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Unicron is a fictional supervillain from the many continuities in the Transformers universe and toyline.Designed by Floro Dery, he was introduced in the 1986 animated film The Transformers: The Movie and has since reappeared in Transformers: Armada, Transformers: Energon, Transformers: Cybertron, Transformers: Prime, Transformers: The Last Knight and Atari's 2004 Transformers video … Forum Posts. Before the dawn of time, he is known as the bringer of chaos, lord of the undead and one of the main sources ofevil in the entire universe and the very source of Dark Energon itself. In his immense robot mode, this version of Unicron will be over 27-inches (685.8 mm) tall and has more than 50 points of articulation. Unicron costs $574.99, and is set to ship sometime in early 2021. Unicron is one of the biggest, fiercest threats to peace and order in the Transformers universe, but the character had never appeared in the Transformers film … I bought cell because he was clean and a cartoon unicron, but I bought Haslab’s because he simply is bigger than everything in my collection, including city bots. Unicron and a 10-cent coin. Hasbro recently revealed its next HasLab project (Hasbro's crowdfunding for massive toys), Unicron. Metroplex Fortress Maximus. Other Decepticons put off by his mournful, silent ways. For a look at the new accessories, check out the gallery below. Michael Baye or Bayesian Transformers - 2007–2018+ 4. The biggest Transformer in the series’ history is about to become the biggest Transformers toy ever made, provided that Hasbro can convince 8,000 people to part with a significant chunk of cash. Unicron is a crowdfunding project being run by Hasbro on their self run platform Haslab. And since in universe he’s the biggest transformer, he wins scale by default. This robot is completely evil and is big. Unicron is the eternal arch-enemy of his twin brother Primus.Also known as the Lord of Chaos, the Chaos Bringer, and the Planet Eater, he is dedicated to consuming the multiverse.His massive form is powered by the consumption of planets, moons, stars, and even the very fabric of existence. "He gives me the creeps," says Ramjet. July 16, 2019. At the time, back in 2009, everyone involved was teasing how the third entry - later titled Transformers: Dark of the Moon - would go "bigger" and we immediately suggested a way to change things up and introducing the biggest Cybertronian character of them all: Unicron. Tidal Wave, the big brute of the Decepticon army. Brother to Unicron and the only being in the universe who can stand up to him, Primus is the stand-in for God in the Transformers universe. With a height of 71 cm and a girth of 83 cm, Unicron is the biggest transforming Transformer ever to hit the homes of collectors — and he's got all the bells and whistles that you'd expect. And play value beyond other toys of his scale from other franchises. He transforms into an evil planet (can you think of anything larger?) Let’s put it this way: Unicron’s alternate mode is a planet… that eats other planets. Marion Frayna. Now they want $5.5 million to make a Cookie Monster and the world’s largest toy Transformer, Unicron … kyrees. War For Cybertron Unicron is to be the biggest transforming Transformer with a planned robot mode height of 27 inches, and a planet mode with a total diameter of 30 inches - … Primus is vastly smarter than his brother and has outplayed him on multiple occasions. Apparently he was smarter in the comics, even becoming leader of the Autobots for a time. And then if that wasn't enough, he can just transform into a giant robot and start kicking ass all over. The original big bad of evil himself, finally back in action after far too many years in hibernation…UNICORN! Unicron with a 10-cent coin. Galvatron's scale makes it "just the right size to fit in Unicron’s hand, as seen in the 1986 film." Bud Davis Alive (but killed by Unicron in the film) The sound of his engines causes petrifying fear in those who hear them. 100. And where Unicron can travel across multiple universes at will, Primus simultaneously exists across all universes at … With a height of 71 cm and a girth of 83 cm, Unicron is the biggest transforming Transformer ever to hit the homes of collectors — and he’s got all the bells and whistles that you’d expect. Im pretty sure primus is the biggest transformer. In general, Transformers: Cybertron is the most well received of the three Unicron Trilogy series. Unicron first appeared in the 1986 Transformers animated movie and this is the closest we've ever come to its terrible glory. The ultimate Transformer, Unicron is easily the coolest on this list. He transforms into an evil planet (can you think of anything larger?) 6 years ago. Unicron is the biggest enemy of Transformers: Prime. Primus created the Transformers, and a … With a height of 71 cm and a girth of 83 cm, Unicron is the biggest transforming Transformer ever to hit the homes of collectors — and he's got all … There are currently several: 1. Biggest Transformer ever! When he debuted in 1986's animated Transformers feature film, it was unlike anything audiences had ever seen before, and gave both Autobots and Decepticons reason to fear his name. People aren’t living a lie just because they prefer a … Be sure to watch till to end of the video for some painful, heart-stopping bloopers! He’s armed with a gun and a sword which is cool. This is not that toy. I mean Unicron! But then there are 2 famous transformers that turn into complete cities. Hasbro’s HasLab ‘crowdsourcing’ platform has sprung back to life. Unicron is the size of a planet, he literally stomps. Well, last year, Hasbro announced their crowdfunded Unicron, the biggest Transformer ever, for a whopping £500. Unicron, the biggest and most expensive Transformers toy ever, smashes all expectations - Marcus Goh. He took on Optimus Prime in one episode, and he literally kicked Unicron’s butt in the original movie. It really depends on the continuity you are looking at. Originally was killed by Unicron in The Transformers: The Movie, yet popped up in later episodes. The Unicron Trilogy toys were also not very popular among older fans, however, the Cybertron version of Optimus Prime has proven to be one of the exceptions. That's right, this guy is a planet that thinks nothing of munching on other planets and moons. In robot mode, Unicron will clock in at a height of 27 inches, which is around 68 and a half metric centimetres in total. A being of pure corruption, Unicron is the strongest Transformer there is. 0. The Unicron Trilogy, which was rushed, is often criticized by older fans. This will be the biggest Transformer ever made if it goes through, based on the biggest Transformer … Generation 2 - 1980’s-1990’s 3. In some of the comics continuities, Unicron doesn’t just eat planets, but travels the multiverse in order to devour entire universes. 2 min read Shares ; Just when you thought Hasbro can’t get any more insane with their Transformers toys, in comes Unicron the … Don't like Unicron? Unicron first appeared in Transformers: The Movie (1986) and the new Transformer will be the first-ever Haslab Transformers project. Yes, Unicron is the greatest fighter in the Transformers world, but Primus has an edge over that. This massive figure, set to be the NEW “biggest Transformer ever”, clocks in at 19 pounds in planet mode (with a 30-inch diameter), and the robot mode stands at 685.8 mm (past 27 inches) tall. … Haslab, Hasbro’s crowdsourcing platform, is planning to make the biggest Transformer with the Chaos Bringer, Unicron. Unicron will stand a whopping 27-inches tall, which makes him the biggest Transformers toy ever — by far. Follow 13618. Tough, he'll just eat your planet. Unicron will not be sated until his ultimate goal is attained: to bring an end to the annoying … Unicron Is Hasbro’s Biggest And Most Expensive Transformers Deluxe Toy Ever. The biggest Transformer ever. The next closest Transformer toy is the 24-inch Titans Return Fortress Maximus. He is a master at handling fear. The standard transformers already tower humans. He will only get made if 8,000 units are purchased before the deadline of August 31st, 2019. Still, one of them made it into our top 30 and it’s also its biggest figure apart from Unicron himself (who only managed to sneak a repaint in). Wiki Points. Generation 1 - 1980’s 2. The gigantic Unicron would be our largest converting Transformers figure ever created, taking the title from our previous record-holder, Fortress Maximus. That is a hornet nest among the fans.
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