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Episode 43 - Puppet Optimus Prime is revived by the Mini-cons but the reunion is short as Red alert and Hotshot are pulled into a portal. R2-D2 waited in Skywalker's starfighter as the two Jedi explored the ship. Kig forbi og bliv klar til campingturen. This is a list of known Autobots from the Transformers fictional universe and toy line. Tosh managed to free himself before being stunned himself, and Ren took Gerin and fled the planet in another spearhead. The two set off in different directions,[110] but C-3PO turned around to give his counterpart one last warning. Two of the gangsters, however, unintentionally activated the thermal detonator. The rebel fell to the ground and accidentally blasted his companion, which caused the other rebels to panic and begin blasting. When Senator Amidala caught wind of Palpatine's plan to kill it, she contacted Kenobi, who invited Skywalker to meet him in the Senate building. Following on from our review of Issue #1 of IDWs newest Transformers comic, Beast Wars, we now bring you the full preview! After locating Hethrir's worldcraft, the Rebirth, Organa Solo and Chewbacca rescued Jacen and Jaina while R2-D2 and Rillao took over worldcraft piloting duties. [224], In the book The Making of Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, George Lucas remarks that R2-D2 recounts the story of Star Wars to a Shaman of the Whills one hundred years after the Battle of Endor. R2-D2 found his friend, and the two rendezvoused with Skywalker and Amidala before meeting Kenobi at the Twilight. While new Decepticon-allied jet characters named Thrust and Ramjet were released in Armada, they each had their own unique molds. As the Solos dined with Calrissian, his wife Tendra, and the Sullustan Nien Nunb, R2-D2, C-3PO, and a nanny droid watched over Allana and Lando's son Chance. [161], One year later, R2-D2 and his counterpart accompanied Organa Solo on a diplomatic mission to Nam Chorios, where she met with Representative Seti Ashgad aboard her flagship, the Borealis. Although R2-D2 and C-3PO did not appear in 1973's original fourteen-page story synopsis of "The Star Wars,"[213] their characters were featured in the 132-page rough draft of "The Star Wars," completed in May 1974, as ARTWO DETWO and See Threepio. Very Beast Machines. Date destroyed BL-17 offered the used of a garage that he claimed was owned by his master, and Moll accepted the offer, unaware that BL-17 was actually working for the bounty hunter Boba Fett. The droids land on the surface of Tatooine. After they split up, R2-D2 and Meade came across Ren in a transmission room. The crew celebrated, and with the war over, Cade vowed to move forward with his life, rather than hiding from his problems and letting the pain of his father's death rule his emotions.[212]. The peace and quiet was shattered when Azlyn Rae—an Imperial Knight serving Roan Fel's Empire-in-exile and an old friend of Cade's— arrived. R2-D2 would continue to travel with Luke while he tried to rebuild the Jedi Order, and still belonged to him as of 40 ABY. There, a decrepit old slicer revealed to them that Durga had an Imperial customer named General Sulamar. Technical specifications When the Tammuz-an Sollag arrived and presented Kez-Iban with a scepter, Kez-Iban's vitality was restored, and he revealed himself as Mon Julpa, Prince of Tammuz-an. [69], As the Confederacy was pushed further and further from its former bases in the Core worlds, Skywalker and Kenobi participated in the Outer Rim Sieges, attacking key Separatist strongholds on the far side of the Galactic Slice. Transformers Collector's Guide: Giga-Cons Tidal Wave with Ramjet (Transformers, Armada, Decepticon): realtime price guide with history, pictures, and info for all parts, weapons, accessories, instructions, and specs. R2-D2's attempts to free her by jacking into a nearby data port saw him violently ejected and sprayed with a web silk countermeasure. R2-D2 displayed a hologram of the "Rawk signal" to Lieutenant Ona Antilles to prove that their blasters were made by Rawk himself, but when Cade contacted Syn and informed him that there was an assassin in the company of the Alliance's Admiral Gar Stazi, Syn insisted on meeting with Stazi himself. [252], While seeking writers for Dark Horse Comics' Droids series, editors Ryder Windham and Dan Thorsland were dismayed that many of their potential hirees regarded R2-D2 and C-3PO as little more than comic relief. Unfortunately, because he wasn't completely repaired, he inadvertently got the Millennium Falcon to veer severely off course, which resulted in a near run-in with an Imperial Fleet as well as escorting four droid children and a Keeper to another world. Homeworld Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [Source]. All Rights Reserved. Lobot left them to seek what he called the "threshold of awareness" of the Vagabond, a biological organism, and there he discovered that the ship was returning home to Maltha Obex, the Qella's ancestral homeworld, bearing the seeds of Qellan civilization. As C-3PO was yet to be covered with an outer plating, R2-D2 candidly remarked that his parts were showing, even calling him "naked." R2-D2 watches Skywalker pledge himself to the reborn Emperor. [81], R2-D2 and C-3PO with their new masters and Kea Moll, R2-D2 infiltrated the base and intentionally alerted the guards to his presence. Franchise: Transformers. However, he rarely used it, as it would result in foreign agents gaining entrance to his internal systems.[13]. When R2-D2 jacked into a computer terminal to get information on the parts of the Unknown Regions that the Empire of the Hand had mapped, he found and retrieved a complete copy of the Caamas Document. With the shields again intact, the pilot Ric Olié was able to break the blockade and flee the planet. R2-D2 and C-3PO vowed to search for said camera, but R2-D2 instead fired his blaster at a mirror. [230] A computer-generated R2-D2 was also used in many scenes of the prequel trilogy, including a scene in Episode II where the character walks up a staircase. As C-3PO and R5-D4 followed Skywalker to the homestead, R5-D4's motivator blew, and the protocol droid convinced his new owners to purchase R2-D2 instead. R2-D2 and C-3PO prepared dessert for the occasion, and after accidentally tossing the prepared food out a window, made a second cake and rushed into the courtroom, crashing into a wall and ending up covered in the cake. While the Solos later investigated the Kessel mines, Allana insisted on going outside to bounce around in the planet's low gravity, and was permitted to by R2-D2 despite C-3PO's protests. [93], While traveling coreward to the Imperial Academy on Raithal, Tosh dropped the droids off on the planet Manda, where he was scheduled to catch a commercial starliner. [132] During the conflict, Skywalker heard of a reclusive old Jedi Master named Joruus C'baoth who lived on the backwater world of Jomark, and he and R2-D2 traveled there. Getting a cocksure or reckless vibe from him and it's not sitting well with me. While trying to retrieve the module, the Super tactical droid Aut-O burst into the room. With under three hours until dawn, they rushed to the Vizier's palace to save their missing comrades, whom Julpa had joined the ranks of after being captured by IG-88. It did not take long for a group of Balnab hunters to find them, ensnare them in a net, and bring them before their leader: an enormous hologram of Albee Dewaw, a being who appeared to be of the same species as most of the Balnab hunters. After evading the squadron of Predator-class TIE fighters, Cade landed the Mynock in the depths of Coruscant's undercity and left to infiltrate the Temple of the Sith, placing R2-D2 in charge of his ship. Following some banter between the General and the Jedi, R2-D2 opened all of his panels and began shrieking; the distraction allowed the Jedi to recall their lightsabers from Grievous's cloak and to begin destroying the battle droids and Magnaguards present on the bridge. 1,181 Followers, 293 Following, 11 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from abdou now online (@abdoualittlebit) It spoke of an invasion of the remote planet Bakura by a mysterious alien species called the Ssi-ruuk, and when Rebel High Command agreed to send representatives to help repel the invasion and attempt to gain the allegiance of Bakura, R2-D2 and C-3PO joined the Leia Organa–led team. R2-D2 and C-3PO followed them to a large hole in the ground that was mostly covered by a heavy seal. Clovis revealed that he had obtained evidence of the InterGalactic Banking Clan's corruption. Skywalker constantly levitated R2-D2 as they traversed craggy canyons, and they eventually located Jade with the help of Child Of Winds, a member of the avian Qom Qae species. [120], However, R2, alongside 3PO, did not participate during the incursions against the Tofs during the same conflict, as they had been loaned to the Star Tours travel agency[105] in 4.3 ABY. As such, Master Yoda assigned Skywalker and Kenobi to hunt Sidious down. [286] Leland Chee, the Keeper of the Holocron continuity database, has stated that in terms of canon, such a comment has to be taken with a grain of salt.[287]. [39], Despite the victory, Grievous, who had been in command of the cruiser, escaped,[39] and Skywalker began dedicating his efforts to tracking the General down. During the battle, a Tri-fighter launched a discord missile at the fighter, and it became covered in buzz droids. When Watto directed them to a moisture farm, the yacht was flown to the Great Chott salt flat, and Amidala instructed R2-D2 to remain with the ship while she and Skywalker went to the farm. While on Endor, he befriended the Ewok Wicket Wystri Warrick. [106], Prior to the departure of Star Tours Flight 1401, the agency's first flight, which was due to depart from Spaceport THX1138, R2-D2 and C-3PO were tasked with making last-minute repairs to the StarSpeeder 1000 that would be taking civilian passengers across the galaxy. The ricocheting blast destroyed XR, which set Smith free and foiled Koong's plans. Although Gunray escaped, a mechno-chair of his was discovered. Syn, in the cockpit, began taking his frustration out on R2-D2 until he spotted the massive warship before them. R2-D2 entered the room with the Solos after C-3PO fetched them and gave C-3PO a questioning tweedle, but was waved to silence by his counterpart.[184]. Discovering that the Vizier's guards had escorted Meade and Sollag out of the hospital, they attempted to return to the inn but got lost on the way, eventually discovering Tosh surrounded by the spy, Vinga, and several of his companions in an alleyway. R2-D2 and C-3PO try to get ahead of their enemies on Bri'ahl. Their destination was Crseih Station, where Organa Solo rendezvoused with Skywalker and Solo and prevented Hethrir from sacrificing Anakin Solo to the extradimensional being known as Waru. Science fiction and other related fields of fiction are often set in the future, or at least involve events in times that have not yet occurred at the time the story comes out. The chair began walking away, and brought a frantic R2-D2 into a compact data room, where it plugged into a control console and programmed itself to self-destruct. Tidal Wave is the largest and strongest transformers (not taking into account Unicron) in the Armada Series. Trivia. Palpatine approved the use of the Republic's newest weapon, the electro-proton bomb, and R2-D2 accompanied Skywalker and Mace Windu to Malastare to oversee the weapon's detonation. [10], The Alliance was called into action just one day after the victory at Endor when an Imperial message drone addressed to the late Emperor was intercepted by Wedge Antilles in Endorian space. After at least one year, they were reassigned to the Tantive IV and its droid labor pool. Toxic Guy. ")[58], Upon rendezvousing with each other, R2 and the rest of D-squad informed Gascon and WAC the presence of Separatists on Abafar. The droids activated an evacuation alarm and brought Joben, Moll, and Demma back to the ship, which Dusat had hotwired. When they finally received a communication from it, R2-D2 and C-3PO matched it to a signal it had broadcasted during a sighting four years earlier, but the protocol droid was unable to translate the mysterious language. However, the Y-wing's reactor shut down, and the droids crash-landed into a marsh. Several clone troopers arrived at that moment to retrieve them, and as they made their way back to an LAAT to leave the planet, Manchucho thanked C-3PO while an Aleena child hugged R2-D2. Via R2-D2, Mace Windu orders Skywalker and Kenobi back to Coruscant to rescue the Chancellor. Although one of the mines' energy spiders latched onto the Falcon's hull, Solo was able to shake it off, and the mission went off without a hitch. When Skywalker came across the datacard that the Princess had inserted into R2-D2,[110] the astromech droid—hoping to trick the youngster into removing his restraining bolt—played an excerpt from Organa's holographic recording. The droid model has been provided and will be overseen by members of the R2-D2 Builders Club. IMDb TVDB Trailer . The datacard contained tactical coordinates for a new droid foundry being constructed on Geonosis,[49] and R2-D2 accompanied Skywalker and several other Jedi to the planet as Republic forces laid siege to the factory. of and to in a is that for on ##AT##-##AT## with The are be I this as it we by have not you which will from ( at ) or has an can our European was all : also " - 's your We Amidala destroyed all three, and the trio was greeted by their three wayward Jedi, Yoda concerned that the location of Ilum's Crystal Caves had been discovered by the Separatists. When C-3PO translated his binary beeps and whistles, Skywalker and Amidala returned to the ship and relayed the message to Coruscant. [183], The following evening, R2-D2 awoke when C-3PO issued him a wake-up command. Morrigan Corde contacted them with the news that Cade has slain Krayt and had taken the Sith Lord's body to be incinerated in Coruscant's sun; Corde had, however, given him a locket with a homing beacon hidden inside. R2-D2 found no vents, which prompted Calrissian and Lobot to use a cutting blaster to open a hole in the bulkhead and enter the rest of the ship. The Duloks fled, and Ploz was rescued from the chasm by R2-D2 and the Ewok Wicket Wystri Warrick. New character, like Nyx? His maintenance work on the ship's hull while it was under fire allowed the queen and her crew to bypass the blockade and flee the sieged world. Anakin Skywalker, now a Jedi Padawan, and his Master Obi-Wan Kenobi were assigned by the Jedi Council to protect the senator from further assassination attempts, and R2-D2 was programmed to warn the two Jedi if anyone intruded into her apartment while she slept. The pirate Kybo Ren fell for the ploy, and brought the Dianoga and several stolen Imperial TIE fighters against Meade and Tosh. [1] A century after participating in the Battle of Endor, R2-D2 told the Keeper of the Whills of the Skywalker family. The Empire was subjugating the planet, but contact from the Alliance operatives on-world, paired with information leaked by the Empire's Lord Tion during a dinner with Organa and her father Bail back on Alderaan, alerted the Royal House of Alderaan to the existence of a secret Imperial construction project: the Death Star, an immense battlestation with enough power to destroy an entire planet. Using his cable gun to detach the head, R2-D2 dragged it across the arena and grafted it to the correct torso. After one unsuccessful attempt to pass through it, the Twilight landed in the spaceport city of Cliffhold, and R2-D2 received and amplified a HoloNet transmission from Amidala and Tano, both of whom were suffering from the effects of the virus. [219] However, according to a trivia question in Star Wars: Behind the Magic, the "Reel 2, Dialogue 2" explanation is just a tale. After the ship's arrival at Theed, R2-D2 accompanied Skywalker and Amidala to the Royal Palace and quietly waited outside the Royal Court as the two met with Queen Jamillia. C-3PO was able to translate the Ssi-ruuvi language and help decipher the aliens' codes,[119] and when he and R2-D2 managed to translate the Ssi-ruuvi communiqués,[120] they learned that the invaders planned to attack Bakura in one hour. When the droids were set free, they found Skywalker's X-wing wrongfully disassembled, and R2-D2 scooped up the starfighter's memory chips to bring to his master. They later fled the exploding scene and joined the Rogues aboard Gar Stazi's flagship, the Alliance. [105], The Rebel operative Shen-and-Gretta Pikeual-Angeles once won R2-D2 from Captain Antilles in a game of sabacc but traded him back for a field position.[108]. Instantly find any Transformers Armada full episode available from all 2 seasons with videos, reviews, news and more! [84], R2-D2 and C-3PO were soon afterward kidnapped by the Fromm Gang and brought to their mining facility on the planet Aaron. They were approached by their old boss Rav on the latter planet and hired for a job on Wayland,[201] but the gig turned out to be a trap engineered by Rav and the Sith lady Darth Maladi. C-3PO was stunned with an ion bolt while contacting Tosh, and after Tosh surrendered, Ren brought his quarry to his base, an island grotto on Tarnoonga. [137], As the new Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet, Skywalker commanded from Byss the Emperor's World Devastator superweapons as they ravaged the surface of the planet Mon Calamari. When they heard the Vagabond re-enter realspace, Calrissian rocketed toward the outer hull with his blaster and attached a tracking limpet.

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