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Blackout- Shot by William Lennox and Bled to death after being attacked by F-22's. He really shouldn't have taken that Aztec gold. The signal was indeed shut down, and Magnus discovered that the signal was coming from deep within Cybertron... City of Fear! Meltdown! Realizing that the zombies were being animated by remote using a radio signal, they travelled to the Baird Beaming Transmitter. Prowl and Bumblebee were finally cured from their contact with the creature when Sari blasted the space barnacles off with hot water. Optimus Prime/Twilight Sparkle; Laserbeak/Ravage; Scorch/Magic; Zombie/Zombie; Car/Car; Optimus Prime; Twilight Sparkle; Prowl (Transformers) Jazz (Transformers) Laserbeak (Transformers) Ravage (Transformers) Scorch (Beanie Babies) Magic (Beanie Babies) Zombies (Character) Hot Wheels - Character; Fluff; Humor; Photocomic; Summary. Spark of Darkness. Not content with the idea of soldiers with the ability to rebel however, Megatron immediately proceeded to lobotomize the newly resurrected Transformers, destroying their higher brain functions while still retaining the ability to follow orders, although clumsily. Leaving what was left of Dark Scorponok, unable to solve his affliction, their attentions were needed elsewhere, below the planet's surface. The energy ball appeared next in the technorganic orchard that Rattrap and Botanica were tending, bringing life to a deactivated Motorcycle Drone. Darkness Rising, Part 2 Megatron used it to reanimate dead Transformers in a battlefield on Earth Darkness Rising, Part 3 and went on to use Dark Energon to reanimate Cybertron's dead, though these Terrorcons were all destroyed. The Sports Car Patrol decided this wasn't the best course of action and tried to lure him with a different plan. The antique anti-rad armor they wore to protect themselves from the extreme radiation caused by the crystals also disguised their identities to Kup, who was suffering hallucinations at the hand of the radiation. Finally, Rattrap had an epiphany, realized what was going on, and captured the energy ball inside a Diagnostic Drone. 1. As Optimus Primal's corpse floated in Earth's orbit following his sacrifice at the hands of the aliens' Planet Buster, Predacon Megatron realized true strength was not only in numbers (fashioning himself an army of drones), but also in retrieving Primal's remains, reassembling it, and reanimating it as a zombie. These human zombies (in matching Decepticon jumpsuits) had begun to lay siege to a local city when Lander, who was nearby, changed into his Pretender form and battled them. More over in contrast to "Dark Awakening", Optimus Prime is totally undamaged in "The Return of Optimus Prime", He'd be somewhere in the middle. To do this, Blackjack and his fellow Micromasters made Ratchet's hallucination real, animating Ratchet's patients. Optimus Prime has been at war for 9 million years. Darkness Rising, Part 5 The Decepticon Skyquake was also later revived as a Terrorcon. Later, during a mission into the Decepticon base in hopes of rescuing Cliffjumper, Arcee found Cliffjumper. Botanica attempted to use her energy weapon powers against it, but like Blackarachnia's energo-webs, it merely absorbed her attack. High quality Optimus Prime gifts and merchandise. CyberEman2099 Nov 2, 2020. When Kup and the Wreckers crashlanded on Earth in their escape pods, Megatron ordered his zombie army to track them down. Legion of the Lost! Guess this explains why Ratchet prefers him as Bumblebee. Zombie leader Britt, now in robotic form, used powers of suggestion to trick the Cybertronians into thinking she was a member of their crew named Bayonet, while she actually sabotaged the engines to take the ship to Earth. He then used optimus' body, which now was his, to lead the decepticons, and destroy the autobots. An encounter with a pre-Decepticon Megatron would change the course of his life, teaching him that freedom was not just the right of all "civilised" beings, but of all sentient beings, and causing him to publicly reclaim the name "Autobot", previously used only at Cybertronians as a derogatory term, before the corrupt ⦠BTW: JP has a couple of cool Transformer stencils on his site and he even has a very wicked looking old school Megatron. After stealing dead bodies from medical universities, Dauros and Gilmer infused them with evil energy from Devil Z. Though Ultra Magnus refused to return Flywheels's gun to him, the Decepticon helped Magnus and the Sparklers beat back the undead hordes. A mysterious energy ball lifted from the zombie, and it disappeared through a grate in the ground. Oops. See more ideas about transformers, transformers autobots, autobots. Natural Selection, Part Five. Optimus Prime, originally known as Orion Pax, is the main protagonist of the Transformers franchise.. Beast Wars Metals manga. Despite Unicron's apparent death inside the Unicron Singularity, his essence's will was still strong enough to use the reality-altering black hole to bring the Terrorcon Scorponok to Cybertron. In 1987, when Optimus Prime was transported to Cybertron, Ultra Magnus and the Wreckers nearly killed him due to deliberate Decepticon misinformation that claimed he was a masquerading Decepticon agent which was disproved by Emirate Xaaron. Spark of Darkness. 2. (Note: He ⦠Blackarachnia attempted to use her energo-web attacks, but it merely absorbed them, until finally, after Blackarachnia threw another corpse's power core at it, the zombie collapsed. A nice, classic alternative to the Alternate dimension amazon figure. While looking for clues to the identity of Playback's killer, Nightbeat suddenly found himself, Siren, and Hosehead under attack by the prime suspect—Thunderwing! Something Robotic This Way Comes, Despite Unicron's apparent death inside the Unicron Singularity, his essence's will was still strong enough to use the reality-altering black hole to bring the Terrorcon Scorponok to Cybertron. Frenzy- Accidently decapitated himself with a flying blade. : cars and other objects), a synergistic blend of biological evolution and technological engineering. As Optimus Primal's corpse floated in Earth's orbit following his sacrifice at the hands of the aliens' Planet Buster, Predacon Megatron realized true strength was not only in numbers (fashioning himself an army of drones), but also in retrieving Primal's remains, reassembling it, and reanimating it as a zombie. Surprise! Starscream's remains were possessed by the essence of the Underbase and went on an insane rampage, nearly killing Dr. Susan Hoffman and her assistants. Brawl- Shot in the chest by Bumblebee. Meltdown! Nightscream tried a different approach of "draining" the creature of its power, but it drained Nightscream's own power from him. However, this began to backfire when Ratchet decided to give himself up to his accusers. The signal was indeed shut down, and Magnus discovered that the signal was coming from deep within Cybertron... City of Fear! He is a Cybertronian, an extraterrestrial species of sentient self-configuring modular robotic lifeforms (e.g. Finally, Flywheels and the Sparklers reverted to vehicle mode, where they could use their weapons to destroy the zombies more effectively. What Kup didn't know is that they were not zombies, but Autobots sent in to rescue him. It would be like how he was portrayed in Dark Awakening. Megatron subjugated Starscream to the same treatment, although the Seeker was allowed to retain a small part of his consciousness as a punishment, unable to react to the horrors he experienced. Nature Calls, Dark Energon had the power to bring Transformers back to life as shambling creatures known as Terrorcons. So, during this time, is he just a dull zombie like the rest, or are you like, "This is Optimus Prime we're talking about", and he'd stay sentient and hell-bent on destruction? Upon Optimus' return to Cybertron, he claimed that Rodimus and his crew had died due to a cruel Quintesson trick, and commanded every single Autobot to help him strike back. While the two Autobots blasted and slashed the undead horde, Megatron watched from a nearby cliff. Optimus Prime Season 3 Death (with ending hologram) - YouTube Loose Ends, Part 2, After Astrotrain, Skywarp and Ratbat brought in the unconscious Kup, Megatron used him as bait to lure in the other Wreckers then ordered the zombies to ambush them. Balancing Act, Part 3 After a prolonged fight, Sentinel Maximus was able to defeat Dark Scorponok, after which he and Vector Prime realized this was just a diversion. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Prime leads with Extraverted Feeling first, in that his main objective is for not just his homeworld, but for the entire galaxy to live in peace. The Wrath of Grimlock! Later, Dreadwind and Darkwing were sent by Megatron to reclaim Starscream's charred corpse on Earth. Share your Transformers games: KRE-O Prime VS Zombies tips and tricks! Finally, Rattrap had an epiphany, realized what was going on, and captured the energy ball inside a diagnostic drone. Optimus Prime, known in Japan as Convoy (ã³ã³ãã¤, Konboi), is a fictional character from the Transformers franchise. He brought the mass aboard to study but when they thawed, the zombies attacked Galvatron's crew, infecting some of his Sweeps. When Cliffjumper attacked her, Arcee flung the Autobot down a shaft, where the reanimated Autobot apparently deactivated again. a creator for comics There are flaming meteors flying down a road!Optimus ⦠Noticing the mechanical devices that the AllSpark had animated, Starscream tore the solidified AllSpark energy from them and used it to turn the Decepticon corpses into undead soldiers. When the zombified Autobot attacked Megatron the Decepticon leader cut Cliffjumper in half. Someone did a Zombie Optimus one year at BC out of a bunch of Gundam parts that was super cool, it had the ship command chair and everything. In this state, they shared with zombies the property to "infect" other robots by simple contact, turning them also into mindless drones, ready to spread the infection. The dead walk in Kalis, he warned, as the fists of the unliving punched up through the ground beneath them. ... We have pirate costumes, animal costumes, ninja costumes, vampire costumes, witch and zombie costumes, gaming costumes, LOL Surprise costumes, JoJoSiwa costumes and more. The energy ball appeared next in the technorganic orchard that Rattrap and Botanica were tending, bringing life to a deactivated Cycle Drone. 3. The Decepticons realized that they needed to infuse life energy from living humans into the zombies to avoid this problem. The Decepticons realized that they needed to infuse life energy from living humans into the zombies to avoid this problem. Without any mental functions whatsoever, they simply walked forward and attempted to kill, and very nearly tore apart the weakened Autobots before Ratchet worked out how to stop them. Siege episode 5 The Sparkless quickly overwhelmed the group, managing to tear Moonracer down to her torso, killing her, but Optimus spotted and retrieved the Allspark, its power causing the Sparkless to disintegrate into dust. At first Dark Scorponok assaulted Skyfall, Balancing Act, Part 2 who survived due to his powerful forcefield ability, but the monster was drawn away by Ramjet's evil Mini-Con minions, towards the Primary Energon Reserves Control, where Vector Prime and Sentinel Maximus were located. While exploring by himself, Daniel is stuck in a dark room with robot corpses and gets appropriately creeped ⦠After realizing they would soon be overwhelmend, Optimus scaled the cliff to reach Megatron, who promptly retreated. Impactor once again sacrificed his life to save the others, staying behind to deactivate Flame's mechanism as it annihilated him. Loose Ends, Part 5, Cosmos, Wheeljack, Red Alert and Smokescreen were tasked with gathering the fallen zombies and throwing them into a large pit where Ultra Magnus could vaporise them from orbit to be sure. In a desperate bid to stop Grimlock from exploding the walking bomb Guardian, Wheeljack radio-controlled the body of Optimus Prime (Shockwave had the head), to grab Grimlock's arm. Noticing the mechanical devices that the All Spark had animated, Starscream tore the solidified All Spark energy from them and used it to turn the Decepticon corpses into undead soldiers. The antique anti-rad armor they wore to protect themselves from the extreme radiation caused by the crystals also disguised their identities to Kup, who was suffering hallucinations at the hand of the radiation. Though he captured his rival Emirate Xaaron and other inhabitants of Autobase, he would have been easily thwarted -- if not for his zombification of the late Wreckers leader, Impactor. Actually, Vader has a point. "Dark Awakening" ended with Optimus Prime flying the autobot flagship into a Quintesson detonator causing the local sun to go nova incinerating him. Shadowzone Knock Out's experiments combining Synthetic Energon and Dark Energon resulted in a more vampiric form of Terrorcon. Rubicon, While searching for the Allspark in the Sea of Rust, Optimus Prime and his team tracked its last known coordinates down into a nearby valley. The Decepticons' Manhunt, The zombie process was eventually improved using living people and a more durable form of Destroid was unleashed on Rome, however the Autobot Pretenders knocked them out with anesthetic gas and Diver was able to give them treatment for their condition. ! The Sports Car Patrol decided this wasn't the best course of action and tried to lure him back with a different plan. Realizing that the zombies were being animated by remote using a radio signal, they travelled ten kliks outside Kalis to the Baird Beaming Transmitter. Kup had been marooned on a distant planet for quite some time when They started coming for him. Page 2 of 2 < Prev 1 2 Fortunately, thanks to a handy flask of Scraplets, the zombies were destroyed. Prime VS The Zombie Cons. After stealing dead bodies from medical universities, Dauros and Gilmer infused them with evil energy from Devil Z. Kidnapping!? As soon as Muzzle jumped clear, the trio of Autobots fired at the corpse's fuel supply, causing a huge explosion which forced Thunderwing into retreat. After kidnapping several human boys, the Autobot Pretenders came to the rescue and befriended one of the boys, Cab, who joined their team. Without any mental functions whatsoever, they simply walked forward and attempted to kill, and very nearly tore apart the weakened Autobots before Ratchet worked out how to stop them. First, he used his super fortress called Killerzone to destroy Superion, hound, and John Travolta. Thereâs a lot we know about him from his appearances in tons of animated series, comics, video games, and the wildly popular current series of live-action movies. Ultimately, Nightbeat was able to save their lives by having his Headmaster partner, Muzzle, become the head of Playback's corpse, momentarily distracting Thunderwing with its scary zombieness. His goal isnât for everyone to do what he says but to actually live harmoniously. Transformers Prime: Autobots versus Zombies [Rau, Zachary] on Thankfully, before Megatron and Tarantulas could make the process permanent, the Maximals showed up and Rhinox injected Primal's Spark (which he had retrieved from Transwarp space) into his old body. Oops. Spotlight: Kup, A few years later, Galvatron found a strange mass of real zombies—human and robot—frozen together near an anomaly in space. Back from the Dead. Siege episode 6, On one Halloween night, Rad White disguised himself as a zombie. Now Dark Scorponok, this undead creature stalked the evacuated planet surface, screaming in hunger and pain, crying out for Sparks upon which to feast. Some of them attached themselves to the dead body of Megatron and managed to reanimate it, evolving themselves into semi-awareness and later absorbing other machines. The Big Shutdown! The Targeted Jumbo Jet. Here are some of the moments when he's dead: 1.) The mouse pad will be used to aim and to shoot the Zombie Cons. Heroic leaders donât come more altruistic than Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots in the Transformers universe. He is the leader of the heroic Autobots, sworn protectors of humanity and Cybertron, and battles against the menace of the Decepticons and their evil ruler Megatron.Optimus Prime's main disguise has tended to be a large truck and he is generally seen as one of the most powerful Autobots on Earth. Several years later Ultra Magnus and the Sparkler Mini-Bots encountered similar technology used on a much broader scale. Blackarachnia attempted to use her energo-web attacks, but it merely absorbed them. Without a brain module to control its functions Prime's hand could not let go of Grimlock's arm. He was created by the autobots when trying to revive optimus prime. After finding Optimus seemingly still alive, Rodimus happily handed over the Matrix of Leadership. The energy ball was actually the polarized spark of Megatron. We take Pete's car, we drive over to mum's, we go in, take care of Phillip, then we grab mum, we go over to Liz's place, hole up, have a cup of tea and wait for all this to blow over. A used G2 figure that was in poor condition when I got it, so I decked it out to look like the "zombie version" of Optimus Prime from the episode "Dark Awakening." After Cliffjumper was killed after a battle against the Vehicons, his body was saved by Starscream for use in experiments. This was just what the Quintessons had orchestrated from the beginning, having reanimated the Autobots' former leader solely for the purpose of leading the entire faction into a deadly trap. 4. Goddamn, Goldbug's creepy. Although Transformers are often rebuilt or otherwise brought back from apparent death, there are also many examples of them being partially reanimated as zombies, either self-aware or under the control of another. A seemingly-invincible corpse battled them. Traveling via dimensional portal to the new home of Emirate Xaaron's resistance movement in Kalis, they arrived to find the place vacant and ransacked by beings unknown. Natural Selection, Part One As it turns out, Starscream was still very much alive, and Megatron had merely repressed all but that little glimmer of consciousness with mental blocks—blocks that were loosened by Shockwave, whom Megatron had plugged into the Ark in order to gain control of Auntie. They only came at night, when the suns would stop filtering through the planet's beautiful, indigenous crystals, creating such beautiful music... Kup could not allow Them to take the music away from him, and even though his buddy Outback, the only other survivor of Kup's crew, refused to help him, Kup was able to beat back every single last one of Them every single night when they'd come for him. What's left of the ship can't support human life for long, however, so they take refuge on board the nearby Autobot Mausoleum, an interstellar tomb containing many of their deceased comrades, most notably the venerated Optimus Prime. Balancing Act, Part 4, Immediately after Megatron's death, Starscream appointed himself the commander of the Decepticons... who were all dead. And some lingering remnants of his memory and personality [...] But without our circuit implants, he would be utterly mindless, an ordinary machine. Prowl and Bumblebee were finally cured from their contact with the creature when Sari blasted the space barnacles off with hot water. She was stopped when Prowl took control of Kup's body and used her space-time portal to transport her, Kup and the entire zombie horde to the very beginning of the Dead Universe where there would be nothing to devour or infect. However, the zombies began to disappear in a flash of light after they had run out of energy. Though most of the Autobots did not believe Daniel's story, Rodimus was obsessed with Optimus's memory, and tracked him down. Legion of the Lost! However, things were not as they appeared, and Optimus immediately turned on them, left them to die in the funeral barge, and escaped in a ship he had built. In Targetâs Hyde & Eek Halloween store, youâll find tons of wicked-cool Halloween costume ideas for kids. By 2012, Megatron had used the knowledge gained from his mental link with Ratchet to reanimate a large number of Decepticon victims of the Underbase Saga. However, this began to backfire when Ratchet decided to give himself up to his accusers. Rules of Disengagement, After millions of years in exile, the Titan Master Infinitus - disgusted by what Cybertron had become during his feigned death - used his abilities to awaken the hordes of dead Titans that had been left to rust on Luna 1, hoping to use the undead army to cleanse Cybertron and rebuild the planet from scratch. ("Normal" space barnacles simply drain energy, but presumably do not take over Transformer minds.) And the best part is that anyone off whom he feeds becomes just the same. The only survivor was Starscream, thanks to the glimmer of consciousness Megatron had left him with. Upon initial activation, the zombie asserted its dominance over Megatron's new army of drones. Thus ended the short career of Zombie Convoy. Although Transformers are often rebuilt or otherwise brought back from apparent death, there are also many examples of them being partially reanimated as zombies, either self-aware or under the control of another. Loose Ends, Part 4, The army of "Ex-Bots" charged into battle against the detachment of Autobots Optimus Prime had brought with him from Cybertron, but when Ratchet, Megatron and Auntie were more-or-less simultaneously taken out by Kup, Prime and Circuit Smasher respectively, the signal reanimating and controlling the zombies was shut off and they dropped to the ground, inactive. Without a brain module to control its functions Prime's hand could not let go of Grimlock's arm. Optimus Prime, known in Japan as Convoy (ã³ã³ãã¤, Konboi), is a fictional character created by the Transformers franchise. ("Normal" space barnacles simply drain energy, but presumably do not take over Transformer minds.) Bonecrusher- Decapitated by Optimus Prime. The current Wreckers leader, Springer, was shocked into inaction at the sight of his former leader, and if it weren't for Impactor's mind reasserting itself, the planet would have been lost. Optimus Prime was originally known as Orion Pax, a police captain from Rodion. Jazz- Torn in half by Megatron while attempting to distract him. A mysterious energy ball lifted from the zombie, and it disappeared through a grate in the ground. Reply. After kidnapping several human boys, the Autobot Pretenders came to the rescue and befriended one of the boys, Cab, who joined their team. The real Optimus eventually resurfaced, returned the Matrix to Rodimus, once again gave him his blessing, and the Autobots retreated. Maximus Prime, the true leader of the decepticons, took command after the battle of autobot city (transformers: the movie). Thirst Unicron raised an army of Terrorcons created from long-fallen Predacons. Megatron- Sam pushed the All Spark into his chest, extinguishing the Decepticon's life force. Race with the Devil. Terror! He is a Cybertronian, a fictional extraterrestrial species of sentient self-configuring modular robotic lifeforms (e.g. There are many guns that Optimus Prime will pick up and use. Later, Dreadwind and Darkwing were sent by Megatron to reclaim Starscream's charred corpse on Earth. Back from the Dead. : cars and other objects), a synergistic blend of biological evolution and technological engineering. 1 Transformers Konquest 2 Kre-O Transformers Comic Creator 3 Prime Defense 4 Prime VS The Zombie Cons 5 Kreon Choas 6 Bumblebee Boulder Dash 7 Prowl's Pursuit 8 Starscream stand off 9 Megatron Takedown 10 Kre-O Creator 11 Kreate Combiners 12 Kre-O Cityville Invasion Rebuild the Transformers before its to late. With Megatron and Auntie gone, Shockwave was able to remove Starscream's blocks altogether, allowing the treacherous Decepticon's true personality (and voice) to return. But alas, Magnus was stunned to realize that the beings they put down were formerly Autobots. However, within Starscream the spark of rebellion still burned and he was able to vocalize to Kup that in order to defeat Megatron he must kill Ratchet. Optimus Prime, known in Japan as Convoy (ã³ã³ãã¤, Konboi), is a fictional character from the Transformers franchise. Cliffjumper was reborn as a screaming beast, and ⦠After capturing the Decepticon Flywheels in Tyrest and bringing him back into Kalis, their captive shook with fear. He died and returned as a zombie in The Transformers Season 3 | 2.) Predacons Rising, Optimus Prime had to defend Phoenix, Arizona from a horde of rampaging Zombie Cons. Sadly, we are cheated a "Brawn of the Dead" pun-reference. Blitzwing shot down Whirl, Laserbeak and Buzzsaw disabled Sandstorm and Starscream almost killed Springer, earning himself a rebuke from Megatron who was saving that pleasure for himself. The lobotomized Decepticons (who were also joined by resurrected and similarly lobotomized Autobots) sported crude metal clamps over their heads due to their surgeries, and were incapable of maintaining their own bodies as Megatron ruthlessly ravaged the Earth. While looking for clues to the identity of Playback's killer, Nightbeat suddenly found himself, Siren, and Hosehead under attack by the prime suspect -- Thunderwing! To do this, Blackjack and his fellow Micromasters made Ratchet's hallucination real, animating Ratchet's patients. Heavy/Scratch: Dark Awakening ZOMBIE Optimus Prime CARTOON Custom FINAL SCENE ! The game is a flash based web game. After Starscream was diverted away from the humans by Backstreet, Dogfight, and Override, the trio of Triggerbots tried in vain to stop the rampaging zombie. The Transformers: Infestation #2, When the apparently-dead Fulcrum returned to life, the Decepticon Flywheels (naturally) assumed he was a zombie, before Fulcrum managed to persuade him otherwise. When Megatron returned, he wished to test the then-theoretical property of Dark Energon to revive the dead. Impactor once again sacrificed his life to save the others, staying behind to deactivate Flame's mechanism as it annihilated him. The afflicted is driven by an insatiable desire to feed on the life energy of others. Transformers Comic issue 7, Space barnacles are parasitic life-forms that can be considered "zombie-inducing" in their quest for energy. As Optimus Primal's corpse floated in Earth's orbit following his sacrifice at the hands of the aliens' Planet Buster, Predacon Megatron realized true strength was not only in numbers (fashioning himself an army of drones), but also in retrieving Primal's remains, reassembling it, and reanimating it as a zombie. After the defeat of Megatron and the Maximals' takeover of the Grand Mal, Silverbolt and Blackarachnia were investigating the fields of sparkless Transformer bodies when they were attacked by a zombie-like creature. Still, cool. Thankfully, before Megatron and Tarantulas could make the process permanent, the Maximals showed up and Rhinox injected Primal's Spark (which he had retrieved from Transwarp space) into his old body. [...] A robotic zombie. Darkness Rising, Part 2. Optimus Prime dies a lot, but somehow he always comes back to life. Megatron first used it as such on the deceased Cliffjumper.
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