey, Trunade, which can clear the way for an OTK , as well as Blackbird Close. Unlike Polymerization, Invocation can use monsters in either player’s graveyard as fusion materials. DUEL LINKS: Platform :iOS / Android / Steam®(PC) *Not compatible with some devices. This page notes decks in Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links and their rating to help players build their own decks. 1. Climb through the rankings and claim the title of King of Games!-Decks Build your very own Deck with cards you collect in-game and take on opponents! The Volcanic archetype is one of my favorites of all in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Two of the key cards are ultra-rare but they are not impossible to get with some grinding. Three copies of Cosmic Cyclone are an essential part of the Elementsabers deck. 500 hp left 5200 damage on the field and he had no monsters but I had 1 second. Ranking for the strongest decks of Duel Links. Stay tuned for future card additions! "Yu-Gi-Oh!" Card games are a fantastic form of entertainment. In Duel Links, decks can have 20 to 30 cards. Dragunity can easily OTK BE. Recommended decklist. Even though you may be rolling with a top-tier deck in Yu-Gi-Oh! It’s not as good as Sealed Tombs, but it can still give you the upper hand in some duels. Make your Yu Gi Oh Duel Links Tier List Tier List Maker. Classic Tribute-based deck that was one of the best decks in early/mid 2016, and recently was brought back to full power after Pantheism came back to 3. It’s a great fit for any player that loves beatdown decks and it’s one of the best decks Duel Links has to offer at the moment. Tier 2 decks have a bit more weaknesses than tier 1 decks but your opponent needs to draw them early on. They require one tuner monster and one non-tuner whose combined star number equals that of the synchro you want to summon. Here are the best Yu-Gi-Oh! Nerf this to give it the same treatment that navigation got. Duel Links, duelists traditionally receive rewards after winning a battle in online and offline play. Tier lists for Yu Gi Oh Duel Links. But what if you’re facing beefy monsters that your Chimeratech Rampage Dragon can’t take care of by itself? Here are the Top 10 Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links Best Decks … The best way to get it out on the field is to play the deck with Zane’s Cyber Style skill. In Yu-Gi-Oh!Duel Links baut ihr euch nach und nach das beste Deck auf und stellt euch unzähligen Duellanten. Online Multiplayer Card Game: Free to Download and play (with in-app purchases) *Screenshots and Illustrations were taken during development. Most free to play bottlenecks occur when players get impatient …, 5 Android apps you shouldn’t miss this week – Android Apps Weekly, 15 best gacha games and mobile RPGs for Android, 15 best Android emulators for PC and Mac of 2021, The best hybrid smartwatches (Feb. 2021): Analog watches with smartwatch smarts. Obsidian Hawk Joe not only has 2600 attack points but can redirect attacks and resummon level 5 or higher Blackwing monster from the graveyard once per turn. We update this Yu-Gi-Oh! What so special about that? We should note, however, that Invoked Elementsabers is not a cheap deck. You don't decide a card to play, Konami doesn't decide a card to play. This in turn activates the core card — Burgeoning Whirlflame. The deck is supported off and on when Konami feels like it, with some of the oldest going back over a decade, while the newest support appeared in Yu-Gi-Oh’s Fist of the Gadgets set.. Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn aims to dump as many cards as possible into the graveyard, and one of the best ways to use that to your advantage is to summon cards like The Chaos Creator.Modern Yu-Gi-Oh is often a game of resources and options - whoever can make the most plays wins - and this deck can generate effects from everywhere, and even recycle cards that would be gone otherwise. With tons of content getting added every month, the meta is constantly changing. We recommend the second, since it makes the Shiranui deck the most consistent. Have you ever tried playing BE against full established NK board? If you choose to choose Kaiba’s, you’ll have a card from the legendary Blue-Eyed White Dragon in your hands . Blue-Eyes Synchro: deck recipe [Feb 2021], Gren Maju Da Stromberg: deck recipe [Feb 2021], The Melody of Awakening Dragon | Deck and Rulings. Finally, when it comes to tech cards, you can go wild — since none of the Shiranui cards have made it onto the limited list, you can use two copies of Enemy Controller or whatever else comes to mind. Once you master it, it’s the best Duel Links deck you can play. It’s a good time to duel! BRick EyeS , always 2 BE starting hand , useless, I guess one is staples ft. gouki and the other one is balance ft. gouki. But how do you do damage? Here is where you need to be careful though. To use it, you need to banish Cyber Dragon monsters with different levels from your hand, graveyard or field. Yu-Gi-Oh! - My deck: Ancient Gear - Damage: 45,000 - 96,000 (the highest after 1 duel) Auto-Duel - depends on how AI would play - After 60 duels I have more than 10,000,000 Event points. Which ones are your favorites? Most of it might come from a single box, but it’s a main box and you need two or three copies of multiple UR and SR cards. So, how what makes Cyber Dragons tick? What about tech cards? With many support cards now in the game thanks to recent events and the new Future Horizon Box, Dark Magician is now a tier one deck. TCG so when they were introduced to Duel Links with the Primal Burst set, I was ecstatic.However, making them work in PVP is difficult. Many of the best Volcanic cards in the trading card game, like Scattershot and Counter, are not yet in Duel Links, but our version of a Volcanic deck is still fun to take into PVP. New player guide: What packs to buy first? Magician Navigation allows you to summon Dark Magician, triggering Dark Magical Circle’s banishing effect. It will require LP loss or usable after turn 3/5 after this if it is that much of a problem. Don’t be overwhelmed by the wall of text in his description. I'm going to teach you the meaning of pain! Tier 1. Related: The best Hearthstone decks: Master the meta and rise through the ranks! They are there to give you a chance against the other top deck lurking in ranked — Elementsabers. Duel Links deck is the best? The most successful version currently in the meta is a 30-card deck that make use of That Grass Looks Greener. You can use Concentrating Current or you could rely on your Cyber End Dragon. It’s possible to acquire it with some gem hoarding and a lot of luck, but you might need to spend real cash as well. Average deck price: ... SPYRALs were undoubtedly the best deck in Yugioh. No deck can currently be classified as Tier 0. Seto Kaiba is Yugi’s famous rival. Duel Links, don’t forget about equipping a Skill. Copy Link. The deck has an ongoing chess theme, with each monster representing different pieces of the game. The best Hearthstone decks: Master the meta and rise through the ranks. Without further ado, here are the best Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links decks of the current meta. A variety of decks, both old and new, are now viable and can take you far. If you want to spread your wings with winged beast deck, look no further than Crow Hogan’s Blackwings. In Yu-Gi-Oh! We sincely appreciate your understand. But what if you don’t draw it in your opening or second hand? Makes sense, I've always ran fun decks vs tier 0/1, aromages, deskbot, scraps, dante. ; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your Discord name for $1/month. This list will be updated regularly as the meta evolves and new decks become dominant. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the … ©2021 Android Authority | All Rights Reserved. The two most important cards are Aleister the Invoker and Invocation. DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. In addition, you can Tribute this monster to Special Summon 1 LIGHT Dragon-Type Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck in Defense Position, except "Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon"! Seto Kaiba. It’s not often that we see a single box provide almost all the necessary materials for a tier one deck, but this is the case with Dark Dimensions and this new and explosive archetype. Power of Dark is another skill you can use. Whether you're a casual gamer or you want something with a …, We all know that free Android games aren't always free these days, but many of them are very close if you have a little patience. Arguably the greatest benefit of a Dragon Lord deck is their Link format competence, ... Also, D/Ds are one of the most fun and satisfying decks in the entirety of Yugioh, no duel is ever the same! Solitaire allows you to summon another Shiranui monster once per turn, Samurai adds a monster to your hand, Spiritmaster destroys an opponent’s card and so on. In unserem Guide zu den besten Yu-Gi-Oh! DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. Nevertheless, most decks run one copy of Gold Sarcofagus because it can not only search for your Grass card, but also trigger monster effects by banishing. Then you can use Blackwing – Simoon the Poison Wind. If you need a help to build a better deck, please visit Deck Advice forum. ... PvP Best decks [Tier List Updated] 2. But maybe there's bad news for onomat players after kc cup. Keep as few letters as possible. Thank you for visiting Duel Links wiki by GameA! The GameA Tier List is primarily based on King of Games decks submitted by users. Once in the graveyard, Magician Navigation can also be banished to negate an opponent’s spell or trap. The best Yu-Gi-Oh! These are the best decks you can build during a season or format, they are decks that due to their synergy, advantages and field control ARE one of the most broken in the world of yugioh. How will that help you? News, reviews, deals, apps and more. Duel Links is a game developed by Konami, available to Mobile and PC on Android, iOS and Windows, distributed with Play/App … Anonymous. Their floating effects, when you destroy their unit, they summon another in its place, re-equip all spell cards and destroy your card on your own turn. It’s also worth investing in because it’s an archetype that might see further support in future boxes. Cybernetic Overflow can only be used once per turn, but it makes the deck consistent and self-sustaining. Since Invoker is the only spellcaster in your deck, it’s an effective searching mechanism which makes Invoked Elementsabers incredibly consistent. From there, you’ll want to summon Blackwing – Oroshi the Squall via Whirwind’s effect. Meta decks will often change depending on newer cards or strategies, so we will keep updating this page often to keep everyone informed of newer decks. However, it’s still recommended to add one Black Rose Dragon to your Extra deck in case you need you find yourself in need of a field clearing ability. As it is a beginner deck, don’t expect to have the three dragons right away. This opens the way for a safe direct attack, which usually results in a one turn kill. The only threat is Karma cut but I have seen many players use Forbidden lance to dodge it, Noble knights being above BE seems weird especially since BE have double the amount of kog entries than NK, BECAUSE IS MUCH MORE POPULAR AND LESS PAY WALL. With "Yu-Gi-Oh! With its help, one of your first targets to summon is Chimeratech Rampage Dragon: a powerful effect monster, which can clear your enemy’s backrow and attack up to three times per turn in exchange for sending two Light Machine monsters to the graveyard. Editor’s note: The deck recipes are based on top decks used in tournaments and in the KC Cup. It’s a staple of every Dark Magician deck because it allows you to search for spells and trap belonging to the archetype. I think that is not bad ;D I think "Ancient Gear " is the best option in this Event. But now that the Kaiba Corp Cup second stage has ended, we have a better understanding of which decks perform the best and what makes them tick. If we get Stardust/Assault Mode, it'll probably be meta. It is a tuner monster that will enable you to bring the big bads from your Extra deck out. :Yu-Gi-Oh! This deck is just getting more popular ^^ it's actually fun to play. cant even see it tbh. Hell spellcasters can’t even utilize trick up the sleeve they have a skill that @@@s them o... Synchro Summon Guide: The Advent of Synchros in Duel Links. IYKWIM. Duel Links decks that will help you climb to the King of Games rank in no time. They have certain characteristics, for example they are very expensive, their plays are almost unstoppable and they win 99% of their duels against other decks. This gives you the ability to make come back plays even when faced with difficult matchups. They have ways to deal with almost every deck and have very few weaknesses themselves. To ensure you draw it in your first hand, you need to use either the Restart or Spell Specialist skill. Cyberload Fusion is a fusion card as it name implies, but it works differently from Polymerization. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. Tier List October 2019. by k1e8iqyj. Therefore, we have selected the 8 best tips for you to build the best deck possible in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links," engage in heated Duels anytime and anywhere against players around the world! I have found 10 of the best decks that are not only the top tier in this game but are guaranteed to score you some wins in PVP and against the A.I.! So, how does the latest iteration of Dark Magician work? You never know what your opponent might have in stock (usually a Treacherous Traphole). Wed Jan 22 2020 a year ago. There are a bunch of great synchros at your disposal. Maybe not tier 1, but yubel + nephthys are still a very very strong option. Don’t think any of the above decks are the right fit for you? Cyberdark: deck recipe ... We update this Yu-Gi-Oh! It’s without a doubt one of the best Duel Links decks. Zane Truesdale’s Cyberdarks were all the rage last year, but this time his original archetype is picking up speed — Cyber Dragons. Unlike most of the decks on this list, Blackwings prefer going second. Let us know in the comments below. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. It’s a best-of-both-worlds fusion deck, which combines card destruction with high damage output. … Shiranui left the meta due to all the hits after cementing itself as one of the best Duel Links decks ever with its domination all throughout 2020. Aleister can then be discarded once more to boost a fusion monster’s attack. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. Other cards worth mentioning are The Eye of Timaeus and Dark Cavalry. I won a lot despite having the "weaker" deck and we always based it on me having insane luck despite my decks always being consistent, Probably get destroyed by any of these except blue eyes but my incomplete scrap dragon deck is 4/4 in KC. Kinda, the other day I played NK using other skills and boi I bricked often. Don’t underestimate the other cards in your extra deck either. Please limit along with Horned Imp. However, Comeback Victories will yield an either greater reward. Squiresaga, on the other hand, can boost your attack and destroy a spell, trap and/or monster on the field. Don’t worry if you don’t own enough copies though. They work anywhere and everywhere, they're small enough to fit into a bag for travel, and there are many different kinds of card games out there. Gozuki and Bacon Saver are two other cards that are great additions, which will only compliment the archetype and “grass” strategy. No matter how strong your deck, if your luck is bad then your chance of losing is nearly 99,9%. Anonymous 7days ago Reply. Meta decks are decks that are often commonly used by players in PvP. However, to get this chain going you need two other essential cards. [ABOUT "Yu-Gi-Oh!"] HOLLY COW MAN THAT YUBEL AND NEPHTYS IS INSANE !!! All that’s left is to practice against some NPCs to get a feeling for all the timings and combos. This makes the deck not only incredibly consistent and self-sustaining but one that assures quick victories in most matchups. But when everyone is playing at 99% consistency, there will be no dueling card game, but just a coin toss who going first. This is why three Cosmic Cyclones are an essential part of it. He was banished to the Shadow Realm. : ... (2019/2020 Edition) Superhero games have been around for decades now.
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