aktenzeichen xy ganze folgen 2019
A new independent study, commissioned by Clean Sky and Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertakings on hydrogen’s potential for use in aviation was released on 22 June, during an online event. fch2 ju FCH-JU is a unique public private EU partnership supporting research, technological development and demonstration activities in fuel cell and hydrogen energy technologies in Europe. The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) and its project H2Ports will be presenting on 25 May, within the first day of the event, the FCH JU vision on hydrogen applications for ports and disseminate its project's results. The announcement on the 18th came during the Hydrogen Council's Investor Day Event in New York City. RSS | Site map | Legal notice | Data protection | Accessibility | Privacy Statement. FCH 2 JU is a public-private partnership focusing on the objective of accelerating the commercialization of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies. Conferences. “The FCH JU and NOW have always worked well together on transport and digital infrastructure in, for example, the coordination of the funding of projects or in organising joint events like the Hannover Messe. The role of hydrogen in decarbonizing road, rail, shipping, aviation, industrial and household applications is now widely accepted. Several activities planned by the FCH JU for the coming period will be the occasion for many to get familiar with the latest developments and coming plans. The conference was originally set to take place in November 2020, but has been postponed due to COVID-19. The Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) Hydrogen Council Projects Regulation Techs Overview ... Our events. The annual FCH JU Programme Review Days will take place on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 November 2020 and will all be on-line. “The H2FUTURE project is one of the FCH JU flagship projects financed from the EU Horizon2020 program. The two-days event will kick-start the whole week and, following the tradition of the past 10 years, will provide an excellent visibility platform for more than 40 projects currently on-going under FCH JU. This workshop is organised by the INSPIRE project team and will be a technical information-sharing event focusing on PEMFC components and their integration into fuel cell stacks. The Info Day, to which you can register here, is an opportunity for the participants to receive detailed information about the topics and rules for participation in the 2019 call for proposals, and benefit from networking opportunities. The Swim-A-Thon on Sunday, October 22nd was a terrific event! In celebration of this, H2 View will be publishing an exclusive five-part series with key members of the European hydrogen community. Registration is compulsory and free of charge, and closes on 12th November 2019 . Subsequently, the EHSP and JRC have continuously worked together to enlarge HAID 2.0 with newly occurred events as well as quality historic events which were not previously uploaded to HIAD 2.0. An overview of the evaluation results for the 2020 Call ("Flash call info") is available here. There is also a feed for past events. FCH JU transport activities cover a versatile portfolio as fuel cells can be used in many applications, from cars to buses, including maritime products and trains. Cell3Ditor participates in the communication event "Vermut amb bona energia: les energies del futur" Saturday, 2 March 2019. A Global Information Sharing Platform, developed by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking to support the Mission Innovation IC8 Member States. Events; The 9th edition of the FCH JU Stakeholder Forum The 9th edition of the FCH JU Stakeholder Forum. The FCHO focuses on technology and market statistics, socio-economic indicators, policy, regulation and financial support. As the FCH JU flagship project HyFIVE embraces its final phase, this event will be the occasion to present the project’s final results and to foster discussions on the benefits of zero-emission hydrogen technology in project regions. Programme Review Days 2019 & FCH JU Awards. H2ME stations deployed 45+ stations are planned as part of the project. This €170 million demonstration project is co-funded with €67 million from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme through the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU), a public private partnership supporting fuel cell and hydrogen energy technologies in Europe. Online. Read more about Zebinar 3. From: February 1st, 2017 To: February 2nd, 2017. The FCH JU organised on 18 November 2020 an internal workshop on “Safety of Electrolysis” with the support of the European Safety Panel (EHSP). The Programme Review Days will focus on the FCH JU – funded projects and their latest achievements. March 2019 - FCH JU PEMFC development workshop March 2019 - FCH JU PEMFC development workshop , Marseille, France - Silvain Buche, JMFC The INSPIRE team hosted a workshop in Marseille on 5 th and 6 th March 2019, combining several FCH JU H2020 projects focused on PEM fuel cell components together for poster sessions, forums and project presentations. Contact. Fuel cell and hydrogen technology has made enormous progress in Europe during the past years. Registration is now open for the 2019 edition of the FCH JU Programme Review Days and the FCH-JU Stakeholder Forum flagship event in Brussels. Date: Friday, 26.01.2018. The project works on the design, component and material development of a new AEM water electrolyser prototype, demonstrating long-term durability at relevant operating conditions. Events. It demonstrates that greening large industry, such as steelmaking, is feasible and is a viable option in the near future. On the occasion of the 2019 call for proposals, the FCH JU will hold an Info Day on Friday 29 January 2019, in Brussels. Private Area - FCH2 JU Call 2020 - Evaluation experts ... selected by the FCH JU. Involved researchers. The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) and its project H2Ports will be presenting on 25 May, within the first day of the event, the FCH JU vision on hydrogen applications for ports and disseminate its project's results. The ninth edition of the biennial International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS2021) will be taking place in Edinburgh on 21st to 23rd September 2021. This event is in English. FCH JU PEMFC development workshop. This will be the chance to find out how hydrogen technology is closely linked to the EU’s air quality and green agenda, and will highlight next steps beyond the project. It demonstrates that greening large industry, such as steelmaking, is feasible and is a viable option in the near future. In legal terms, the Joint Undertaking is the legal entity, in which the partners come together to support R&D activities. Time: 08:45-17:00. Organised by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU), the next five days will see a weeks’ worth of digital events discussing hydrogen. Funded by the FCH JU. Check out the answers to the most frequent questions submitted! Cell3Ditor project at Programme Review Days 2018 of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) From 14 to 15 November 2018. Under the Mission Innovation Innovation Challenge 8 (IC8) "Renewable and Clean Hydrogen " and on behalf of the European Commission, the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) is pleased to invite you to the official launch event of the Mission Innovation Hydrogen Valley Platform on 19 January, 11:00 – 13:00 CET. The €10 million funding granted to GREEN HYSLAND is the largest grant that the FCH JU … Location: Brussels, Belgium. Please note that because the event is held in a Commission building you will need to provide passport details during registration. The FCH JU Awards event is free to attend, and the evening will highlight the benefits of collaboration between research, industry and policy makers in a European partnership which delivers the best innovations … A Global Information Sharing Platform, developed by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking to support the Mission Innovation IC8 Member States. You will also hear from current The 4th edition of the International Workshop on Degradation Issues of Fuel Cells and Electrolysers will take place this year from 30 September to 02 October in Corfu, Greece. The UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26... HyVolution is a growing international hydrogen event in France for energy, industry and mobility. Organised together with Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (S2RJU) and Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Electro-Mobility in European Regions (HyER), this seminar on hydrogen trains will analyse the opportunities that hydrogen fuel cells can bring to the rail industry. More information can be found here, RSS | Site map | Legal notice | Data protection | Accessibility | Privacy Statement, Mission Innovation Hydrogen Valleys Platform, European Hydrogen Refuelling Station Availability System. H2ME stations deployed 45+ stations are planned as part of the project. MEA 2017. To kick off the series, here’s an interview with Bart Biebuyck, Executive Director of the FCH JU, to tell us more … The IHAC 2021 is the 2nd event to be hosted in Glasgow, Scotland. The FAQs related to the coronavirus outbreak describe the possibilities for flexible project implementation in view of the crisis. More than 1,000 attendees signed up to watch the virtual ceremony which recognise the strength and diversity of European fuel cell innovation. The kick-off meeting, accompanied by a social event was an important milestone to meet everybody in person and align on the different expectations. Projects will present their progress, obtain feedback and exchange ideas on technological developments in the sectors. Projects will present their progress, obtain feedback, exchange ideas and best practices on the latest technological developments in the sector. Fuel cell technology is similar to battery technology in that individual cells are built up to give the desired power output. The HYCARUS project was represented by Pilar Argumosa (INTA) at […] Read more... FCH JU Programme Review Days 2016 . The Info Day, to which you can register here, is an opportunity for the participants to receive detailed information about the topics and rules for participation in the 2019 call for proposals, and benefit from networking opportunities. A new independent fact-based Study on Fuel Cells Hydrogen Trucks, released on 15 December 2020, provides an in-depth analysis of the market potential of heavy duty fuel cells trucks underpinned with concrete case studies. Breadcrumb. The FCH JU Programme Review Days and will bring together the hydrogen … Sessions will discuss: • The scaling-up […] Mar 2 2019. 16 Dec 2020 . 30 Nov 2021 . Industry representatives and bus operators discuss solutions for rolling out affordable infrastructure. This two-days event will kick-start the whole week and, following the tradition of the past 10 years, will provide an excellent visibility platform for more than 100 projects currently on-going under FCH JU. The Programme Review Days (PRD) PRD aims to give an overview on the progress of the FCH JU funded … The 2nd International Hydrogen Aviation Conference (IHAC 2021) will focus on the use of hydrogen in aviation, the associated benefits, and emerging challenges. A detailed program and registrations will follow shortly on this page. Durability requirements in Fuel Cell and Electrolyser applications The two-days event will kick-start the whole week and, following the tradition of the past 10 years, will provide an excellent visibility platform for more than 100 projects currently on-going under FCH JU. The #EURegionsWeek organisers are glad to announce the dates of the next edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities: 11 to 14 October 2021. Date: 10.11.2020. FCH 2 JU was setup, within the Horizon 2020 Framework programme, as a Joint Undertaking by Council Regulation N° 559/20141. Registration is compulsory and free of charge, and closes on 12th November 2019. The FCH JU will hold a workshop on Maritime and Port applications, in cooperation with the Port of Valencia and JRC. This first live international bus and coach trade show, Busworld Brussels 2021, will be fully supported by its exhibitors. The Hero Swim and bake sale raised over $18,000 for the United Way Hurricane Fund and North Bay Fire Relief. “The H2FUTURE project is one of the FCH JU flagship projects financed from the EU Horizon2020 program. The FCH JU Programme Review Days (PRD), 23-24 November 2020. This will help to restart economic growth and bring new skilled jobs to Majorca, building on lessons learned from previous FCH JU projects including BIG HIT in Orkney and HEAVENN in the Northern Netherlands. So far, the €260 M funding secured for these projects by the FCH JU helped deploying more than 45 Hydrogen refueling stations and 1500 cars in European cities. The 2nd International Hydrogen Aviation Conference (IHAC 2021) will be held at Glasgow, Scotland on Thursday, 2nd September 2021. Participants will have the opportunity to hear from the project coordinators and participate in a projects’ poster exhibition. Within the COSMHYC project, funded by FCH JU, an innovative hybrid compression solution improving performances and lowering costs of hydrogen compression is developed and tested. Jan-Feb 27-1 2019. News Events Projects Members Join us About us Contact. Events. The FCH JU is supporting the wider market uptake of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) by addressing both cost and infrastructure challenges through a series of projects. Bart Biebuyck, Executive Director of the FCH JU, emphasised the value of integrated approaches in his joint welcome with NOW. Charlemagne Building, Rue de la Loi 170, B-1000 Brussels. You will have the opportunity to meet and join potential consortia during the 2017 FCH-JU call period. Dr. Cristen Wathen works with our residential students and Dr. Jennie Ju works with our distance learners. An event on FCH JU flagship projects: HyFIVE & H2ME. The following 4 themes emerged very clearly out of the 819 replies received to the post event survey, and will therefore constitute the focus of the 19th edition: Green, Cohesion, Citizens, Digital. Busworld Europe will be the first international live trade show for bus and coach in 2021. This event will bring together the most innovative European hydrogen initiatives in the transport sector. A new independent study, commissioned by Clean Sky and Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertakings on hydrogen’s potential for use in aviation was released on 22 June, during an online event. The... Hydrogen Technology Conference & Expo is a conference and exhibition dedicated exclusively to discussing advanced technologies for the hydrogen and fuel cell industry. Additionally, the seminar will outline the joint work undertaken by DG MOVE, FCH JU and S2R JU in terms of hydrogen trains and discuss with local authorities on regional initiatives across Europe. Transforming Infrastructure: BATTERY. Building on HYFIVE achievements, experts from FCH JU projects H2ME 1 & 2 will take part in the event to share the latest learnings and conclusions. The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) is a unique public private partnership supporting research, technological development and demonstration (RTD) activities in fuel cell and hydrogen energy technologies in Europe.Its aim is to accelerate the market introduction of these technologies, realising their potential as an instrument in achieving a carbon-clean energy system. Luigi Crema. Register now and get more information on the FCH-JU event website. The sixth edition of the Programme Review Days of the […] Read more... 21st World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2016. The Fuel Cell Hydrogen Observatory (FCHO) provides data (statistics, facts and analysis) and up to date information about the entire hydrogen sector. The FCH JU Stakeholder Forum takes place on Thursday 21st November 2019 at the Charlemagne building of the European Commission. In public transportation, the recent launch of the JIVE project will triple the number of hydrogen buses in circulation to more than 200 in 19 European cities. Please note that because the event is held in a Commission building you will need to provide passport details during registration. Discover the FCH Observatory. In celebration of this, H2 View will be publishing an exclusive five-part series with key members of the European hydrogen community. The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) this week presented the 2020 FCH JU Awards at the first-ever European Hydrogen Week. This event is in English Compression of Hydrogen at Refuelling Stations is a key technical & economic challenge for the deployment of Hydrogen Mobility. By 2021, there are plans for 40 hydrogen trains to be operational in four German Lander. Registration is now open for the 2019 edition of the FCH JU Programme Review Days and the FCH-JU Stakeholder Forum flagship event in Brussels. About Fuel Cells. Ammonia as fuel for shipping: challenges and opportunities. Members folder Fuel cell producers Hydrogen Vessels Hydrogen Map of Norway Publications Library HyInfra > Value chain + Member Login. Under the Mission Innovation Innovation Challenge 8 (IC8) "Renewable and Clean Hydrogen " and on behalf of the European Commission, the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) is pleased to invite you to the official launch event of the Mission Innovation Hydrogen Valley Platform on 19 January, 11:00 – 13:00 CET. Intensive virtual course - Hydrogen . The event will bring together the entire hydrogen value chain to focus on developing solutions and innovations for low-carbon hydrogen production, efficient storage and distribution as well as applications in a variety of stationary and mobile applications. The European Sea-Port Organisation will organise its annual conference between 25-28 May 2021. Moving towards electrification and increased integration of renewable sources, fuel cells and hydrogen technologies are great solutions to empower citizens to move towards a clean and sustainable integrated transport system. The PRD´s objective is to assess, over the years, progress and achievements of the FCH JU programme, notably in relation to the targets of its multi-annual and annual work programmes, as well as in relation to international developments in the field. A new independent study, commissioned by Clean Sky and Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertakings on hydrogen’s potential for use in aviation was released on 22 June, during an online event. Join us to learn more about the practicum and internship experiences for Palo Alto University's M.A. Events. The FCH JU organised on 18 November 2020 an internal workshop on “Safety of Electrolysis” with the support of the European Safety Panel (EHSP). This Workshop will be a unique occasion for discussing both scientific and technological advances within the frame of the FCH-JU projects for having at midterm of H2020 a current status of the excellence research and Innovation in the fields of fuel cell car. HyBalance +45 4056 3436; arnfast@hydrogenvalley.dk; The HyBalance project has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 671384. Busworld will be ready to host the physical kick-off to this long awaited event. Its … This €170 million demonstration project is co-funded with €67 million from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme through the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU), a public private partnership supporting fuel cell and hydrogen energy technologies in Europe. Do not miss it! The Review Days precede the PrioritHy policy conference on 25 November and the European Hydrogen Forum on 26 November 2020. There were lots of participating swimmers, fans, music, food, and raffle prizes. Technology & Market. The FCH JU recognize our project Cell3Ditor as one of the most successful and innovative project of the year 2018. The FCH JU supports a wide range of projects, which help to put the EU at the forefront of research and innovation, bring the benefits of the technology to the citizens and enhance industry competitiveness. Meet our Directors of Clinical Training. 19/11/2019 to 20/11/2019. FCH JU: July 2020: Press release – Ground breaking ceremony (German) Consortium: June 2019: Press release – Ground breaking ceremony (English) Consortium: June 2019: Project overview presentation: Consortium: September 2018 From: June 13th, 2016 To: June 16th, … The partners EIFER (Germany), NELHydrogen (Denmark), MAHYTEC (France), LBST (Germany) and Steinbeis 2i GmbH (Germany) joined their efforts to combine mechanical compression and metal hydride compression, leveraging the advantages of both technologies. Further information is available on the FCH JU websi FCH JU Call 2018 Info Day Event. The FCH JU Awards celebrate the work of its most successful and innovative projects. The Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), with the UK and its Italian partners, confirmed new dates for the COP26 UN climate conference, which will now take place between 1 and 12 November 2021 at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in Glasgow. The new GREEN HYSLAND project was officially launched last week. The two-days event will kick-start the whole week and, following the tradition of the past 10 years, will provide an excellent visibility platform for more than 100 projects currently on-going under FCH JU. Check out the answers to the most frequent questions submitted! Enlit Europe. The FCH JU Awards event is free to attend, and the evening will highlight the benefits of collaboration between research, industry and policy makers in a European partnership which delivers the best innovations and accelerates the transition to a greener world. Photo Credit goes to Sarah Haslem. Over 360 global stakeholders representing 220 organisations attended the event. About Fuel Cells . This event is in English. The FCH2 JU call for proposals 2020 is published since the 14/01/2020: here . The two-days event will kick-start the whole week and, following the tradition of the past 10 years, will provide an excellent visibility platform for more than 100 projects currently on-going under FCH JU. Organised by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU), the next five days will see a weeks’ worth of digital events discussing hydrogen. This event follows on from the previous workshop on Smart Specialisation held in 2015 in Lyon and takes a closer look at maritime and port applications, with a number of sessions centered around the issue of hydrogen and fuel cell applications for boats/ships, logistics and stationary applications, as well as safety and regulations and funding mechanisms. This next edition of Busworld Europe will take place in Brussels Expo from 9 to 14 October 2021. The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) is a unique public private partnership supporting research, technological development and demonstration (RTD) activities in fuel cell and hydrogen energy technologies in Europe.Its aim is to accelerate the market introduction of these technologies, realising their potential as an instrument in achieving a carbon-clean energy system. The GREEN HYSLAND launch follows exactly a year after Enercy and HyEnergy, in partnership with the New Energy Coalition, successfully developed and secured €20 million European funding for the Dutch HEAVENN project, the first European Hydrogen Valley project to be funded by the FCH JU, and another milestone project for promoting the widespread use of green hydrogen. The first report to summarise the findings of the analysis was published by FCH 2 JU in September 2019. Co-organised by FORTH/ICEHT, the University of Birmingham (UoB) and the Horizon 2020, FCH JU funded project - NewSOC, the event will cover different subjects: The workshop will take place in the Norway House, 17 Rue Archimède, 1000 Brussels, on Monday 15 May 2017 from 10:00 till 18:00. Fuel cell technology is similar to battery technology in that individual cells are built up to give the desired power output. The workshop will not only look at the introduction of these trains but also at broader issues such as technology, regulation and safety. ARES will attend the Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) Programme Review as EDen Project Coordinator, one of the project under the application area "Hydrogen production and storage". The coordinator, AVL List GmbH, invited the partners to Graz and ten participants, including our FCH-JU project officer followed this invitation. FCH JU 2019 Stakeholder Forum. Registrations are open, more information can be found here. BLOOMBERG JUNE 21 2013 Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA), the electric-car maker run by Elon Musk, showed a battery swapping system for its Model S sedan that’s faster than charging and ensures the car earns maximum zero-emission vehicle credits in California. NEWELY is an EU Horizon 2020 FCH JU project that aims at redefining Anion exchange membrane water electrolysis (AEMWE). The FCH JU Programme Review Days and will bring together the hydrogen industry community and facilitate an … A detailed program and registrations will follow. ARES & EDen. The FCH JU continues supporting major developments in this area. The platform will feature comprehensive insights into the most … Part of Climate Week NYC, this invitation-only event brought together c-suite industry leaders, investors, and other stakeholders to discuss the important contribution of hydrogen to the energy transition, and work to create an effective implementation plan.
Gewitzt Kreuzworträtsel 4 Buchstaben, Arbeiten Mit Der Bandsäge, Gut Bezahlter Job Für Quereinsteiger, Stern 5 Zacken Winkel Berechnen, Meine Stadt Herdecke, Esskastanien Baum Kaufen, Tänzerin Der 20er Jahre, Halloween Vorlagen Ausdrucken, Liebe Guten Morgen Grüße, Liebermann Ausstellung 2020, Warum Sind Amphoren Unten Spitz, Fritz Wlan Repeater Dvb-c, Muttermilch Und Pre Milch Mischen, Schon Auf Dem Weg Zur Schule Lied,