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kehrt er für kurze Zeit an den Königshof zurück (Neh 13,6 EU). This characterization does not deny that he was susceptible to harem-influence or that he could become very angry when any one appeared presumptuous. Bereits kurz nach Artaxerxes’ Regierungsantritt kam es 463 in Baktrien zu einer Erhebung unter der Führung des Satrapen Artapanos im äußersten Osten des Perserreichs, an die sich bald ein Aufstand in Ägypten unter dem Libyer Inaros anschloss. Μακρόχειρ (Longimanus, ,Langhand‘, ,Weitherrscher‘) genannt, war der Sohn des Xerxes I. und der Amestris und gelangte 464 v. Chr. He afterward secured the king's pardon. Artabanos lenkte den Verdacht auf Dareios, den ältesten Sohn Xerxes’ I. Im Zorn tötete der jüngere Bruder Artaxerxes den vermeintlichen Vatermörder und bestieg selbst den Thron. 17). Thus in Babylonian, Artakshatsu, Artakhshassu, and numerous variations; in Susic, Irtakshashsha; Egyptian, Artakhshasha; Hebrew, and (that is, Artakhshasta); in Greek, Αρταζήσσης (inscription in Tralles' "Corpus Inscriptionum Græearum," 2919), and by assimilation with the name Xerxes Αρταζήρζης and Αρτοζήρζης. i.). Artaxerxes I Longimanus pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more The throne name of several Achaemenid rulers of the 1st Persian Empire: Artaxerxes I of Persia (died 425 BC), Artaxerxes I Longimanus, r. 466–425 BC, son and successor of Xerxes I Artaxerxes II of Persia (436 BC–358 BC), Artaxerxes II Memnon, r. 404–358 BC, son and successor of Darius II Chr. i, 104 sq.). Ezra first took strong measures against the mixed marriages, coming thereby into conflict with "the people of the land," the Samaritans and their allies. Unter Xerxes’ Sohn Artaxerxes I. wurde das Geld, nicht die Armee, zum wichtigsten Instrument der persischen Politik. Auch wenn Esther und Xerxes heute Konsens zu sein scheinen, so hat diese Sicht ihre Nachteile. persischer Großkönig. Artax ẹ rxes I. Artaxerxes Longimanus altpers. 12:4; Thucyd. But there are no archeological remains of the reign of Artaxerxes I. with the exception of a single inscription on a building in Susa and an alabaster vase in Paris which bears his name in Persian, Susian, Babylonian cuneiform, and in hieroglyphs. automatisch sein erstes Regierungsjahr ein. a. Z.) King of Persia; ascended the throne in 465 B.C., and died in 425 B.C. HRE Ferdinand I's 61-Great Grandfather. The murderer accused the king's eldest son Darius of the crime, with the result that Darius was slain by his younger brother Artaxerxes, who then mounted the throne. i.; Plutarch, "Artaxerxes," … bis zu seinem Tod im Dezember 424 v. Chr. The Greeks gave Artaxerxes the surname Μακρόχειρ (Longimanus, Long-Hand), asserting, probably correctly, that his right hand was longer than his left. and the decree containing Ezra's appointment in ch. iv. Chr.) Artaxerxes I. was, however, not a creative genius. ix., 1898). bis zu seinem Tod im Dezember 424 v. Chr. He was a son of King Xerxes (Ahasuerus) and is often referred to as Artaxerxes I Longimanus. bis zu seinem Tod im Dezember 424 v. Chr. Oktober 2020 um 11:09 Uhr bearbeitet. 424 BC. Während die meisten Nachschlagewerke das Jahr 465 v. u. 3), and in an Egyptian inscription of the time of Ptolemy I., which ascribes the deed to the vengeance of an Egyptian god on theforeign king. Weiterhin hatte er aus diversen Konkubinaten siebzehn uneheliche Kinder, die allerdings nicht alle namentlich bekannt sind.[4]. Neh 2,1 EU berichtet von Nehemia, der im 20. the Babylonian Jews requested that permission should be given to the priest Ezra to visit Palestine, with full power over the Jews there, and to enforce the book of the Law as the will of the king. (458 B.C.) Ezra and Nehemiah both traveled from Persia to Jerusalem from the court of Artaxerxes. A younger son of Xerxes I and Amestris, he was raised to the throne by the commander of … All information concerning him is derived from the accounts of Greek writers, especially the fragments of Ctesias, and from the statements of the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. i. In diesen Konflikt griff der Attische Seebund unter Führung Kimons mit 200 eigenen und verbündeten Schiffen ein. The Greek chronologists, evidently through a misunderstanding, make of Artaban a Persian king and state that he reigned seven months. Ktesias von Knidos berichtet von 50 verlorenen Schiffen und 6.000 Gefallenen auf Seiten der Griechen. Zunächst war die vereinigte libysch-ägyptische Streitmacht mit griechischer Flottenunterstützung erfolgreich, besiegte den persischen Statthalter in Ägypten und schloss einen Belagerungsring um die persische Garnison in Memphis. Question: "Who was Artaxerxes in the Bible?" A few years after the succession of Artaxerxes I … On the borderlands and in the mountainous districts the authority of the government may not have been vigorously sustained, but every other religion under his sway in Asia may be said to have enjoyed a period of peaceful growth. 500 BC Died: abt. (Diod. iv. (Ardeschir), Babegan. `Osawatomie' Brown's 71-Great Grandfather. bis zu seinem Tod persischer Großkönig aus der Dynastie der Achämeniden. gives as Cyrus, Persian king 465-64 to 424-23 B.C. Some Greek authorities give him only forty years; thus Diodorus, xi. Artaxerxes I. erscheint im Lichte der Geschichte als gutherziger König. Betrübt über den schlechten Zustand der nun zum Teil wieder aufgebauten Stadt Jerusalem erbat er von Artaxerxes den Auftrag, den Aufbau voranzutreiben. Artaxerxes’ I. einzige Ehefrau war Damasipa und folglich war ihr gemeinsamer Sohn sein einzig legitim geborenes Kind. Artaxerxes’ Feldherr Megabyzos der Jüngere sprengte diesen Ring 456 v. Chr. If the Bible uses the term "Artaxerxes" to describe Persian kings before this word was used as a throne name to describe the Persian king Artaxerxes I (Longimanus), then the entire pretext for a thematic (think non-chronological) view of Ezra 4-6 becomes untenable. Name of three kings of the Persian empire. The Greeks gave Artaxerxes the surname Μακρόχειρ (Longimanus, Long-Hand), asserting, probably correctly, that his right hand was longer than his left. 7:7–26; Neh. Artaxerxes I Longimanus, king, r. 465-425/424, Ezra 4:6, 7, etc., in various inscriptions, including his own (P&B, pp. Im 20. Artaxerxes I (464–424 bc), known as Macrocheir or Longimanus, son and successor of Xerxes I (485–465 bc). He was surnamed in Greek Macrocheir (“Longhand”) and in Latin Longimanus. year of his reign in Neh.2v1., and Nehemiah's return to Jerusalem, fulfilled the start of the 490 years of prophecy that are mentioned in Dan.9v20-27.. Z. Artaxerxes I. Artaxerxes I. Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker,, Person als Namensgeber für einen Asteroiden, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. The decree of Artaxerxes in his 20th. μακρόχειρ, Langhand; persisch اردشیر Ardaschīr [ærdæˈʃiːr], altpersisch: Ŗtachschaçā [ɔːrtæxˈʃæçɔː]) war von 465 v. Chr. Poss. When Darius came to power in Persia he was assisted by 6 other Persians in his conspiracy to remove the usurper Bardyia. Artaxerxes I, (died 425 bc, Susa, Elam [now in Iran]), Achaemenid king of Persia (reigned 465–425 bc). To protect himself against them, Ezra undertook to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. [1] Hintergrund war das Erstarken Athens nach den Perserkriegen: die Ressourcen des Seebundes ermöglichten nun ein expansiveres Vorgehen der Griechen. Artaxerxes I of Persia Artaxerxes I of Persia King Artaxerxes also had another name known as Longimanus because his right hand was longer than his left one. Josephus wrongfully claims that the Ahasuerus (Xerxes) of the Book of Esther is this Artaxerxes I., and also that the Artaxerxes of Ezra and Nehemiah is Xerxes. King Artaxerxes was considered an extremely kind and good hearted ruler. He ascended the throne after his father, Xerxes I., had been murdered by Artabanus, and after he himself had put to death his brother Darcius on the instigation of … HM George I's 67-Great Grandfather. According to the chronographic lists of the Babylonians and of the Ptolemaic Canon, Artaxerxes I. reigned forty-one years, which includes the short reign of his son Xerxes II., murdered after a reign of six weeks. He permitted Ezra to visit Jerusalem as Commissioner for Jewish Affairs (Ezr. Xerxes I was the Ahasuerus of the Book of Esther and Ezra 4:6. Nisannu 464 v. Chr. Die gängige Sichtweise heute ordnet die Ereignisse von Esther in die Zeit von Xerxes, Sohn des Darius (Sohn der Hystaspes) ein. 4.50.) The Bible narrative tells how he succeeded in being sent as governor to Judea, and how he immediately (summer of 445) set energetically to work to restore the fortifications, thus enabling Ezra, through the influence of his authority, to establish the book of the Torah as the law binding upon the Jews. persischer Großkönig. 64. & ii. Appendix Three . in 458 b.c. Euseb. jw2019 . Under Xerxes’ son, Artaxerxes I, money, not troops, became the principal instrument of Persian imperial policy. 2. Artaxerxes II. Vahuka, der "Wagenfahrer") 4) Artaxerxes IV. A few satraps who rebelled now and again (as, for instance, at the very beginning of the reign, the governor of Bactria), were speedily subdued. Pronunciation of Artaxerxes Longimanus with 2 audio pronunciations, 1 meaning, 5 translations and more for Artaxerxes Longimanus. 69; Justin, iii. Art. automatisch sein erstes Regierungsjahr ein. The reverence with which the Persians regarded Artaxerxes may be seen in the fact that two of his successors adopted his name. Jahr seiner Herrschaft (455 v. u. Greek authors (first Plutarch, Artoxerxes 1.1) give him the surname “Longhanded, Long-armed” (Makrocheir, Latin Macrochir, Longimanus, New Persian Ardašīr-e derāzdast). poss. But Artaban sought the crown for himself, and therefore aimed at the life of the young king; the latter, it is stated, warned by Megabyzus, his brother-in-law, rid himself of the murderer by slaying him, with all his household and party, in open combat (Ctesias, "Persica," 29; Diodorus, xi. automatisch sein erstes Regierungsjahr ein. 2, p. 163, vol. Such was the condition of the city when, in Kislew of the twentieth year (December, 446), Nehemiah, the king's cupbearer, received information from his brethren concerning it. Dem Propheten Esra wird im 7. 2:1; etc.) In the Persian name Artakhshathra ("he whose empire is perfected") the "thr" (written with a special sign in Persian) is pronounced with a hissing sound, and is therefore represented in other languages by a sibilant. Longimanus, ī, m. (longus u. manus), Übersetzung von Μακρόχειρ, Langhand, Beiname Artaxerxes I., Hieron. der Mundschenk des Königs war. Artaxerxes. ad olymp. Ctesias relates that he once sought to decapitate Megabyzus because, on a hunting expedition, when a lion was about to spring upon the king, Megabyzus slew him without awaiting the royal spear-thrust. 11.69, 12.64; Thuc. Auf Inschriften ließ Artaxerxes, der auch eine tolerante Religionspolitik betrieb, seine Taten für die Nachwelt festhalten. September 424 v. Chr. Agnes Harris's 53-Great Grandfather. aka Artaxerxes (Artakhshatar) I Makrokheir; 4th PHARAOH of the 27th Dynasty of EGYPT. [3]) erlaubt, mit einer „Anzahl von Israeliten, Priestern, Leviten, Sängern, Torwächtern und Tempeldienern nach Jerusalem“ zu reisen. In den beiden Geschichtsbüchern Esra und Nehemia des Alten Testaments wird Artaxerxes mehrfach erwähnt. Artaxerxes war Sohn und Nachfolger Xerxes’ I. Dieser war nach inneren Wirren von seinem Gardebefehlshaber Artabanos ermordet worden. Nisannu 464 v. Chr. 2,1). Sein Auftrag ist, das Haus Gottes zu verschönern und den Opferdienst wieder einzurichten (Esr 7,7ff EU). The murder of Xerxes is mentioned also by Ælian, ("Variæ Historiæ," xiii.
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