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Prelude: Cliffjumper, a bot who to the best of my knowledge, has never actually jumped from a cliff or even contemplated jumping from a cliff, is mostly known as the eternal red repaint of the far more popular Bumblebee. The only intelligence he's patient enough to gather is "Decepticons were here, and now they're dead." Cliffjumper is coming out BEFORE Bumblebee! Cliffjumper was an Autobot Mini Vehicle released in 1984 with the first wave of Generation 1.Cliffjumper transforms into a super-deformed Porsche 924 Carrera GT. Realising at last where he belonged, Cliffjumper destroyed the launch platform, and left with the Shattered-verse Megatron to fight for a better future for that version of Cybertron. By season 3, Cliffjumper was reduced to a background character, a result of the late voice actor, Casey Kasem's objection to the portrayal of Arab characters as stereotypical villains and departure from the show, as well as his toy being discontinued. Cliffjumper and Hubcap also suffered from this affliction, but Bumblebee feels so much like Hasbro’s attempt at crafting the perfect ideal of a character that its omission is as glaring. I'll show the red toys together as two versions of Cliffjumper and can think of these toys however you like! The following is an interesting piece of information taking from tfwiki.net: All my impression before this is just, okay, another repaint of Bumblebee, but in red, we have Cliffjumper. Be the first to review this product So just one toy will do fine. We're guessing this one will be a redeco of Generations Bumblebee as a Fall of Cybertron style Cliffjumper, but time will tell. This is the only toy that isn't a Bumblebee redeco. An interesting alternative for an Earth mode Cliffjumper which we never saw in the movie. Toy Gallery: More resources: Toy review on bwtf.com. Cliffjumper, a redeco of Bumblebee, was to be released as a 3-inch non-transforming figure in the Transformers: Titanium line in early 2007. $18.84 $ 18. Anyway, the figure itself as Cliffjumper is lacking and feels lacklustre, it feels too much like a rip-off of Bumblebee. Note that Bumblebee is inspired from his Cybertronian mode from Original G1 Transformers cartoon series , but not Cliffjumper. It is an engineering marvel, it's very intuitive and ingenious. Cliffjumper shoots first and asks questions much, much later. Cliffjumper is the name of several fictional robot superhero characters from the Transformers robot superhero franchise. There are some small details that come from G1 Cliffjumper including some notches on each of the thighs that call back to similar details on the G1 Cliffjumper toy. Titanium 6 inch War Within Cliffjumper (unreleased) A prototype of a 6-inch-tall War Within Bumblebee/Cliffjumper figure was seen at a Hasbro factor tour in 2007. This Studio Series 64 Deluxe Class Cliffjumper figure features vivid, movie-inspired deco … It is like when mentioning Cliffjumper, the “twin” of Bumblebee … The original Cliffjumper is a heroic Autobot warrior who turned into a sports car introduced in 1984 as part of the Generation 1 line. His mold was originally used to make a Microchange "MC-04 #01 Porsche 924 Turbo", a cutesified, "Penny Racer"-style representation of the real car. Shop for official Transformers Bumblebee movie toys, action figures and more on sale at ToyWiz.com's online toy store. Titanium 6 inch War Within Cliffjumper (unreleased) A prototype of a 6-inch-tall War Within Bumblebee/Cliffjumper figure was seen at a Hasbro factor tour in 2007. This version of Cliffjumper does carry a gun. Cliffjumper is the name of a character from the 2007 Transformers movie toy line.. Cliffjumper is impatient and is considered the opposite of the composed Autobot Bumblebee.He'd rather take down a Decepticon by force and then try to get information from their smoldering wreckage than spy on them. Cliffjumper is the name of several fictional robot superhero characters from the Transformers robot superhero franchise. This version of Cliffjumper does carry a gun. Zeta Toys ZV01 Pioneer Bumblebee transformable Action figure.restock. His last appearance in the original U.S. cartoon was the season 4 episode "The Rebirth - Part 1". For purposes of this 'character page. Well, since Cliffjumpers (toy) usually are repaints of Bee in red, I guess he too should have identical Cybertronian mode with Bee. Character does come into it when you have to choose the one you want, so the Datsun I have is Prowl, because Prowl is sweet. Due to the obvious similarities Cliffjumper shares with Bumblebee he has been commonly mistaken for a simple redeco. Revealed at NYCC 2019, this figure comes with his signature Bazooka weapon seen in the first episode of the show. Cliffjumper (Mini-Vehicle, 1984) Japanese ID number: 13; Cliffjumper was part of the initial series of 1984 Autobots. In recent years he has also become known as the bot who usually kicks it very early in the movie or TV show. C $54.47; or Best Offer +C $35.91 shipping ... Transformers Iron Factory IF EX-40 Mini One Man Mini Cliffjumper toy in stock. Now that is wild. 4.2 out of 5 stars 3. The Generations one is too tall and ugly. Cliffjumper shouldn't be too hard to find. I would only recommend this figure if you really dig the colour scheme, or, like me, you couldn't find the original Bumblebee toy.-----Extra, better photos can be found at this page. However, I know that the toy shown bottom car, bot-right was also sold as Cliffjumper. The battle on CYBERTRON rages in the Cybertron Falls scene from Transformers: Bumblebee where Cliffjumper and his fellow Autobots are overwhelmed by the Decepticon assault. The Classics one is almost perfect, but I missed him and his after market price is ridiculously high. I'd recommend Cliffjumper over Bumblebee on the strength of the red masking seams in vehicle mode better, but they work well together anyway. Get it as soon as Wed, Sep 9. His name is usually associated with an Autobot whose toys are often red repaints or remold of Bumblebee toys. Cliffjumper (Deluxe, 2008) Accessories: Blaster cannon/blade; As part of the AllSpark Power refresh of the movie toyline, Cliffjumper is a red and silver redeco of the Deluxe Camaro Concept Bumblebee toy and, naturally, transforms into the concept vehicle for the 2009 Chevrolet Camaro. Find great deals on eBay for transformers cliffjumper and transformers prime cliffjumper. This Studio Series 64 Deluxe Class Cliffjumper figure features vivid, movie-inspired deco … And the seeker is Starscream, because Starscream is sweet. Profile: "Let me at 'em" is Cliffjumper's … The base color for Cliffjumper is red, which jives with his G1 incarnation. ... TRANSFORMERS BOT SHOTS SKYQUAKE SHOCKWAVE BUMBLEBEE CLIFFJUMPER DIRT BOSS CHASE. 64 Cliffjumper transforms from Sports Car to robot and back and is screen accurate to the Transformers: Bumblebee live action movie. Appearances. Each Studio Series figure jumps out of the big screen and into your collection with a high attention to detail and accurate color schemes reflecting their appearance in the Transformers live action movie. He is usually a repaint of Bumblebee so there is highly a chance of Cliffjumper when there is a Bumblebee toy. Comes new in sealed box. Always spoiling for a fight, just hearing the word Decpticon is enough to get him riled up. His feet are also rather blocky since they are formed from the front of the vehicle mode. Revealed in a leak on the Hasbro Customer Service website in late October 2013. Cliffjumper was a sports car and more sleek and squared off. A neat car that doesn't have any obtrusive gimmicks. … 84 $19.99 $19.99. Cliffjumper has the rubber tires with “Dunlop” stamped on them, molded detail for headlights and mirrors, and a pretty cool spoiler for added detail. Dec 21, 2018 - Better Look at Transformers Bumblebee Movie Cliffjumper Toy Cliffjumper: Additional Toy Info. His name is usually associated with an Autobot whose toys are often red repaints or remold of Bumblebee toys. Unlike Bumblebee, the car is small enough such that you can use the stand to display. C $37.11. The second Cliffjumper was a female Mini-Con partner of Cheetor introduced in 2003 as part of the Transformers: Armada series. Despite his surly and impetuous nature, however, Bumblebee seems to like him. In my opinion, I really don't think that what happened with either Jazz or Cliffjumper's voice actors had any affect on how much they appeared after the movie. I don't like the robot shape, and I can see this annoying others (especially those who disliked the movie twins), but overall this is a great toy - 8.5/10 Cliffjumper is the name of eight fictional characters from the Transformers series. Cliffjumper, a redeco of Bumblebee, was to be released as a 3-inch non-transforming figure in the Transformers: Titanium line in early 2007. We carry a huge selection of Transformers toys in Deluxe, Voyager, Leader, Master, Titan & Master Classes. This mold is a red redeco of Zeta’s ZV-01 Pioneer (Bumblebee Movie VW Bumblebee) with a new Cliffjumper head and remolded battle hammer. The battle on CYBERTRON rages in the Cybertron Falls scene from Transformers: Bumblebee where Cliffjumper and his fellow Autobots are overwhelmed by the Decepticon assault. Bumblebee was more curved since he was based on a VW beetle. Via Weibo, third party company Zeta Toys have shared images of the color prototype of their new ZV-03 Guardian (Bumblebee Movie VW Beetle Cliffjumper).. The Carrera GT was a special racing-homologation model, revealed even in Cliffjumper’s unfortunate proportions by the four small rectangular inlets on the front edge of his hood. 1-16 of 141 results for "cliffjumper transformer toy" Transformers Toys Studio Series 64 Deluxe Bumblebee Movie Cliffjumper Action Figure - Kids Ages 8 and Up, 4.5-inch. Cliffjumper: Don't be fooled by his small size: Cliffjumper is as tough as they come. Deluxe Class Cliffjumper (Bumblebee Movie) ... Of course there is no images for any of these on the listings but with Toy Fair 2020 on February 22nd, who knows what Hasbro will bring to the table. Cliffjumper is made … Neither had a toy in 1986, so I just don't see any reason for either character to be featured extensively. Unlike the other Generations two packs, his partner was not revealed. Cliffjumper (First Edition vs. Robots in Disguise) Transformers: Prime Hasbro/ Deluxe Class Scale $14.99, each Last year, right around this time, Hasbro released the first wave of toys based on the Prime cartoon. However, the design of the Classics Bumblebee vehicle mode is a very sporty looking vehicle, and personality-wise it fits both characters quite well. And for Cliffjumper, I'm looking for that Porsche 924, so he's gonna be different from my Volkswagen Bee anyway. It is actually a great relief to see Cliffjumper actually has started to live on his own mold instead of repaints of Bumblebee. Zeta Toys ZV03 Guardian CliffJumper transformable Action figure Toy. Being a First Edition toy, Cliffjumper comes with a stand. However, Cliffjumper remained uncertain of his allegiance, until Megatron took a bullet intended for Cliffjumper. TRANSFORMATION: The true standout of the figure. You can guess who this toy will likely be redecoed as very soon. Shop with confidence.

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