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You will set out to the sea. 1 In The Witcher 3: Wild … The Last Wish is Worth Doing. In the fifth episode, "Bottled Appetites," Geralt becomes the master of a djinn after looking for help to cure his insomnia. View Entire Discussion (6 Comments) More posts from the witcher community 0. Geoffrey Monck, a mage, had numerous djinns trapped into bottles. Here is a full fight against the Djinn in Witcher 3, a lot of people have been struggling with this! Share 0. 2 hits before dying 8919849192195th time! Tweet 0. The Djinn is very similar to the numerous Wraiths you’ve undoubtedly faced in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt during your travels. Your email address will not be published. Help Yennefer find the djinn. I'm level 20. I remember this fight with the Djinn being a pain when I played it on PS4 but PC is a whole lot worse. I'm at the final part of the Last Wish subquest with yennefer. Read on to find out where Djinn is found, what its weaknesses are, what loot it drops, what level you should fight it at, and more. If the player wishes to choose Yeneffer as Geralt's romantic partner, they will need to complete this quest. Required fields are marked * Share 0. This is a guide on the enemy Djinn in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Geralt can respond by agreeing to join her at the hall later on or … Shares. The Witcher 3: King’s Gambit Walkthrough; Witcher 3 How to Beat Djinn (Boss Fight) The Witcher 3: In Wolf’s Clothing Walkthrough; Total. DJINN Dominator Reload you save 8919849192194x and yet land max. Djinn Weaknesses and Loot. I'm currently playing on Death March. For The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Can't beat the djinn". Share 0. I managed to do it on Death March using Quen! Share 0. 4. After a while, you will reach the first place where the boat wreck is at the bottom, in the Underwater Cave.Yennefer will cast a spell on you to allow you to stay underwater longer. Is The Last Wish Worth It? Note: This quest will fail if it is not completed before starting Ugly Baby. / Return to the boat. Pin it 0. They gained their freedom after fulfilling three wishes each. The Witcher 3 Related Links. The Last Wish is a side quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, though it is just as imperative as the main questline to Team Yennefer supporters.After a breakthrough in their search for Ciri, Yennefer asks to meet Geralt at the warrior's hall in Larvik. Share 0. It was a djinn which Dandlion released who wreaked havoc in Rinde in the short story "The Last Wish". All … Djinn or d’jinni is the name for the elemental genie of Air. Share 0. How to beat the djinn witcher 3 in: The Witcher 3 English Secondary Quests Edit Share Larvik on HindarsfjallFreya GardenIngdalen Isle 100/0 The Calm Before the Storm The Last Wish is a side quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. / Search the bottom of the bay using your Witcher Senses.

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