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Dread Saurian is a Lizardmen Monster unit introduced in The Hunter and the Beast.. No one uses it seriously in MP, some people try it since its still very new content. Discussions, strategies, stories, crude cave-drawings, and more for Medieval 2, Empire, Shogun 2, Rome 2, Attila, Thrones of Britannia, Warhammer, Three Kingdoms and others. "The first Carnosaur ever encountered by Men was not a mature beast in its natural habitat. (The standard for competitive play is 12400 points. It's very eye-catching as well. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Then you eat Carnosaurs and Star Dragons for breakfast. Used to be a big carnosaur now it's bugging for me. Yeah, honestly they just need some tweaks of their defensive stats and they're golden. Jurassic Zombie From Outer Space 19 сен. Damn you, Trish Carden! Slap an extra 15-20% physical resist on them bad boys and I'd be happy. You can unsubscribe at any time. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. It is the apex predator from Lustria, not even the carnosaurs come close. I hope he still rules the Anti-Large championship after the dread saurians drop. 100 > 140 for all variants Physical Resistance added 15% Missile Resistance buffed to 25% Melee attack buffed to 70 Melee defense buffed to 55 Enjoy ! Shredder of Lustria (Dread Saurian Howdah – RoR) With rank nine stats, Encourage, and a passive hex aura reducing nearby enemy leadership, The Shredder of Lustria is truly a one-unit army – and comes with a pricetag to match. These things die way too easily for something so expensive. 100 > 140 for all variants Physical Resistance added 15% Missile Resistance buffed to 25% Melee attack buffed to 70 Melee defense buffed to 55 Enjoy ! For those only now hearing about this, I made a poll asking what people’s opinions were on making a community derived homebrew in our three things thread and I received a lot of responses with a good chunk of people saying… The dread should be able to plow through anything less of a monstrous infantry unit. The main problem is that it lacks Melee Defense. In general, they seem to be easily bug down by infantry limiting their ability to attack their target (here at 1:37:54) -> we can see that the dread saurian can't attack for nothing, I think it's related to a mass issue, and even to the range of his attack. I'd like them to be a more fun Stegadon. How to recruit Dread Saurian, salamanders, razaudron etc ? I feel like the lack of a mention of archers is some major disrespect for how good they are compared to their very cheap cost. Press J to jump to the feed. I, too, have been bringing Harmonic Convergence (something I usually save for a Carnosaur beatdown on multiple large enemies) specifically for these, and I feel like they just aren't bringing their cost to bear in terms of how much effort I need to put into them. >> Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)17:32:27 No. Share to Twitter. Then you eat Carnosaurs and Star Dragons for breakfast. They can be attacked by so many units at once, and with their lack of armour and MD, it's a death of a thousand cuts. Let look on Lord, ofc Dragon Emperor will be better leader then Franz, hes weapon will be better then Dawi and fighting skill will be on par of Tyrion, why not. Lore Wise they should be the biggest beasts, they forced the Dragons out of Lustria. All rights reserved. The one unit army comment is specifically about the RoR version, not just the normal ones. Obliterating Charge: A Dread Saurian’s sheer scaled mass is a potent weapon in its own right. Not even a Slann can controll a feral one, so they are decked out in magic armor to help maintain controll and protect them. In terms of cost effectiveness, I still feel that the regular Stegadon is the best choice: excellent brawler, poisons everything, and its ballista is super accurate. A subreddit for the Total War strategy game series, made by Creative Assembly. By subscribing you confirm that you are over the age of 16 or have consent from your parent Serious lack in mass, I keep watching dreads stuttering around trying to move/turn/attack when swamped in infantry or fighting cavalry. The u/Dreadsaurian community on Reddit. Dread Saurians should definitely outclass every monster that isn't an independent LL, though. I mean, I feel like it's gonna be the biggest and baddest, SO FAR. 1 Legendary lords 2 Lords 3 Heroes 4 Melee Infantry 5 Missile Infantry 6 Cavalry 7 Missile Cavalry 8 Chariots 9 Artillery 10 Monsters and Beasts 11 References Regiments of Renown: The Hellebronai Sisters of the Singing Doom Blades of the Blood Queen The Bolt-fiends Slaanesh's Harvesters Knights of the Ebon Claw Raven Heralds Chill of Sontar maybe not even, average GDs in lore are about equal to Star Dragons. Huntsmen are good because they have better damage and can arc better than crossbows but the war wagon is just shit you can park it behind a squishy unit and get like 40 kills. Offensively, it has huge Weapon Damage and Melee Attack, but it doesn't get a bonus vs. infantry or large, so it's pretty meh. I just finished my campaign as lizard men (blue that began at the bottom right of the map in mortal empire). In every army? Same goes for taking missile fire. For those only now hearing about this, I made a poll asking what people’s opinions were on making a community derived homebrew in our three things thread and I received a lot of responses with a good This mod increases the Dread Saurians leadershp, health, mass, melee attack, melee defense, weapons strength, charge bonus and missile resistance. The size is the only problem I can think with it due to sieges The Dread Saurian, one of the largest and most feared predator in the jungles of Lustria! Doesn't look anything like the concept art. Immense creatures, larger than the towering Carnosaur, Dread Saurians are few in number and sacred to the Lizardmen, and the fury of each that prowls the fetid jungles is moderated only by the arcane power of the ceremonial armour that bedecks them. Only thing that can challenge them is the dread saurian. For reference, a unit of 90 Phoenix Guard costs 1400, a unit of 120 Skavenslaves cost 125 (I think, I don't play Skaven super often), and the most expensive unit, the Regiment of Renown Dread Saurian costs something like 3800 points). Excellent work! Lack of Missile Resistance. Dread Saurian's have animation problems and just cannot deal with lords. However, all you really need to do to turn them into unstoppable death machines is get a Skink Priest (Heavens). Dread Saurian is a Lizardmen Monster unit introduced in The Hunter and the Beast.. Join The Fan Lab, a private Fandom research community for users in the US and UK where you will be asked to share your opinions on all things gaming and entertainment! This page lists all Dark Elves units1. Hi everyone, From what I saw so far (early access tournament) the Dread Saurian seems pretty bad. On a 2+, that unit suffers D3 mortalis a . But its too much in one basket that doesn't deliver for its price. Once they face a lord they just die horribly. Remove Dread Saurian Unit Caps Description Discussions 0 Comments 17 Change Notes 1 Award Favorite Favorited Unfavorite Share Add to Collection. It's not unpopular its the general consensus. Copy embed to clipboard. They probably will get a buff. Stats are in the pictures. Hello all you cold bloods! A Dread Saurian standing near a man-sized Skink. Do not try to understand or bargain with them, for they ruled this earth at its dawn, and they have not forgotten the true glory of the Saurian Ancients. Would/Should the dread saurian be the strongest "monster" of all? A subreddit for the Total War strategy game series, made by Creative Assembly. Really want to see that unit card right now. At least what I've seen from the YouTuber community, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It just dies very, very quickly. Share to Tumblr. Dread Saurian Warhammer Total War GIF SD GIF HD GIF MP4 CAPTION Everchosen Share to iMessage. I send them into a line, let them munch for a bit while I micro my flankers, then move them on within 10 seconds or so. L Jan 28, 2020 @ 3:41am update please It looks like a dread saurian model got horribly mutated. In that Reddit post is an image that shows all the Runefangs and Special Units you get as rewards for owning the various Elector Count provinces in the regular Empire campaign. Hello all you cold bloods! Be the first! Especially not the shredder. Most of the new units are kinda meh. Several stegadons are already "obsolete" in the current cheese meta so it's not really a … < > 16 Comments Hannibal. If anything, they should be pushing monstrous infantries around as well. Yeah, it might knock more down on the charge, but its larger size also means more enemies can attack it in melee at the same time. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Swiggity swooty I'm coming for that booty. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Swiggity swooty I'm coming for that booty. Anything under 10k gold i'll be disappointed. War wagon is more of a disruption/distraction unit that helps your rest of your army kill than kill much itself. in … 27 11 comments Fills the gap in many smaller cheaper armies than the much more expensive crossbows. Saurian is a survival-simulation experience about living the life of a dinosaur. Better Dread Saurian Description Discussions 0 Comments 16 Change Notes < > 16 Comments Totalwarhammer [author] Oct 7, 2020 @ 10:54am @Eru Ilúvatar The mod still works as far as I am aware. The Saurian Ancients army either supports its troops with magic and spells or uses these tricks to try to blast the opponent off the board. And/or, run it alongside the Legion of Chaqua for that missile resistance buff. Dread Saurian's are just super soaked in damage because the AI will target it down. All rights reserved. Without this precaution, even the power of the Slann could not hold them in check when they are unleashed. The mortar and RoR variation definitely shine here. I was looking forward to the dread saurian for so long, and I absolutely hate the sculpt. It would be kind of a shame if so. Carnosaurs are the "light cav" version of anti-large dino. Discussions, strategies, stories, crude cave-drawings, and more for Medieval 2, Empire, Shogun 2, Rome 2, Attila, Thrones of Britannia, Warhammer, Three Kingdoms and others. Of all the reptilian nightmares that inhabit the jungle-shrouded continent of Lustria, Dread Saurians are one of the most feared; an echo of ancient days when huge beasts such as they did battle with the forefathers of the Dragons for supremacy. Starting from the egg, you must survive to adulthood amidst the perilous Hell Creek ecosystem of 66 million years ago, meticulously reconstructed with the help of professional paleontologists. Oh it's basically confirmed that it is, in the blogs and steam page they say it's the biggest and most expensive unit in the game, in their words it's a "one unit army with a price tag to match" and they have already said that it is a "monster Hunter" based unit since that's how it is in the lore. And like the Doom Rocket or the Sword Of Khaine-hilariously OP. Immense creatures, larger than the towering Carnosaur, Dread Saurians are few in number and sacred to the Lizardmen, and the fury of each that prowls the fetid jungles is moderated only by the arcane power of the ceremonial armour that bedecks them. If this is an unpopular opinion, then the port income nerf must have been warmly received with open arms by the community, and today is opposite day. And around turn 80 or more, Tlaqua (another lizard men faction) had an armie with dread saurian, razaudron etc, I confederated them so I got their armies but I can't recruit any of these. Given its lore I'd imagine armor piercing anti-large, but does that mean the Carnosaur will just be a cheaper, worse Dread Saurian? Share to Facebook. I would say this is the popular opinion OP. © Valve Corporation. Its HP is 50% larger than a Stegadon, but that's not really enough to keep it alive given its size and low armor, MD. No "Scaly skin" trait like many monsters get. People love to hear what others think about their projects so please let them know. And DS’ dabbed on those so hard they fled Lustria. Earlier today, Creative Assembly announced The Hunter and The Beast DLC for Total War: Warhammer 2.Due to release on the 11th of September, this DLC will be the fifth Lord Pack DLC in the franchise, featuring both the Empire and the Lizardmen. < > 16 Comments Hannibal. Just slap Harmonic Convergence on that bad boy and all your MD problems vanish. Several stegadons are already "obsolete" in the current cheese meta so it's not really a problem to me. As it stands, I send it in and micro my microing between the Saurian, my flyers, and my priest. They are pretty bad. I'm with ya there, man. Press J to jump to the feed. Described in the oldest myths as tyrants, the time of the Saurians and the Dawn Age ended when they were cast down by subjugated races, or else swallowed by the sea in some great cataclysm of that turbulent time. Immense creatures, larger than the towering Carnosaur, and perhaps far more powerful than even the titanic Thunder Lizard, Dread Saurians are few in number and sacred to the Lizardmen, and the fury of each that prowls the fetid jungles is moderated only by the arcane power of the ceremonial armour that bedecks them.

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