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Being unable to find common ground, the two friends separated and a civil war broke out, with Optimus becoming a freedom fighter and Megatron becoming a power-hungry tyrant. A new ruling council was established that was supposed to establish and lead a more just society. The Autobots couldn't match the brute strength of the Decepticons, so they turned to stealth, learning the art of transformation. Cybertron does have independent cities. Fanzone gets sucked into the space bridge causing him to enter Cybertron. What is the meaning of "longer electrical length = more wavelengths"? The Autobots would defeat the Decepticons. Autobots typically transform into regular cars, trucks, or other road vehicles (automobiles) but some can transform into aircraft, military vehicles, communication devices, weapons, and even robotic animals. In both games, the player creates a character who can scan many different transforming forms. Megatron wanted a completely egalitarian society, while Optimus opted for a new council led by him and Megatron, who would chose the other members. However, everyone who lives there wants to step on him. Why Do the Decepticons Hate the Autobots? The Autobots then developed transformation and the guardian robots to defend themselves, and that was known as the 'Golden Age of Cybertron': The Matrix was already in existence at this point, apparently being passed from one Autobot leader to the next, as is the practice today. I need Transformers geeks here! And to this day, When the protests failed, they initiated a rebellion and successfully overthrew the corrupt council. They wage war against the Autobots and seek to conquer the universe. Both sides are Transformers who can modify their bodies. Why are the Decepticons and Autobots fighting? themselves differently: The consumer goods robots called themselves So this makes this continuity the only one were the Autobots and Decepticons were never the same race. While many Autobots fled Cybertron, a few valiant survivors devised new tactics and launched a counter-offensive on their The Quintessons made the Transformers originally, though they didn't transform then, and the Transformers eventually turned on the Quintessons and drove them off the planet. And which one on that side would you be if you could? Why do Autobots have blue eyes while Decepticons have red eyes? For a time, the Decepticons succeeded. This is a list containing the episodes of The Transformers, an animated television series depicting a war among the Autobots and Decepticons who could transform into vehicles, other objects and animals. combat, the Autobots were overwhelmed and subjugated by their evil Source. I intended to question whether the Quintessons referred to the two product lines by those names in the distant past, which they are never shown to do. The root of the problems between the Autobots and the Decepticon goes back to the early days of Cybertron. Sep 25, 2009 #5 I personal theory is that it doesn't create decepticons nor Autobots. My boyfriend is nuts for Transformers. Why is processing an unsorted array the same speed as processing a sorted array with modern x86-64 clang? The Autobots were created by the Quintessons. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. ... Why Green Arrow and Hawkman Hate Each Other in DC Comics. You’ve read that correctly – Optimus Prime and Megatron were once friends and allies, but when it came to building a new society – discord entered. The Autobots rush out to meet a Decepticon sneak attack on their headquarters, unaware that it's actually a diversion. The Autobots are still are trying to take back the planet. The Decepticons are an organizationof evil Cybertronians and the main antagonistic faction of the Transformers franchise. Namely, the main Transformers were created by the Quintessons, a group of evil, scheming robots that used the Transformers as their slaves and as a source of entertainment. new technology, they defeated the Decepticons and ruled for many An Autobot ship is discovered on the Moon, and Optimus's old friend, Sentinel Prime joins their roster. Why can only Decepticons fly in robot mode? Optimus and Megatron couldn’t agree on the fundamental aspects of the new society. They are a synergistic blend of biological evolution and technological engineering. the war rages on. Well, after reading our text on why the two groups hate each other, you can continue reading this article for more answers! I find megatrons reasoning very logical. The animalistic descendants of the Autobots are known as the Predacons. Across the myriad Transformers continuities, the Autobots have never had a consistent second-in-command in the same way the Decepticons do. The impact of that episode, to me, resonates till this day- when an Autobot turns evil, his eye colour changes to red. The DS iteration of Transformers The Game actually consists of two separate games: Transformers Autobots and Transformers Decepticons. The exotic materials that make up their composition is a living metal with a self-replicating cellular structure and genetic code. Namely, the main Transformers were created by the Quintessons, a group of evil, scheming robots that used the Transformers as their slaves and as a source of entertainment. they turned to stealth, learning the art of transformation. Do you like this debate?No Yes +1 Yes +1 I give you specific details about an Autobot or Decepticon, and you have to tell me which Autobot/Decepticon I'm describing. Transformers: What Religion Do Autobots & Decepticons Follow? Odd then, that no Transformers fiction has ever shown him leading the Autobots, even for a temporary period, especially since he'd be … The Autobots, in turn, exist to shield the native populations and develop the inter-species society. The Autobots and the Decepticons are two opposing factions within the Transformers universe and their conflict has been the core plot element for most iterations of the franchise, regardless of the media. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. If they weren't fighting, it would sell less plastic tat from China, hence the war rages on eternally. Character Zavok Location Lost Hex. rev 2021.3.5.38726, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Using this new technology, they defeated the Decepticons and ruled for many centuries in a "Golden Age." How do I tilt a lens to get an entire street in focus? Which side do you choose? Another reason Optimus and Megatron make great allies is what happens when they team up: They save the world! Ever since having to abandon their home planet of Cybertron, the Autobots have come to Earth, where they help the humans fight against the Decepticons. Is there a website that supports blind chess? Can you book multiple seats in the same flight for the same passenger in separate tickets and not show up for one ticket? @pilot00 You referred to both Autobots and Decepticons in the last sentence of your statement, where you said the Quintessons refer to each faction by their modern name. Decepticons are a sub-race of Cybertronians. Why Do the Decepticons Hate the Autobots? and the later gets amused laughs and outright rips you apart. arch-foes. "I know Deceptcons are evil and Autobots are good" Well, that's what the Autobots propagandists would have us believe. Has any European country recently scrapped a bank/public holiday? @Max in other continuities the decepticon leader.....thinks conquest is the only way for them to survive,.... so depends on continuity. Before the Civil War, the Decepticons were soldiers, spies, and warriors, while the Autobots were labourers, couriers, and artisans. What does the concept of an "infinite universe" actually mean? Less than perfect, however, is the Autobot leader, Optimus Prime. so, no reason other than "lust for power" ? The “Heroic Autobots”, as they are usually called, are opposed by the “Evil Decepticons”, led by the tyrannic Megatron. Why are abelian groups of interest? The animalistic descendants of the Autobots are known as the Maximals. Shockwave is one of the most dangerous decepticons in the army, and a pretty nasty one too, people may call him "cyclopes" because of his one single red eye. The Decepticon's root function is to conquer alien races and, absent the influence of the autobots they are quite successful. The Decepticons can't fathom the Autobot's altruism, so the war continues....That, or Hasbro wanted to sell some really fucking awesome toys. It goes back to the ideological differences between the Autobots and the Decepticons. The Decepticons are usually depicted as being stronger due to historical reasons. Why did only alternative Spider-People came from the Super-Collider? And, absent the opposition of the Decepticons, do so well. What is it about the beliefs of the 2 groups that makes them unable to come to some sort of permanent truce. centuries in a "Golden Age." Both Decepticons and Autobots are humanoid robots (for the most part), that can transform into machines, vehicles and other familiar mechanical objects, as well as mimic organic lifeforms (Insecticons). Namely, the main Transformers were created by the Quintessons, a group of evil, scheming robots that used the Transformers as their slaves and as a source of entertainment. The root of the problems between the Autobots and the Decepticon goes back to the early days of Cybertron. The root of the problems between the Autobots and the Decepticon goes back to the early days of Cybertron. So, keep reading to find out more! Ok, cookie for you as well lol. Optimus has spent countless eons fighting Megatron and his brood of Decepticons across the galaxy and it seems that this endless conflict has turned the once noble Autobot leader into a hardened and quite frankly hyper-violent soldier bent on destroying his enemies at all costs. As the Autobots and Decepticons allied against the new Cybertronian faction, Razorclaw became wary of how close some of the freshly created Decepticons became with their Autobot allies 25. After the slaves drove the Quintessons away from Cybertron, peace Peace was kept with the use of Guardian Not designed for sentinels that protected cities, quelled uprisings, and generally did At the start of the movie, the narrator states in the year 2005 (yes, that was the future then), the treacherous Decepticons has conquered the Autobots’ home planet of Cybertron. Autobots are more for the rights of the individual, where Decepticons are interested in the group. They also built a powerful leader With this, we conclude our story of the Autobots’ and the Decepticons’ mutual hatred. These little robots transform into wild animals, and as such have a love for the hunt, and a hate for Optimus Prime. Cartoons and Animation Topic Archived; Page 1 of 2; Last ; You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. A little understanding could make things better. Sollet. Transformers: What Religion Do Autobots & Decepticons Follow? He's super into the new video games. Autobots, and the military hardware robots were known as Decepticons. Can female Autobots take up the position of leadership? So the Decepticons were given the ability to fly so that they would be more effective in battle while the Autobots didn't since there wasn't a need for them to do … When evil wins, it just feels wrong. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Jetfire aka Skyfire. DC Just Used The Batman Slap Meme in the Weirdest Way Possible. trending now. The roots of this conflict are sociopolitical, but the thing that contributed most is Megatron’s change from an egalitarian freedom fighter to a power-hungry tyrant, which happened sometime after the schism between him and Optimus. These Autobots are often grouped into special “teams” that have the suffix “-bot” at the end, such as in Dinobot (Decepticon groups’ names end in “-con”). them to fly without the use of jets. wanted conquest. They are led by Optimus Prime and are one of the two main factions in the Transformers fictional universe, which debuted back in 1984. ISP losses associated with exhaust vane TVC. autobots crossover decepticons sega sonic transformers zeti zavok ideas sonic_the_hedgehog sonicthehedgehog transformersg1 crossoverfanfic deadlysix sonic_lost_world soniclostworld. In today’s article, we are going to introduce the two fractions, after which we are going to analyse the roots of their problems, which are mostly sociopolitical in nature. The latter would go out in a spectacular blaze of glory by single-handedly turning the tide against the Decepticons during the Battle of Autobot … Why can't we talk to the Decepticons? Unequal division, 51 Autobots vs 25 Decepticons… Also in order to clarify this unfair division the storyline of the Rebellion on Planet Beasts cannot be ignored. The Autobots are trying to stop him as they're defending the inhabitants of the world, realizing their war is dragging in unintended casualties. sides have claimed victory, but this has been short-lived, for the The Autobots had most of the Dinobots, but the Decepticons have the Predacons. :P This resulted in rebellion. He seeks a voluntarily led society where every robot has a voice and a purpose, and none are disenfranchised. Complex continuous run vs easier single junction boxes. The Decepticons hated the Autobots for opposing them and the Autobots fought the Decepticons to secure freedom on Cybertron. Audience-specific texts for custom close reasons: Scientific Solutions or…. In Transformers, why are two minds better than one, but five minds are worse? The ruling council was corrupt and a lot of Transformers were still segregated and never really got a chance in the new society. Make friends and integrate. Yet, this did not happen. Autobots are a sub-race of Cybertronians. While the Autobots preferred a peaceful existence, the Decepticons The Decepticons were created by the Quintessons. hardware was becoming acute, as the two groups had even named the dirty work of war. transform and also developed some form of anti-gravity that allowed site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! Who was Starscream's best friend before the great war between the Autobots and Decepticons started? In fact, the Autobots are more courageous than the Decepticons, on average, and 19 Autobots had the maximum courage rating, compared with just 4 Decepticons. Why does Prime value all life, and why doesn't Megatron? See you next time and don’t forget to follow us. Whether it’s defeating Unicron or taking down Sentinel Prime, when the leaders of the Autobots and Decepticons put their heads together the universe is a safer place.. One of the greatest team-ups of the franchise occurs in G2 when a drill goes rogue and begins boring a tunnel … Despite the popularity of the franchise, a lot of people don’t know why the Autobots and the Decepticons are fighting, and this is why we have decided to write our article. How to compensate students who face technical issues in online exams. They also feature larger and more powerful bots, and while the battle would be a close one, the autobots would stand victorious in the end as the decepticons would fall apart without their leader, unlike the autobots. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. We're talking the original cartoons, and toys, and such. They are a synergistic blend of biological evolution and technological engineering. treachery has toppled many a peaceful Autobot ruler. The Autobots believe in peaceful coexistence with the rest of the universe, so their alt modes (the alternate shape they transform into) mirror that: cars and trucks so that they can exist among people without being noticed. The exact nature of the rebellion depends on the source (the comic books depict this struggle better than any other source), but generally – a group of miners led by Megatron and his ally, Orion Pax, rose up against the corrupt ruling council after initially protesting for a fair society. In the Marvel comics continuity the Autobots were created by Primus and lived more or less peacefully on Cybertron. The Decepticons, like the Autobots, were creations of the Quintessons, and were slaves in the early days of Cybertron. Is there a broader term for instruments, like the gong, whose volume briefly increases after being sounded instead of immediately decaying? We hope you had fun reading this and that we helped solve this dilemma for you. Why use 5 or more ledger lines below the bass clef instead of ottava bassa lines for piano sheet music? Certainly they seem to like attacking humans but that doesn't really make them Decepticons, just transformers that hate humans . ;-) (NOTE: IT IS NOT COMPLETED YET!) Peace was kept with the use of Guardian robots (presumably based upon the Quintessons' Dark Guardians), sentinels that protected cities, quelled uprisings, and generally did the dirty work of war." In any case, the Autobots tend to be more about blending in and being inconspicuous, while the Decepticons are less concerned with hiding than they are with wrecking stuff, so the choice of altmodes is somewhat utilitarian. After the Autobots recharge the next day, Teletraan I alerts them to the imminent launch of a rocket, and rather than protec… And the rest is history. How can I raise my handlebars when there are no spacers above the stem? However, the Decepticons eventually learned to Many times, both At one point, the Transformers rose up against their rulers and chased the Quintessons away from Cybertron. So the Decepticons were given the ability to fly so that they would be more effective in battle while the Autobots didn't since there wasn't a … reigned. Both Autobots and Decepticons have want a future without war and struggle, but their philosophies diverge on what that future truly looks like. Straxus Some of the most famous Decepticons are Megatron (later known as Galvatron), Starscream, Soundwave, Shockwave, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Reflector, the Constructicons (Hook, Scrapper, Bonecrusher, Long Haul, Scavenger, Mixmaster, Devastator), and the Insecticons (Shrapnel, Bombshell, Kickback). In Transformers G1 (The original 1984 series) the war on Cybertron was described in Episode 38 "Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 2" like this: Millions of years ago, Cybertron was a planet of peace...until the The Decepticons are the main antagonists in every iteration of the Transformers fictional universe since 1984. Not as hard as it sounds... if you know your autonomous robotic organisms well enough. Question 3 I am starting to agree, the autobots sound like dangerous commie dictators, who want earth thinking the "decepticons" are bad :). @PaulD.Waite starscream or megatron? Iacon was the last city the Decepticons took during the civil war, with the Autobots continuing the fight from the tunnels, caves and bases beneath Iacon. The Blue-eyed Autobots & Red-eyed Decepticons (BEA + RED) idea became one of the most significant elements of the Season 2 episode Attack of the Autobots. Both Autobots and Decepticons joined forces to battle a common threat much greater than either of them. When Optimus Prime and Megatron took down the corrupt council, they had opposing views on how to establish a new order, which resulted in the conflict. These Decepticons are often grouped into special “teams” that have the suffix “-con” at the end, such as in Constructicon (Autobot groups’ names end in “-bot”). In the film versions it is not really touched upon, and I am pretty sure the cartoons I have watched also don't go into what triggered the war. The Autobots are benevolent, sentient, self-configuring robotic lifeforms from the planet Cybertron.Led by Optimus Prime, they are the main protagonists in the universe of the Transformers, a collection of various toys, cartoons, movies, graphic novels, and paperback books first introduced in 1984.The "Heroic Autobots" are opposed by the "Evil Decepticons". 13 years ago. That is the schism that broke the Cybertronian race, the left over security forces of Iacon the capital of Cyberton were renamed "The Autobots" now rallied behind a new Prime but found that their leader Zeta Prime was simply a corrupt ruler who wanted to crush the Decepticons and turn Cybertron into an … The games have different storylines and environments, but the basic gameplay elements are shared between them. Back on their homeworld, the Autobots were created for manufacturing and what not while the Decepticons were created to be militaristic. How to pick correct front derailleur replacement. What is their usefulness? Using this Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. And thus began a terrible series of wars. And that’s it for today. Prime is an Autobot and therefore is programmed with the duty to cooperate, serve and protect. Capable of transforming into alternate forms, these are often high-tech or powerful vehicles; including aircraft, military vehicles, construction vehicles, expensive luxury or sports cars and even smaller-than-human-sized objects. Autobots as consumer grade machines, and the Decepticons as weaponized machines. The Autobots couldn't match the brute strength of the Decepticons, so "so they turned to stealth, learning the art of transformation" So, one side learned how to trick those other side into thinking they were something they're not ... and the other side is called "Decepticons"? While there are many religions in the Transformers universe, almost every sect includes Primus, the creator-god, and Unicron, the lord of chaos. But that’s not the real threat. Why didn't the Earth forces stop the Decepticons? The exotic materials that make up their composition is a living metal with a self-replicating cellular structure and genetic code. ... Why Green Arrow and Hawkman Hate Each Other in DC Comics. The animated film was one of the most emotional movies ever for a kid. Some of the most famous Autobots are Optimus Prime (formerly known as Orion Pax, the Thirteenth Prime), Bumblebee, Ultra Magnus, Hot Rod (later known as Rodimus Prime), Ratchet, Wheeljack, Ironhide, Cliffjumper, Prowl, Jazz, Sideswipe, Springer, Kup, Blurr, Arcee, Wheelie, Mirage, and the Dinobots (Grimlock, Slag, Snarl, Sludge, Swoop). Is a definitive reason ever given as to what triggered the civil war on Cybertron? Why can't we mimic a dog's ability to smell covid? All you need for my answer is to refer to my sig. I hate losing and the Decepticons lost almost all the time to the Autobots :D InGameNinja7: Since Grimlock is my fave Transformers I'm team Autobots all the way. Can I be a NASA astronaut as a 5 foot 6 inches 16 year old Bangladeshi girl with eyesight problems? It only takes a minute to sign up. Have any Autobots changed sides to the Decepticons? Fiction Horizon (fictionhorizon.com) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. They are usually portrayed as the main antagonists of the Transformers franchise. The root of the conflict between the Autobots and the Decepticons lies in their differing views on society. If you go back to the original Transformers series (season 3, episode 4 "Five Faces of Darkness Pt. I've already found the emblem stickers and my next plan was a custom license plate frame with the Decepticon phrase since … While there are many religions in the Transformers universe, almost every sect includes Primus, the creator-god, and Unicron, the lord of chaos. 4" to be exact), you'll find that The Transformers were actually created by the Quintessons. Both Autobots and Decepticons are humanoid robots (for the most part), that can transform into machines, vehicles and other familiar mechanical objects, as well as mimic organic lifeforms (Dinobots). While the Autobots were the worker caste, the Decepticons were the warrior caste. Other species are considered potential allies and peers to be respected and defended. However, the division between consumer goods and military The Autobots weren't afraid to do what was necessary to protect the weak, ... 4 The Autobots Defeated The Hate Spore Plague. Who do you root for, the autobots, or the decepticons? The capitol is called Iacon, and is protected by a large dome. Decepticons typically transform into different aircraft, military vehicles, communication devices, weapons, and even robotic animals, unlike the Autobots, who mostly transform into regular vehicles. The Autobots are a group of benevolent, sentient, self-configuring, fictional robotic lifeforms from the planet Cybertron. robots (presumably based upon the Quintessons' Dark Guardians), It is, without a doubt, an interesting topic to see how and why one of fiction’s bitterest rivalries came to be. Several Autobots would stare down the barrel of their own mortality to do the right thing, including Skyfire, and of course, Optimus Prime himself. While they're occupied, Megatron and Starscream coat themselves in a temporary "invisibility spray" and sneak inside. In the original 1984 pilot, "More Than Meets The Eye," and the 2007 live-action movie, it's Jazz who fills that role. Add to My Favorites Report this Debate Share with My Friends. He's getting his first "mine and only mine" car soon and i wanted to give him some transformers decals. Minor WMD +2 SelfPreservingSuicideUnit. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to them. It creates the food (IE Ecosystem) for the bots. for themselves: Megatron. Back on their homeworld, the Autobots were created for manufacturing and what not while the Decepticons were created to be militaristic. tracking your route when you're underground? March 2021 Topic Challenge: Cornelia Funke. The autobots have a greater unity than the decepticons and do not stage mutinies like their counterparts. Why does low magnitude of force imply that all components of a system have same acceleration? Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how … "in a "Golden Age." Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. They would fight the wars for the Quintessons and even each other in gladiatorial fights simply out of amusement for the sadistic race. the former smiles ant talks to you and then shoots you into teh back. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. I know Deceptcons are evil and Autobots are good, but what triggered the war to begin with. And this is where it all began. Who invented the Autobots and Decepticons? Megatron sabotages the Autobots' recharging chamber with a personality destabilizer device, before calling off the attack, leaving the Autobots bemused. opponents. The Predacons can form into a much larger Transformer, as is the case with Devastator. Propose future topics for SFF topic challenges! One seeks freedom through choice, the other seeks peace through order. Decepticons, lusting for power, began a terrible war. But hey, we could always ask Teletraan-1 what its scanning parameters were when choosing new altmodes. They are depicted as a faction of sentient, fictional robotic lifeforms led by the tyrant Megatron, identified by a purple face-like insignia. Autobots have overthrown Decepticon tyrants, and, likewise, Decepticon Why is Starscream second-in-command of the Decepticons?

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