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Ratchet held the Decepticons off, allowing both of the Autobots to escape. The Autobot envoys were attacked shortly after landing, as the local Junkions decided they looked like spare parts in the making. Freeing the massive Autobot, Ironhide joined Optimus and Warpath in protecting Ratchet long enough to repair Omega to the open the Gate. Since Ironhide already is having a red head, I'm applying white on Ratchet. Many a child wept with dispair after asking for a transformer and getting one of these. Ironhide and Ratchet claim each other as mates, bringing forward the first litter in Optimus' pack. I've made it very clear to my family that I want a 3D printer for the holidays, so I'll keep my eye on this one. Roll for It After Optimus Prime suffered a debilitating attack and needed a replacement part from Cybertron to survive, Ironhide led the team that recovered the part and escaped Decepticon attack. When a badly-damaged Starscream was brought to the Ark, Ironhide … During the battle for the antimatter formula, Ironhide was caught in the blast of one of the explosive cubes but, as always, Ratchet managed to piece him back together. Ratchet and Ironhide later had a run-in with Brawl, Blackout and Scalpel at a seaside dock. Ratchet yawn and rub his eyes. Really really nice. Ratchet will be included in the Amazon exclusive Paradron Medics 2-Pack together with Lifeline (Earthrise Arcee redeco). Dire Wolves taken with permission from Antubis0's art. Ironhide and Ratchet managed to get the humans to safety, but Ironhide was too slow escaping, and was seemingly destroyed in the blast. This time, Ironhide joined Optimus, Ratchet and Hound as they touched down on the planet's heterogeneous surface. Cel Shaded Labels for MP Ironhide and Ratchet Nissan Vanettes, includes enough labels for both figures. In 2007, TakaraTomy reissued original G1 Transformers under their Transformers Encore brand. With Optimus Prime's blessing, Ironhide unleashed a volley of plasma rockets to help convince the Junkions that these parts weren't for sale … Unfortunately, Starscream blocked off Sam's path, prompting the Autobot guardians to engage the more powerful Decepticon immediately. After the battle, Ironhide and Ratchet find Jazz's remains lying on the ground, and Optimus halfheartedly eulogises him before moving on. Ironhide did not feature prominently in the following instalment, The Transformers: Devastation, but his wreck was rescued from a junkyard by Hot Rod, Wheeljack and Hardhead. LEGO Ironhide and Ratchet Part 2 - Bot Modes Transformation Sequence. Optimus Prime/Ratchet/Ironhide. Er, except Skids. Humanformers Ironhide/Ratchet/Optimus Prime 22,4 and 11, in sort of a continuation of the last fic (if you don't mind). Unsure if will be one-shot or not. Ironhide, unsatisfied with the weight he has gained, makes the decision to change his lifestyle. Ironhide is acceptable in robot mode, works as a shelf filler, but leaves a bit to be desired for such a core character. I will definitely have these up on Shapeways once I get one of the ER vans in hand. After Ratchet finished repairing Bumblebee's legs, a trailer was obtained for Optimus Prime to carry the remains of Jazz. Ironhide and Ratchet were THE WORST of the Generation One vehicles. Settings & Conditions. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Bumblebee/Sam/Mikaela. Description; More Info; Concept by Dusty Griffin. Ratchet probably wasn't the best bot for her to meet second but Ironhide figured that they both should get checked out, to make sure that neither of them had major injuries. While Ironhide was the first one to get out, Jessie was asking quite a few questions, most of them medical, which in turn impressed Ratchet. His dry wit helps him through it all and he is always there after the battle to patch up his friends. In part 4 Ratchet and Ironhide continued fighting Bonecrusher in Savannah, but didn't stand much of a chance until they were joined by Arcee, Armoride and Longarm, arriving from the moon. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. The Autobots then left Mission City before the Sector-7 personnel arrived to claim the remains of the Decepticons. The Beast Within Ironhide, Skids, Ratchet, and Bumblebee piled inside Optimus Prime's trailer as the Autobot leader attempted to outrun The Beast, but things didn't look good. Ratchet and Optimus poke Ironhide's musclechub belly one night for fun and promise to follow his diet plan with him for encouragement (I really liked that fic you made months ago! Unfortunately, the villainous Starscream swooped down to block Sam's path, forcing the Autobots to engage him in a rather one-sided battle that left them both damaged. Wheeljack/Skyfire. Ironhide and Ratchet took it upon themselves to protect Sam from Starscream and Blackout as he made his way to a rooftop where he could pass the AllSpark to a military helicopter. Download files and build them with your 3D printer, laser cutter, or CNC. Heading underground, the three Autobots found space slugs working to clear the Dark Energon crystals. Emerje. Quantity. In Jazz's bio, it states Ratchet revived Jazz with a fragment of the AllSpark. Cutlines by Dusty Griffin. They did not transition well from Diaclone to Transformers. The Autobot envoys were attacked shortly after landing, as the local Junkions decided they looked like spare parts in the making. "so they finished their enagon and went to their home. About Ratchet As for Ratchet, even the toy incarnation have the same window tint as Ironhide, I found this to be dull for a white vehicle . Notes: Intended for private collectors only, not for resale. Ironhide appeared in issue #17 of the Titan Transformers Magazine, in a story called "Return to Cybertron Part 1". In this story he is among the Autobots that go to Cybertron. Jazz appears as a playable character in Transformers: The Game as a main playable character, voiced by Andrew Kishino. IDW Beast Wars . Ironhide appears in the sequel film Revenge of the Fallen. Thingiverse is a universe of things. Ratchet survives the battle and is seen along with Ironhide, Bumblebee, and Optimus Prime watching the sunset in the end of the film. With Ratchet severely injured, there is only one way to keep him alive. Anyway, when I get my Ironhide and Ratchet, I'm definitely going to want to get a couple pairs of these. Ironhide destroyed the "Y-Box" and Ratchet killed the Dewbot. Ironhide is killed in The Transformers the Movie as the Deceptions invade an Autobot shuttle in which Ironhide, Prowl, Ratchet and Brawn are traveling to Earth. Mondochuk Well-Known Member. He goes to Shanghai, China, with NEST and is the first Autobot to transform to robot mode to fight the Decepticons. Hooper_X pro wrestling, anti fascism. Perceptor/Beachcomber. Ratchet is a slight remold and redeco of Earthrise Ironhide, so he features all the things you may love or not about this mold. Ratchet and Ironhide collapsed, and Sam had to continue on his own. Mirage/Hound. They already did that with Ironhide and Ratchet. For a clearer view, one side of the MOC were taken out to give a cross-section view of its innards. Transformers Legends anthology. More Info. Joined: Jun 10, 2003 Posts: 2,368 Trophy Points: 312 Likes: +1,790. Although not a might warrior when compared to the likes of Optimus Prime or Ironhide, Ratchet still often finds himself in the center of battle. Ratchet arrived at Sector Seven's secret base in the Nevada desert with the other Autobots to help escort the Decepticon remains to San Diego, California. In vehicle mode he doesn’t fully hide his bot parts, almost like he didn’t finish scanning the vehicle. Ratchet's injuries at the hands of Starscream keep him from getting to Jazz in time before the small Autobot is torn in half by Megatron. According to the original creator of the Transformers names, Bob … Can you see the bot head located inside the van? Artwork by Dusty Griffin. Ironhide said," you are tried my sweetheart. Before the shuttle departed, Spike asked Ironhide to tell his son, Daniel, that he misses him, and that he will be coming home as soon as they 'kick Megatron's tail clear across the galaxy.' Red Alert/Inferno. Spark merging. My Ratchet got delayed too, I think everyone's did (or will by the end of the day). High quality Ironhide gifts and merchandise. Optimus and Ratchet are there to support him the whole way. Add to cart Warning: Low stock! 2 years later, 2009, Ratchet was deployed to Philadelphia with Optimus, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Jolt, Skids and Mudflap when multiple Decepticons went on the hunt for Sam. A harsh blizzard crosses the pack and Ratchet is left to cope with the consequences, and he must protect what he has left of his litter. Ironhide then gives Captain William Lennox a ride home, and is seen alongside Ratchet, Bumblebee, and Optimus watching the sunset or watching Sam kiss Mikaela at the end of the film. Jazz/Prowl. ironhide put his arm around his mate and held him close. Summary: After a near fatal surprise attack by the Decepticons, Ratchet, Ironhide, and Optimus are left trapped in a cave-in. Ratchet Wheeljack Bumblebee Mirage NEST Sam Witwicky Alternate modes: Nissan Vanette, Cybertronian Armor Truck, GMC Topkick C4500, African Elephant Dune Runner Ford F-Series pickup truck GMC Topkick C4500 Pick-Up Truck Ironhide is a fictional robot superhero character in the Transformers robot superhero franchise. He also uses a lot of raw red plastic that doesn’t quite pop, and is slightly different shades throughout. Shadow fisher SF03/SF04 Ironhide/Ratchet Upgrade kit,In,In stock, at the best online prices at , Free shipping for many products,Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Shadow fisher SF03/SF04 Ironhide/Ratchet Upgrade kit, Authentic Merchandise Shop Online Now Express Shipping And Free Returns. Like x 1; Mondochuk, Oct 2, 2020 #18. Ironhide & Ratchet. Ratchet engaging Megatron. This time, Ironhide joined Optimus, Ratchet and Hound as they touched down on the planet's heterogeneous surface. Re: Video Review for Netflix Transformers deluxe Ironhide Redeco Quintesson Soldier Posted by alekese on March 7th, 2021 @ 10:28am CST. He is then found jumping on to No prep time. Ratchet and Ironhide volunteered themselves to protect Sam as he made his escape. Hooper_X, Oct 14, 2020 #20. What will result because of this? Ratchet is the Autobots' Chief Medical Officer. Games. Ratchet's head was colored differently by different comics/cartoon adaptation. Ratchet smile and learn into ironhide. So I opted for light blue tint instead. Ironhide/Optimus Prime/Ratchet; Optimus Prime; Ironhide (Transformers) Ratchet (Transformers) Alternate Universe - Human; Humanformers; Weight Issues; Fluff and Humor; Summary. In the photo below, The grey parts with studs helped to securely peg the roof cum two robot arms into position. Ratchet and the others arrived to backup Optimus but were too late as Megatron, resurrected, had killed him, and Ratchet covered Sam's escape as he Bumblebee and the twins went into hiding. Photography and Stickermaps by Dusty Griffin. I think with these wheels, the front halves of Ironhide and Ratchet will look pretty nice! The Encore: Ironhide & Ratchet Set of Custom Heads are three-dimensional alternatives to the cardboard head option, and are compatible with both the original releases and the Encore and Gen 1 versions. Fortunately, Ironhide was able to contact Jetfire, who whisked them all to safety. TF1 Megatron will be used here, but he's allowed to have his TF2 and TF3 feats. Consequences . Morals off, blood lust on. Reference RMPAGS.
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