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When Colonel Franklin revealed that his motives were peaceful, she became friendly with him, and eventually decided that they were going to get engaged. Decepticon characters from the Fall of Cybertron portion of the Aligned continuity family. Embark on an adrenaline-fueled journey through a wide range of missions and massive environments designed around each character's unique abilities. Jeff Gerstmann. Transformers needs to have a wide variety of unique characters and a rich assortment of big environments to use their transforming gameplay. In his final battle with Optimus Prime, he gained a new transformation in which his back wings/cape formed a cannon on his chest, which fired dark electrical energy (Death Cannon). Fall of Cybertron- The Ark. The Cybertron Defense Team can combine their Cyber Key special attacks against a single foe (Triangle Attack), such as Galvatron. He helps to operate Quickmix while the latter is in vehicle mode. Returning during the search for the Cyber Planet Keys, Sideways (Noisemaze) aligned himself with Starscream, considering him the best chance he had at revenge against Gigantion. Megatron is a Triple Changer, transforming from a Batmobile-like dragster into a Cybertronian jet. Planet X was home to weapon manufacturers/dealers, thieves, murderers and villains of all walks of life, who took their planet on a voyage of galactic conquest and destruction. TRANSFORMERS: Fall of Cybertron transports you to the final days of the planet Cybertron where you will experience the darkest hours of the apocalyptic war between the Autobots and Decepticons. So when Transformers: Fall of Cybertron came out, I was a little less than enthusiastic. He often takes on the form of a jet or a combat aircraft of some kind. Mudflap transforms into a crane truck. He formed a connection with the Autobot, and eventually left his planet to help Optimus Prime save the universe. Like most of the Scrapmetals, the Cobybot transforms into a "spider-tank" vehicle. Giant Bomb users. Although Unicron does not bear a Decepticon insignia on his body, he is assumed to be on the Decepticon side due to his extreme level of evil and his rivalry with Primus. These were values that his student Scourge could not accept, and he left Backstop's tutelage; when the Autobot Overhaul arrived on the planet, Backstop and his last remaining student Snarl trained him, and sided with Optimus Prime's forces in the battle to save the galaxy. He has a tendency to come up with grand but largely ineffective special attacks (The Japanese version has him parodying lines said in Mecha anime characters), and would rather be a winner than be evil. Between the events of Energon and Cybertron, Wing Saber let his powers and the Autobots' victory get to his CPU. Having been battled by the Transformers in previously in Armada and Energon, Unicron was ultimately defeated when his spark was imprisoned by Primus within an energon sun. Originally, Crosswise was intended to be called "Smokescreen", leading to a production mistake that saw him referred to by this name during the original airings of his debut episodes on Kids' WB. A powerful Decepticon that had stayed on Cybertron and served as the leader of the Decepticons while Megatron was on Earth. His Mini-Con partner is named Stripmine (Killbull), who transforms into a mining vehicle. Override was originally conceived as a male character, and appears as such as in Transformers: Galaxy Force, the Japanese counterpart of Cybertron. Available exclusively to members of the Official Transformers Collectors Club, the short bi-monthly comic strip published in the club's newsletter - in addition to explaining away the plot holes that exist between the Armada, Energon and Cybertron animated series - expands the story of Cybertron to include many other characters. Override transforms into a race car (most likely a Lotus), and her Cyber Key power allows her to boost her engine speed (Nitro Boost). Each adds some notable new multiplayer characters, like Dinobots, Insecticons, and more. As Backstop's student, Snarl (Fang Wolf) was formerly friends with the planet leader, Scourge. When he uses Sparkdrinker in Super Mode, he uses Galaxy Giga Crush. He was in the cyber key race, but was dropped after the desert race. He transforms into a robotic Pteranodon, and his Cyber Key deploys twin blades from his wings (Slash Knife). A collection of models from the ever popular Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. Franklin later becomes an ally of the Autobots themselves. (The animated version of Soundwave is not shown using his Cyber Key to "eject" Laserbeak, or to use it at all.). Once on Velocitron, the Speed Planet, however, Hot Shot finds his title challenged by the planet leader Override, leading to many races, and a personal conflict between duty and ego. the Unicron Trilogy) Animated Live action movie trilogy. They inspired legends of monsters & supernatural creatures among the people of Earth. Unlike his other counterparts, this one sounds like a deadpan 80s' rave club DJ. More polished than reworked from the ground up, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron is nevertheless fun to play, and a literal blast at times. His armor can also restore him. When Red Alert and Hot Shot were sent to Velocitron, his matter-of-factness lead him to clash with the younger Autobot. The mistake was then drafted into a toy. Reformatted into Leobreaker, he gained a liger alternate mode and deadly Cyber Key Power claws (Platinum Claw, as well as Ultra Liger Drop), and could now combine with Optimus Prime into Savage Claw Mode (Liger Convoy, with the Force Chip special attack Liger Grand Break). Metroplex lends Optimus Prime Sparkdrinker for Optimus to use as a bludgeoning weapon (Galaxy Giga Crush). His doubts cause Nemesis Breaker to be born and Megatron gains Dark Claw Mode ability. Optimus Prime. Guardian of Earth's Cyber Planet Key, Aerial Commander Evac (Koku Shireikan Live Convoy) has existed secretly on the planet for many years, repeatedly switching alternate modes and aiding humans in danger. His position as second-in-command and loyalty to Megatron (feigned or sincere) are definitive aspects of the character. He is partnered with the Mini-Con Drill Bit (Horribull), who becomes a drilling vehicle. An avid racer, he takes pride in the fact that he considers himself the fastest in the universe. An autobot transformer from the game Transformers War for Cybertron. The smaller and more "intelligent" member of the "Gruesome Twosome" (although that's not saying much), Ransack (Gasket) makes up for his small size in nimbleness, agility, fairly quick wits, and the fact that he has a bigger partner that can beat up people for him. He transforms into a robotic Spinosaurus with a flail weapon for a tail, and a Cyber Key Power that deploys a blade from his fin (Crest Sword, Horn Blade in the English dub). The character has been used in the television series, comic book series, and collection of children's toys manufactured by Takara Tomy in conjunction with Hasbro. There are, however, some notable exceptions. Ratchet is the Autobot medic, and key part of the team. The world was decorated with vast race tracks, and the starship's occupants spent their days competing in races until, by the present day, their descendants filled their time with nothing but. She even developed a rivalry with the female Decepticon Thunderblast. His Cyber Key activates an arm-mounted bladed weapon, and switches his faction signal back and forth from Autobot to Decepticon. But his experiences throughout the Transformers: Armada and Energon conflict had shaped Starscream into a bitter mech with his own ambitions, and he sought to acquire the power of the Cyber Planet Keys himself. He transforms into a Apatosaurus. Optimus Prime (Unicron Trilogy) Megatron (Unicron Trilogy) Hot Shot (Armada) Thunderblast (Cybertron Decepticon) Starscream (Unicron Trilogy) Lori. Transformers: Fall of Cybertron is a direct continuation of Transformers: War for Cybertron. As Overhaul, he transformed into a military offroad SUV, and his Cyber Key Power allowed him to launch a piledriving missile from his chest ("Anchor Shot", Slam Attack in the English dub). He also has a turbine wind attack (Jetstream, Turbine Wave in the English dub). 4 ancient ancestor Transformers that are seen in "Balance". Sideways transforms into a spacecraft. A blue, camera-like 'bot that served as announcer and "eye-in-the-sky" commentator for the big race. [1] A reviewer at TFORMER (a division of Entertainment News International) noted that the Coby Ramble toy was simply a "remold and repaint". Soundwave makes his entrance later in the search for the Cyber Planet Keys, offering to guide Megatron and the Decepticons to the wormhole that would lead them to Gigantion. your own Pins on Pinterest Well, color me surprised, because Fall of Cybertron is actually a halfway decent game. The ending credits show that she and Coby eventually get married. Ultimately, he was destroyed by Metroplex, returning him to the darkness from whence he came. He functions as a coordinator, and plans all of the Mini-Con work in Gigantion. With more Decepticons swarming the engine room, Optimus heads off to help, leaving Bumblebee to protect the bridge. Game » Transformers: War For Cybertron Trilogy characters. Thunderblast (Chromia) is an ancient female Transformer who was locked up by Crosswise and initially served Starscream, but turned to Megatron's side based on how hunky he was. Naturally, I was hoping that Fall of Cybertron would scratch that same itch, and it … Cybertron features a large cast of characters, something which has not been seen since the original 1980s animated series. His Cyber Key Power makes his cannons more powerful ("Galaxy Cannon: Full Burst!). Megatron invades the ship using the Nemesis, sending Decepticons over directly to the bridge of the Ark, forcing Bumblebee, Ratchet and Optimus Prime to fight off the aggressors. Metroplex is a massive Autobot who transforms into a city. The final scene of Galaxy Force is a picture of their wedding, surrounded by their family members, as well as Landmine, Six Speed, and Optimus Prime in the background together. Items (19) Subscribe to all. Later using the Matrix of Leadership replacing the role of the Spark of Combination, he combines with his fellow Autobot Leobreaker to form Savage Claw Mode (Liger Convoy), and with Wing Saber to form Sonic Wing Mode (Kosoku Kido Soshireikan Sonic Convoy) though the Autobots claim when Prime and Leobraker combine for the first time, "I didn't know Autobots could do that". His Cyber Key power unleashes energy from his hands which he used on Starscream but he deflects it. However, he was considered a loose cannon, and thus, felt alone. This article lists characters that appear in Transformers: Cybertron, the third chapter of the "Unicron Trilogy" series of the Transformers franchise.The Autobots act as the main protagonists of the series, with the Decepticons as the main antagonists. Coby Hansen is the primary human character in Cybertron. Despite his status as medic, he never backs away from a fight. As Primus's brother and ancient foe, Unicron sought to destroy life where Primus sought to protect it. Prime transforms into a fire engine, and can convert into a secondary flight mode, or merge with his trailer into Super Mode. Rad, Carlos, Alexis, and Kicker from Armada and Energon briefly appeared in the finale to strengthen Hasbro's connection of Armada, Energon, and Cybertron. Together with Thundercracker, they rain terror down from the skies of Cybertron. Fall of Cybertron has some truly excellent moments, but you'll need to look past some serious downsides to enjoy the overall package. He can also assume a smaller "work mode" for more precise tasks. Released Aug 21, 2012. The Autobot's scout and 'Little Brother', Bumblebee is just as couragous as his fellow Autobots. He speaks in a German accent. A member of the Autobots who is a very dedicated fighter. They include several that resemble an Apatosaurus, an owl, a deer, a giraffe, and a tropical bird. Fall of Cybertron plumps up for a single storyline as opposed to multiple plots based on the separate factions. One such human was a young boy named Franklin, leading the child to pursue knowledge of Transformers for years afterwards. Before multiplayer combat, players can create their own unique characters with the most in-depth, advanced customization ever before seen in a Transformers game. She quickly and easily befriends Coby, Bud and Lori due to their own open-mindedness about her theories, and becomes involved in investigating the Transformers for the government. His relationship with Hot Shot is comparable to Hot Rod and Kup from the original G1 cartoon. Two factions, the Autobots and the Decepticons, vie for control of their home world, Cybertron. Hardened and cruel, Scourge espouses the mantra of "Might makes right", but he found his ideals challenged by Leobreaker and the Autobots. However, the Scrapmetal population clearly survived, as shown by the swarm that attacked and nearly killed Crumplezone. One of the oldest residents of Speed Planet and a friend and teacher to Clocker, Brakedown (Autolander)'s wisdom as an experienced racer gives him a different perspective on situation than others, making him invaluable to young racers in training. Overhaul (Jackshot) was once a famous Autobot soldier with a reputation for winning seemingly impossible battles. As the ending credits of the final episode show, he won an Academy Award for the documentary he produced about his adventures. These include: There are a number of Transformers in the toyline that do not appear in the show, most of which are American-exclusives. Long-time ruler of Velocitron, Speed of Sound Commander Override (Onsoku Shireikan Nitro Convoy)'s life is dominated by racing, to the extent that she would not impart information, or even hold a conversation with anyone if they did not face her in a race. The entire culture of Velocitron is built around racing and speed, and its Cyber Planet Key is, naturally, a racing trophy that can only be acquired by defeating the planet's leader. When he was ultimately defeated in combat by Optimus Prime, his pride and jealousy motivated him to join the Decepticons (taking over Starscream's position as Megatron's second-in-command), but from the hard lessons from Lori, Bud, and the Autobots he would learn would eventually turn him to the side of light. He transforms into a motorcycle, armed with a grenade launcher activated by his Cyber Key (Side Machine Gun). The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, trophies, and secrets for Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron for PlayStation 3 (PS3). There is a Japanese exclusive toy called Soundblaster, and his minion is a Laserbeak-type named Hell Buzzsaw. Hot Shot initially transformed into a swift sportscar that could be boosted to even greater speeds through his Cyber Key Power (Accel Wing). His Cyber Key power is the same as Leobreaker. She is also lava impervious as she once swam on it, and she is a master of water travel. The ending credits show that they married and have a child. Butt Monkey: Megatron snarks and yells at him the most. Now having picked up the native accent of the planet Nebulos (similar to the Australian accent), Jetfire transforms into a cargo plane based on an An-225 Cossack and can unleash a pair of twin cannons through the use of his Cyber Key Power (Dread Cannon - Full Burst, Afterburner Blast Attack in English dub). He and his Decepticons are the main opposing force to Optimus Prime and his Autobots. Slag is a member of the Autobot Dinobots. Along the way, she gains a friendship with Override and forms a connection with Scourge - both referring to her as "little sister". Saddened by their planetary level of destruction, the Gigantions dedicated themselves to construction, covering their planet with gargantuan cities which they completed and then abandoned, moving on to the next project. The Cybertronian starship called the Ogygia came to rest on a barren world, which its inhabitants soon dubbed Velocitron, the Speed Planet. Although a stern and methodical leader, he is a compassionate robot who deeply cares for each of his subordinates. In the finale, as the Autobots prepare to leave, in order to begin construction of a new space bridge, Coby is joined by Lori as he sits on his drone. He could also combine with Nemesis Breaker to form Dark Claw Mode (Liger Megatron) for a short period of time, with a similar Cyber Key power to Optimus Prime's Savage Claw Mode Cyber Key attack (Liger Death Strike). He is physically powerful enough to best Megatron in mere seconds (an unequaled feat amongst the Transformers of this era), and joined up with the Autobots almost as quickly. Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Bruticus is so big that he can actually kill enemies by stepping on them. Dec 4, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Andres Madrigal. Voiced by: Robert O. Smith (in most episode), Garry Chalk (in "Giant"). In one episode it is revealed that he has a fear of needles. In addition to the giant Transformers, Gigantion is also populated by Mini-Cons, who perform the small, intricate, detailed tasks of construction that the larger robots cannot. Cartoon Network's desire that the show have a greater female presence saw Hasbro recast Override as a female - a change that, though seeming sheer coincidence, functions very well, given the character's friendship with Lori and rivalry with Thunderblast. The brash youth of the Autobot team, Hot Shot (Exillion/Exigeyser) has a need for speed. As a former student of the master Backstop, Dark Commander Scourge (Ankoku Shireikan Flame Convoy) sought to bring peace to the Jungle Planet, but in using his vast strength to crush all opposition and accomplish his goal, he lost sight of his teacher's ideals and ruled the world through intimidation and shows of power. For Transformers: Fall of Cybertron on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "All but confirmed now, No PvP multiplayer in RotDS". Transformers: Fall of Cybertron transports you to the final days of the planet Cybertron where you will experience the darkest hours of the apocalyptic war between the AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS. An evil doppelganger of Leobreaker who was born from Leobreaker's doubts and the dark power contained in Megatron's Unicron Armor. The leader of the Dinobots from the Transformers franchise. The destruction of Unicron - the embodiment of evil - in this manner, however, caused a fundamental imbalance in the universe, which caused the sun to collapse in upon itself, creating the massive black hole that threatened not just Cybertron, but the entire multiverse. As one of the first thirteen Transformers created by the race's deity, Primus. A Coby Ramble toy was released as part of the EX-02 Sonic Convoy, which is a giftset that was released exclusively for Toys "R" Us Japan. 30 images (& sounds) of the Transformers: Fall of Cybertron cast of characters. Although he was one of the Decepticons freed by Starscream, Lugnutz (Roadstorm) had very little interest in actually fighting for him. Voiced by: Lisa Ann Beley (earlier episodes), Nicole Oliver (later episodes). Ultimately, a large number of them joined the space bridge project at the end of the series. From the onset of the series, Coby has a somewhat antagonistic relationship with Lori; their first conversation is an argument (in the Japanese version, she mocked him for liking machines to living creatures). Despite recruiting natives from all the different worlds that the Transformers visited, Megatron was continuously met with failure, but upon his defeat by Metroplex on Gigantion, his Armor of Unicron tapped into the world's Cyber Planet Key and upgraded him into the insanely powerful Master Galvatron. Transformers Fall of Cybertron Glitches Free Fall Glitch During the Campaign Mode, you can be using a grappling hook on a corner and it can throw you across the map. Originally, Cybertron was created in Japan as a separate standalone continuity called Transformers: Galaxy Force, but it was dubbed and edited into Cybertron. His Cyber Key power increase the power of his drills. He stayed at Scourge's side to keep an eye on his old friend, until Overhaul arrived on the planet and Snarl was branded a traitor for helping him. Though he can handle his duties with precision, he is known for being quite nervous and unsure of himself. We’ve assembled a big cast of playable characters, each one bringing very unique skills to the battle. After being upgraded, he now transforms into a military APC armed with multiple missile launchers, and his Force Chip power becomes Double X Shot or Battle Dagger. Soundwave transforms into a stealth jet fighter, and is partnered with the Mini-Con-like robot, Laserbeak (Killer Condor). In robot mode, his key deploys twin shoulder blasters (Shoulder Vulcan). Super Electric Lightning Shock Electric Thunder Cracker Punch!, English: Super Electric Lighting Thundercrackin' Punch/Hyper Ultra Big Missile Full Burst Maximum Alpha!/Hyper Ultra Big Missile Full Burst Maximum Beta Two). Grimlock is a cybertronian tyrannosaurus and one of the most powerful characters in the franchise. As a city girl, she was not pleased when her parents moved from a city to a small town in Colorado, but the adventures she had with the Transformers soon took her mind off that. He captures the Autobot Grimlockand experiments on him, turning his vehicle form into a T-Rex. [2] He lives in Colorado with his younger brother, Bud,[2] and older brother, Tim and enjoys dirtbike racing and has worked at a mechanic's shop. His Cyber Key powers up Sparkdrinker (Megalo Crush/Axe Crusher), or he can throw it like a boomerang (albeit a very big one) (Megalo Boomerang). The sequel to 2010's Transformers: War for Cybertron, this game shows the the tailend of the War before it left for Earth. Coby's younger brother, Bud is a kid through and through. In the series, he is a mechanically-inclined 14-year-old who is often called on by the Transformers to do repairs. The only Decepticon to take on an Earth mode, Thundercracker was first mentioned in Armada when Starscream was contemplating his supercharged color scheme. However, Evac and Crosswise made a deal with Lugnutz, and released them to help in the final battle against Galvatron. The denizens of Jungle Planet. Autobots living on Earth while Cybertron is threatened by the black hole. Defeated in the race for Velocitron's Cyber Planet Key, he broke off his ties with Megatron. Don't let his small stature fool you into a false sense of security. In the series, multiple "extra" Transformers have been shown, with most of them serving as the general inhabitants of the various planets. While they bear the Decepticon symbol, they serve neither Megatron or Starscream, and act like swarms of vicious insects. He transforms into a Su-27 Flanker, and his Cyber Key activates the blaster in place of his left arm and in jet mode the Cyber Key power gives him a gun on his back (Thunder Hell, English: Thunder Cannon /Super Hell Special Deluxe/Big Spinning Thunder Hell Scattering Fireworks, English: Rain of Ultimate Destruction/Sure Kill Ultra Hurricane Slash And Crush Shoot, English: Triple Spinnin' Laser Willmaker/Drill Spinning Thunder Hell Electric Drop/Hissatu! However, he found he could not stomach the Decepticon way of doing things, and ultimately left them; consumed with guilt over what he had done, he was given a second chance and welcomed back into the Autobot fold by Landmine. Design and Presentation: 7.5/10 The visuals haven’t changed drastically, and besides a few refreshed character models, the Autobots and Decepticons still look the same overall. Scheming with the mysterious Sideways, Starscream liberated the ancient Decepticons trapped on Earth and acquired the Omega Lock and three Cyber Planet Keys, allowing him to tap the power of Primus and grow to a gigantic height. In his recreated form as a missile launcher tank, his Cyber Key Power transforms his launchers into a powerful rifle and rocket launcher ("Twin Search Missile" in Galaxy Force). The denizens of Speed Planet. He came back as soon as the Autobots and Decepticons tried to take the Omega Lock from Starscream, forcing him and Optimus to combine. One of Scourge's troops, Undermine (Dinoshout) is somewhat shifty and underhanded. Onslaught transforms into a Truck and forms the Torso of Bruticus. Starscream is a recurring character in the Transformers franchise. He transforms into a large-scale drilling machine, while Heavy Load becomes a dump truck. [citation needed]. Scourge transforms into a dragon. From there, Wing Saber broke every rule in the Autobots' standards, he even attacked Optimus. He transforms into a Triceratops and is not very bright but makes up for this with his immense strength. send you an email once approved. The Decepticons often ride on him a lot. Will continue to grow with the goal of uploading most, if not all of the major playable characters from the game. Voiced by: Yukiko Tamaki (Japanese); Samuel Vincent (English). She has a flighty, fun-loving, girlish personality, but ultimately, her only loyalty is to herself, and she will join whomever is most powerful. He speaks with a Southern accent (which possibly is a homage to Ironhide). Transformers: Fall for Cybertron has gotten another DLC packs today, with yet another on September 25. A Transformer who takes the form of a large. Ever since he became Leobreaker he tried to take down Scourge. The Cobybot (Coby Ramble in Galaxy Force) is a Scrapmetal that Coby Hansen refitted as his own pilotable Transformer in the Cybertron series. Benevolent Boss :In contrast to Zeta or Megatron, and this inspires so much loyalty. Having removed himself from the linear universe eons ago, he existed outside of time, watching over the multiverse until the threat of the black hole emerged, forcing him to return to Cybertron and alert Optimus Prime's Autobots to the power of the Cyber Planet Keys. After being damaged by Megatron, he was upgraded by the Omega Lock and made a member of the Cybertron Defense Team, becoming more sure of himself. In the final Planet Cup race, he modified himself to give himself extra speed (Reverse Tune Ignition), but still lost. He became leader of Cybertron after Optimus Prime leaves for the Space Bridge Project. Starscream. Bunny Ears Lawyer: Despite his nerves and whining, he's fast and a competent soldier otherwise. Each of the Cyber Planet Keys contains a portion of his power; upon the collection of all but the Gigantion key, Cybertron transformed into Primus's robot mode and defeated Starscream in battle using his own moons as weapons. A petty, but ruthless thug, Skywarp is a Decepticon Seeker under the command of Starscream. The leader of the Decepticons, he can usually be found trying to steal the earths energy. Operating as a third factor in the remainder of the conflict, Starscream battled with Megatron, Optimus Prime and even Primus himself by growing skyscraper size and planet size. Descendants of the original Transformers who came to the planet on the starship Atlantis. The starship known as the Atlantis came to Earth, hovering in the skies above the world before a malfunction caused it to crash into the ocean, giving rise to the human legend of the sunken continent of that name. Quickmix (Blender) is Metroplex's right-hand man and knows "a lot about a lot". Its special attack is Hissatu Coby Shot. When Hot Shot arrived on Velocitron, the noble goals of the young Autobot swayed her to their side, and she joined the heroes in the greatest race of all - the race to save the galaxy. Coby and Bud, along with their friend, Lori (the only female of the series),[2] befriended the Autobots after finding and aiding the damaged Landmine. He succeeded in sealing the Decepticons in stasis beneath the ice fields of Alaska, but he too was trapped, frozen in ice, until Earth's military uncovered him in the present day.

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