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Grooming the Coton puppy is a breeze. The US-based Coton de Tulear Club of America allows for three different but equally favorable colorings: white, black-and-white, and tri-color, which includes "honey bear". The breed is somewhat longer than tall. The Coton de Tulear developed on the island of Madagascar and is still the island's national dog. Coton de Tulear Santa's Helper Christmas Ornament • Made in USA, Dog Santa's Helper porcelain ornament, Holiday gift, Personalized. Beginning over the loin, is a graceful natural arch, not too accentuated, that carries through over the croup. We specialize in the Coton de Tulear. Nowadays, the glacis in Torgau surrounds the old fortress area as a city park. Sometimes a doggy door is necessary so the dog can go out whenever he needs to (though that can lead to another problem if he stays outside and barks! The Coton de Tulear (KO-Tone Dih TOO-Lay-ARE) is a small, immensely charming dog standing between 9 and 11 inches high and weighing anywhere from 8 to 13 pounds. Cotons respond poorly to negative training practices but will excel in most dog-sport activities when trained with positive methods. United States of America Coton de Tulear Club. Many European Cotons have been mixed with Maltese and Bishon Friese. Cotontastickcotons.co.uk. However, there are still some health issues as there are in all breeds. [8] The tail is traditionally low-set and tapering, carried over the back when in motion or excited, but relaxed otherwise. Like the poodles, Maltese or the Havanese, this breed has very low allergic effects. Coton oli saaren kuninkaallisten koira, ja vasta 1900-luvulta alkaen ovat tavalliset ihmiset saaneet omistaa cotonin. The standard height is 9 to 13 in (23 to 33 cm), except for the rare Tall Coton, which is 15 to 17 in (38 to 43 cm) tall. The body is of moderate length and typically has a moderate tuck-up. Tia Oroka er Coton de Tulear ræktun sem hófst 2001. The Coton de Tulear sheds little and is a good breed for those with allergies. The Coton loves being with people and dislikes being separated from them. C'est le parfait animal de compagnie. Eyes – The eyes are rather rounded, dark brown or black in color, lively, set wide apart with the inner corners and the outer corners on the same level. Why buy a Coton de Tulear puppy for sale if you can adopt and save a life? The Coton is a fairly active dog who requires a moderate amount of exercise. A pink or partly pink nose is not accepted in either standard. The Coton is in general a healthy breed. Whether the dogs were brought along to control rats on the ships, as companions for long voyages, or were confiscated from other ships as booty, no one knows. The topline runs smoothly from the withers to the loin. The coat is dense, profuse and can be very slightly wavy. The smaller the gene pool, the more likely a breed is to have genetic abnormalities. 283 of November 25, 1999, translated February 4, 2000", "Tail Docking in Dogs and other Acts of Mutilation in Dogs & Cats", "Coton de Tulear History - American Coton Club", "The United States of America Coton de Tulear Club", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Coton_de_Tulear&oldid=1001195379, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, white (sometimes with tan markings); black and white; and tricolor, This page was last edited on 18 January 2021, at 17:24. The length of the lower arm corresponds approximately to that of the upper arm. Russell established the Coton de Tulear Club of America in 1976 and was opposed to American Kennel Club recognition. The United States of America Coton de Tulear Club is interested in candidates for membership who have experience and desire to protect and advance the interests of the breed. Expression – The expression is lively, intelligent, inquisitive, alert and happy. There have been many stories circulating about the history of the Coton in recent years, most of them untrue. Pet Supplies. By all accounts he does incredibly well with other household pets and with children of all ages. Ernie is an explorer. The height of the hock joint when measured to the ground is slightly less than the length of the lower thigh. Food Delivery Service. He loves to find new places to get into. Character The small gene pool of this breed is owing to its near extinction. But you probably already know this since you are one of the very few fortunate people who know about this wonderful rare breed. This is a companion dog from wet nose to wagging tail. The Coton de Tulear, also known as the “Royal Dog of Madagascar”, is a hardy, sturdy small white companion dog. My name is Catrin Meier and I live with my husband in Torgau-Zinna in Saxony, near the beautiful Dresden which is called the Florence of the Elbe. Dog Rescue. It also may be recognised in the English-speaking world by any of the very large number of minor registries, clubs, and internet-based dog registry businesses. The topline is very slightly arched over the loin with a happily carried tail curved over the back on the move. Disqualifications – Eye/s of any color other than brown or black. Obedience training is a good idea, for socialization as well as reinforcing lessons and manners. PegasusPetsCo. The Coton de Tulear has few health issues compared to many other breeds due to being rather generic in type. Coton de Tulear Adventures. Typically, the Coton de Tulear's ears are triangular and set high. He does best when provided with enough exercise, lots of attention from his owner, and plenty of interesting toys to keep him occupied. The Coton's ancestors were possibly brought to Madagascar in the 16th and 17th centuries aboard pirate ships. Hock Joint – The hock joint is dry and well defined. Top Coton de Tuléar breeder 2019 Top cotons in Iceland 2019 Top breeder of the Toydog Club 2019 Stigahæsti Coton de Tuléar ræktandinn 2019 It was an immediate hit in Europe, where generations of selective breeding further refined the breed into the Coton we now know. Look at pictures of Coton de Tulear puppies who need a home. They keep animals until they can be placed in a good home. A few slight shadings are sometimes found on the ears of light grey or light tan. Multiple registries with differing standards describe the Coton de Tuléar, but it generally has very soft voluptuous hair (as opposed to fur),[2] comparable to a cotton ball (hence its name in French, coton meaning cotton), a prominent black nose, large expressive eyes (usually covered by bangs), and somewhat short legs. K9 Framing. Body – The body is longer than high. [1] Known for its cotton-like coat, the Coton de Tuléar, typically grows to no more than 18 pounds, and are white, sometimes with gray, black, or tri-colored markings. Legs – The hind legs are muscular from hip to hock. https://www.akc.org/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php, https://www.akc.org/subscription/thank-you. Occasionally eye problems and hip dysplasia do occur in the breed. [2] It is a non-shedding breed with low dander and is considered hypoallergenic. The long-limbed Tall Coton shows up in all three color varieties and can be born to a litter with normal-sized parents that carry the appropriate genes.[7]. The tri-color loses the most color of any of the color varieties, usually becoming mostly white with possibly some champagne markings and a dusting of black hairs on the ears and/or body. Cotons are known for a profuse white coat that is as soft as cotton (or, as the French say, “coton”). Local Business. This is one of the main characteristics of the breed from which its very name derives. This proportion creates a rectangular outline. [3][4] The Coton de Tuléar is the national dog of the island of Madagascar. The breed even has a fade gene that causes the colors, which are very dark when a puppy, to fade and turn white at the base of the hair as it lengthens; that is why the Champagne or Champagne Teddy Bear Coton eventually turns white when the adult hair comes in.) One look and you will see it is hard to resist the lovable Coton de Tulear (coTAWN de two-LEE are). A prospective owner with a very busy work schedule may want to reconsider this breed. This small, friendly dog caught the fancy of the Malagasy royalty and they were the only people allowed to keep Cotons. 2 years old 10 lbs. Legs – The front legs are upright. Anything Look…Weird? Coton fanciers describe them as “witty” companions “at times boisterous but never demanding” and “naturally clownish and lighthearted,” who possess a “remarkably gentle, sympathetic awareness.” Amusing traits of these long-lived jesters include unique vocalizations and a knack for walking on their hind legs. He loves toys and chews and delights in shredding any paper and joyfully tossing it in the air. That is why they say "best dog I ever owned". Breeders are arranged below by state in alphabetical order followed by Canada. Local Business. The AKC has grouped all of the breeds that it registers into seven categories, or groups, roughly based on function and heritage. It is a fairly rare breed and is just now being accepted and recognized by the AKC as of 2012. The Coton de Tuléar's tail should curl over its back. In the 1970s, the Coton was brought to Europe and to the United States, cultivating a history of living a life of luxury as a companion to the upper classes. Coton De Tulear . Answer a few simple questions and find the right dog for you, Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side, Browse the AKC Marketplace to find the right puppy for you, Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration, Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid, 10-11 inches (male), 9-10 inches (female), SimonSkafar/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images, cunfek/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images. Skin – The skin is fine and stretched tight all over the body. Grooming the Coton de Tulear can be quite a challenge. The American Coton Club strongly defends the original heritage of the Rare Breed Coton de Tuléar®, the Royal Dog of Madagascar, and supports breeders who are working to preserve the physical, psychological and genetic integrity and color diversity inherent in the gene pool of the Rare Breed Coton de Tuléar®. A couple of times a week, check the ears and remove any excess hair, wax, or debris to avoid ear infections. Every year the RSPCA re-homes around 70,000 animals – many of these are dogs – often these dogs are unwanted pets that have been callously dumped or victims of cruelty. Find a coton de tulear - coton de tulear puppies for sale from dog breeders in your area. The Coton de Tulear originated on the island of Madagascar and is related to the Bichon Frise and the Maltese. They adapt well to any kind of living environment. The Coton de Tuléar comes in three accepted colors: white (sometimes with tan markings; all white is preferred by show breeders); black and white; and tricolor. Health/Beauty. The AKC registered its first Cotons de Tulear in 2014. We take a great deal of pride in our adult Cotons and their puppies. Bichon-rotuihin kuuluva coton de tuléar on 110% seurakoira, jonka juuret ulottuvat aina 1600-luvulle Madagaskarin saarelle. Peking Express Hartlepool. Some dogs are prone to getting overweight, so watch your dog’s calorie consumption and weight level. It is related to the Bichon Frise and the Maltese, but has its own distinct character. When it is a puppy, it may shed its puppy coat. Although bred as a companion, it once survived on its own. Luckily, these are still relatively uncommon in the breed. Total lack of pigment on the eye rim(s). Angulation – The pelvis is sloped at approximately 30 degrees off the horizontal. Cotons should be well socialized from an early age so that they will enjoy going with you wherever you go. Nature Coton Shampoo. Cotons need a walk every day for exercise, but will appreciate a play session as often as possible, and have the endurance to go on a long hike. We breed only purebred Coton de Tulear s. We are located in Mesa, Arizona, which is a part of the greater Phoenix area. Mopseys. They do lose hair; the texture of their coat causes the shed hair to be trapped in the coat. In its country of origin, the Coton de Tulear has been portrayed on a postage stamp. The Coton de Tuléar; Contact; Welcome to the. Il n'aime pas la solitude et a besoin d'une présence avec lui. The Coton is small but robustly sturdy. The standard advocates that the lips should preferably be tight and of the same colour as the nose, specifically black in the Coton de Tulear Club of America standard. Upper and Second Thigh – The upper thigh and lower thigh are approximately equal in length. The breed is not recognised by the New Zealand Kennel Club or the Australian Kennel Union. Use the back button on your browser to return to this … Chest – The chest is long, well-developed and well-let down to elbow level. Cotons love to play with other dogs and they are great with kids. “They were also extremely reluctant to allow any of their pets to leave the island,” a canine historian wrote, “with the result that these dogs remained isolated from the rest of the world and were breeding true for centuries.”, The Coton de Tulear’s AKC breed standard begins with a tantalizing assertion: “In Madagascar, the Coton de Tulear survived in packs in the wilderness, later to become a companion dog of the native Malagasy and Merina tribal nobles.” The standard stops short of explaining how these delightful lapdogs wound up fending for themselves on an isolated island. Most Cotons love meeting new people and are very curious in new situations. This breed is thought to have originated from a group of small white dogs who swam across the Malagasy channel following a shipwreck. The island’s aristocrats were jealous guardians of their fluffy little comedians, even passing laws that prohibited Coton ownership to commoners. A honey bear tri-color has light brown with black tips that gradually fades to an off-white or lemon color. Severe Fault – An overly large or bulging eye is a severe fault as is an almond shaped, obliquely set eye. The coat, however, must be primarily white with no black hair. The length of the head (nose to occiput) in relationship to the length of the body (point of shoulder to point of buttock) is 2 to 5. Consistent crate training is mandatory. Known for its cotton-like coat, the Coton de Tuléar, typically grows to no more than 18 pounds, and are white, sometimes with gray, black, or tri-colored markings. The Coton de Tulear can compete in AKC Companion Events (Obedience, Rally, Tracking, and Agility). All Coton de Tulear found here are from AKC-Registered parents. Learn about which human foods are safe for dogs, and which are not. The Coton de Tulear belongs to the same "family" of dogs as the Bichon Frise, Maltese, and Havanese – all of which are slow to housebreak. All rights reserved. The coat is very soft and supple, with the texture of cotton. Pima Coton california, whittier. Breeds are grouped together because they share traits of form and function or a common heritage. The most serious issues are heart problems, liver shunts, back (disc) problems, and eye problems. They are well-muscled with good bone. Pet Breeder. It is known that, in the ancient world, small white companion dogs, such as the Maltese, were luxury items avidly bartered by seafaring merchants around the Mediterranean and North Africa.). Classy Cotons is a small Coton De Tulear breeder Our dogs are family and they live in our home with us, Puppies are even born next to our bed Our puppies experience tile, cloth, wood, cement, carpet, baking pans and turf surfaces while developing Give table scraps sparingly, if at all, especially avoiding cooked bones and foods with high fat content. We have carefully selected some of the very finest Cotons to breed. AKC actively advocates for responsible dog ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports. During that time you should groom him regularly and ensure that he learns to see grooming sessions as positive times of bonding with his person. The Coton de Tulear is a hardy, sturdy yet small dog. Most Coton owners are passionate about their rare breed Coton de Tulear dog. The chest is typically well developed and reaches to (FCI-Standard N° 283 / 04. Although generally quiet, it can become very vocal—grunting, barking, and making other noises when having fun. We make sure all of our dogs are heal.. It was a companion dog of the Merina (the ruling tribe) in Madagascar. There are fanciful tales of a shipwreck off Madagascar and how a cargo of little white dogs swam ashore to safety, formed a feral pack, and mated with local dogs to create the Coton. More Info. Due to inbreeding by disreputable breeders there is an increased incidence of disease. Severe Fault – A wheel back or flat back are to be severely penalized. The nose is black in colour in the Coton de Tuléar Club of America standard. The pads of the feet are usually black. The scapula- humeral angle is about 120 degrees. The angle of femur to lower thigh is about 120 degrees. Coton de Tulear App. 2000 / GB) the elbows. Suomessa rotu on vielä melko nuori, sillä ensimmäinen pentue maassamme syntyi vuonna 1990. [6], However, the Coton de Tulear Club of America standard specifies the weight as no more than 18 lb (8.2 kg), with the average being between 11 to 15 lb (5.0 to 6.8 kg). Madagascar was a haven for pirates and pirate graveyards can still be seen there. The island nation lies some 250 miles off the southeastern coast of Africa, but the population is primarily related not to African peoples but rather to those of Indonesia. The arch is continuous without flatness, resulting in a low tail set. Upper Arm – The length of the upper arm corresponds approximately to that of the shoulder blade. Fault – A dip behind shoulder blades or a steep or flat croup is to be penalized. We are ethical breeders. Unless you are going to keep your Coton in a short “puppy clip,” your dog will require a great deal of brushing. The Coton is a playful, affectionate, intelligent breed. French is still widely spoken by Malagasy elites, hence their little white dog’s French accent. Look at pictures of Coton de Tulear puppies who need a home. Tulear is a port now also known as Toliara. The FCI Coton is a breed whose modern creators strive to make into a tiny, all white, toy dog. Healthy You, Healthy Dog, Healthy New Year! The height measured at the withers is two-thirds the length as measured from point of shoulder to point of buttocks. Cotons de Tulear, named for the seaport town of Tulear, were once the preferred lapdog of the nobles of Madagascar. It is believed that the Tenerife dog was brought to Madagascar and mated with a dog of the island, creating an unexpected result. Show Grooming Care & Handling of the Coton De Tulear. These dogs can come from failed breeding attempts, dogs that are lost or abandoned, or through local animal … ). #347217 I'm the breeder behind Pima Coton located in Whittier. In 1974, Madagascar released a stamp with the image of the Coton, affirming their status nation's "royal dog".[10]. The rims of the eyelids are completely pigmented in black. Its eyes are normally round, dark in colour, and wide set. 02. The Coton's height (including tolerance) is 25 to 30 cm (9.8 to 11.8 in) tall for males and 22 to 27 cm (8.7 to 10.6 in) for females. The bond between Cotons and their people is so tight that owners discuss it in human terms. Treats can be an important aid in training, but giving too many can cause obesity. © The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2021. It is dense and abundant and stands off the body. A bored and unhappy Coton can become destructive. At rest, the tail is down with an upward hook at the tip revealing the distinguishing outline of the Coton de Tulear. [6] The Coton de Tuléar is recognised internationally through the Fédération Cynologique Internationale and by major kennel clubs (The Kennel Club (UK) in the Toy Group, and the United Kennel Club (US) in the Companion Group), using standards based upon the Fédération Cynologique Internationale standard. The leather of the ear is often thin, and the neck is strong, favoured to be without a dewlap, and slightly arched. A Coton de Tulear's teeth can be either in a scissor bite or pincer bite. However, the tan and white may become all white, the blacks will often fade to grey or white, and fur will most likely change throughout puppyhood. Their hallmarks are a bright personality and profuse, white, cottony coat. Chasing a tennis ball around his backyard can keep his mind active as well as his body. Pet Service. If not brushed and combed daily, the fur of this breed will mat up quickly and may require shaving. This breed is thought to have originated from a group of small white dogs who swam across the Malagasy channel following a shipwreck. Over the years, I (Cathy) have had the opportunity to mentor several new breeders. The cottony coat may be the result of a single gene mutation. Keep your training sessions lively and entertaining for best results. The lower arms are vertical and parallel. Like poodles, they do not "shed", meaning they don't drop hair on furniture, carpeting, etc. That is not to say that they do not exist, but that any incidences are of an extremely low percentage. White Hill Farm Cotons is a Code of ethics breeder located in Clinton Corners New York with … Advertise your coton de tulear - coton de tulear puppies for sale or adult coton de tulear - coton de tulear dogs for sale. The neck is slightly arched, of moderate length, blends smoothly into the shoulders and is in balance with the height and length of the dog. In the Coton, known incidences are usually in the one- to five-percent range. The hind feet are similar to the front feet. The Coton de Tuléar has a medium-to-long, fluffy, cotton-like coat that is considered hair rather than fur. [12] The American Kennel Club Parent Club for the breed is the United States of America Coton de Tulear Club. Black-and-white is defined as pure white with prominent black patches on the head and body (no ratio of white-to-black is specified or favored). Check with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog’s weight or diet. In the United States, another standard for the Coton de Tulear was developed based upon the breed in Madagascar in 1974 by a biologist, Dr. Robert Jay Russell. The Coton de Tulear is a small, adaptable breed. Joueur et spontané avec son maître comme avec les enfants, ce chien peut en revanche être méfiant à l'égard des étrangers. White is described as nearly all white, sometimes with tan or champagne coloring on the ears, face or back. They were also imported occasionally into France by returning French colonists, but were not officially imported to Europe until the 1970s. The head is short and triangular in shape when seen from above. When Dr. Robert Jay Russell discovered the breed in Madagascar in 1973 and brought the first ones to America, he coined the phrase the Royal Dog of Madagascar and the name stuck. The health and well being of the Coton de Tulear dog breed is at the forefront of all we do. Traditionally, the expression is lively, intelligent, bright, and merry. Coton De Tulear Dogs and Puppies From Oregon Breeders by DogsNow.com, part of the EquineNow.com, LLC group of websites. The Coton de Tulear is characterized by a natural long, white, dry, profuse, cotton-like coat, rounded lively dark eyes, black on white joie de vivre expressive smile and witty personality. Formed in 1993, the United States of America Coton de Tulear Club is the official AKC Parent Club for the Coton. We started out in 2004 with one male and one female Coton and over time grew our kennel to what it is today. Find Coton de Tulear Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Coton de Tulear information. The Coton has a coat that requires brushing and combing almost daily and bathing about once per week to maintain its beauty. It is never hard or rough. The pelvis meets the femur at an angle of about 80 degrees. Essential info about dog health, training, sports and more. Daily walks with his human at a slow speed will keep him in good weight and condition. The Coton de Tulear is one of the most affectionate, gentle, playful, loyal, protective, fun-loving dogs you will ever meet. They come from very impressive bloodlines with many Champion titles. The upper arm extends well back so that the elbow is placed directly below the top of the shoulder blade when viewed from the side and structurally the elbows are held close to the body. It has very little prey drive and is not a hunting dog.

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