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Considering Michael Bay's directorial style, we expect they'll be used to profound effect as Mr. Bay continues his quest to find bigger and better things to explode and smash with giant robots. Lord Mo Zarak is a powerful and corrupt Nebulan leader who transforms into the head of Scorponok. In charge of guarding anything of importance. He carries out his job with ferocious intensity. High fuel use, but can be powered by nuclear sources. Carries 25-mile range rocket launcher and particle beam rifle. Snobbish, supercilious, unpopular perfectionist. In robot mode, carries a photon eliminator that shoots high voltage electricity. This battle-tested robot was the first autobot to forge an alliance with the humans. His weapon is two wrist blades that can be detached into a length of a cable. Humans particularly susceptible to this Insecticon. Carries electrostatic battery that releases bolt of up to 150,000 volts through his nose cone. Paranoia makes him good at his job... nothing escapes his notice, no matter how small. Transformers is a series of American science fiction action films based on the Transformers franchise which began in the 1980s. After Cybertron was destroyed, Rodimus left with Kup and Blurr to find a new home for the Autobots, making Fortress Maximus the new supreme commander of the Autobots. Civil and sophisticated yet very cruel and destructive. Doubts about his cause sometimes impedes his effectiveness. $15.99 $ 15. Chooses his words with great care and precision—when Computron talks, everyone listens. She has lofty goals for that energy to be used by the entire world. Not very fast... often in danger due to daydreaming. For reasons that are unclear, he bears some resemblance to the Star Warrior. Uses powerful sonic stun gun in robot mode. Can exert 40,000 psi via feet – enough to shatter a bridge. Can generate protective electric field. Whether he changed his mind or Paramount and Hasbro changed it for him, Bay has seen the potential of robot dinosaurs and is bringing them to the big screen in June. Secretly desires to be human. Transformers Rescue Bots: Dino Island Age Grade: 4+ TRANSFORMERS RESCUE BOTS DINO ISLAND is an interactive storybook app, based on the hit animated series, which suits up the reader as the Rescue Team's newest cadet and puts them at the center of the action, working with the Rescue Bots to save their friends and "roar to the rescue" in their new dinosaur forms! He is his own worst enemy. Only the wolf creature has no need for Sixshot's two hypersonic concussion blasters, the wolf mode prefers to rip apart enemy Autobots with his razor fangs. Often distracted from performing his job to engage in combat. As a thug, he is slightly cleverer than Drath's other men, though that isn't saying much. In hawk mode – has superb vision. Binary-bonded to Lord Zarak, leader of the evil Nebulans. Speed: 140 mph, range: 800 miles. Often expresses skillful knowledge of science and computers and works closely with Wheeljack and Perceptor. Look out motorists – he exults in the accidents he causes! Then the Decepticons decided to increase their spying abilities with Ratbat. Sullen, fatalistic, sees little reason to continue Transformers' war. Use filters for easy shopping! He is a barbaric little savage who managed to stay alive by cunning, stealth, and fearlessness. Incredible maneuverability... delights in displaying his dazzling aerial virtuousity, to friends or foes... just wants their appreciation of his talent. The bubbly little sister, Moonracer has much naïve optimism in it and, to the dismay of her partners-in-guerrilla warfare, pratfalls. He sometimes has his mind stuck in low gear, believes 55 mph speed limit is infringement on rights of cars. He will not ever win a Mr. As cassette, can vibrate and destroy any equipment into which he is inserted. Not too smart. Can link up interdimensionally to a black hole and draw anti-matter from it for use as a weapon. NOTE: The Terrorcons were created and formerly employed by the Quintessons as an offensive/defense team. Carries a gravity-enhancing gravito-gun. Locates and identifies Autobots, then informs Decepticons. His efforts are appreciated by other Decepticons. Flies at mach 2.5, can double speed in 20 seconds for up to two minutes. In robot mode can fly 30 mph up to 100 miles. Autobots. Can record data as a cassette, rip open the hull of a battleship as a tyrannosaurus. Nothing is safe from him... will use anything from unliving rock to living robot in making new materials. Wields a large plasma sword. An officer and pilot in the Earth Defense Space Forces. Smug, arrogant. Thoroughly obnoxious—pounds loudly on his chest plates, insults everyone he talks to, knocks over anyone in his way, never changes his lubricant so he smells like a grease-encrusted turboworm, and spits fuel in public. Later versions portray Thundercracker and Scourge as separate entities. Entre y conozca nuestras increíbles ofertas y promociones. Absent minded. Goes 120 mph, range 500 miles in car mode. Effective fighter, more effective intelligence gatherer. Internal light-matrix data store system has nearly infinite data storage capacity. In jet mode, maximum speed: 5200 mph. In robot mode, carries high-energy photon pulse cannons. However, they both find common ground in wanting to beat stuff up. Voordelig geprijsd en voor 23:59 besteld is de volgende werkdag in huis! In robot mode, uses softening ray run—gives metal the consistency of rubber, making his enemies easier to chew when he reverts to alligator mode. In case his costume isn't 1980s enough to get into nightclubs, under his clothing he wears an additional shirt which is even more lurid. He longs to be reconstructed into an interstellar spacecraft so he can explore the vast gulfs of space, feels he is a prisoner of gravity in his present form. Has high-energy plasma-pulse gun and shattering vibro-ax in robot mode. The most popular color? Takes Autobots on dizzying, death-defying flights to scare information out of them. Although autonomous in his own right, with an impulsive and sociable personality, Scamper is an extension of Metroplex, and commonly patrols the peripheries of the giant Autobot's city form in his sports car mode alongside Slammer. Shell-resistant and steel-reinforced hull can withstand enemy bombardment and extreme temperature variations. She used to work with. Grimlock Slug Strafe Scorn Slash (sometimes) Slog (sometimes) Snarl (sometimes) Mini Dinobots Mini Grimlock Mini Slug Mini Strafe Uses twin mortar launcher in Autobot mode, photon cannon in Decepticon mode. Lifts 20 tons. Quick temper and mean disposition. Likes to blackmail his associates and is impressed with his own ability. Has twin infra-red scope missile launchers. He is binary bonded to Crosshairs. He has a green suit. The Guardians gave the Decepticons much trouble at the outbreak of the Third Cybertronian War, but by the modern era they were no longer so prevalent, The most notable surviving Guardian is Omega Supreme, who is the only one seen to have his own name, distinct color scheme, and personality; it is unknown how unique these qualities actually are. Gregory Swofford has been wounded both inside and out due to his past experiences with the Transformers. The Director knows exactly what makes a good film when he sees it. Wild and unpredictable. Befriends, Friend of Spike Witwicky. 99 $18.99 $18.99. Tactically, most fearless Aerialbot... just wants to have fun. Their relationship to humanity proper is uncertain. Effective, valiant warrior, but other Autobots wish he wouldn't gripe so much. Peacemaker is an upbeat, almost contagiously positive Nebulan police officer. Carries fireball cannon... shoots 2000 degree bursts of blue fire 1.5 miles. Hair-trigger temper, blusteringly belligerent... a terrifyingly effective warrior. Bounty hunter. He seems to be the most pragmatic of the trio, but is easily distracted by the opportunity to show off his dance moves. Enormous memory storage capacity. Steam comes from his nasal ducts when he is enraged. Pinpointer is a Nebulan of few words. In car mode, has a plasma-energy blaster. Twin launchers fire "smart" rockets that seek targets based on encoded computer images. Transforms to battle station and city modes. In robot mode wears head-mounted mortar... throws 50 pound explosive shell eight miles. De bekendste twee zijn de heldhaftige Autobots, geleid door Optimus Prime, die eigenlijk de leider is geworden sinds Cybertron is verloren, en de kwaadaardige Decepticons, geleid door Megatron.Deze robots kunnen 'transformeren' van robotmodus naar een minder opvallende vorm zoals … Extremely smart. In insect mode this Insecticon can fly 5.7 miles. In a contest between an intelligent gun and an intelligent gunner, the gun gets a majority vote. Transformers Studio Series SS-70 Cybertronian Bumblebee And SS-71 Dino First Look Posted on November 13, 2020 at 8:47 am by Black Convoy under Transformers Movie Toys & Products Via Instagram user anerdydad we can share for your our fist look at the new Studio Series SS-70 Cybertronian Bumblebee And SS-71 Dino. Considers Earth one vast lab for his research. Greetings Seibertronians! Cool-headed, low-key, personable – what Earthlings call "laid-back". Versatile, clever, daring, but prone to be distracted. Often injured while experimenting with new weapons. Other Autobots aren't always receptive to his advice. He is as slow and stupid as he looks. Carries a sonic stun gun and a missile cannon. Always looking to learn more. Instead, she spends most of her time throwing herself lavish parties and wondering why nobody wants to be her friend. Uses turret gun as radar scope, infrared radiation collector. The Oracle was once the assistant of Primacron, an ageless creature of magnificent intellect. Now we get into the new Dinobots! The Nebulans who co-operate with the Headmasters transform into the Transformers' heads. Lazy, difficult to motivate, but has a hair-trigger temper. Sometimes his internal tape snaps when he is excited. Portrayals of Grimlock skew two ways: he can be big, goofy, and dumb like the G1 cartoon version. Apparently, death crystals are also the only thing that can hurt it. Uses acids and bonding agents to reduce and recombine almost anything inside mixing drum... a chemistry lab on wheels. Uses electrostatic discharger rifle in robot mode. Acts this way to help cheer others up as they try to cheer him up. Whether engaged in raging battle or friendly conversation, an ulterior purpose usually exists. Uses anything he hears for blackmail to advance his status. Considers himself the most sophisticated and handsome of Decepticons. Created, Nightbird is a human construct with a single form and thus not actually a Transformer herself. Windcharger is the fastest Autobot over short distances. In jet mode: range 700 miles, maximum speed 750 mph. Enjoys playing cruel pranks on fellow Decepticons and appearing out of nowhere to attack Autobots. Pure brutality – sole purpose is to crush all in his path. Alive (but killed by Unicron in the film). Not successful enough though, a shortfall he blames on the meddling Autobots. Can leap 0.8 miles (1.3 km). He is a somber, no-nonsense sort, weary from millions of years of war on Cybertron. Their saliva is acidic and they eat metal. Creates dazzling, disorienting sound and light shows. Even the slightest movements result in tremendous friction, causing flames and melting. Boisterous, loud-mouthed... raucous sense of humor makes him welcome company. Physically weak. Fracas's new Targetmaster body allows him to transform into an incendiary cannon for his new Decepticon partner Scourge—fitting, since Fracas is himself a hot-running, volatile scrapper who explodes into violent rages. Cyberverse Warrior Class 15cm . Great strength... ceramic-plated armored skin can take up to 8000 degrees Celsius. Ever since. Has 120MM laser-guided gun that shoots incendiary, sonic and explosive shells. Lipoles are flying, bat-like creatures, though they can furl their wings and walk. In puma mode, can leap .7 miles. Helicopter blade transforms into a light saber that can cut through concrete. Desperately tries to prove his worth to comrades by trying to find things of value – whether by digging up hillside or a backyard. Prefers action to words. Immense strength and endurance. Like Raoul, he has a predilection for making pop culture references. He rattles the air with the roar of his jets... believes half the battle is won if the opponent is "psyched out" by his mere arrival, so he makes no attempt to be sneaky. Slow, not too clever – often victim of the calamities he causes. War of the Dinobots The Dinobots' role was simply to pulverize anyone or anything that was too strong for the Autobots to handle on their own. As car or robot uses launcher to fire heat-seeking incendiary missiles 60 miles. Has a tendency to act first and ask questions later. Clever and determined – nothing deters him from seeking his prey – except an empty fuel tank. Their pairing is among the worst of the Autobot Headmasters, often detracting, not adding, to Highbrow's effectiveness in combat as he refuses to listen to Gort's suggestions except in all but the most life-threatening situations. Thinks he is more impressive than his comrades do... likes to show off his sharpshooting. In the future year of 2007, Morgan works in the fields of metallurgy, robotics and palynology. Would be useless without Megatron's supervision. In the forefront of any situation he is involved in. Grimlock, Slag, and Sludge were built first. They sometimes merge to figure out great tasks. Claws can rip through foot-thick steel. Those who know him, though, say that Peacemaker has actually made progress in improving the dour Autobot's world view. Transformers Toys Autobot Team Combiner Pack - 4 Figure Gift Set – Figures Combine into a Super Robot - Toys for Kids 6 and Up - 8.5 inch scale 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,579 $54.99 At 560 mph can stop within 25 feet. Following our reports of Studio Series ROTF Deluxe Bumblebee & Sam And Deluxe Jolt and then the Studio Series Sideswipe, Grindor with Ravage, and 86 Gnaw , no we can share for your the Walmart listings of upcoming Studio Series Deluxe “TF6” Bumblebee and Dino. Thanks for nothing. The idealistic teenager never has an unkind word for anybody and serves as a shining example of the best the Nebulan Headmasters have to offer, it's a pity, then, that Gort was partnered with his polar opposite, the elitist snob Highbrow, who takes considerable offense to being binary bonded with what he sees as a mere commoner. Head transforms to semi-autonomous Cerebros, who is binary-bonded to the Nebulan leader, Spike. Brave, grimly determined warrior, but he struggles to maintain that image in order to hide his phobia. Great strength, even greater courage. Aimless should have been called "Useless". Prone to rash judgements which can lead to injury to himself and comrades. The following is a list of characters featured in the Transformers film series, distributed by Paramount Pictures, and its related media appearances.Over 214 characters have appeared in the film franchise. Daniel is (sometimes) the Headmaster partner to Arcee. Bekijk het grote assortiment Transformers bij Lobbes. However, he's not the first Velociraptor Transformer either, as that honor falls to that most honorable of Predacons turned Maximal, Beast Wars' Dinobot. His findings are often invaluable to fellow Autobots. Cerebros is the robot that transforms into Fortress Maximus's head, and is itself binary bonded to Spike Witwicky. Uses parked cars and gas station fuel pumps for target practice. As shuttle, travels at 20,000 mph in orbit, up to 50,000 mph out of orbit... can launch weapons and satellites. Entertainment News International is not responsible for reporting errors, inaccuracies, omissions, and or other liablities related to news shared here. Could be a play-by-play announcer, if given the chance. In robot mode, carries a concussion rifle which also causes mechanical failures. Description: Dino is a close quarters-combat Autobot that transforms into red Ferrari 458 Italia. According to this version, they (or, at any rate, the beast-moded ones) were once created by the divine inventor Primacron. Armored hide resists most missiles. Range of 800 miles... can go over very rugged terrain. A asteroid-sized Transformer whose only goal is to devour small moons, despite his incredible intelligence and power. Can destroy his enemies with ultrasonic waves and smash metal bridges with a single chop of his hand. In robot mode – has two electro-burst rifles. Loyal to Megatron, he was left in charge of Cybertron when Megatron left. The traditional leader of the Dinobots, Grimlock transforms into a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Doesn't listen to anyone, particularly his friends. Can turn foes into helpless accomplices by injecting cerebro-shells into their heads (robot or human) with his stinger... gives him control of their minds... has a cruel sense of humor... arms himself by having his victims debase themselves. In vehicle mode, maximum speed: 160 mph, range: 750 miles; built for traversing rough terrain. Scorn becomes a Spinosaurus, an alternate mode previously used by Transformers Cybertron's Undermine and one of the Dino Drones of Power Core Combiner Grimstone. Pointblank doesn't feel the Autobots should have involved the Nebulans in the war to begin with, and so disapproves of his partner and his advice on principle. A wise-cracking, sharp witted adventurer. Always feels better afterwards. He sees a career on his homeworld as an inventor as his ticket off his planet, and he is not above lying, stealing, and cheating to get what he needs to make it happen. Carries heat-seeking missiles and variable-calibre machine guns. Characters. She is brave, hard as nails and, not surprisingly, in a relationship with Ironhide. Extremely modest about his achievements... berates himself for not doing more. As a Targetmaster, he is paired with Haywire, excitable Nebulan teenager whose impulsiveness makes him a chancy electro-laser cannon, at best. The only way to get him to follow advice is to persuade him to come up with the idea himself. The Decepticons (known as Destrons or on occasion Deathtrons in Japan) are the enemies of the Autobots, and the villains in the fictional universe of the movie and cartoon Transformers toyline and related spin-off comics and cartoons. As robot has electron-scimitar and gyro-blaster rifle. Alive(Rebuilt as Soundblaster in Headmasters). In rhinoceros mode, his horn can puncture 3-foot thick steel, release corrosive acid. Bodyguard to Optimus Prime. Selected by Optimus Prime to command so he'd be too busy worrying about others to worry about himself. Together with his Targetmaster partner Misfire, he is a danger to himself and others. Not too strong or mobile as robot. Stubborn, doesn't talk much. She has the bizarre ability to jinx any mechanical device just by coming into contact with it, which is just one more reason why she keeps away from her father's company and its equipment. Can instantly teleport up to 2.5 miles. Has communications, detection, and repair equipment. Charming but cruelly clever... makes friends so he can influence them to do his bidding by digging up facts he can hold against them. Punch, the Autobot, transforms into Counterpunch, the Decepticon, to infiltrate enemy installations. His devotion to warfare makes him hard to deal with on a personal level. Pinpointer, his dual rocket-propelled grenade launcher, can lock on target in less than .0003 seconds, but usually trusts Crosshairs to decide when to shoot. He can quickly whisk information from one place to another. He's shown in the trailer charging Optimus Prime, who backhands the massive Dinobot to the ground with a roar of his own. These would eventually become the Transformers. Fast in vehicular mode. £12.00 £14.99. £20.99 Ref:167910010. Cruel sense of humor; but formerly loud-mouthed, belligerent, and brash until after the five-part mini-series "The Five Faces of Darkness", when he became a partial pacifist yet still loyal to his team. Ver más ideas sobre fiestas cumpleaños transformers, transformers, fiesta de los transformadores. Doesn't follow plans – or roads! Hates seeing any machine in pain – even those who don't know it, like a broken street lamp or an overheated car. The five Terrorcons merge to become Abominus. Huffer is cynical, hard-boiled and pessimistic. Kup sees himself as a seasoned campaigner with more knowledge and experience to share. In one universe appeared transformers Dinobot. Ondanks zijn afschrikwekkende uiterlijk was dit dier een planteter, die in het Krijt leefde in het gebied waar tegenwoordig Mongolië ligt. He takes orders from Zarak without question, no matter how illegal or rotten they are, as Snapdragon's Headmaster, he enhances the Decepticon's thuggish personality rather nicely. Stegosaurus children who love dinosaurs can easily recognize Stegosaurus thanks to the thorny horns growing on its back in Dinosaur Coloring Pages . Prefers hunting turbofoxes on Cybertron with his high-priced friends. A wizard at designing fortresses and energy plants, but modest. In robot mode, carries double-barreled magnetizer that oppositely charges any metal target so it tears itself apart. Though his last appearance is. Carries four particle-beam cannons and heat-seeking photon missiles. Adds twin scramjet modules and liquid hydrogen fuel tanks to escape Earth's gravity. Uses electron blaster in robot mode. kleurplaat Transformers op Kids-n-Fun.nl. Relishes a fight to the finish with an opponent. He rules lands adjacent to rival lord Sir Wigend du Blackthorne in the countryside far from. Acts as radio link for others. Calls those who disapprove of his methods 'tinplated bucketheads.' Beneath his meek and reserved exterior, however, young Firebolt yearned for a life of action and excitement. A greedy, mean-spirited bully. This is a list of characters from The Transformers television series. Speaks in corny, macho cliches, which unintentionally elicits laughter from the other Throttlebots. Ruthless, cold-blooded, and treacherous. Rash actions often lead to injuries to himself. He is the grandson of Sparkplug Witwicky. Transforming Dinosaur LED Car Toys,Transform Dinosaur LED Car Toy with Light Music, Dino Race Cars Automatic Transformer for 3-8 Year Old Kids Boys Girls Toddlers Birthday Holiday Xmas Easter Gift. Unconquerable. There are 108 dinosaur transformer for sale on Etsy, and they cost $13.96 on average. Many have remarked that if he were more ruthless, he would be a better military leader. Has two batteries of three laser-guided, heat-seeking missiles that can lock in and hit a target up to twelve miles away. Equipped with powerful drone rockets and incendiary guns. His dreams of adventure might never have come true, if not for the intervention of the Decepticons. Fires particle beam fusion cannon. Fists shoot laser beams used for welding in surgery. Cold, merciless, but a valiant warrior. Equipped with photon rifle, flamethrower, full-spectrum beacon, 180db stereo speakers. Remains aloof from others, but his deeds command their respect. Leader of the Insecticons. He is mortal enemies with Defensor. Princess Nimue is a human who lived in the countryside some distance from the city of Camelot in the mid-sixth century. Paired with Caliburst, one-time Nebulan leading actor who only does this for the money. Ultra Magnus is all soldier. As helicopter and buggy, he is adept at using rotors and exhaust to whip up blinding clouds of dust and sand. Only redeeming quality is he speaks well of those he is sent to "the great junkyard in the sky," his phrase for destruction. Takes them all in stride. Despite formidable weaponry and blazing speed, he hates war. The ultimate defense force! Carries missile launchers capable of hitting a target 30 miles away. It is suspected that Stylor volunteered for the Headmaster process simply because it was trendy at the time, his Autobot partner Chromedome, being an inveterate academic and computer nerd, is something of a frustration to Stylor, but he does his best to bring out the big guy's cooler, more social side (which he figures MUST be in there somewhere). For Transformers: Fall of Cybertron on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Dinobots names?? In robot mode, has a compressor-air gun that shoots a 40,000 psi blast of air. Explodes into furious, ferocious action when it's time to strike. The all-American boy of the Nebulan Headmasters, Gort rose up from a lowly position as stable boy to courageous defender of his planet. Six-gun is small robot, has ion-pulse rifles for arms, twin surface-to-air guided missile launchers on back, acetylene pistol. Like his binary bonded partner Slugslinger, Caliburst is merely putting on an act and playing the role of the cold and fearless Decepticon warrior he outwardly projects; it's just that he is generally more adept at keeping the mask up because of his former life as an actor. Always inventing new weapons and gadgets. Believes in being maximally operational every moment of one's life. Usually he is so dirty you'd think he sweated grease, but he is a neatness fanatic. Rocksteady is a member of the Bop Crew. In Binaltech, Doctor Arkeville is a member of the Concurrence. Prefers streaking into a cluster of Decepticons to shooting at them from long range... says, "that always sparks their wires a bit." The following is a list of characters featured in the Transformers film series, distributed by Paramount Pictures, and its related media appearances.Over 214 characters have appeared in the film franchise. There has been a lot of speculation about the identity of the red Ferrari 458 Italia appearing in the Transformers Dark of the Moon movie. In later versions, Megatron and Galvatron appear as separate entities. Harold had the bad luck of "starring" in a science fiction film along with Karen Fishook whose director became obsessed with using Hoist and several of the Autobots as his main characters (likely saving loads on his FX budget). Has built-in chemical sensors, radiation detectors, audio and video recorders to assist his tracking. S.O.S. Often mopes about his handicaps, but his bravery and defensive prowess is unquestioned.
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