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HenryLouis21 Feb 12, 2019. Along side Dropkick (Car Mode) I now have two Brand new Decepticons to add to the Elite ranks. Angela Bassett will be voicing one of the villains, Shatter, who takes the form of a cherry-red Plymouth Satellite. Click on the bar to see the mirrored images … Why Doesn’t Quicksilver Matter in WandaVision? shatter studioseries transformersstudioseries aircraft cars decepticons dropkick helicopter photography picturephoto transformers transformersmovie bumblebeemovie Character Bumblebee Transformers I was lucky to find jet Shatter the other day. Shatter is also a lovely addition the my Female Decepticon collection. Since all I had was Slipstream as the only Female Decepticon I had. Shatter and Dropkick team up with the Atlas Military, Starscream allies with Salem's cabal, and the Predacons team up with the White Fang. But with a massive franchise to mine, those aren't the only Decepticons slated to appear in Bumblebee. One of the Decepticons is Shatter, who takes the form of a cherry-red Plymouth Satellite. Jan 11, 2019 - @transformers.world - Concept art of Shatter,DropKick,and Blitzwing for the bee movie . In 1987, Dropkick and Shatter had tracked the Autobot Cliffjumper to one of the moons of Saturn. She is not above manipulating humans to help her if it is expedient to the situation, even if that means pretending to be friendly to them and their cause. Part 1 of Sparkling-verse; Language: English Words: 9,481 Chapters: 4/? Download Bumblee Fight with Dropkick Shatter 4K 8K desktop & mobile backgrounds, photos in HD, 4K high quality resolutions from category Movies with ID #27544. Comments: 13 Kudos: 48 Bookmarks: 10 Hits: 1132 ; Divide and Conquer by EatYourSparkOut Fandoms: Transformers - All Media Types, Bumblebee (2018) Explicit; No Archive Warnings Apply; F/M; Complete Work; 26 Jan 2019. Little did she know the car would become her best friend and mabye even more. Download 2160x3840 Shatter and Dropkick in Bumblebee Movie Sony Xperia X,XZ,Z5 Premium Wallpaper, Movies Wallpapers, Images, Photos and Background for Desktop Windows 10 MacOS, Apple Iphone and Android Mobile in HD and 4K Shatter was among the Decepticons under the command ofShockwaveandSoundwave. )is a maleDecepticonfrom theBumblebeemovie. Oh yeah, okay. Sign in to check out Check out as guest . EW has revealed that Bassett is voicing the Deception Shatter in Bumblebee, with Theroux lending his vocals to her fellow tracker Dropkick. Reply. Shatter and Dropkick then traveled to Earth, Shatter crashing on top of a car, which she immediately scanned for her alt mode. 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The military allowed … Shatter was seen interrogating Cliffjumper with … “this is our chance to wipe out the Autobots resistance for good. She is also Bumblebee's first arch-nemesis (before Barricade). Shatter/Dropkick; Shatter (Transformers) Dropkick (Transformers) Transformers Plug and Play Sexual Interfacing; Dubious Consent; Femdom; Exhibitionism ; Summary “I can’t let you off the chain yet, but there are other ways to burn off that excess energy of yours.” It was hard to hear over the din of the organics running around underfoot, yapping away, but there was definitely the distinct rasping sound … Dropkick was a member of the Decepticon force commanded by Shockwave and Soundwave that attempted to eliminate the last remnants of the Autobot resistance under the command of Optimus Prime. While there are some gaps underneath the vehicle, unfortunately there is no enough space to accommodate the weapon. Surprisingly it doesn't have much kibble either, just the fuselage being a bit bloated but it is easily forgiven. Download Shatter and Dropkick in Bumblebee Movie Wallpaper, Movies Wallpapers, Images, Photos and Background for Desktop Windows 10 MacOS, Apple Iphone and Android Mobile in HD and 4K (I also have this Female Prediacon & that Quillfire … Shatter is an intelligent and strategic Decepticon. … Nothing broken Condition 9.9/10 Comes with box and instructions. Via Entertainment Weekly, we have our very first look at two new Decepticons for the upcoming movie Bumblebee! She was voiced by Angela Bassett, who also played Dr. Amanda Waller in Green Lantern, and Marie Laveau in American Horror Story. Above is a comparison against Studio Series Lockdown. As a car, Dropkick looks fantastic. Shatter and Dropkick prepare to use a device on a tower to send out a call to the Decepticons. On the run in the year 1987, Bumblebee finds refuge in a junkyard in a small Californian beach town. Though the Autobot refused to co-operate, they received a signal from … Jan 11, 2019 - @transformers.world - Concept art of Shatter,DropKick,and Blitzwing for the bee movie . Nevertheless, Optimus did follow Bumblebee to Earth because he appears in the mid-credits scene, although he apparently arrived too late to help Bee fight Shatter and Dropkick. Feb 14, 2019 - Download 1080x2160 wallpaper Bumblebee, Shatter, dropkick, robots, movie, 2019, Honor 7X, Honor 9 Lite, Honor View 10, 18628 Add to Watchlist Unwatch 1-year protection plan from SquareTrade - $3.99 1-year protection plan from SquareTrade - $3.99 Opens an … When Charlie revives him, she quickly learns this is no ordinary, yellow VW bug. The robot weapon pegs onto the spoiler at the back. TSURUGIKNIGHT Feb 12, 2019. we'll see. A neat aspect is … (Should I find the version that becomes a car too? Pure High-definition quality wallpapers for Desktop & mobiles in HD, Wide, 4K Ultra HD, 5K, 8K UHD monitor resolutions... Home; Latest Wallpapers; Top Downloads; Most Popular … Dropkick (voiced by Justin Theroux) is a Decepticon Triple Changer who transforms into an AMC Javelin muscle car and a Bell AH-1 SuperCobra attack helicopter. Dropkick(ドロップキックDoroppukikku? Saved by PRIME#1 DRONES. Shatter is the main antagonist of the 2018 sci-fi film Bumblebee. She is a Decepticon spy tasked with hunting down and executing the Autobots and alongside her partner Dropkick to find them. Character Bumblebee Transformers. (Watch your back Earthrise Cliffjumper!) Instagram: Caminus.gamer. Meeting Sector 7 [edit | edit source] Eventually, the pair ran into the US military … In these page, we also have variety of images available. HenryLouis21 Feb 3, 2019. We burn the whole planet to cinders we must get word to Cybertron immediately. Reply. Shatter and Dropkick. In a clip from the latest Transformers film, Bumblebee, Decepticons Dropkick and Shatter meet Agent Burns played by John Cena. This … 152 Views. $68.99 Transformers: Bumblebee -- Energon Igniters Nitro Series Dropkick. In this scene both muscle cars … Dropkick killed one of the pair, before the Decepticon duo headed west, tracking Bumblebees signal. Dropkick was first seen assisting Shatter in following Autobot lieutenantCliffjumperto one ofSaturn's moons, where they tortured him in an attempt to learn the whereabouts of Optimus Prime. No … They say they are … Definitely more brutish of the two, unlike Shatter who is willing to manipulate and even prostrate should the situation requires it, Dropkick has no compunction displaying his annoyance having bowing down to humans and using torture, violence against those whom he sees as annoying and insignificant. Well I'm not really that big a fan of decepticons, but Shatter and Dropkick are definitely top tier of the best movie Decepticons. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. The only bit of play value here are the rolling wheels. However, Dropkick and Shatter together, I'd give them a 10 in comparison to all of the other cons we've seen. Shatter is a Decepticonspy tasked with hunting down and killing Autobots and one of the two main antagonists ofBumblebeealongside Dropkick. He appears in Bumblebee where he and his partner Shatter arrive on Earth and trick Sector 7 into helping find Bumblebee. Dropkick turns into his helicopter mode and has faux car parts in robot mode to give him his triple changer appearance. 11 Favourites. Shatter's Human Friend Science Fiction. For kids & adults you can print transformers or color online. She is also shown to be a very manipulative trickster, as she tricked Sector 7 into believing that Bumblebee is a war criminal, despite the fact that both Shatter and Dropkick are the real war criminals. Then Shatter morphs from a Harrier into a dust-spewing, candy-apple-red Plymouth Satellite, and Dropkick takes the form of a midnight blue AMC Javelin. The Decepticon uses his weaponry against Bee, but the Autobot grabs a chain and wraps it around Dropkick. Buzzworthy Bumblebee 40 Shatter (Car mode) – Repack of Studio Series SS-40; Buzzworthy Bumblebee 74 Camaro Bumblebee & Sam – Repack of the upcoming Studio Series ROTF Bumblebee & Sam Witwicky; A complete surprise with still no concrete information on release date or distribution. She then drove out in front of a pair of Humans. I like that are using muscle cars I don't mind supercar but I have always like muscle more they just look cooler to me. 0 Comments. But this film will focus on the Triple Changer duo aka Shatter and Dropkick, they are filled with voices by Angela Bassett and Justin Theroux. … Item Information. Via lászlo vén YouTube channel, we have Possible New Image Of Shatter And Dropkick Alt Modes From Bumblebee: The Movie. Advertisement. Dropkick is a name that has popped up a few times in Transformers mythology, though never in a major role. The video shows a picture that claims to be taken from the Bumblebee: The Movie set in Brighton Falls City. Dropkick and Shatter are showcased in all their glory in these posters, which show off the pair’s triple changer abilities, with both posters for the characters calling to attention to the three modes of each character. Triple Changer is an alien robot that can change shape three times, from robots, cars to planes. After setting these cons up, I thought it looked so good I … Taking the opportunity, Shatter and Dropkick killed Cliffjumper before heading over to Earth, scanned automobiles to blend in public and contacted Agent Jack Burns (head of Sector 7). Not the best looking, but it's all I have. Reply. Comes with all accessories. To that end, Burns had Dr. Powell to let … Dropkick scanned his sleek blue car form here and killed a man before he and Shatter drove west. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. Nice. Jul 21, 2018 - We've had a few questions about where are the Dropkick and Shatter Bumblebee Movie toys? Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. Shatter (Power Plus Series, 2018) Accessories: "Energon Core" Part of the second wave of Power Plus Series Energon Igniters, Shatter is a retooling of the "Power Series" Dropkick toy, transforming into a muscle car loosely based on the first generation Chevrolet Camaro in four steps. Tags. AfterOptimus Primewas attacked byRavage, Shatter and the other Decepticons closed in to attack the Autobot leader. Like x 8; Caminus Prime, Aug 5, 2018 #3. Wh… We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. The wheels can become her turbines. 1. Director Travis Knight describes the villains as "Decepticon muscle cars" that, when transformed, take on the shapes of a red Phymouth Satellite and blue AMC Javelin, respectively. The pair would be scalded by … She will be voiced by Angela Bassett. After setting these cons up, I thought it looked so good I just had to take a pic. As is the trend these days, these figures are getting smaller and smaller. Condition: Used. TheOriginaJetPhoenix Jan 12, 2019. I was lucky to find jet Shatter the other day. 22. Shatter then tries to kill Charlie, but Bee swoops in to save her. Shatter and Dropkick will be muscle cars voiced by Angela Bassett and Justin Theroux. Dropkick don’t have inner plastic. According to EW, these two new Decepticons are Shatter, a cherry-red Plymouth Satellite voiced by Angela Bassett, and Dropkick, a blue AMC Javelin voiced by Justin Theroux. Dropkick is $30 S Chat to Buy Voice actor: Angela Bassett (English), Aoi Yuki (Japanese), more»Emy Letertre (European French), Claudine Chatel (Canadian French), Mercedes Montalá (Spain Spanish), Antonella Giannini (Italian) «less Shatter was among the Decepticons under the command of Shockwave and Soundwave in their conque… Studio Series #40 Shatter (Car) (Femme-Bot Friday #68) When the villains in the Bumblebee solo movie were first announced, the fan reaction was a little muted... Who were Shatter and Dropkick? Shatter turns into a car and her wings can hide behind the car doors or underneath in vehicle mode. And that was a half car. Designer Phone Cases; Clinical Job Listing USA; Drug Free Workplace USA . Transformers Cars Bee Drop Movie Babies Vehicles Best Luxury Cars Sportbikes Motors. Bigger wheels require more room, make it harder to hide in both bot and jet modes, while some parts need to be smaller. The spinoff will only focus on this trio of Decepticons, but as director Travis Knight noted, Shatter and Dropkick, who are described as "muscle cars," will have more personality than usual. After alerting Burns to the truth about the Decepticons, Dr. Powell is killed by Dropkick. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Dropkick (voiced by Justin Theroux) is a Decepticon Triple Changer who transforms into an AMC Javelin muscle car and a Bell AH-1 SuperCobra attack helicopter. Shatter and Dropkick's car forms (Image: PP) Many who weren't keen on Michael Bay's work have expressed surprise at how excited they are to see this. They shoot and leave Bumblebee for dead after revealing their plan to bring the rest of the Decepticons to Earth. The Shatter toy is part of the formal Bumblebee movie line as a Titan Hero type figure that actually transforms into a Red Harrier jet. Em 1987, Dropkick ajudou Shatter a seguir o Tenente Cliffjumper a uma das luas de Saturno, onde o torturaram na tentativa de descobrir o paradeiro de Optimus Prime. Bumblebee (also known as Transformers: Bumblebee) is a 2018 American science fiction action film centered on the Transformers character of the same name.It is the sixth installment of the live-action Transformers film series.Developed as a spin-off and prequel, it was later declared a reboot of the franchise. As a decepticon, I say "alone", Dropkick is about a 7. Caminus Prime Banned. Stay tuned with TFW2005 for more updates. Apr 29, 2019 - #BUMBLEBEE MOVIE #SHATTER #TRANSFORMERSFOREVER.. Transformers Cars. I was lucky to find jet Shatter the other day. Embora o Autobot tenha se recusado a cooperar, eles receberam um sinal do batedor Autobot B-127 no planeta Terra, levando o par a mudar de rumo para o planeta, mas não antes de o Dropkick atravessar verticalmente Cliffjumper, matando-o … $19.99 Transformers Toys Studio Series 46 Deluxe Class Bumblebee Movie Dropkick Action Figure - Ages 8 & Up, 4.5" 4.4 out of 5 stars 483. BUMBLEBEE movie features the first ever triple-changers in a live-action Transformers film. 1 Personality 2 … The way I see it, rating Dropkick without Shatter, would be like rating Shaggy without Scooby Doo. The Watson: Both Bumblebee and the Rose/Xiao Long family to each other. By OctaneAlpha Watch. #BUMBLEBEE MOVIE #SHATTER #TRANSFORMERSFOREVER . Read on to check out the image and some first character details! Joined: Feb 10, 2017 Posts: 1,697 News Credits: 1 Trophy Points: 197 Likes: +3,884. Price: US $22.75. Dropkick and Shatter found out that Optimus Prime was coming to earth not just him but all of the Autobots. Dropkick prepared to finish off Bumblebee, only to be knocked out by a vigilante wielding a baseball bat. There were two of them on display at the Hasbro booth. Transformers Shatter Dropkick / Energon Igniters Bumblebee Movie / car mode. Pure High-definition quality wallpapers for Desktop & mobiles in HD, Wide, 4K Ultra HD, 5K, 8K UHD monitor resolutions... Home; Latest Wallpapers; Top Downloads; Most Popular Wallpapers; Random; Sponsors. Two Decepticons on a hunt for an Autobot scout find a human, who slowly warms up to Shatter. Their mission soon failed, and Shatter fled with Dropkick. Shatter stated. He appears in Bumblebee where he and his partner Shatter arrive on Earth and trick Sector 7 into helping find Bumblebee. He is one of the main villains of the film, alongsideShatter. Charlie (Hailee Steinfeld), on the cusp of turning 18 and trying to find her place in the world, discovers Bumblebee, battle-scarred and broken. Via ComingSoon.net we have four posters featuring the new Decepticon villains from Transformers: Bumblebee. Bumblee Fight with Dropkick Shatter 4K 8K HD Wallpapers. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Transformers Toys Studio Series 59 Deluxe Class Bumblebee Movie Shatter Action Figure – Adults and Kids Ages 8 and Up, 4.5-inch. Add to cart . If you are looking for Bumblebee Shatter And Dropkick you have come to the right place. Dropkick is a violent and amoral Decepticon who shows extreme contempt for both Autobots and Humans. Amazon's The Lord of the Rings Prequel: The Second Age Explained, Justice League: The Snyder Cut Leaks, Accidentally Replaced Tom & Jerry on HBO Max [Update], How to Tell If Your Pokemon Cards Are Worth Money. I always fantasize about figures I want to exist. Apart … Burns also … Read on to see how it progresses #bumblebee #dropkick #shatter … While being more sophisticated than her partner, Shatter is destructive, ruthless and sadistic as her fellow Decepticons as she only cares about having the Autobots killed.
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