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Now, not only have 4 years past since, with a bunch of new black Optimus Prime repaints, but I'm opening it up to whichever toy had Nemesis or Scourge in their name. Like other DLX series figures, Nemesis Prime features a die-cast metal frame for increased playability, with a finely-detailed paint application that showcases the war-torn weathered style representative of … While he has multiple backstories and has different variants, one constant remains throughout; he is the complete opposite of Optimus Prime. Japanese ID number: BT-17 1.2. * Pictures may vary from actual product. Or the very least, check out our review or give our Spoilercast a watch. Power of the Primes Leader NEMESIS PRIME: EmGo's Transformers Reviews N' Stuff - YouTube. My list is slightly different, however. From big converting figures to miniature battling robots, you can team up with Transformers toys … Some of the content on this site are sponsored posts for which we have been compensated. Challenge is furai model IDW nemesis prime [ATTACH] I still haven’t opened him as I still don’t have tools to build him Mine's still sitting in box as... Log in or Sign up TFW2005 - The 2005 Boards © 2021 Seibertron LLC. Trending at $104.99. Optimus Primal (Ultra Class, 1996/1997/1998) . Siege Nemesis Prime and MP-10B both surpass anything on this list, and it’s not even close. Nemesis Prime is transformed from robot mode to … Black Convoy (2007) 1.1. I currently own four of it as of this typing, even. Of course, that's a challenge for repaints, and hence why being ever so slightly unique scores a lot of points. Watch. MAS-01NP is the ultimate Nemesis Prime Figure, this fully licensed figure stands an impressive 18"/46 cm tall! Established June 2000. This made him an important figure in the Universe storyline. Taken from one of the best recent Prime molds, Nemesis Prime is a nasty scary wicked cool figure ready to strike terror in the processing modems of Autobots everywhere. 14 new & refurbished from $54.95. However, the only time we saw him was during a vision that lasted a few seconds. This version features Optimus in his alternate "Nemesis… Save on Nemesis Prime Action Figures Action Figures. Info. Unicron () ; An unproduced toy for Unicron was to have been released in Generation 1.The first prototype of the toy was developed by Takara and was a green and yellow robot that was to come … Despite that, it didn’t stop Hasbro from releasing a Nemesis Prime toy, just in time for the Earthrise season release. Though I'm looking at Scourge to be my first. Feedback on our suggestions. In fact, the box that Nemesis Prime comes in doesn’t even state the … There are a number of small but significant diff… … I've never liked the colour scheme on the robot mode of the Mammoth Nemesis Prime. Takara Exclusive Transformers: Siege Voyager Class Nemesis Prime. Accessories: Left & right arm-pipes 1. You're signed out. Just as imposing, just as powerful, just without the morals. This character isn’t new to anyone who’s familiar with the Transformers. $30.99 shipping. Click here to post your comment about this news story! I’d scoop him up if you can find him, as it has become increasingly tough to find. - Similar sponsored items. TAKARA TOMY TRANSFORMERS Legendary Nemesis Prime Limited Japan Rare. $88.75. Great list as always, Will! Nemesis Prime … Only 1 left! As you can see below, it’s just a repaint of Optimus Prime, but that doesn’t mean Nemesis Prime isn’t worth picking up. 14 new & refurbished from $54.95. $59.99. This version of Nemesis Prime was a twisted clone of Optimus Prime tortured into being a Herald of Unicron. Transformers War for Cybertron Trilogy Series Nemesis Prime Leader Spoiler Pack 10,521 pages were recently viewed by 2,246 unique visitors. We had a list before by our good friend Megatronus, and he had his own guidelines. The only figure SIEGE Nemmy would rank at all higher than is United Black Convoy. So far, I’ve found several stores selling the toy; Walmart, Big Bad Toy Store, and Amazon. $74.99. Tap to unmute. In Japan, Nemesis Prime was only available as a mail-away item from TV Magazine (limited to 5000 pieces) under the name Scourge, a nod to Hasbro's Robots in Disguise Scourge. All Rights Reserved. SIEGE isn't even a contender with some of the others out there (ESPECIALLY the likes of RiD Scourge). Product Features 7-inch scale (17.78cm) This Nemesis Prime figure transforms from robot to truck mode and features an Ion Blaster and the Ancient Sword. This version of Nemesis Prime is similar to the Power of the Primes version, with some slight differences. Operation: Breakdown To finalize the prototype, MECH stole Bumblebee's T-cog and installed it in the robot. Nemesis Prime was the culmination of MECH's Project Chimera, an almost exact copy of Optimus Prime controlled by Silas from MECH's base of operations. This review will focus on the … It seems to be the same with others, but I do tend to favour uniqueness when it comes to these repaints. The BH version has a very small head.With the POTP one,the backpack has the same color,same for Skywarp 2015,the BEAST FIRE Predaking is worst but i have painted his horns in orange,they aren't identicals,red at center. If you haven’t watched Transformers War for Cybertron Earthrise and you’re a fan of the Transformers, we highly recommend that you give it a watch. Transformers Power Of The prime PP-42 Nemesis Prime… There are also a few on eBay, but as you’d imagine, they’re also priced higher due to people looking to make a quick buck. His plastic colours are slightly different from Nemesis Prime's, with grey plasti… PotP NemmyP - It's just such a fun mold/toy with some amazing head sculpts and cool accessories (especially Giza). A grizzled IT professional during the day, but a passionate lover of video games after his 9-5 grind. Trending price is based on prices over last 90 days. $59.99. If you’re watched the recent Netflix Transformers War for Cybertron Earthrise, there was a point where it looked like the dark mirror version of Optimus Prime, Nemesis Prime, also known as Black Convoy, would make an appearance. Though the transformation from primate to humanoid was a relatively simplistic one, the toy … Transformers® is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc. Visit Transformers.com to view Hasbro's official Transformers website or visit Takara Tomy's official Transformers website. Watch. Nemesis Prime charges into battle with his darkened maximal logo in his chest, and a removable dark matrix, also manages to pull off several weapons, more weapons than … Video Review of the Transformers Prime: Nemesis Prime (custom)WANT TO GET ONE?! These affiliate advertising programs are designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to those affiliated sites. Despite that, it didn’t stop Hasbro from releasing a Nemesis Prime toy, just in time for the Earthrise season release. NEW TAKARA TOMY TRANSFORMERS SIEGE WAR OF CYBERTRON NEMESIS PRIME BLACK TOYS. Nemesis Prime serves only the World Eater Unicron and carries within him the Dead Matrix, possibly the only thing in the universe that can destroy the ancient Primus. Why are people mentioning Nucleon Quest Super Convoy? Transformers Power of the Primes PP-42 Nemesis Prime Figure Japan Anime Toy … He may have the deco, but he's not a Nemesis Prime. 1. Dr. Arkeville planned to acquire one by tapping into an amazingly powerful extra-spatial source that the Autobot Translink Project had uncovered. He’s like Optimus Prime if he got up on the wrong side of the bed. PART OF TRANSFORMERS POWER OF THE PRIMES - This is the first time Nemesis Prime, the evil version of Optimus Prime, has been introduced to the Prime Wars Trilogy story and toy line; great figure for Transformers fans, Transformers Generations Power of the Primes … Takara ID number: C-1 Accessories: Two swords, four missiles, flail The second Optimus Primal toy was an ape in the Ultra size class. Wheeljack advertises his latest invention, the Cyber Corruptor! A bot that would give even Megatron or Galvatron a run for their money and then some. Yes, I am a black gaming journalist. Takara Exclusive Transformers: Siege NEMESIS PRIME. Unlike Optimus, who comes with a shield and his trusty cannon, Nemesis comes with a red plasma sword, a couple of Energon cubes, and some savage arm gun mounts. Figure includes over 72 pieces of articulation and an LED light-up feature on his eyes and matrix. Popular features include daily news, toy … Seibertron.com is an unofficial Transformers fansite. (6.1") Designed by famous 3D Modeling company trigger, this is an … There's a Transformers figure for every kid or collector. $30.99 shipping. Ha ha ha no. It's great that a Beast Wars mold is the first. It is a completely new series that reproduces the battle of super-robot life forms unfolded on their mother planet, Cybertron stars, with the new TOY concept! Doctor Arkeville spent years personally constructing Nemesis Prime piece by stolen piece, hiding his handiwork from both Concurrence agents and the Decepticons. Sign in or Join to reply. There have been several toys named Nemisis Prime … HOT TAKARA TOMY TRANSFORMERS SIEGE WAR OF CYBERTRON NEMESIS PRIME … 5. Shopping. Maybe one day I'll want a newer, eviller looking one, but that ay hasn't come yet. Ok so on with the show! This toy's proportions works really well with the idea of Nemesis Prime being an intimidating threat and the wings and shoulders give you options as to how to present him on your shelf. This "Nemesis Prime" variant of the original Optimus Prime kit was a NYCC 2018 exclusive! I would push RiD Scourge to the top slot, and toss one of the other slots for a tie between these two: All I want is a g1 nemesis prime from the original optimus prime, yes I know there is a ko but I don't collect ko's. Nemesis Prime In preparation for Nemesis Prime's creation, MECH took a complete scan of Optimus Prime's body Convoy and abducted and analysed Breakdown's body components. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. I like the choices made for each spot, and pretty much every choice is there for me. Keith Mitchell is the Founder and Editor in Chief of The Outerhaven. That’s one bad bot and he’s crazy as well. Legends EX Black Convoy (Scourge/Nemesis Prime), Seibertron.com - The Ultimate Transformers Fansite, Subscribe to Twincast/Podcast with iTunes, Transformers The Last Knight Global Premiere Events », Chicago Premiere (photos by Seibertron.com), Transformers Exhibit at Children's Museum in Indianapolis, Transformers Robots In Disguise Scourge (Black Convoy). Helpful Links About Us The Team Cookies Contact Us Advertise with Us Ethics Policy Review Policy Privacy Policy Sitemap, Explore News Reviews Features Podcasts Guides Gaming Anime Books Films & TV, I Need This Marvel Spider-Man: Miles Morales Figure From Hot Toys, Netflix Transformers War for Cybertron Earthrise, multiple backstories and has different variants. Even though he's technically a Maximal, give me Black Big Convoy any day. I love the Big Convoy mold as much as the next guy. Nemesis Prime’s brutality is known and … 1. TAKARA TOMY TRANSFORMERS MB-20 NEMESIS PRIME MOVIE THE BEST ACTION FIGURE. Click here to view additional comments about this topic at the Energon Pub Forums ... Transformers Kingdom Dinobot and Inferno found in US and Canadian Walmarts, TFSource News - PX Peklenc, MP41 Dinobot, Sentinel, Joy Toy, MMC Sphinx Cel, 52Toys Preorders + more, Transformers X-Men Crossover Figure Found at Target + 25% Off Toy Coupon, Twincast / Podcast Episode #271 “Meh-pisode”, Optimus Prime Truck from Bumblebee Movie up for Sale, HobbyLink Japan Sponsor News- Kingdom Series Air Zar & More Transformers Preorders, Seibertron.com is an unofficial Transformers fansite, Takara Tomy's official Transformers website. In fact, the box that Nemesis Prime comes in doesn’t even state the character’s name and has several mentions of this particular toy containing spoilers. Size from bottom to top head is 155mm. Nemesis Prime converts to vehicle mode in 34 steps, while the included Battle Masters Sliterfang figure converts to weapon mode in 6 steps. Black Convoy is the first Binaltech release since Skids in early 2006, and was available exclusively in Japan at the winter Wonder Festival in 2007. Optimus Prime, leader of the heroic Autobots, battles the tyrant Megatron and his evil Decepticons for the fate of freedom across the universe. Free shipping. Copy link. Toys were 50% off, so i figured I would bite (ended up only being $10) As it turns out, the trailer in the box is COMPLETELY unrelated and incompatible, and comes from the Hot Soldiers HS-01. It’s preposterous neither of them were included. Designed to be the ultimate military commander, he had arguably the mightiest Binaltech Transformer body ever constructed, but it remained without a life-force. Seibertron.com is operated by Ryan Yzquierdo. In order to comply with the FTC's endorsement guidelines, we hereby inform this site's viewers that we occasionally receive sample products, content, or other forms of media from various companies in order for us to provide content of interest to our readers. Mammoth nemesis Prime, the Japanese Black Convoy, and Funpub's version will always be my favorites. Nemesis Prime - Universe - Toy Gallery (Page #1) Seibertron.com is a massive website about Transformers toys, cartoons, comics, and movies. This page was viewed 1 times on Tuesday, March 9th 2021 5:30am CST. The first attempt to create Nemesis Prime, however, wa… It is not associated with nor endorsed by Hasbro or Takara Tomy. Loves playing the Dark Souls series and has been gaming since he was 6 years old. Scourge with Sweep (Super-Con, 2003) 1.1. Yet, it was undeniably him; those dark red eyes and the black-themed paint job – it was Nemesis Prime. NEW TAKARA TOMY TRANSFORMERS SIEGE WAR OF CYBERTRON NEMESIS PRIME BLACK TOYS. Accessories:Engine/blaster 1. Only 1 left! Some of the links to external sites posted on this site may automatically be converted to an affiliate link for which we may be compensated. 1. We are a participant in several affiliate programs with retailers such as Amazon, Walmart, Target, eBay, and other affiliate programs.
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