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Via Heat Toy Facebook we have our first look at the new LT-07 Eggplant (Bumblebee Movie Shockwave) prototype which was shown at the CICF X AGF 2020 toy exhibit in China. This Studio Series 56 Leader Class Shockwave figure features vivid, movie-inspired deco and converts from robot to cannon mode in 17 steps. Developed by Rooster Teeth Studios, Transformers: War for Cybertron - Earthrise features the voice talents of Jake Foushee as Optimus Prime, Jason Marnocha as Megatron, Linsay Rousseau as Elita-1, Joe Zieja as Bumblebee, Frank Todaro as Starscream, Rafael Goldstein as Ratchet, Keith Silverstein as Jetfire, Todd Haberkorn as Shockwave & Red Alert, Edward Bosco as Ultra Magnus & … Aug 30, 2020 - Explore Lemon Chavis's board "Tf shockwave", followed by 122 people on Pinterest. In the Battle of Chicago scene from Transformers: Dark of the Moon, paratroopers descend on Shockwave to stop his assault on Chicago. Barricade (aka N.B.E. May 27, 2020 - Explore Xd Prototype's board "Shockwave transformers" on Pinterest. The mainstream version can be found here: Shockwave (Transformers). Top 10 Best Shockwave Transformers Toys This will be my third time doing a list of best Shockwaves, something I haven't done for any other character. Comandante militare Decepticon, la posizione di Shockwave è seconda solo a quella di Megatron. Shockwave (noto in Giappone come Laserwave e in Italia come Brutal) è un personaggio dell'universo dei Transformers, comandante militare delle operazioni Decepticon. Transformers are living, human-like robots with the unique ability to turn into vehicles or beasts. G.I. Compare, inizialmente, in un flashback di Arcee nella seconda stagione, per poi tornare nella terza stagione. In some continuities, he is Megatron's true second in command but is forced to stay on Cybertron leaving Starscream as the acting second in command. Si trasforma in un carrarmato cybertroniano. In the Battle of Chicago scene from Transformers: Dark of the Moon, paratroopers descend on Shockwave to stop his assault on Chicago.This Studio Series 56 Leader Class Shockwave figure features vivid, movie-inspired deco and converts from robot to cannon mode in 17 steps. this Studio series 56 leader class SHOCKWAVE figure features vivid, movie-inspired Deco and converts from robot to cannon mode in 17 steps. Corey Burton: Unknown but probably presume he died Cold, brutal, scientific approach to war. Although Shockwave's death was written into the movie's script, it did not make it into the finished film. Nevertheless, the Ark began to take off, with Galvatron aboard, just as Optimus Prime arrived on the scene, unaware of Shockwave's or Starscream's presence on the ship. Appare poche volte nel film, ma è presente nella battaglia finale, dove Driller provoca il crollo di un grattacielo, nel quale Sam, Carly, Epps e compagni si erano appostati per poter distruggere il pilastro centrale che manteneva attivo il ponte spaziale, che nel frattempo stava trasportando Cybertron vicino l'orbita della Terra. Transformers: Dark of the Moon is a 2011 American science fiction action film directed by Michael Bay, and it is based on the Transformers toy line. Transformers 3 (dt.Untertitel: Die dunkle Seite des Mondes; Originaltitel: Transformers: Dark of the Moon) ist ein US-amerikanischer Action-und Science-Fiction-Film aus dem Jahr 2011, der die Fortsetzung der Filme Transformers (2007) und Transformers – Die Rache (2009) darstellt und genau wie diese auf den gleichnamigen Spielzeugreihen des Herstellers Hasbro basiert. Смотреть Transformers 3 (2011) - Driller/Shockwave/Skyscraper best scenes - Only action [4K] на лучшем сайте с видео. 1. Il est reconnaissable à sa tête particulière, de forme carrée et sans trait humain avec des antennes et un unique œil rouge. Dans la scène de la bataille de Chicago de Transformers: Dark of the Moon, les parachutistes descendent sur Shockwave pour arrêter son assaut sur Chicago. Shockwave was a member of the scientist caste in the industrial city of Kaon. Transformers Toys Cyberverse Ultimate Class Shockwave Action Figure - Combines with Energon Armor to Power Up - For Kids Ages 6 and Up, 9-inch 4.4 out of 5 stars 90 $19.67 $ 19 . Sein Dinobot Partner ist Strafe und sein Waffenbruder heißt Hot Rod. Deze Studio Series 56 Leader Class Shockwave-figuur kreeg levensechte kenmerken geïnspireerd op de film en kan in 17 stappen worden omgevormd van robot naar kanon. Discover Transformers Toys Studio Series 56 Leader Class Transformers: Dark of The Moon Shockwave Action Figure - 8.5-inch, for ages 8 YEARS+, and find where to buy this product. In the Serengeti Hideout scene from Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Soundwave and Laserbeak patiently await orders from Megatron. RELATED: Bumblebee Completely Changes the Transformers Movie Universe's Timeline. Transformers is a 2007 American science fiction action film based on the Transformers toy line.The film, which combines computer animation with live-action filming, was directed by Michael Bay, with Steven Spielberg serving as executive producer. Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all of its glory. With Shockwave's defeat, peace returned to Cybertron, and the Decepticons were driven back to a region known as the Gladiator Zone. In Transformers: Energon, a causa di alcuni problemi con la Hasbro, il nome è stato cambiato in Shockblast. The first renders of this figure were revealed in TFCon 2019 and we can see a movie-accurate Shockwave as seen in the Cybertron battle scene from the Bumblebee movie. from Thankfully, Meg… Developed by Rooster Teeth Studios, Transformers: War for Cybertron - Earthrise features the voice talents of Jake Foushee as Optimus Prime, Jason Marnocha as Megatron, Linsay Rousseau as Elita-1, Joe Zieja as Bumblebee, Frank Todaro as Starscream, Rafael Goldstein as Ratchet, Keith Silverstein as Jetfire, Todd Haberkorn as Shockwave & Red Alert, Edward Bosco as Ultra Magnus & … I had to return the first one as some of the pieces did not lock in place. Shockwave Laser Cannon More Than Meets the Eye (Part 1) The Transformers: The Movie. This Studio Series 51 Deluxe Class Soundwave figure features vivid, movie-inspired deco and converts from robot to car mode in 19 steps. In questa serie, la forma alternativa di Shockblast è quella di un satellite cybertroniano, in grado a sua volta di trasformarsi in una base mobile semovente (anche se nella serie animata quest'ultimo aspetto non viene mai mostrato); in questa serie inoltre, Shockblast ha un fratello, Sixshot, il quale è esteticamente identico a lui, se non per il diverso colore e per il carattere assai più servile e calcolatore. Shockwave (Transformers: Devastation) Created by 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144 ... His arm is separated model, to add it to him just add arm to scene, lock arm transform to onslaught elbow, pool "defoult" slider and rotate arm to look like left arm For rig use auto-rigger from workshop Credi... War For Cybertron Arcee. Make social videos in an instant: use custom templates to tell the right story for your business. Serving as Megatron's "pet mad scientist" and second-in-command, he saw to the fighter's armament during his rise to prominence, all the while fantasizing on the prospect of mass-producing such warriors. Shockwave served as joint leader with his rival Megatron. In the Battle of Chicago scene from Transformers: Dark of the Moon, paratroopers descend on Shockwave to stop his assault on Chicago. Epyk Suicide A differenza della sua prima incarnazione, il carattere del personaggio si fa estremamente egoista, freddo e spietato, tanto da sfociare nella sociopatia, arrivando anche a tentare di detronizzare Megatron, finendo però distrutto da quest'ultimo. Via Heat Toy Facebook we have our first look at the new LT-07 Eggplant (Bumblebee Movie Shockwave) prototype which was shown at the CICF X AGF 2020 toy exhibit in China. Transformers: Dark of the Moon is een Amerikaanse actiefilm uit 2011, geregisseerd door Michael Bay.De film is uitgekomen op 1 juli 2011 en kon in de bioscoop worden gezien in 2D, 3D en IMAX 3D. Decades later, Shockwave's death scene was included in IDW's 20th Anniversary comic adaptation. ... letting fans recreate a favourite G1 scene. The stories of their lives, their hopes, their struggles, and their triumphs are chronicled in epic sagas that span an immersive and exciting universe where everything is … Reach past the big screen and build the ultimate Transformers collection with Studio Series figures, inspired by iconic movie scenes and designed with specs and details to reflect the Transformers movie universe. This Studio Series 56 Leader Class Shockwave figure is inspired by the Battle of Chicago scene from Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 14 ago 2020 alle 10:55. Shockwave (Decepticon, 1985) 1.1. Dreadwing was a Decepticonand the twin brother ofSkyquakeand a recurring character in season 2.Dreadwing was the third second-in-command of the Decepticons forces and the most loyal of the three. Eons after the Dynasty of Primes were vanquished, Cybertron fell into dark times. Studio Series Transformers are the perfect gift or collection starter for the casual fan. In Transformers: Armada, "Shockwave" era il nome della Takara utilizzato per il personaggio chiamato Tidal Wave dalla Hasbro. Record and instantly share video messages from your browser. La sua morte si può dedurre dal lungometraggio Transformers - The Movie. It aired on July 26, 2013. Shockwave was one of the very first 1985 toys to see release, if not the first. Early scripts for the movie say he was killed during Unicron's attack on Cybertron but the scene didn't make the final cut. Additionally, he includes translucent versions of his arm cannon and both right hands to match his original toy's appearance. In the Battle of Chicago scene from Transformers: Dark of the Moon, paratroopers descend on Shockwave to stop his assault on Chicago. Shockwave leapt to try and stop the process, but the entire building exploded, apparently taking the two Decepticons with it. Fans watch Transformers films for the epic robot fights, destroying cities, factories, and forests along the way. Shockwave è rimasto sul pianeta Cybertron per controllare il Ponte Spaziale. Remove backdrop to showcase SHOCKWAVE in the battle of Chicago scene. Includes 4 detailed accessories: … 1 Premise 2 Synopsis 3 Characters 4 Cast 5 Quotes 6 Errors/Inconsistencies 7 Trivia 8 Gallery 9 Promo The Autobots face against the Decepticon in their finalbattle that decides the future of Earth and their own kind. He was a high-ranking Decepticon scientist and one ofMegatron's loyalsubordinates. Natural Selection, Part Five . He is voiced by Honest Trailers' Jon Bailey. Top 10 Best Shockwave Transformers Toys This will be my third time doing a list of best Shockwaves, something I haven't done for any other character. In the Battle of Chicago scene from Transformers: Dark of the Moon, paratroopers descend on Shockwave to stop his assault on Chicago. Shockwave: Leading the charge against the Autobots is Shockwave, a Decepticon scientist and commander of a special task group. He's someone who's left the Seekers and Megatron's side as he doesn't believe in the genocide of the Autobots. Via Transformers Chile Facebook group we can confirm that the new Transformers Authentics “Alpha” Shockwave has been found in Chile.. RELATED: Transformers: War for Cybertron - Siege Wastes Its Shot at Reinventing Bumblebee. Het is de derde live-action-film gebaseerd op de Transformers-franchise.. Acteurs Shia LaBeouf, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson en John Turturro spelen ook in deze film weer mee. Broadcast your events with reliable, high-quality live streaming. It is the third installment in the live-action Transformers film series, and is the sequel to Revenge of the Fallen (2009). Remove backdrop to showcase Shockwave in the Battle of Chicago scene. This Studio Series 56 Leader Class Shockwave figure features vivid, film-inspired deco and converts from robot to cannon mode in 17 steps. In the battle of Chicago scene from Transformers: Dark of the moon, paratroopers descend on shockwave to stop his assault on Chicago.This studio Series 56 leader Class shockwave figure features vivid, movie-inspired deco and converts from robot to cannon mode in 17 steps. In the Battle of Chicago scene from Transformers: Dark of the Moon, paratroopers descend on Shockwave to stop his assault on Chicago. He has appeared in all of Michael Bay's Transformers films as well as the reboot Bumblebee Film, albeit he is completely redesigned in appearance. Remove backdrop to showcase Shockwave in the Battle of Chicago scene. See more ideas about shockwave transformers, transformers, transformers art. He also wound up this way on the cover of G.I. Product and colors (and franchise) may vary. ... Part 1", and an open "saluting" hand that can be swapped for his right fist based on the same scene from the same episode. Shockwave chose to rally behind Sentinel Prime, who claimed to be descended from Primus himself. I've purchased Transformers since G1 … Dus leef je uit! The film introduced a new cast of characters, while killing off or simply pushing away the previous cast. In a reversal of the usual order, he was swayed by the ambitions of the former mining caste member turned gladiator Megatron. The estimated retail price for Transformers Toys Studio Series 56 Leader Class Transformers: Dark of The Moon Shockwave Action Figure - 8.5-inch is $49.99. Includes 4 detailed accessories: Two small character figures, a sword, and a paratrooper figure with a parachute. Japanese ID number: 49 1.2. Includes a detailed Laserbeak figure accessory … 10 Best Fight Scenes In The Transformers Franchise. Vind fantastische aanbiedingen voor transformers shockwave. In de scène van de Strijd om Chicago uit Transformers: Dark of the Moon, nemen paratroepers het op tegen Shockwave om zijn aanval op Chicago te stoppen. 1 Biografie 1.1 Transformers – Autobots 1.2 Bumblebee: The Movie 1.3 Transformers (2007) 1.4 Transformers –… Fans watch Transformers films for the epic robot fights, destroying cities, factories, and forests along the way. In seguito verrà gravemente danneggiato al suo unico occhio dagli umani, capitanati dal Colonnello Lennox, e nuovamente affrontato e definitivamente distrutto da Optimus Prime, il quale lo danneggia ulteriormente al ventre e gli strappa via l'occhio, usando poi il suo stesso cannone per abbattere la torre dove era posto il pilastro centrale che manteneva attivo il ponte spaziale. Transformers Film Series by SomeDisneyGuy | created - 19 Apr 2017 | updated - 19 Apr 2017 | Public Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc. Dotato di eccellenti abilità da hacker e ampie capacità di camuffamento, opererà sotto le mentite spoglie dell'Autobot Longarm, mantenendo aggiornato il suo leader sulle mosse del nemico su Cybertron. Shockwave’s involvement in these events, or events mostly similar, was also chronicled in the comic mini-series Transformers: The Animated Movie. Get your team aligned with all the tools you need on one secure, reliable video platform.

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