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Though this statue of a topless, armless woman is referred to as Venus and hence Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty, according to the Louvre website, she could have been any number of related goddess figures: Artemis, Danaid, Amphitrite etc. Hellfire certainly burns hot…). For black women to not only occupy, but move fluidly, comfortably and naturally (to dance!) HOLD UP: didn’t Bey’s younger sister Solange already do a stint of occupying a white space with black bodies at the Guggenheim, nearly exactly a year prior to the filming of APES**T? Like the bodies on the staircase?. D’après l’antique, Musée du Louvre, Paris, 2000, p. 432-433, p. 441, n° 235. In addition to the usual cacophony of birds, this reads like some effective resistance to oppression, no? Still…I wonder why The Carters chose not to pose next to the portrait of the anonymous black woman who supposedly is a representative of “their history…[and] all the oppression that they’ve faced historically and currently” (buzzfeednews.com). Game over, folks. Could it have something to do with JAY-Z’s song “Lucifer” off his Black Album released in 2003, the ending lyrics of which state: “And if you feel in my heart that I long for revenge / Please blame it on the sun of the morning / Thanks Again”? Though the painting has been officially “authenticated” by “experts”, not everyone mirrors that conviction: one sphere of doubt orbits around the angle of the reflection in the glass world Christ is holding. Hellenistic Art (3rd-1st centuries BC), Author(s): Nope, Bey and JAY exist at the top of some kind of proverbial pyramid, and “they can’t believe we’ve made it”. Also, whatever that means is up to you. Both Perry’s and The Carter’s videos demonstrate how “they” do: Meanwhile, everyone else on planet Earth who visits Venus de Milo (goddess of Love) does so with if not love, at least a sense of admiration and a little respect. It’s really not black and/or white. Die Restauration der Venus von Milo / von Geskel Saloman. However, since her arms are flat out gone, they could be anything and anywhere. License requestTranslation, prints and more Press reviews. She may have held an apple — an allusion to the Judgement of Paris — a crown, a mirror, or a shield in which she admired her reflection. EMBED (for wordpress.com hosted blogs and archive.org item tags) Want more? At first one of the lifeboats towed the raft, but eventually the now-infamous captain abandoned it in order to save the boat…Only fifteen people survived (five of whom died soon after), and these survivors told harrowing tales of death, cannibalism, and a fight for survival”. The inverted reflection in the glass sphere is the illusion (false image) of matter over spirit. These are basic human states of being which both The Carters and Katy Perry are not interested in demonstrating. This blog features articles and art composed by Celeste Evans. We must individually free our Consciousness from the ever-revolving carousel of fake history and identity which is not representative of our true, present existence. Laugier (L.), « La Vénus de Milo », Feuillet pédagogique du Musée du Louvre, 3, n°50, Paris, 2001. Buy Access; Help; About; Contact Us; Cookies; Encyclopedias | Text editions At least part of Venus’ arm(s) went missing upon the re-discovery of … However, like the “royal portrait” which the Sphinx of Tanis and the Great Sphinx of Giza supposedly are (aren’t), there’s a lot more hidden in plain sight in the sands of time (granted your head is not in the sand). According to bustle.com, the only reasonable date(s) Bey and JAY could have done the shoot, based on their *busy* schedules, was either May 8th or 15th, both being a Tuesday, the day of the week the Louvre is closed to the public. Go to content Change language, Home>Collection & Louvre Palace>Curatorial Departments>Aphrodite, known as the "Venus de Milo", Previous work Is it “radical” that the President of the United States got photos taken of his non-Catholic body in a Catholic space? But maybe that didn’t count since “high priestess” Solange ordered a dress-code in which everyone in attendance had to wear white–and also temporarily give up their iPhones (time.com). “Solid glass or crystal, whether shaped like an orb or a lens, produces magnified, inverted, and reversed images…Instead, Leonardo painted the orb as if it were a hollow glass bubble that does not refract or distort the light passing through it” (thisinsider.com). Sorry if you have been unaware of these facts until now). Wir stehen Ihnen gerne persönlich zu Wort und helfen Ihnen, Ihre Wünsche in eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung umzusetzen und eine dauerhafte Erwerbung für Ihren Garten und Ihre Wohnung zu finden. To the right of the flag was the green chalkboard upon which lessons would appear and disappear, and which hadn’t yet, at this time in the 90s, been replaced by white boards (later “smart” boards). etc. Synchronistically, I had drawn the sketch for the painting the night before I discovered and subsequently watched APES**T. Did a part of me sense the s**t was about to hit the fan(s)? :Milo) in … op. and the emergence of the Roman Empire shortly before the birth of Jesus. As complex.com states, “Rest assured, nothing The Carters do is by accident”. Aphrodite, called "Aphrodite Leaning Against a Pillar", Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities: Hellenistic Art (3rd-1st centuries BC), Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities The Venus de Milo certainly revives the classical tradition, but would appear to be a classicizing re-creation dating from the late 2nd century BC. I admit I am failing to see with my own two eyes how the pretentious appropriation of the Weems photo is delivering the same message as the original photograph. Or just being copy cats? Is racism love? The statue won instant and lasting fame. and the emergence of the Roman Empire shortly before the birth of Jesus. Online vertaalwoordenboek. Venus of Venus de Milo is een personage uit het Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universum. Speaking of red, white, and blue: at least the President and his First Lady faced the Second Coming: Whoa, are they straight up trying to trump the President? After all we’ve been through and through, the arms of the Venus de Milo remain a mystery. Etymology . Havelock (C. M.), The Aphrodite of Knidos and Her Successors, A Historical Review of the female Nude in Greek Art, University of Michigan, 1995, p. 93-98, fig. Defenders of the authenticity of the work (the same people who sold/bought it) claim that Leonardo did this on purpose to make a point about Christ, or to not distract from his image. And as can be deduced by the Louvre’s follow up creation of a 90 minute guided tour in which visitors can “Follow this trail to discover the iconic artworks from JAY-Z and Beyoncé’s music video “Apes**t” (louvre.fr) (because apparently The Carters virtually lay claim$$$ to those works now), this pyramid topped and bottomed institution is playing an active role in narrative fabrication (step right up to your free fake history lesson!). Consider this painting a post premonitory antidote to all the APES**T: The image above is of a real oil painting of the Venus de Milo statue, with her arms restored. The green ankh is the real life current-see in the blindness of the all-seeing eye. The truth runs deeper than skin. This daily ritual would continue through High School until “graduation” into the “adult” realm of “choice”. Shrouded in mystery, the Venus de Milo statue has captivated audiences for nearly 200 years. But what does that mean?!?!? U mag ook “Afrodite van Melos” zeggen, wat wellicht passender is. Can we all please just flush down the APES**T to send it where it belongs/came from and be real in the world with the Promentalshitbackwashpsychosis Enema Squad? And even though artnet.com admits that there *might be* occult references in APES**T–references which also appear heavily in basically all other Beyonce videos and performances–the article writes off these deliberate aesthetics as nothing more than a way to help the video go “viral” (because apparently the (ill)uminati “mess” attracts the attention of “hateful nerds” who supposedly ratchet up the #views lol). But what is their game? ), « La Vénus de Milo et Mithridate le grand », Revue des Arts, 1951, p. 8-16, fig. Is it Aphrodite, who was often portrayed half-naked, or the sea goddess Amphitrite, who was venerated on Melos? There were not enough lifeboats when the Medusa capsized, so the carpenter on board engineered a raft for 147 of the lowest-class soldiers and settlers. Apparently Bey and JAY’s stunt in the Louvre not only immediately overcomes the beast of dominance of whiteness in art history, but it also balances out the check$$$ and balance$$$ too. Wikipedia states that the ship Argus rescued the remaining people, but the Louvre website says the ship “sails away without seeing them” (how tragic). What a rip off! She may even be a copy (replica) of a copy (replica) of an older Greek statue from the Classical era (~500 B.C.). But I guess it’s no big deal, right? And the gains/games of many others as well. It wasn’t until 1989 however that entrance to the art and artifacts was rooted out as an underground atrium and topped off with a glass pyramid. True to its character, this sphinx is a riddle. Like the worst of tourists, these cultural “icons” come in, snag some selfies with a few recognizable works, leave, and instantly post it up on their social media (in their case, the Beyonce VEVO). Instead, they did what everyone else does when visiting the Louvre, except in fancy clothing: All s**tting aside, lets get back to the movie, shall we? traces of subsequent modifications to the monument…The original texts (traces of which are still visible in places) were deliberately erased and replaced. According to the Louvre website, this stone sculpture has been dated by archaeologists to be from 2600 BC (…or earlier). She could have just photo-shopped herself next to a photo of an artwork and it would mean just as much. As admitted in this The New Yorker article about a prominent artist’s high art portrait painting of Obama released in February of this year (yes, this year, not during his terms in office) “Obama proved himself ultimately powerless to make radical, concrete change commensurate with the message communicated by his face and his name”. Da Vinci remains one of the most–if not the most–meticulous and perfectionist illustrators of the physics of reality–and yet the orb and its reflection are not painted to those standards. OK, so lets look at their “narrative”  via the lyrics of APES**T: “Rah, gimmee my check” / “Bottomless check” / “I got expensive habits” / “Get off my dick”, Can’t be toppin’ my reign (c’mon, c’mon, c’mon) In the screenshot above, “The Carters” appear in shadow form in front of The Sphinx of Tanis, bathed in fake blood red light. Proper noun . And it is cleverly whipped up seamlessly in the rich cream of a fancy expensive music video “created” by billionaire “artists” in an art museum which they possibly rented (invaded with permission). Haskell (Fr. 107 / Oper in 1 Akt und 3 Bildern (1934) in ; Choir: Roles: Komponist: Jenö Hubay; Dedication: "Meiner lieben Schwiegertochter Edle Hubay Astrup gewidmet" Commission: Remarks: More . How about colonialism? Could the recent proliferation of blatantly inverted interpretations have to do with The Carter’s “undeniable control of their narrative” (racked.com)? throughout this white-centric and male artist-dominated venue is a major power move.” I don’t know what kind of cultural/mental straight-jacket the writer of that article is in, but I think its critical to note that the “dancers” lying down on the white staircase are not moving “naturally”, and any comfort or fluidity they may exhibit seems to be the affect of hypnotism rather than choreography. Just as the Sphinx looks to be not originally a human-headed monument, The Carters are not what they appear as. Even with her arms missing for centuries, the eternal light upheld by Venus cannot be hidden from humanity forever–for that light is forever itself. Cultural desecration? lekker winkelen zonder zorgen. Hop in the whip, wanna see the stars I can’t help but wonder to what fanfare the pure and Holy Roman Catholic Church farts its final trumpets amidst this putrefying swamp of a stinking ass made up of double images and fake over-paintings. Ignoring this fact is not social progress, but rather ignorance. Regarding the original Sphinx of Giza, there’s an important detail (among many) which The Carters may be aware of but which most people are probably ignorant of: it most likely did not originally have a Pharaoh’s head. seem to share the same sentiment as expressed by the lyrics of APES**T: “I can’t believe we’ve made it”. All of my people, I free ’em all (free ’em all) Show all Reproductions for this Individual object. Directed by Nicos Perakis. So I guess I really missed out on “visually asserting” myself “as Mona Lisa” when I chose not to take a selfie with her. So I suggest instead watching the Laibach version of the song Sympathy for the Devil–for in this post 2012 world, the cover of a song can actually be more original and honest than the original. venus van milo. Idyllic Finca with 11 apartments to rent on the Spanish Costa Blanca. Go to navigation She seemed to be staring off eternally into some etheric space much as I did during class. Paying the average cost of a 2015 Prius to rent the Louvre for a day (if indeed they delivered dough at all) is not a “radical” takeover by black bodies in a white space. The painting above titled Salvator Mundi (Christ as World Savior) was “found” sometime in the 21st century by supposedly removing a hideous painting covering up the “long missing Leonardo original”, thus “restoring” it to its “real” image–which could now conveniently be sold for millions of dollars under the code name Da Vinci. Got me so lit, I need Tylenol (Tylenol) Like the Sphinx, these current events are woven as riddles bound to be unbound in no time. They aren’t doing s**t except posturing in few areas of the Louvre in fancy clothing doing some (c)rap gimmick and arm flailing equipped with a gang of faux-nude demonically possessed women. After all, accepting new discoveries that don’t support the Darwinist (i.e. Venus van Milo On december 27, 2015 mei 4, 2018 door Jona Lendering in Archeologie , Cultuur , Geschiedenis , humaniora , Klassieken , Museumstuk , Oudheid 9 reacties Het beeld hierboven – het derde in mijn eindejaarsreeks over museumstukken die niet waren wat ze leken – is wereldberoemd: de Venus van Milo. Inv. Aphrodite von Melos / Venus von Milo Paris, Musée du Louvre. Plus: the notion that the Louvre is a “historically white space” is true in a 1950’s sense. In addition to the US having pitchforked over to the large $um$ to the Louvre Abu Dhabi–or something like that–there are suspicions surfacing that the advisor to the United Arab Emirates (home of the Louvre Abu Dhabi) funneled money to Trump’s “political efforts” (in addition to Putin doing so, of course). Het is immers een Grieks beeld, gevonden op een Grieks eiland (Melos dus) en vooral: het speelt een rol in een discussie over welke Griekse kunst het waardevolst was. To grasp the Truth of eternal Love and Life is to take back what has always been yours as savior of the world. Except for a hiccup during a socialist uprising during the reign of Napoleon III, the first president of France, and again in 1939 during WWII on the occasion of the Nazi occupation of Paris, this particular Venus de Milo has been on constant display at the Louvre museum in Paris since 1821. It is therefore impossible to date this statue with certainty, especially as the face does not resemble any known, well-documented royal portrait”. Maybe that’s because “concrete change” is an oxymoron, moron. Since it was such a paradoxically novel yet boring experience upon my entry into 3rd grade, I remember vividly to this day what the Pledge of Allegiance ritual “looked” like. However in my classroom, deviating from those standard required public school amenities, happened to be a poster of the Mona Lisa–which, I was told, was famous and important because her eyes appeared to follow you everywhere. In 2018 it doesn’t seem like the Venus will need to be physically removed from her pedestal to prevent her from being stolen by an occult-driven nationalist-socialist fascist-totalitarian-imperialist regime. There is no “resistance” involved in transactions lubricated with pitchforked over $$$ (most likely laced with ulterior motives), and the only solidarity they are showing is with their own minority group of the 0.666%. The statue has sometimes been thought to be a replica, freely inspired by an original from the late 4th century BC, because of its resemblance to the Aphrodite of Capua (Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples) — a similar style Roman work, copy of a Greek original. De Venus van Milo of Aphrodite van Melos is een wereldberoemd Grieks marmeren beeldhouwwerk.Het beeld werd vermoedelijk vervaardigd rond 130 v.Chr. This explains why said fake media makes people so upset: it utterly confuses (and subtly brainwashes) them. As I pointed out in the very first article I posted on May 29, 2016 titled “The Problem With Image Over Substance“, Beyonce posing in front of a work of art in a museum does not mean anything other than that: simply, that all she has “made” is an Instagram post of her posing in front of a work of art (what an instant literal poseur!). Go to search (éd. According to whether she held a bow or an amphora, she was Artemis or a Danaid. Browser. Remember when Beyonce could actually sing with a 4 octave range in Destiny’s Child? no. I literally combed the Louvre for five days without taking a single selfie and in comparison the best these people can do is film someone shirtless getting their hair delicately combed in front of Mona Lisa. Is it just me, or is this–in a way–a promotion of the aesthetic objectification of an anonymous female black slave or servant (painted by an aristocratic white female)? Sendin’ the missiles off, trickin’ my inhibitions off. And we will never know what she’s hiding under her drapery. of economic penalties” as a response (punishment or reverse collateral?) Instead the latest hype orbiting the icon goes something like this: The screenshot above is from the recently released surprise video titled APES**T, filmed entirely in the Louvre by the recently released surprise duo act “The Carters” (aka Beyonce and JAY-Z), from their recently released surprise album titled Everything is Love. At least if anything bad like that happened, or if Santa Claus showed up, the general public would be ignorant of it since no one was allowed to film. Do you think its helping their life circumstances?). Is it just me, or–in a way–is this pointing out the fact that she is actually exploiting her race as a weapon (i.e. As one of the Louvre's most beloved works of art, the Classical Greek sculpture is a prime example of how Hellenistic sculptors captured the beauty of the divine. It gets even more swampy: According to nytimes.com in an article published on March 6th, “The United Arab Emirates, which Washington considers one of its closest Arab allies, co-invested together with Mr. Dmitriev’s [a Russian fund manager and a former Goldman Sachs banker] fund as part of an effort to build close relations to Russia as well”.

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