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All healthcare settings and pharmacies are required to enroll in the SPRAVATO™ REMS via a designated authorized representative before they can purchase product from a distributor, dispense, or supervise administration of SPRAVATO™ . Increased risk of suicidal thoughts and actions. The risks for Spravato that led to REMS that were observed in clinical trials were dissociation, increased blood pressure, and sedation. A presentation at the ASHP 54th Midyear Clinical Meeting and Exhibition in Las Vegas, Nevada, touched on how pharmacists can help manage risk evaluation and mitigation strategies (REMS). Drug Availa bility © 2021 MJH Life Sciences and Pharmacy Times. The summary information provided herein is not comprehensive and may not include all of the information relevant to REMS participants. Pharmacy … Continuation of Therapy . Pharmacy Claims BIN: 10020 GROP: 4002 Member: Medical Claims Payer I: 155 36 Member: Get savings on your out-of-pocket medication costs for SPRAVATO®. 28th January 2020 . All rights reserved. Specialty Pharmacy Support (We will provide information associated with REMS-certified Specialty Pharmacies that are covered under this patient’s plan.) The REMS goals for Zulresso include that it must be administered only to patients in a medically supervised setting that provides monitoring while the drug is administered, ensuring that health care settings and pharmacies that dispense it are certified, ensuring that patients are informed of the risk of excessive sedation and loss of consciousness, and need for monitoring while it is administered. Ready S, Dunn S. New drug approvals with REMS: the pharmacist’s role in supporting safe use. Safety concerns reported post-marketing were abuse and misuse, liver function and long-term cognitive impairment, and interstitial or ulcerative cystitis. Bronx, NY 10466. Presented at: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists 54th Midyear Clinical Meeting and Exhibition; Las Vegas, Nevada: December 9, 2019. Health care setting requirements include completing, signing, and submitting the health care setting enrollment form to the REMS program, as well as having a prescriber during administration and for monitoring. The first, brexanolone (Zulresso), is the first FDA-approved treatment for postpartum depression. • ®Establish processes and procedures and train all relevant staff involved in dispensing SPRAVATO on the following: - SPRAVATO® can only be dispensed to a certified healthcare setting. Pharmacies must be certified in the REMS and must only dispense SPRAVATO ® to healthcare settings that are certified in the program. REMS programs can be designed for a specific drug or a drug class, Ready said, adding that they are unique. Stay alert to changes in your mood or symptoms. All rights reserved. The pharmacy should be able to process the patient’s prescription under the patient’s medical benefit, pharmacy benefit, or both. Patients treated in outpatient healthcare settings (e.g., medical offices and clinics) must be enrolled in the program. T: (866)293-1559 Further information, including a list of certified pharmacies is available at www.SPRAVATOrems.com or 1-855- 382-6022. Spravato is used only in a healthcare setting where you can be watched closely for at least 2 hours after each dose. Fax: 1-877-778-0091, Healthcare providers should report suspected adverse events or product quality complaints associated with SPRAVATO® to Janssen at 1-800-JANSSEN (1-800-526-7736) or the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or online at www.fda.gov/medwatch. In the presentation titled “New Drug Approvals With REMS: the Pharmacist’s Role in Supporting Safe Use,” 2 FDA analysts, Selena Ready, PharmD, and Somya Dunn, MD, discussed the role of REMS in new drug approvals and post-marketing safety, the safety concerns that required a REMS for certain new drug approvals, and resources for practitioners to use products safely. Pharmacies must be certified in the REMS and must only dispense SPRAVATO ® to healthcare settings that are certified in the program. The second drug approval is buprenorphine extended-release injection (Sublocade), which is intended to treat moderate to severe opioid use disorder. Inpatient Healthcare Settings must be certified in the SPRAVATO® REMS in order to treat patients with SPRAVATO®, Outpatient Healthcare Settings must be certified in the SPRAVATO® REMS in order to treat patients with SPRAVATO®, Pharmacies must be certified in the SPRAVATO® REMS in order to dispense SPRAVATO®, Patients must be enrolled in the SPRAVATO® REMS in order to receive SPRAVATO® treatment in an Outpatient Healthcare Setting, If you have any questions about the SPRAVATO® REMS or need help with certification or enrollment, call 1-855-382-6022Monday - Friday 8AM - 8PM ET, For SPRAVATO® REMS Program information contact: This site is intended for use by healthcare professionals in the United States and Puerto Rico. By clicking "Continue" you will exit the SPRAVATO® REMS website. Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) in adults. The REMS goal is to ensure that health care settings and pharmacies are certified and only dispense Sublocade directly to a health care provider for administration by a health care provider. Distributed by: Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Titusville, NJ 08560 Patient requirements include enrolling in the patient registry by completing the enrollment form with a health care provider and receiving counseling about the risks. Some people have thoughts about suicide while taking Spravato. • ®Enroll in the SPRAVATO REMS by completing this Pharmacy Enrollment Form and submitting this form to the SPRAVATO® REMS. Disclaimer: This webpage provides general information about REMS programs to various REMS participants (e.g., patients, pharmacies, and healthcare providers). This site is published by Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc., which is solely responsible for its contents. If you have any questions about the SPRAVATO ® REMS or need help with certification or enrollment, call 1-855-382-6022 Monday - Friday 8AM - 8PM ET For SPRAVATO ® REMS Program information contact: Phone: 1-855-382-6022 Fax: 1-877-778-0091 You must be enrolled in the Savings Program before receiving your Janssen … Phone: 1-855-382-6022 We are a REMs-certified pharmacy and currently dispense SPRAVATO to several pharmacies across New York State. Further information, including a list of certified pharmacies, is available at www.SPRAVATOrems.com or 1-855-382-6022. The safety concern for Sublocade that resulted in a REMS is the risk of death or serious harm that could result if the drug is self-administered intravenously. Ketamine Therapeutics has been Certified as a Health Care Center and a Pharmacy by the SPRAVATO™ REMS program. The third drug approval, esketamine nasal spray (Spravato), is used in conjunction with an oral antidepressant to treat treatment-resistant depression in adults. Spravato is available only through a restricted program known as the Spravato REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy) because of serious adverse outcomes that can be associated with the use of the medication including sedation, dissociation, abuse, misuse, and elevated blood pressure. The safety concern for Zulresso that resulted in a REMS is the risk of excessive sedation or sudden loss of consciousness during infusion. Inpatient Healthcare Settings must be certified, Outpatient Healthcare Settings must be certified, Patients must be enrolled in the SPRAVATO, Inpatient Healthcare Setting Certification, Outpatient Healthcare Setting Certification. Your healthcare provider will help you complete this form and provide you with a copy. Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. recognizes that the internet is a global communications medium; however, laws, regulatory requirements, and medical practices for pharmaceutical products vary from country to country. by. Forms are updated frequently. “The communication plan is not intended for patients but health care providers.”. Further information, including a list of certified pharmacies, is available at www.SPRAVATOrems.com or 1-855-382-6022. • Pharmacies must be certified in the REMS and must only dispense Spravato to healthcare settings that are certified in the program. The REMS goals included ensuring that Spravato is only dispensed and administered to patients in a medically supervised health care setting that monitors these patients. SPRAVATO® must never be dispensed directly to a patient for home use. Pharmacies must verify that the health care setting is certified prior to dispensing and not distribute, transfer, loan, or sell Zulresso. Further information, including a list of certified pharmacies, is available at www.SPRAVATOrems.com or 1-855-382-6022. “If we determine that labeling can’t mitigate a safety issue, we require a REMS,” she said. Medical Buy & Bill Undecided Complete this section if you have checked REMS-certified Retail Pharmacy or if your patient has a preferred Specialty Pharmacy. Provider and/or the provider’s healthcare setting is certified in the Spravato REMS program; and Spravato dosing is in accordance with the United States Food and Drug Administration approved labeling; and Initial authorization will be for no longer than 12 weeks. You will need someone to drive you home after using Spravato. Pharmacies must be certified in the REMS and must only dispense SPRAVATO ® to healthcare settings that are certified in the program. Spravato rejected by NICE. Depressive symptoms in adults with major depressive disorder (MDD) with acute suicidal ideation or behavior. Further information, including a list of certified pharmacies, is available at www.SPRAVATOrems.com or 1-855-382-6022. Clinical Pharmacy Program Guidelines for Spravato- ARIZONA . SPRAVATO ® can only be administered at healthcare settings certified in the SPRAVATO ® REMS Program. A REMS is a strategy to manage known or potential risks associated with a drug and is required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure that the benefits of the drug outweigh its risks. The REMS goals included ensuring that Spravato is only dispensed and administered to patients in a medically supervised health care setting that monitors these patients. Spravato. Ready and Dunn discussed 3 new drug approvals with REMS. Pharmacies must be certified in the REMS and must only dispense SPRAVATO ® to healthcare settings that are certified in the program. Background: Quantity Limits and Exclusions: • Maximum dose of Spravato is 84 mg intranasally twice per week during the induction phase, (weeks 1-4); 84 mg intranasally once per week during the maintenance phase, weeks 5-8. For more information about the YESCARTA and TECARTUS REMS Program, see the Program Resources or call 1-844-454-KITE (5483). SPRAVATO® (esketamine) nasal spray CIII is available only through a restricted distribution program called the SPRAVATO® REMS because of the risks of serious adverse outcomes resulting from sedation and dissociation caused by SPRAVATO administration, and abuse and misuse of SPRAVATO. o SPRAVATO™ REMS Pharmacy Enrollment Form o SPRAVATO™ REMS Patient Enrollment Form o SPRAVATO™ REMS Patient Monitoring Form o SPRAVATO™ REMS Letter for Healthcare Providers o SPRAVATO™ Prescribing Information o SPRAVATO™ Medication Guide o SPRAVATO™ Instructions for Use For additional information or questions about the SPRAVATO™ REMS, call 1-855-382-6022. and operate under the same DEA license and physical location with your Inpatient Healthcare Setting, your pharmacy will be … Spravato Nasal Spray Pharmacy Prior Authorization Request Form Do not copy for future use. REQUIRED: Office notes, labs and medical testing relevant to request showing medical justification are required to support diagnosis . Note that each patient's unique insurance benefit design may dictate … © 2021 MJH Life Sciences™ and Pharmacy Times. The role of the pharmacist includes serving as the authorized representative for REMS enrollment, training staff members about REMS requirements and setting up policies and procedures to ensure safe use, and ensuring that the health care setting submits a post-infusion form documenting the outcome of the infusion, as well as a separate adverse event form, if excessive sedation or loss of consciousness occur. Third party trademarks used herein are trademarks of their respective owners. Pharmacies must be certified in the REMS and must only dispense SPRAVATO ® to healthcare settings that are certified in the program. Spravato 56 mg dose kit^ 56 mg/14 days _____ 2 units/14 days 0.15 units Spravato 84 mg dose kit* 84 mg/14 days _____ 3 units/14 days 0.22 units Suicidal Ideation Pharmacy Billing Weeks 1-4 Day Supply Weekly Daily Spravato 84 mg dose kit* 84 mg (twice a week) _____ 6 units/7days 0.86 units

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