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Holding it for three minutes generates 1 teleport. The first occupier gets 4 points for occupation and additionally 1 score per minute. All in Evony: The king's Return, the hottest real-time strategy MMO of 2020! There are three ways to earn points in BoG: Occupying buildings and portals in Battle of Guagamela earns both points and comes with tactical advantages. This means that being mindful of when you port and make sure your other alliance members have enough shared teleports to move around with. Interestingly many people don’t know of the Battle of Gaugamela, yet this battle was probably the most decisive of … The version 3.86.9 will be released on January 27th, 2021. Your alliance leaders will select or pick a roster of 20 players, and they will also pick a time for your alliance to participate. Players start in a safe zone; When begins, players have a temp truce agreement, which stops attack and teleporting. Similar to boss monsters, the more and higher level enemy troops you kill in Battle of Guagamela, the more points you earn. Charlemagne One tactic is to use one or two march slots for bosses and the other troops ghosted or defending a building. If someone shows up and you're confident you can go March Vs March against them and win then oh buddy you get to play a risky game of cat and mouse. In this situation you can try many things. After the cooldown period you can teleport anywhere on the map. YOU ARE THE PUZZLE MASTER! Build your cities, train your troops, expand your empire and conquer the City of Thrones to become the King! The top 100 players in season ranking can receive … Setting up an Alt. Help your alliance by sharing enemy locations, scouting keeps and sharing those reports. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. So now my hospital has 1.6 million troops in it. There is no risk (besides shame) to participating in BoG. ... Join now with your friends in the greatest RTS game of all time now on mobile devices, Evony: The King’s Return! BoG is a 2 hour event that takes place every Wednesday at a time that your alliance leaders will decide. The map for Battle of Guagamela is a smaller map, which is 300 by 300km. Tip; During monster killing event go after hire monster instead of Bosses For example Level 5 boss is worth 7200 and cost 20 stamina that make 360 points per stamina Level 14 common monster is worth 7200 and cost 6 stamina = 1200 points per stamina. When battlefield starts and you enter the battlefield there is a 5 minute period where you cannot move or attack anything. The Battle of Gaugamela occurred on the 1st October 331 BC and was a battle between Alexander the Great of Greece and Darius III of Persia. There are 4 different types of Buildings located on the battlefield for you to fight over: The Battlefield Hospital, 2 Blessing Towers, 1 March Tower, and 4 portals. Your heavy hitters need to be able to move at all times while smaller fries might be better off stationing around the portals to keep them secured and to take them back from the enemy. More can regenerate if you hold portal locations. In addition, lower level players can help kill lower level bosses, which points really add up over the course of 2 hours. Battle of Guagamela (BoG) in Evony. Beated in his first encounter with Alexander at Issus (333 BC), Darius III, to avoid another war, offered him all regions West of the Euphrates, a high ransom to regain his harem (which the Macedonian had captured at … Kindly check the updated content below: ☀ Battlefield Match System Improvement -The matching rules of Battle of Constantinople and Battle of Gaugamela have been improved. The first occupier gets 1 point for occupation and additionally 1 score per minute. After the Event any troops you have in your hospital will be healed instantly for free. Your alliance's selected players will be matched against another alliance in another server, usually based on the size of the alliance. You can fight World Bosses up to 5 times for free (6 times or more requires Gems), and you will receive 200-800 Gems as rewards for each battle (depending on the damage dealt). Ghost these first (or put them on 30min rallies) so that you know which rally to retrieve to use them to kill bosses. This is a good time to check your March Presets and Wall General while also applying troop buffs. BoG rewards are all based off of how many points you score and whether or not your team won. Do not leave the arena, as much as you can. Each buildings description is pretty self explanatory and each building awards 1 point per minute to the person who captures them in the name of your team, as long as at least one troop is left sit in the building by that player. Source: www.blogcdn.com If you find a Ifrit or higher level boss you can't take down, share those as well. When you open the map in Battle of Guagamela, you will see some gray (initially unoccupied) buildings. Evony: How to set up a profile? Continue reading “Battlefield! Hunt monsters in Battle of Guagamela with 1 march which is set as a march preset. (Because you can’t put bubbles on the enemy server.) You absolutely should have at least a basic understanding of Battle Mechanics when going into BoG. One of the main factors is map control, and the more active participants that can take over portals and buildings or even tease enemies means more opportunities for others to gain points. Most importantly, you will lose your rewards for battlefield if you leave during battlefield. Sub cities have a very special and unique way they can help you in battle. If a boss is rallied, the rallier will get full points, and anyone joining will only get 20% of the points. Here are some of the rewards: The amount you receive depends on whether your alliance wins or loses, and whether you hit certain alliance scores goals. Join my, I'm going to sound a bit like Wikipedia here, but if everyone donated just $1 I could keep this site going for the next 40ish years. If your alliance can successfully hold all portals, you will also starve your enemies of teleports, which makes them easy targets. Ghosting your troops, sharing information and boss hunting are common Evony game tactics. Many times people make the mistake of sending a full march to the portals and end up getting smacked by an enemy heavy hitter which gives away points. So, if you find yourself wanting to unlock the second Dragon in the Pasture or needing to lock some refines on a Dragon you will have to get down to the nitty gritty and participate in BoG! This means you can get attacked at any time on the field. This is a community/forum for players of the popular mobile game evony the king's return to ask questions and help one most extensive subreddit for evony in existence! Sharing large targets your alliance can take down early and fast means higher chances of winning for the entire team. Rule: Comment the correct answer with your game account ID. All said and done, if you manage to score at least 250 points, you will walk away with a fat stack of rewards to spend on making yourself stronger! In battle they have similar problems; bein' held back by their speed, they give massive numbers of enemy archers and ATs plenty of time to start rippin' on their life while they stop and slowly punch down heavy rainbows; sadly, their attack isnae to up to … -During the event time, we will have the special Ultimate War in the Battle of Constantinople and the Battle of Gaugamela. BoG (Battle of Guagamela) in a weekly event that lasts for 2 hours, usually on Wednesdays. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Because healing is free (no resource cost or speed ups needed) at the end of Battle of Guagamela, you shouldn't have to use your healing speed ups unless you're really in a pinch. This makes your troops unhittable and will prevent the enemy team from getting points from killing your troops. Please consider giving what you can, even if its just $1, Masterclass Guide: Battle of Gaugamela (BoG), When battlefield starts and you enter the battlefield there is a 5 minute period where you cannot move or attack anything. Another mail will contain up to 150 additional Dragon Crystals depending on how many total points your team scored. You must have been in the alliance for 3 days prior to sign-up to be eligible. Event Time: Now - Jan 14th The winning team gets better rewards but the losing team still gets rewarded fairly based off of points. The winning team gets better rewards but the losing team still gets rewarded fairly based off of points. Proudly created with Wix.com. YOU ARE THE DIPLOMAT! This small corner island is a "safe zone", for which enemies cannot teleport in. This is particularly true if you usually rally bosses in your alliance outside of battlefield. Sending 1 troop to capture a portal is common, simply capture the portal and leave that 1 troop there to gather points for yourself while the Portal generates teleports for your team. The Official Evony Mobile Forum! ABRAHAM LINCOLN, GEORGE WASHINGTON, KING ARTHUR, CHARLES THE GREAT, JULIUS CAESAR, GENGHIS KHAN, ODA NOBUNAGA, YI SUN-SIN, and more await you to explore. Specfically for Battle of Guagamela, occupying buildings and maximizing the alliance score also play a very large part. Build your cities, train your troops, expa Send out all of your troops on 60 min rallies (longest) against an enemy or boss. Have your alliance spread out on the map early in the battle and occupy buildings and portals. Then the mayor and all the sub’s troops will join the battle. Attacks from rally spots are possible, too, but pointless due to the small number of troops for an attack. The alliance must be in the top 10 and be 14 days old. If somebody shows up that your defense can handle; you might goad them into splatting on you for some easy points. Your team can acquire more teleports by holding the Portals found on the battlefield map located near each corner. In Evony, these guys are not qualified to govern a dog pound. We have greatly increased the rewards and added the Nibelungenlied Chest. You will start on one side corner island of the map, along with the rest of your alliance who are teleported in. This means pull back from farms and clear your hospital. When they do pull you want to time a march to land at their City immediately after their march lands home. The rules are very similar for both events, each event opens once a week and players can choose their players and time slots 1 day before the event. Train your troops. In a server war, when you stay on an enemy server for a long time. 15,841 talking about this. For example, killing a tier 10 troop is worth 30 times more than a tier 1. BoG has some great rewards which includes gems, gold, speed ups, many resources and dragon crystals. This is a good time to check your March Presets and Wall General while also applying troop buffs. You are spawned on a corner of the map with the rest of your alliance members who signed up. City of throne is a special Historic City found in every realm. THE EXCEPTIONALLY RICH AND AMAZING SET OF FEATURES: Choose from 7 civilizations to customize your game’s architectural style: American, Chinese, European, Russian, Korean, Arabia and Japanese! One of which will contain Dragon Crystals, © 2023 by Living Leaves. BoG (Battle of Guagamela) in a weekly event that lasts for 2 hours, usually on Wednesdays. BoG rewards are all based off of how many points you score and whether or not your team won. The first occupier of a building gets full points, and anyone reinforcing gets 20% of what that building is worth. The battlefield hospital in Battle of Guagamela offers healing buffs to the alliance holding it, specifically being able to heal faster. Do not keep troops in your keep unless you are sure you can defend against an attack. When BoG ends you will receive several mails containing all of your rewards. Every day you can receive a free resource reward several times. When ready to use your troops or to teleport, recall quickly via the arrows next to your marches. Expand your empire. use when the base build time is close to 15 minutes otherwise its just wasting the item. In 7 days you can get 1200 gems, 3 time accelerators, 5 resource items, a map fragment, a truce agreement, access to the Vip-level activation. For Starters, quick description of your troops and what they are good for. There are a few caveats to ghosting, one is that you cannot teleport when your troops … Immediately after entering the battlefield in the Battle of Constantinople or the Battle of Gaugamela. This makes for balls to the walls gameplay with massive fun for both sides. Source: i1.wp.com. But what you're really after here is the Dragon Crystals and Runestone Chests. This is a good time to check your. Join now with your friends in the greatest RTS game of all time now on mobile devices, Evony: The King’s Return! Players must be in the alliance for 3 days prior to the signup time and keep 15 or higher. The first occupier gets 1 point for occupation and additionally 1 score per minute. Bosses are spawned all over the battlefield map, from level 4 to level 15, which is a phoenix that sits at the center of the map. Points are awarded for 2 things; Killing the enemy's troops and killing bosses found on the battlefield map. BoC & BoG” →. If somebody comes by to contest a Portal you are by, you should measure the situation and respond accordingly. The Battle of Gaugamela, also called the Battle of Arbela, was the decisive battle of Alexander the Great's invasion of the Persian Achaemenid Empire. Even if you are not first or second, you can still earn many gems and millions in gold. You will see a count down to when battle begins. They turn blue if your alliance is holding them, or red if the enemy alliance is holding them. Price: 5 cents : 50 US cents Primary Guidelines: Decrease build times or research time of a building or technology by 1 hour Price: 10 cents : 1 USD Intermediate guidelines: Evony is a real-time strategy MMO mixed with a simplistic one-touch puzzler. Everyone who participates will get fantastic rewards, especially if you win. Although this may sound unusual, solving the odd puzzle is the perfect way to kill time while you upgrade or construct new buildings. You cannot bubble in battlefield, at any time. These tactics are covered below. Be the King of 7 kingdoms! - Added Alliance Season Ranking to Battle of Constantinople and Battle of Gaugamela. ☀ New Spiritual Beast Interface This is achieved by setting them in an hour long rally against one of the enemy players or against a boss found on the map. You are spawned on a corner of the map with the rest of your alliance members who signed up. One fun tactic I like to use: If the player shows up and immediately ghosts you can put a bait march (terrible general or crappy layers or a bunch of cavs... something to give them confidence more or less) in the Portal and see if they will drop a ghost and march at it. The blessing tower in Battle of Guagamela offers 20% attack and 20% defense buffs for the alliance currently holding it. Some awards have a limited time to claim. 2. If they don't immediately pull them back you can try faking a march at the Portal and seeing if they pull. His greatest victory was at the Battle of Gaugamela, in what is now northern Iraq in 331 B.C.. The young kind of Macedonia, leader of the Greeks, overlord of Asia Minor and pharaoh of Egypt became Great King of Persia at the age of 25 and is the most well known figure in antiquity. You cannot join battlefield unless all your troops are at home and healed. You also earn points for holding the portals although a very small amount every few minutes. Control the Cityof Throne and become the King of the Realm. The mayor’s skills and specialties will … As King you can gain powerful abilities and get Throne Package Daily. Bangun kota Anda, latih pasukan Anda, perluas kerajaan Anda dan taklukkan Kota Singgasana untuk menjadi Raja! 2 hour game; Use your own teleport items and gems to teleport and the alliance shares a total number of teleports (seen in map). Monarch Comp. Decreases build times or research time of a building or technology by 15 minutes. In the meantime keep the rest of your troops ghosted to prevent them from being hit. Bergabung sekarang dengan teman-teman Anda dalam permainan RTS terbesar sepanjang masa sekarang pada perangkat seluler, Evony: Kembalinya Sang Raja! All in Evony: The king's Return, the hottest real-time strategy MMO of 2020! You will be able to teleport to the battlefield, a separate map when the event occurs, through your Battlefield building. YOU ARE THE DIPLOMAT! The Actual Battle: When battlefield starts and you enter the battlefield there is a 5 minute period where you cannot move or attack anything. When you are more confident, or the enemies are pretty much gone, use all your marches to hunt as many boss monsters as you can. It can be attacked and conquered with Halls of War. All in Evony: The king’s Return, the hottest real-time strategy MMO of 2020! Having control of the buildings in Battle of Guagamela means controlling the game. Each additional reinforcer will receive .20 points per minute. Moving around means using shared teleports with the alliance, of which there are 40. There are tiers of rewards in Battle of Guagamela for the alliance as a whole if they reach a scores goal, the largest being 2500 at the moment. I opened a ticket with customer support and got a response shortly after. Originally Posted by Beejasaurus. Build your cities. Calculate out the answer to show your wisdom! Your alliance leaders will select or pick a roster of 20 players, and they will also pick a time for your alliance to participate. There are many tactics to Battle of Guagamela, and most of them you probably used in one form or another in the game. It's worthwhile to hit as many bosses as you can, as high level as you can. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Unlike killing events, the more members of your alliance that participate in Battle of Guagamela (even if they are lower level), the higher chances you have of winning. Its position is 678,678. THE EXCEPTIONALLY RICH AND AMAZING SET OF FEATURES: Choose from 7 civilizations to customize your game’s architectural style: American, Chinese, European, Russian, Korean, Arabia and Japanese! All wounded are healed automatically at the end of battlefield, at zero cost to you. In 331 BC Alexander's army of the Hellenic League met the Persian army of Darius III near Gaugamela, close to the modern city of Dohuk in Iraqi Kurdistan. Proudly created with. Ghost the rest of your troops. This is an essential tactic and needs to be exercised by all players on your team. Be the King of 7 kingdoms! Only risk is loss of traps, which after a battle is not replaced, and often costs way more to replenish than rewards received. The release of the Battlefield, both The Battle of Constantinople and The Battle of Gaugamela have been a somewhat success, with lag and fun. It also is affected by your personal score. If you are tasked with portal or building occupation and you're not the largest player, occupy buildings with 1 troop and retrieve that troop. Holding the Portals is essential to your teams victory. You will have a different color bubble at your home base along with your subordinate cities for the duration you are in battlefield. This means sending all of your troops out on 60 minute ghost rallies so when an enemy hits you, they lose points instead of you. You will find that holding these portals is vital to your teams success as once your team runs out of teleports you are all sitting ducks for the other team to find and hit. Though heavily outnumbered, Alexander emerged victorious due to his army's superior tactics and his deft … Each alliance has only 40 teleports allotted to their usage and each time you teleport you use one of those 40. Your troops killed during the battle are only wounded and can be revived during the battle for no resource cost and only the cost of speedups. If you pretty much defeated the other team and there's someone in your alliance that can rally high level bosses, joining the high level boss rallies are worth a lot more points as an alliance together, especially if you have free marches to hunt other bosses. One of which will contain Dragon Crystals, Runestone Chests, and Gaugamela Chest (Resource, Speedup, Gold, and Gem). This Evony guide will teach you everything you need to know to master this. You are spawned on a corner of the map with the rest of your alliance members who signed up. Your resources are also protected from being stolen and your Keep and Subordinate Cities on your server will remain bubbled and safe. These include: The two alliances facing off in Battle of Guagamela are scored against each other with the total number of points tallied from each member of the alliance. The map will be littered with bosses level 5 and up as well as having several designated spots for b12+ to spawn to be killed. When they do, you pull the bait march back to your city and wait for them to pull their march back to their city after capturing the Portal. Specifically affected are the monster march speed and march speed of the enemy. He died of a fever in Babylon in 323 B.C. The first occupier gets 2 points for occupation and additionally 1 score per minute. Evony Weekend Challenge A great Monarch must keep a clear mind all the time to count out military strength. It was an extraordinary victory achieved against a numerically superior army on ground chosen by the Persians. The only negative is that destroyed Traps are not replaced at the end and you will have to rebuild them. Evony - The King's Return. Comprehensive guide to Battle of Guagamela (BoG) in Evony, including maps, points and mechanics. KUMPULAN FITUR YANG SANGAT BERHARGA DAN MENAKJUBKAN - Pilih dari 7+ kebudayaan yang unik untuk menyesuaikan … Understand the delicate game of Troop Type Counters and Layers. Ghosting, is the act of hiding your troops while they are in your city. Your alliance gets to select 20 people to participate and you will be matched against another group of up to 20 people of a similar size from ANY server. To see this working, head to your live site. However, you can still be attacked from marches outside of this island. This is extremely important for smaller or medium players in any PvP scenario: Ghost your troops. © 2023 by Living Leaves. Keep the number of teleports your team has remaining in mind when you decide to move. Knowing this, you can also look out for these traps and avoid putting yourself in that situation as well. Here is the complete list of scores earned, per troop and per 1 million troops killed. 3,817. 146K likes. After the 2 hours ends the team with the most points wins and is awarded better rewards than the losing team, yet even if your team loses you still earn awesome rewards depending on how many points you earned individually. Also, if you finish in the top 100 in the Single Time Damage Rankings, you will receive an additional 500-30,000 Gems. 100-51st place 500 gems; 21-50th place 800 gems The city can be selected when you perform a solo attack, right? One final mail will contain Lumber, Iron, Gold, and Research Stones in amounts dependent on how many points you scored. After the cooldown period you can teleport anywhere on the … Dragon Crystals have no other source besides $100 Event Packs. The bosses are worth different points for the person killing or rallying it, according to the level of the boss. Announce you're going to take a building or portal, ask for reinforcements if you need. After playing the battle of Constantinople the auto heal feature did not work. In all honesty, Gaugamela Chests kinda suck. Based on the mechanics described above for Battle of Guagamela, you probably realized being able to move and teleport means being able to hunt monsters, kill enemies and stay alive. Please update the game in time to get a better game experience. Join now with your friends in the greatest RTS game of all time now on mobile devices, Evony: The King’s Return! This is a much larger concern in BoC than in BoG but this is one of the primary reasons I don't build many traps at all. An Alliance on the Evony - The Kings Return Server 156 Battle of Gaugamela Rules. Server gift. A treasure chest icon appears above the city’s main gate. Be the King of 7 kingdoms! Have questions or need more in depth help? The alliance that holds the most buildings usually has a high chance of winning. The march tower in Battle of Guagamela offers speed movement buffs for the alliance currently holding it, and speed debuffs for the enemy alliance. The portals in Battle of Guagamela helps your alliance regenerate alliance teleports. If the person who shows up is 5x your size and your in-city defense wouldn't be able to take a solo hit from them; you need to turtle up and hold tight until they leave. ... Reward: We will randomly pick 10 lucky Monarchs to receive 2000 gems. (Because it’s not uncommon for you to be attacked right after you enter.) Battle of Gaugamela, also called Battle of Arbela, (Oct. 1, 331 bc) battle in which Alexander the Great completed his conquest of Darius III’s Persian Empire. So slowly that pre-battle, the target has plenty of time to prepare a defence and get heavily reinforced, rendern' the attack a waste of time or an outright failure. The initial minutes in Battle of Guagamela is a "get-ready" time, where you can't teleport nor can you attack. You must also have no troops in your hospital or any generals awaiting revival in the shrine when you enter the battlefield.

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