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Megatron: Bring it to me immediately. A Bridge Too Close, Part I/Tech/Info/Episodes,,_Part_I?oldid=484961. Megatron attempts to call Lugnut again for assistance. They exchange "snappy banter" for a while, which leaves Blackarachnia bored. Quick tour¶. Season 1. Juni 2017 in die Kinos. Shockwave is surprised to report that the engineer in question is on Earth—it’s Bulkhead! DIN EN 61558-2-1 (VDE 0570 Teil 2-1) 1998-07. Dr. Sumdac rushes in, hearing the disturbance. Unfortunately, backseat artistry from the other Autobots winds up ruining the painting, and Bulkhead goes for a walk with Sari to vent a little. I'm officially no longer the fastest thing on wheels.". When Lugnut points out that Sumdac cannot be trusted in the base alone, Megatron decides to take the professor with him. Transformers 1 filmini Türkçe altyazı seçeneğiyle 1080p kalitede donmadan ve sorunsuz izleyebilirsiniz. Add to cart. Sari seems moved.... En route to the Autobot ship, Ratchet is ambushed by Blitzwing and Lugnut, in a battle about as one-sided as Bambi vs. Godzilla. When Starscream finds out Lugnut "thinks" he's hearing Megatron, the new leader is infuriated, and in his anger almost exposes that fact that it was himself, and not the Autobots, who defeated Megatron in the first place. "I would have come sooner, o grand and illustrious leader, but naturally we all assumed you perished at the hands of the Autobot scum. This is much scarier than some living black sticky stuff. Çizgi filmin ana karakterleri robotlardır ve iki robot grubu arasındaki mücadele konu alınır. When Megatron attacks the Autobots, his cockpit changes from black to grey for a brief moment, then back. Lugnut: (shaking him) Give me that, or I will pulverize your pistons!!! "I must be a bigger pain in the gearshaft than I thought.". At Megatron's instruction, Professor Sumdac fires up the bridge, but when it fails to activate due to the professor's simple lack of understanding of the technology, Megatron realizes that he will require additional help... "There's something in your optic." The library downloads pretrained models for Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks, such as analyzing the sentiment of a text, and Natural Language Generation (NLG), such as completing a prompt with new text or translating in another language. 171 1.1 170 271 173 071 070 371 370 373 270 475 170234565643 Toroidal safety isolating and isolating transformer RKD Typ RKD 15/.. RKD 20/.. RKD 30/.. ... VDE 0570 Teil 2-1, DIN EN 61558-2-1, EN 61558-2-1, IEC 61558-2-1, UL 5085-1/-2, CSA 22.2 No.66 Isolating transformer As if Optimus Prime wasn't stressed enough, Bulkhead and Prowl then take the opportunity to finally tell him about the continued survival of the Dinobots on Dinobot Island. Lugnut: Fool! I am not worthy... What happened to your body? Nach den Figuren und Comics und Zeichentrick-Serien bzw. Nun fiel mir … The, Shockwave's report on Bulkhead appears to be in the form of. THERE IS NO MEGATRON! On Dinobot Island, the Autobots are confronted by the Dinobots who—again—are hostile to trespassers. Teil (1976) - VHSRip - Rychlodabing (2.verze) - DJLonely on Dailymotion Cybertron gezegeni başka mekanizmalara kolayca dönüşebilme yeteneğine sahip olan robotların gezegenidir. Transformers 1-4 bei Amazon* Mit „Transformers: The Last Knight“ kommt der fünfte Transformers-Teil am 22. Bumblebee: Woah, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. A deadly threat from Earth's history reappears and a hunt for a lost artifact takes place between Autobots and Decepticons, while Optimus Prime encounters his creator in space. Furthermore, as their episode appearances were removed, the Constructions' origin were changed. The Decepticons kidnap Bulkhead to aid in Megatron's ultimate plan to take over Cybertron. 1. Next Nature Calls "Look what the capacitor dragged in." Lugnut: Master! Home Collections Transformers. Just don't let it happen again. Skywarp: Us? That was mine! Transformers: Robots in Disguise - Staffel 1 Episode 26 In Zusammenarbeit mit Optimus Prime müssen Bee und sein Team ihren ganzen Erfahrungsreichtum nutzen, um die Vernichtung der Erde und von Cybertron zu verhindern. Bejemajun. An upset Bumblebee defends Sari's role as part of the team, to which Optimus responds that since Bumblebee has been such a poor team performer who makes so many mistakes, he isn't a good character witness. At that moment, Megatron successfully contacts Lugnut, whose newly reverential and respectful attitude both pleases and confuses (but mostly pleases) Starscream. Lugnut: Oh, master, I am not worthy! As a matter of fact, I don't believe I've ever met another bot named Zippy, so one can only assume that you came up with "Zippy" in reference to my speed, which may be technically accurate, but lacks a certain creativity! Now that's more like it. Truck robot bad! Optimus isn't about to let Megatron have whatever gave off the signal that led him and Ratchet here, and he confronts Megatron just as the Vehicons break earth and hand the package to him. Teil „Transformers: The Last Knight“. Nun fiel mir … Delight is written all over your face.". Unter Druck Teil 1+2 Die Bots versuchen ihre neuen menschlichen Partner davon zu überzeugen, wie wertvoll sie sind, als Cody, der jüngste der Familie, in ernste Gefahr gerät. It's Prime. Prime finally refers to Dinobot Island by that name. Lugnut: It is not a glitch! The evil Decepticons, led by the maniacal Megatron, are intent on taking Earth’s precious resources for their own devious ends.Only Optimus Prime and the heroic Autobots can save the planet from total destruction!. You'll hit my dad! Random Blitzwing: (fitting one of Lugnut's shoulder turbines onto his own shoulder) Almost... got it... (collapses under its weight) Zere! I am the original Starscream! "Ah, never before have I seen such an impressive group of lethal fighting machines! Transformers sinemalardan başarıyla alındı ve şimdi bilgisayarınızda keyfini çıkarabilirsiniz. Fight him with snappy comebacks? Megatron Rising - Part 1/Tech/Info/Episodes So in all the months that Isaac Sumdac has been missing, it never occurred to anyone that the Decepticons kidnapped him? Starscream opens a hatch on his head to pick parts from his Allspark fragment to bring the clones to life, suggesting that in all of the episodes when you do see it, he has his hatch open, exposing the Allspark fragment. Nun fiel mir … The bad weather causes a blackout and forces Sumdac Tower onto its backup generator; when Sumdac decides this will force a delay in the repairs, Megatron alternates between bluster and sweet-talk to try to get his way, but it's no use. Megatron advises Optimus to stow his weapons; the device they've unearthed is a deadly spark extractor, capable of sapping the spark from the body of every Cybertronian in its radius. Her Transformer’in kendine özgü bir dönüşerek değişme şekli vardır.Transformer’lar iki farklı kampa bölünmüşlerdir. Optimus Prime is especially worried about the Key, both because Sari can't protect it, and because she once again is using it as a toy (this time for model-plane dogfighting). I. Transformers Prime 1.Sezon 1.Bölüm 1080P izle. Transformers 1 Toroidal transformers Toroidal safety isolating and isolating transformer RKD General Data Rated input voltage 2 x 115 Vac Rated output voltage 2 x 6 - 2 x 115 Vac Power 15 - 3000 VA ... VDE 0570 Teil 2-1, DIN EN 61558-2-1, EN 61558-2-1, IEC 61558-2-1, UL 5085-1/-2, CSA 22.2 No.66 While Prime leads the rest of the team to the Decepticon base, the location of which is provided by Blurr, Ratchet and Sari head for Teletran-1 to try to get it online one last time. Transformers 1 Toroidal transformers. UL 5085-1/-2, CSA 22.2 No.66 to: VDE 0570 Teil 2-6, DIN EN 61558-2-6, EN 61558-2-6, IEC 61558-2-6, UL ... Transformers 1 Control transformers Control- and safety isolating- resp. As all this scheming goes on, however, someone else is listening in—the mysterious “Blue Racer” that Bumblebee recently encountered. I am the original Starscream. Optimus points out that the Dinobots are robots themselves, prompting them to begin fighting each other. Ramjet: I am not! Der erste bedeutende Animationsfilm datiert aus dem Jahre 1986 mit „The Transformers: The Movie“, dem noch einige weitere Animationsfilme folgten. Back up! Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Starscream: Liar! He seems to challenge Blitzwing to a battle to the finish—but the three-faced robot simply freezes Ratchet solid and cracks off his crystallized arm, taking the Key with it. Icy Blitzwing: Technical glitch. georgeraymond9518. Sari, No One's Home But she's being watched—by Blackarachnia, who abducts the girl and mockingly praises her for seeing the light. Transformers BUMBLEBEE – DLX SOUNDWAVE AND RAVAGE USD $ 249.00. Directed by Michael Bay. Previous We learn that Prowl and Bulkhead not only didn't tell Prime that the Dinobots were still around, but also didn't tell him that. Transformers Alternators - Ford Mustang GT Wheeljack. Lugnut: And the universe will rejoice! 1:09. Transformers 2 German Deutsch Teil 1/9. Everything was going according to plan when I intercepted a communication between the Decepticon leader and an unknown double agent! Our Supreme Leader has spoken! Release year: 2010. Title: "Megatrons Auferstehung, Teil 1" ("Megatron's Resurrection, Part 1") Original airdate: 11 July 2008; Italian. ", Ratchet's remark to Blitzwing about prying the Key "from his cold, offline servo" is a reference to an, The Decepticon symbol on Megatron's body that was so clear. With Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Hopkins, Josh Duhamel, Laura Haddock. Megatron silently gloats that Cybertronian technology is more powerful than any force on Earth. Megatron Rising - Part 1/Tech/Info/Episodes, Icy Blitzwing: So, you didn't have voices in your head. Are you INSANE?!? Current transformers, bus, 1-phase, type ISZ 10 are used to supply measurement instruments and protection circuits of electrical energy equipment with the highest permissible system voltage of 12 kV and frequency of 50 Hz. Hothead Blitzwing: Ze Key, Autobot! 12 Megatron decides to capture Bulkhead personally and instructs Lugnut and Blitzwing to pick up an item from Sumdac Tower to aid in “convincing” the Autobot to help them. Lugnut: Please forgive me for failing you, my liege. BUMBLEBEE (FIRST LOOK - Cybertron Has Fallen Trailer NEW) 2018 John Cena Transformers Movie HD. This is what happens when you don't have proper rust-proofing. Episode (series) Hasbro Transformers Cyberverse Tek Adımda Dönüşen Figür - Wheeljack Action Attackers % 7. Transformers Demo İndir - Transformers serisinin beyaz perdeye son derece mükemmel bir hikaye ve görsellikle uygulandığı filmin havasını bilgisayar başında sizde bu macera ve aksiyonu yaşayarak hissetmek istiyorsanız Transformers: The Game sizi bekliyor.
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