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So, if your blood pressure is higher than it, you have to monitor and lower it gradually. Keeping a Blood Pressure Log . Bring it to all your appointments. Blood Pressure Log This free printable blood pressure log is to be used by individuals to track their blood pressure readings for medical or personal monitoring. You may also check out medication sheet examples & samples. Write it in the log below. Work less: Working a lot, and stressful work situations in general, are linked to high blood pressure. This log helps you to monitor the trends, patterns, and variations in your blood pressure levels over a given period of time. These sheets will allow a person to work with their doctor to find ways to lower their blood pressure and will show possible causes that lead to a spike in blood pressure. We stated that you have to take your readings and record them. ... Pressure: Pulse Rate: Time (p.m.) Blood Pressure : Pulse Rate: Comments: Sample 8:37 127/83 84 Stressful morning . Home Blood Pressure Log Sheet Some are expensive, and some are inexpensive. Many different types and brands of blood pressure monitors are on the market today. Below is how to make a blood pressure log chart. Blood Pressure Log Please use this log to record the blood pressure and heart rate (pulse) readings you take at home. Title: Blood Pressure Log.xls Author: Thomas Created Date: 2/21/2008 9:05:07 PM Daily Blood Pressure Log Please print this form to assist you in keeping track of your blood pressure at home. With this type of blood pressure log, you can customize the blood pressure log according to your needs and preferences. Blood Pressure and Pulse Log Use this log to keep track of your blood pressure and pulse. Before that, you have to know that the ideal blood pressure should be less than 130/80 mmHg. Write the blood pressure with the systolic number on the left and diastolic number on the right: 120/80 for example. A blood pressure log is a trail of readings which you have acquired over a given duration of time. Some doctors recommend lower than 140/80 mmHg. Use a quality blood pressure monitor. How to Write a Blood Pressure Log. The final blood pressure log sheet on our list is the customizable blood pressure log. Sample Blood Sugar Log Template Note the date and time of day you take them. If you’re serious about keeping track of your blood pressure then using a customizable blood pressure log would be a sensible thing to do. Check your blood pressure (BP) and pulse twice a day: once in the morning and once in the afternoon. These free blood pressure log sheets can help a person keep track of their blood pressure at different periods during the day. Blood Pressure Log. If your blood pressure is elevated-- a systolic blood pressure between 120 and 129 or diastolic blood pressure of less than 80 -- your doctor will probably want to check it every 3-6 months. Generally, buy the best blood pressure monitor that you can afford because you want a reliable and accurate reading. Blood Pressure Log Date Time Systolic Diastolic Pulse Notes AM / PM AM / PM. Call your healthcare provider if your systolic BP (top number) is higher than This form contains a table of the various blood pressure levels, ranging from normal to severe hypertension. Research has shown it’s an effective complement to other blood pressure therapies.

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