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Welcome to the OC character Mary Sue test. Free Online Quiz test transformer theory and practice. ) Try our quiz, based on the information you can find in Module 11. X-men, Batman, Spiderman, Transformers, The naked... wait you're a Transformer! 4 months ago HMS victory . Our online transformers trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top transformers quizzes. Free Online Quiz test transformer theory and practice. ) You are a Transformer...a new transformer with a great personality. Which Transformer are you? How well do you know transformers? Love. The next time you will score 10! The voltage regulation of a transformer at full-load 0.8 power factor lag is 6 per cent. Teacher . Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website. To get 5 points you need to score in the 95th percentile which currently means 192 or better. Transformers Trivia Questions & Answers : Television Q-T This category is for questions and answers related to Transformers, as asked by users of Not just your story, but you can identify any character if its a Mary Sue or not. the art is not mine and i'd like to give credit to whoever made it, it looks great! IF YOU WERE A TRANSFORMER, Tranformers Trivia. Fanpop has Transformers trivia questions. Question 6/12 Your friend surprises you with a huge party for your birthday. … Transformers is a huge entertainment franchise dating back to 1984. – 1.2. Try our quiz, based on the information you can find in Module 11. As the name itself indicates, secondary side load terminals of the transformer are kept open and the input voltage is applied on the other side. Its voltage regulation at full-load 0.8 power factor lead will be 54% Zero Positive A quiz on the new Transformers movie. I hope to explore that process in the following step-by-step tutorial. If you get answers wrong, just follow the hints on the answers page to find the right answer and learn more about transformers as you go. This name generator will give you 10 random names for transformers. Transformers toys have been around since 1984, and the action-packed movies have been smashing box office records since the very first one was released. Side story to Transformers meets the Iron Giant. Comment. 1. D. Computer Programmer . These circuit parameters are supplied in terms Open Circuit (OC) and Short Circuit (SC) test data of a transformer. Fanpop has Transformers trivia questions. Which one are you and who will you fight for, the ever vigilant and down right nice guy, Optimus Prime. Users also Played. Choose wisely, and find out what you're made of Here is a quiz testing your knowledge about our favourite Transformers. MCQ Quiz Start. Good Autobots or Evil Decepticon. Chief Charlie Burns, Kade, Graham, Dani and … NOTE: I am no character critic cause my critic skills are as high as a rejected Disney character that watched too much sesame street no really they are. you know many things about Transformers! Check it out! We will then show available training courses to fit your/team’s needs. If you are a writer and would like to know if the character you created in a story is a Mary Sue or just an average person, then this quiz here is the next thing you should go after. Depending but I finally made this little animation set of different scenes having added (insta) @x.baylee.ocs.x oc and husbando Deadshot aswell as … (easy quiz). ... Take this quiz with friends in real time and compare results. – minus 10 o C. Flash point-min. Get the ad-free and most optimal, full-featured Sporcle experience. All featured quizzes appear on the home page at one point or another, some appear multiple times. Our Transformer IQ quiz will ask a series of questions and tally results, based on strengths and weaknesses in Dielectric, Electrical, Mechanical and Maintenance categories. Try the top political quiz on GoToQuiz to find where you fall on on multiple axes, then compare your results to others'. And I do not own transformers, other then my OC Pill and a few others, Transformers is a right to Hasbro Art Director . Fandoms: Transformers - All Media Types, The Transformers (IDW Generation One), Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015), Transformers (Unicron Trilogy) Explicit Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings The quiz starts with easy questions and then some which are based on the movies: Transformers 1 until 5. insulate the live parts, maintain insulating properties of the material such as paper, winding, etc. Which Autobot was killed by Megatron on the 1st movie(2007)? 1. What is GotoQuiz? Your Transformers RID 2015 Guardian. B. Quiz taker x oc (transformers prime) roleplay quiz. Home; Electrical Theory. Choose wisely, and find out what you're made of. See how well you do in the Transformers quiz. Click here to see answers. Transformer Theory Quiz questions. the open circuit test on transformer is used to determine core losses in transformer and parameters of shunt branch of the equivalent circuit of transformer. This video contains mild robogore. Not: Mary Sue is female, while on the other hand, male characters with all perfection are called Marty Stu or Gary Stu. What did the Apollo 11 found on the moon according to the next movie(TF: Dark of the Moon)? Take this quiz to find out if you're Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Ironhide, Bumblebee, Ultra Magnus, or Hotrod/Rodimus Prime? Just For Fun TV Transformers Tfp. How well do you know Transformers? Use the form below to send an invite to team members to take the Transformer IQ quiz. hello this is the quiz where you test your OC's skills and personality and skills and put them into a quiz to see if they are good or not yeah just do this. You mingle with everyone feel loved make a mental note of the people that didn't show & … If you do NOT know what a Mary Sue is - a) What are you even doing taking this quiz! Quiz your students on Electricity - Transformers using our fun classroom quiz game Quizalize and personalize your teaching. Bay ruined the Transformers franchise, even though he wanted to put Transformers in a new era. 76 Anime OC Tweets Result patterns 10,080 Enter your name for diagnosis × Are u the ultimite fan of transformers the movie? I hope to explore that process in the following step-by-step tutorial. This name generator will give you 10 random names for transformers. You could be on the Autobot team as Wildstrike or Saberquake, or as a Decepticon as Steelfrost or Electroshadow. Transformer Oil Dielectric Strength Test how good is your OC? If the answer to that question is yes, this is the quiz for you. This Quiz tells you which transformer you are! Which color do you wear most often? You mingle with everyone feel loved make a mental note of the people that didn't show & … 2. Good or evil? Transformers name generator . I'm not here to comfort you. Jun 11, 2020 June 11th, 2020. Viscosity at 27 o C in centistokes-max.– 27 Pour point-max. Transformers was based on the Hasbro toy line of the same name. Transformers Name Generator. See how well you do in the Transformers quiz. How well do you know Transformers? The transformer oil or insulating oil is used in transformers as well as some electrical equipment to:. Or the evil maniacle, power hungry Megatron. E. Financial Analyst . The following is the text of a letter I sent to an inquirer in 1991 regarding the tests. Add to library 191 Discussion 80. This test is performed to find out the shunt or no load branch parameters of equivalent circuit of a transformer. Created by: Skyler ... Transformers 2 Personality Quiz Transformers 2 Personality Quiz . He has tremors that cause his servos to shake. Submit your answers and see how many you get right. Naughty or nice? whats your future going to be like; What Is Your Quirk? See what your OC would look like. He has multiple personality disorder « » Log in or sign up. Friends Trivia Finding Nemo Quiz High School Musical Quiz The … Transformers-Quiz 10 Fragen - Erstellt von: Brendon - Entwickelt am: 15.09.2008 - 30.648 mal aufgerufen - User-Bewertung: 3,9 von 5 - 51 Stimmen - 6 Personen gefällt es Für alle Transformersfans habe ich ein Quiz über die Realverfilmung "Transformers" gemacht. In the second movie who was the main villain? Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Transformer Calculations Quiz Questions ) )) Search for: Related Pages. Rating helps us to know which quizzes are good and which are bad. Your email address will not be published. He put many stories in one film, many humans, creating a film with humans, explosions, which was really boring and exhausting in the end. by Jonathan H. Kantor. What kind of Little are you? A quiz on the new Transformers movie. Mixed Movie Trivia There's a Transformer quiz for everyone. It is possible to predict the performance of a transformer at various loadings by knowing all the equivalent circuit parameters. Oftentimes when someone is introduced to a fandom and they turn out to become big fans of it, the desire to create an Original Character (OC) for the fandom arises. It started out as a toy line of robotic beings who could be transformed into all sorts of vehicles, but it's today probably better known for the hugely successful film franchise. The quiz starts with easy questions and then some which are based on the movies: Transformers 1 until 5. Transformers is no different; but where do you even start? Which Transformer are you? Transformers OC Quiz. 0.05 mg KOH/g Sludge value (using n-heptane)% by weight-max. A better kind of quiz site: no pop-ups, no registration requirements, just high-quality quizzes Our Transformer IQ quiz will ask a series of questions and tally results, based on strengths and weaknesses in Dielectric, Electrical, Mechanical and Maintenance categories. I'm here to tell you that he or she JUST MIGHT BE! T.T.23 you are right about Bay's Transformers and Optimu's appearance. Transformers Quiz. Or the evil maniacle, power hungry Megatron. Which one are you and who will you fight for, the ever vigilant and down right nice guy, Optimus Prime. Quiz topic: What is my Transformer name? You may know the Transformers, but can you name all of these Autobots without making a mistake? This quiz is testing out a new look, and if you notice any visual bugs please report them. Since the original movie, there have been a plethora of sequels - five of them to be exact. What Transformer Are You? Here is a quiz testing your knowledge about our favourite Transformers. 5. Submit your answers and see how many you get right. Everyone knows the Burns family. Complete the quote: "_____ rarely calls upon us at a time of our choosing." Question 6/12 Your friend surprises you with a huge party for your birthday. WARNING! Before it was a featured quiz the average score was pretty high.. mostly it was taken by Transformers geeks, I guess.. so the average was up to close to 100. ? Transformer Theory Quiz questions. Oftentimes when someone is introduced to a fandom and they turn out to become big fans of it, the desire to create an Original Character (OC) for the fandom arises. Submit. The purpose of these tests is to determine the parameter of the equivalent circuit, voltage regulation and efficiency of the single / three-phase transformer. That is up to you! Accuracy: A team of editors takes feedback from our visitors to keep trivia as up to date and as accurate as possible. Friends Trivia Finding Nemo Quiz High School Musical Quiz A Cinderella Story Quiz Bring It On Quiz Ferris Bueller's Day Off Quiz Grease Quiz The Simpson's Quiz The Fast and the Furious Quiz Rush Hour Quiz. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Are you like Optimus or Megatron? In this article we will transformer MCQ Quiz online test by which you can track your exam performance at home and learn with fact transformer MCQ online test improve your exam performance at home . Get the best of Sporcle when you Go Orange.This ad-free experience offers more features, more stats, and more fun while also helping to support Sporcle. Take this quiz to find out if you're Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Ironhide, Bumblebee, Ultra Magnus, or Hotrod/Rodimus Prime? – 145 o C. Specific gravity – 0.85 to 0.88 Acidity at 27 o C max. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Which career would you rather pursue? The Transformers have always had a giant roster, so they could sell more toys tell epic stories (we were right the first time) but still managed, over the course of its 30-year lifespan and billion-dollar making film franchise, to develop characters that fans not only love, but have become icons around the world. Play Transformer quizzes on Sporcle, the world's largest quiz community. Build A Transformer And We'll Tell You If You're An Autobot Or A Decepticon. There's a really hot chick who is lost, scared, and in terrible danger. Your email address will not be published. See more ideas about transformers, transformers art, transformers characters. A comprehensive database of more than 27 transformers quizzes online, test your knowledge with transformers quiz questions. this is the main reason for doing SC and OC tests on the transformer.The power required during the test is equal to the power losses occurring in the three-phase transformer. A. Take this quiz to find out which Transformer you are! Viewer discretion is advised.Here's a bit of a darker piece I did. The main enemies in TF: Age of Extinction: It was little tricky but most of it was easy. What Transformer Are You? Quizzes Names Videos Humor. !The fate of mankind rests in your hands!!!! If you get answers wrong, just follow the hints on the answers page to find the right answer and learn more about transformers as you go. Comment. Transformer Tests page 4 (PDF: 396Kbytes) (includes sample waveforms) There have been some misunderstanding on these measurements. Trending Quizzes. About This Quiz The Autobots and Decepticons have been at war for a very long time now, and while both sides are equally powerful, a winner has to be decided. Michael Bay created a unique transformers look in which Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman used for Transformers Prime series. 113,007 people diagnosed : Hot! transformers quiz. Of course I have one! (Tinkerbell) Special Feature. They're really good, but they're too good for their own, well, good. You're probably here because you got a flame (or a very very harsh review) of your story, telling you that your character is a Mary Sue. So which side would you be on or better yet, which Transformer are you? What device the Transformers wanted in the 1st movie on 2007? Have a look around and see what we're about. There's a really hot chick who is lost, scared, and in terrible danger. His spark is weak and he is prone to spark attacks. Are you sure you want to delete this comment? Home; Electrical Theory. Naughty or nice? EASY. A. SC and OC Test are performed to determine Copper and Iron Loss respectively. Since this test is carried out by without pla… If you take this quiz, you could even find out more about Transformers! It pretty clearly states the methodology and goals for these tests. Transformers OC name. This quiz has well-described characters, from old but wise Optimus Prime, to helpful Bumblebee, bloodthirsty Starscream,and evil Megatron. Transformers Online Test - Multiple Choice Questions and Answers,online quiz,online bits,interview questions and answers pdf free download for EEE students. Transformers 2 Personality Quiz Transformers 2 Personality Quiz . Blue . That is up to you! ... More Transformers Quizzes. Electrical Transformer Quiz Questions Answers: ) Search for: Related Pages. Without actually loading the transformer, these two assessed tests give the test results which are used […] Who from the Arcee Sisters we saw them killed in the 2nd movie? Transformers Quiz: Who's That Autobot? This quiz was on the front page a very long time ago and at this point I think the only people who come here are probably huge Transformers nerds. so by obtaining these values we can obtain efficiency as follows:- efficiency = input/(input+losses) 2. efficiency can be found for any desired load without connecting it to full load. Transformers is no different; but where do you even start? I wish it was still really popular, it is, but more!!!! Well Done! Users also Played. I'm actually impressed by that, too. I love transformers I’m obsessed!!!!!! Friendship. My OC has no weakness, nothing can stop them! Transformers name generator . Transformers that increase (step-up) or reduce (step-down) electrical voltage are used in many industrial and public utility applications. This one is a user-created quiz and didn't get featured for a while. 1. Welcome sparklings,are you ready to find out your true self?Then take this quiz :D Have fun be ready NO RE MAKING THIS QUIZ and autobots good luck. 1 Comment. Remember to rate this quiz on the next page! C. Lawyer . Wherever they are used, it is critical for the installation team to complete several different tests prior to installation. This fun personality quiz will tell you which Transformers character you are most like! the Short Circuit test on transformer is used to determine copper loss in transformer at full load and parameters of approximate equivalent circuit of transformer. / My weakness? Which Transformer Auto Bot Character Are You? I know that you are somebody. Questions and Answers . Transformers is a huge entertainment franchise dating back to 1984. Thank you for becoming a member. The basic function of a transformer is to change? Use the form below to send an invite to team members to take the Transformer IQ quiz. How well do you know Transformers? It started out as a toy line of robotic beings who could be transformed into all sorts of vehicles, but it's today probably better known for the hugely successful film franchise. Belinda Hill. And who didn’t want to be a Transformer when they were a kid? Welcome sparklings,are you ready to find out your true self?Then take this quiz :D Have fun be ready NO RE MAKING THIS QUIZ and autobots good luck. Destiny. 10. Are you an autobot or decepticon? Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website. About This Quiz Mechanical aliens that can turn into cool cars and other kinds of gadgets? Jan 18, 2021 - Explore Dingus 21's board "Transformer OC Ideas" on Pinterest. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Iron Giant, Transformers Prime or Rescue Bot characters except for Robin Hughes, Alice Burns, and any other OC character I might add. that you can create and share on your social network. Good Autobots or Evil Decepticon. Related quizzes can be found here: Transformers Quizzes This fun personality quiz will tell you which Transformers character you are most like! Play this quiz to find out,NOW!!! We will then show available training courses to fit your/team’s needs. Are you an autobot or decepticon? (original quirks) What Fairy Talent Are You? Transformers Quiz. F. Translator . 10 Questions - Developed by: Nathan Sanderson - Developed on: 2017-05-12 - 33,010 taken - 32 people like it 1/10 This is a transformers prime quiz but its reader x my oc this quiz is for boys and lesbians only. Are you like Optimus or Megatron? This test results the iron losses and no load current values, thereby we can determine the no load branch parameters with simple calculations. Try the top political quiz on GoToQuiz to find where you fall on on multiple axes, then compare your results to others'. What is Murmur's health problem? Good or evil? Have YOU ever wondered, if you were a transformer, which character you would be? 10. 1. Open circuit test is performed on a transformer to measure the no-load losses and to obtain the transformer core electrical parameters namely magnetizing impedance and core loss resistance.Rated voltage is applied to the low voltage winding and high voltage winding is left open circuited.This is done for reasons of safety and convenience. Who found Optimus Prime in the 4th movie? used in the machine, protect the machine parts from rust and corrosion, But in his movies Transformers were the good and the bad aliens who wanted to protect and destroy Earth and humans always involved in the fights e.t.c.
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