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Starring: Adam Andrianopolous, Pierce Cravens, Xander Crowell. Five students of the Rescue Bots Training Academy from Cybertron -- Hot Shot, Whirl, Medix, Hoist and Wedge -- learn to respond to emergency situations and become heroes. At Sea 11m. Transformers Rescue Bots follows the adventures of four young Transformers and their human counterparts- a family of emergency responders. The series had a special advance premiere on December 8, 2018, while the remaining episodes began airing on January 5, 2019 on Discovery Family in the US and Pop TV in the UK. 30. Recruits Part 1 11m. It is based on toy manufacturer Hasbro 's Transformers franchise and a sequel of Transformers: Rescue Bots, sharing the name with the Rescue Bots season three episode called "Rescue Bots Academy". All Washed Up 11m. Episodes Transformers Rescue Bots Academy. 28. ** Laserbeak makes a major appearance in the episode ''More "More Than Meets The Eye''.Eye". Episodes Transformers Rescue Bots Academy. With this episode, Prime, Bee and Grim are the only recurring characters to never transform. 38 "Escape from Penguin Island" ... 25. Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy is an animated cartoon series developed by Boulder Media Studio as a sequel to Transformers: Rescue Bots with Ben Ward as the lead writer. Sat, Aug 2, 2014 20 mins. Transformers Rescue Bots Academy. The Rescue Bots lose their … Season 2. 27. Season 2. Space Case 11m. Season 2. The … Error: please try again. 26. Alone in the Academy with a Triceratops, Hoist must overcome his fear of dinosaurs and calm the savage beast. Transformers: Rescue Bots Season 2 Episodes. Trick Or Treat 11m. 2020 ALL. Screen Time 11m. 1. Release year: 2019. As part of the first class at the Rescue Bots Academy, five Cybertron recruits train under their skilled teachers and take on daring rescue missions. As part of the first class at the Rescue Bots Academy, five Cybertron recruits train under their skilled teachers and take on daring rescue missions. Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy. * HeelFaceReturn: HeelFaceReturn: ** Evan and Myles, who were recurring villains in the original ''Rescue Bots'', make a comeback in the episode "Museum Mystery" where it is established that they reformed off-screen. Recruits Part 2 Transformers references. You can also buy, rent Transformers Rescue Bots Academy on demand at Netflix online. 2019 All 2 Seasons TV Cartoons. As part of the first class at the Rescue Bots Academy, five Cybertron recruits train under their skilled teachers and take on daring rescue missions. While he is the antagonist for the episode, it's mainly because he's panicked and injured. Optimus Prime's exclamation that he would not miss the Rescue Bot recruit graduation for "All the Energon on Cybertron" echoes a similar statement made by Bulkhead in the Robots in Disguise episode "Sick as a Bot". 29. 2. The first two episodes were previewed on December 8, 2018. Season 1. Watch Transformers Rescue Bots Academy - Small Cogs (s2 e25) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent Transformers Rescue Bots Academy, Season 2 Episode 25, is available to watch and stream on FOX. 37 "Buddy Cop" Jodi Reynolds Ray Quigley October 5, 2019 39 When the recruits take part in a training exercise for covert policing, Hot Shot is partnered with the least stealthy of all Rescue Bots, Grimlock. About A Rock 11m. Release year: 2019.
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