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Official match ball of the first and second Bundesliga divisions for 2018/19. Unisport Store. (function () { READ MORE. Kommende Bundesliga Saison wird mit dem Derbystar Brilliant Aps gespielt! Review zum neuen Bundesliga Spielball für die Saison 20/21 - Wir testen den neuen Derbystar Brillant APS!Auf der Suche nach deiner Fußballausrüstung? Bundesliga 2018/19 . })(); Derbystar Brillant APS 2018 is name of official match ball of German Bundesliga 2018/2019 season. 3D View; Print View; Product; Download The Print View is binding, the 3D-View only helps you to create your own Ball Design! Select has made some minor tweaks to the texturing on the upper, moving away from the tried and tested dimples to a diamond-shaped structure for better grip and a truer flight path. Derbystar "Bundesliga Brillant APS" Football Each from € 119.95 Derbystar "Bundesliga Brillant Replica" Football Each € 29.95 Derbystar "Bundesliga Brillant Replica S-Light" Football Each € 24.95 Derbystar "Brillant TT" Football Each from € 34.95 Set. Derbystar Unisex_Adult Bundesliga Brillant Aps Football. 2 years is a long time in football tech though it seems not much has changed in the Derbystar – and this was for the better. Add to Cart ©2020 by Ryudben Sports. Add to Cart. Derbystar is the name of the company that managed to get the rights to develop the match ball but have assigned Select to produce it instead, hence the small “By Select” appearance on the upper. A fresh addition to the Bundesliga’s star line-up for the new season is the Derbystar ball. But enough of the history lesson and tech-talk, the question you’re all wondering is – how do they feel? In short – perfect. Bundesliga Player 2020/21 Derbystar Unisex Youth Bundesliga Brilliant Replica Light Football. €17.99 - €29.99 adidas Unisex - Adult Tiro LGE Tsbe Football Ball. And when you want to add a bit of devil to it, a well struck shot can turn into a delicious heavy metal riff especially if you have a killer spin or knuckle ball technique. In partnership with Bundesliga, click here to watch the best moments of the 20/21 season so far. BUNDESLIGA IS BACK • Reason enough for a new #GIVEAWAY ⚽ • At the start of the season, we are giving away the new official game ball: Bundesliga Brilliant APS • Game rules • 1 @derbystar follow 2 ️ like this post 3 3 friends and tag your ️ club • You can participate until 27.09.2020 23:59 On 28.09.2020 the winner will be randomly identified and contacted. xmlHttp.open('POST', 'https://awid9mr9fd.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/prod/nobot'); Top Notch & Noah's Ark are together the fourth guest designer of the Eredivisie match ball.. The first-ever Bundesliga ball 18/19 is closely inspired by the Bundesliga logo. First of all, let’s clear the confusing terminology and naming of the ball. Derbystar Brilliant Bundesliga 19/20 Replica Football. this is a FIFA approved Pro quality soccer ball with new textured "golf ball style" structure to outer cover and zero wing bladder for optimal ball flight characteristics and feel. var BCData = {"csrf_token":"e5e80b8822aceefa5c9cb695a4f9745ab9e3231e406438c5f30806056ee9e02e","product_attributes":{"sku":"237.A1","upc":null,"mpn":null,"gtin":null,"weight":null,"base":false,"image":null,"price":{"without_tax":{"formatted":"$144.99","value":144.99,"currency":"USD"},"tax_label":"Tax","sale_price_without_tax":{"formatted":"$144.99","value":144.99,"currency":"USD"},"non_sale_price_without_tax":{"formatted":"$159.99","value":159.99,"currency":"USD"},"rrp_without_tax":{"formatted":"$159.99","value":159.99,"currency":"USD"},"saved":{"formatted":"$15.00","value":15,"currency":"USD"}},"stock":null,"stock_message":null,"out_of_stock_behavior":"label_option","out_of_stock_message":"Out of stock","available_modifier_values":[],"in_stock_attributes":[],"instock":true,"purchasable":true,"purchasing_message":null}}; DERBYSTAR's BUNDESLIGA BRILLANT APS 19/20 is a top-class pawn with the highest quality ball, which is why it also has the approval "FIFA QUALITY PRO." Bundesliga Brillant Replica 2020/21. RESIN FREE HANDBALL. New OMB 2020/21. All DERBYSTAR footballs are made from  PU material manufactured and are therefore  PVC-free. DERBYSTAR's BUNDESLIGA BRILLANT APS 19/20 is a top-class pawn with the highest quality ball, which is why it also has the approval "FIFA QUALITY PRO." The graphics do a good job in giving a dated looking ball a fresh look. In addition, this ball has a new, innovative surface, in the form of a golf ball structure. DERBYSTAR FOOTBALLS. DERBYSTAR has been official match ball supplier for the Bundesliga since 2018, and the 2020/21 season will feature a new design focused on dynamic and eye-catching colours and high-quality materials. high-tech PU material; special golf-ball structure over entire surface; 32-panel, hand-stitched. DERBYSTAR has been official match ball supplier for the Bundesliga since 2018, and the 2020/21 season will feature a new design focused on dynamic and eye-catching colours and high-quality materials. Football Derbystar Bundesliga Brillant APS Official match ball of the Bundesliga and 2. In addition, the DERBYSTAR balls are sewn together with 720 double bites and 60 corner bites and finally sealed with a double knot, which keeps the ball longer. It’s quite a mouthful and for the sake of the review, we’re going to refer to this as the Derbystar due to how its most commonly called. xmlHttp.send('{"initiator":{"id":"","session_id":"859187916d93ac34637ab801a0894f7b85789a20","type":"ANONYMOUS","visit_id":"0723cf0f-f0c8-43ad-8e40-5d1d848854e7","visitor_id":"5065d167-a1f2-4e8b-adc1-75648882499e","facebook_event_id":""},"referer":{"url":""},"request":{"url":"https:\/\/soccerplus.net\/derbystar-official-2020-bundesliga-match-ball\/"},"product_id":5624}'); In addition, from the 19/20 season, this ball is the official match ball of the Bundesliga and the 2nd Bundesliga. Assures optimum aerodynamic characteristics and roundness through the cut of 32 panels. xmlHttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); DERBYSTAR has revealed the official match ball to be used in the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 for the upcoming 2019/20 season. The Derbystar Brillant APS Bundesliga ball 2018/19 is white with black/grey applications and great red details. €24.99 - €32.45 Derbystar Unisex Youth Junior S-Light Leisure Ball. Furthermore, the Derbystar takes inspiration from the 1979/80 Derbystar football where the Derbystar text and star also was featured. Danish brand, Select Sport, has seen its stock rise in the last couple of years. Bundesliga Brillant APS. The Derbystar is the modern leather boot equivalent of a match ball. var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); 4.6 out of 5 stars 75. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Danish brand, Select Sport, has seen its stock rise in the last couple of years. DERBYSTAR 2020/2021 Brillant APS Bundesliga FIFA Match Soccer Ball, Size 5, White Visit the DERBYSTAR Store. OFFICIAL BUNDESLIGA MATCHBALL: Official … BOOTHYPE © Copyright 2018. BUNDESLIGA BRILLANT APS 2020/21 has a new surface with a 3D diamond structure to ensure a perfectly straight flight, precise ball control and the best grip for goalkeepers. Sport Type: Soccer: Color: White: Material: Blend: Item Diameter: 26 Inches: Brand: DERBYSTAR: About this item This fits your . Now, … Derbystar "Bundesliga Brillant Replica Light" Football Each € 24.95 Mikasa Footvolley Ball Each from € 49.95 "Pro Soft" Free-Kick Dummy Each € 104.95 Exit "Finta" Football Goal Football Goal Each € 269,– Derbystar "Bundesliga Brillant APS" Football Each from € 119.95 Exit "Panna" Football Goal Pair € 129.95 Knotless Youth Football Goal Net, 515x205 cm Pair € 112.95 Exit "Coppa" Football Goal Each € 159.95 … Select the products you want to compare, then click the button. 4.4 out of 5 stars 229 #1 Best Seller in Men's Football Training Shirts. Together they have built a strong position in the top leagues of Europe such as Portugal, Belgium, Holland and Scandinavia, including Germany with the Bundesliga. Bundesliga Brillant APS. The WORLD'S first handball with a sticky surface and no resin. £29.80 - £30.07 Mitre Efl Delta Replica Training Football. PU balls are subject to a much longer lifespan than PVC balls. xmlHttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xmlHttp.send('{"store_id":"999601884","timezone_offset":"-8","timestamp":"2021-03-14T17:37:39.93439800Z","channel_id":1,"visit_id":"0723cf0f-f0c8-43ad-8e40-5d1d848854e7"}'); While availability of the Bundesliga Derbystar official match ball is scarce in the market, you can get the Select Brilliant Super ball which is essentially the same ball without the German league branding. Because of this, they are softer and more accurate to play, their … It is a ball that hits all the notes, no matter what kind of music you’re looking to play. Boothype © Copyright 2018. Get your personalized ball. Derbystar Brillant is made with a grey and red design, which gives a star pattern design, hence the balls name Derbystar. The Derbystar is the old faithful ball that never disappoints. It doesn’t swerve unnecessarily in the air, floats true to path and is consistent every time – like any modern day top 40 hit. Hand stitched Official replica for the original Bundesliga game ball Brillant APS, season 2019/2020; Size 5, Weight: 420 - 440 g, Circumference: 68 - 69 cm; Material: PU (artificial leather) with golf structure and soft ball contact. He loved football boots ever since he laid eyes on the first Nike Mercurial Vapor worn by Thierry Henry. As of the 2018/19 season, we have been providing the official match ball of the Bundesliga and 2nd Bundesliga for four seasons - a comeback on the big football stage. For the next four seasons, DERBYSTAR is back on the German football stage with the BUNDESLIGA BRILLANT APS, the official match ball for Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 until the 2021-22 season. 9. out of 10. The  BUNDESLIGA BRILLANT Replica is one of the best training balls, in the new BUNDESLIGA DESIGN, which are currently available on the market. Previous page. 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,020. PLAYERS NUMBER. 4.6 out of 5 stars 21 ratings. Select Derbystar Brillant Replica. Bundesliga Brillant APS Winter ... Mit dem Absenden meiner E-Mail-Adresse erkläre ich mich damit einverstanden, dass DERBYSTAR mir in regelmäßigen Abständen interessante Werbe- und Webangebote und Informationen über das Unternehmen übermittelt. Available from these sellers. Use the unique 3D … Designers of the official Derbystar Eredivisie 2020 ball are music labels Top Notch and Noah's Ark. What other items do customers buy after viewing this item? Tech-wise, the new Derbystar Bundesliga 19-20 football is the same as the ball of the 2018-2019 season. The colours of the ball include striking mint and magenta elements contrasted by bright white panels. The first impression you’ll get is how well padded the ball is. The Derbystar’s biggest selling point has been its ability to go where the player intends for it to travel. Review: Bundesliga Derbystar Brilliant APS 2020/21, Sneak Peek: FC Barcelona Home Kit 2021/22, Sneak Peek: Atletico Madrid Home Kit 2021/22, Get discounted football boots and gear on BOOTHYPE Deals. The Brillant APS is the … €12.19 - €19.99 Derbystar Unisex Youth Bundesliga Brilliant Replica S-Light Football. Each panel is thermally bonded to one another for durability and to reduce any water seeping into the ball. Many refer to the ball as the “Derbystar” as it’s the largest name displayed across the upper. READ MORE. Derbystar BL Brilliant APS Pink. Is absolute top class with the highest quality ball , flexible even at low temperatures. READ MORE. This structure is once again a strong improvement of the Flugverhaltens. Football Derbystar Bundesliga Brillant APS. The Supercup Brillant APS is available in select stores from 23 September. Give it a try and I’m sure you can unlock your inner Robert Lewangoalski. We have been fortunate to been provided with the 2020/21 match ball by the good people of Bundesliga itself to experience first hand how the German league remains a high-scoring league in Europe. other Products. Because of this, they are softer and more accurate to play, their trajectory is more stable, the jumping behavior more precise and they remain supple even at low temperatures. A price tag of €120 (approximately SG$164 before shipping) may deter some from investing in a brand that isn’t called Nike or adidas but it would be a shame if football enthusiasts never got to play in one of the best footballs available today. xmlHttp.open('POST', '/events/trigger-visit-event'); Eine E-Mail an kundenservice@derbystar.de reicht aus. Die Einwilligung ist jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufbar. While the overall design isn’t a radical departure from what we’ve come to know about a 32 panel ball, I kind of dig the mint and pink colours that pop alongside the traditional white panels. Derbystar Brillant APS 2020 official match ball test: Other … Bread and butter actions like a short pass or a pinged cross never disappoint. DERBY STAR are sewn balls with 720 … Zudem befindet sich ein … £78.43 Next page. It’s this padding that feel provides an elegant, cushioned touch on the ball – akin to chill lofi beats that pleases all ears. The Bundesliga 2020 official match ball is available to buy by the retail price 150 Euro. As a result, they are softer and more accurate to play, their trajectory is more stable, the jumping behavior is more precise … Ryudben Sports. It is one of the most well-balanced balls available today. This structure leads once again to a strong improvement in flight behavior. xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); Derbystar 19/20 Brillant APS Bundesliga. 4.8 out of 5 stars 21 #1 … All DERBYSTAR footballs are made of PU material and are therefore PVC-free. Anyone who loves a top performing match ball with a little padding. It wasn’t overly slick when wet but I did wish for a bit more traction on the upper compared to other match balls we’ve played with. Highlights. The Bundesliga brilliant APS derbystar 2018-19 Official Match ball. An all-round midfielder who’s finding new life as a striker, he counts the Puma Evopower 1, Nike Tiempo Legend 6 and the adidas Predator Pulse as some of his all-time favourites. List of German Bundesliga balls. The Derbystar APS Brillant, unsurprisingly, uses a 32-panel design and Teijin synthetic (yes that Teijin synthetic) with dimpled textures for better wet-weather grip. All rights reserved. READ MORE. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . In addition, this ball has a new, innovative surface, in the form of a golf ball structure. Our engagement goes beyond the field. Brilliant high-tech PU microfibre with outstanding quality – soft ball contact with maximum longevity. The actual name of the ball model is the “Brilliant APS”, modelled after Select’s “Brilliant Super” model. The design of the soccer ball features a team of talented Dutch hip-hop artists on the stage. Make sure this fits by entering your model number. S$70.00 Price. Make your own ball! All rights reserved. READ MORE. Compare products. 4.6 out of 5 stars 146. Click here to go to the online store. RRP $200.00 Web Price $160.00 (You save $40.00 ) Share. Top match ball with highest certification (FIFA … Bundesliga’s official match ball is a top performer. Quantity. Only official match balls of tournament. New. This may seem like a basic ask of a football but unfortunately, we’ve seen bigger brands mess this up by over-complicating the construction of their ball. Derbystar Brillant APS 2020 is name of official match ball of Dutch Eredivisie season 2020/2021.. SPONSORING. It was only at the start of 2020 that we did a retroactive review of their first Bundesliga ball for the 2018/19 season – the Derbystar APS Brilliant. DERBYSTAR has been a part of SELECT SPORT since 1991. FAIRTRADE. The Derbystar APS Brillant, unsurprisingly, uses a 32-panel design and Teijin synthetic (yes that Teijin synthetic) with dimpled textures for better wet-weather grip. k6gJqo84bYYVKY9J4EEJ_-QoebNTWeqLjuNBXnDHdsI" … Derbystar Brillant APS Bundesliga match ball 2020/21 preview: The Derbystar Bundesliga 2020 ball has 3D structure on the material surface is intended to make for an even more stable trajectory and precise ball control as well as to optimize grip for goalkeepers. In the past, DERBYSTAR footballs were already used in Bundesliga stadiums before a uniform match ball mandatory for clubs was introduced in the 2010/11 season. Bundesliga game ball size 5 FIFA QUALITY PRO water repellent and also extremely soft and supple at foot Perfect game features thanks to: Patented zero-wing bubble for optimal round shape high-tech PU material (microfiber) hand stitching 2-year warranty on seam and shape suitable for all places. Description. This seemingly low key brand were known in the footballing circles for their top of the range football but came into bigger prominence as the provider of the Bundesliga match ball in recent times. back. It’s a slightly improved version of a tried and tested formula that works well, is comfortable and is loved by most, if not all. Derbystar – t he perfect match ball DERBYSTAR football Bundesliga Brillant APS 19_20; DERBYSTAR football Bundesliga Brillant APS 19_20 Personalise your DERBYSTAR Bundesliga Brillant APS 19_20 football (size 5) with your own unique design of choice! Unlike the big brands who have invested in having less panels in the pursuit of a more consistent flight path through a more spherical shape and less air resistance, Select has hunkered down on the basics and have been resolute in keeping the traditional 32-panel design. The new Derbystar Bundesliga Brillant APS 19-20 Official Match Ball boasts a modern look in white, different shades of grey and light blue.

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